Tel 311 Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template-Week 6

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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Teachers: Subject:

Jennifer Nguyen Mathematics Grade 8

AZ State Standards:

● 8.F.A.3 Interpret the equation y = mx + b as defining a function whose graph is a straight line; give
examples of functions that are not linear.
Learning Objective:

● The student will be able to identify the unique roles of the equation y = mx + b when defining a function,
distinguishing if it is a linear or nonlinear function both algebraically and graphically by correctly breaking down
the points on the line from the given graph and concluding whether it’s linear or not.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

◻ How will you assess if your student achieved mastery of the lesson objective?

◻ Determine the type of demonstration/activity the student will use to demonstrate mastery of the objective.

◻ What is the condition and degree, the setting or situation in which the student will be able to express the depth and extent of

◻ What is an exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see?

● Students will be assessed based on their participation in the group activity, their scores in the
Kahoot quiz, and their exit ticket. These activities have them practice taking apart multiple
functions and apply it in multiple ways.

● Students will be working in groups to take apart the equation y = mx + b and define the unique
functions. They will then represent the linear or nonlinear function algebraically and graphically.

● Students will show their depth and extent of their learning through their exit ticket where they are
tested individually on whether they can define the unique roles of the given function and if it is
nonlinear or linear. They will showcase their findings both on a graph and through their scratch

● An exemplar student response would be correctly defining the unique roles of the equations
formatted as y = mx + b, being able to define the function as linear or nonlinear, and correctly
graphing the function to explain why it is linear or not. This includes taking apart the graph and
defining specific points.

Key Academic Vocabulary: (Consider Bloom’s Materials Needed:


- Paper, Writing Utensils

- Clarify: Students will break down the equation - Smartboard/Projector

to identify their unique roles.
- Laptops/Electronical Devices
- Define: Students will define a function using the
roles of the equation.

- Apply: Students will then show if the function is

linear or nonlinear graphically and algebraically.

Opening Activity
◻ How will you activate student interest?

◻ How will you connect and uncover prior knowledge?

◻ How will you present the lesson objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?

● To activate student interest, a short warm-up will be conducted, asking them what
their favorite fruit is.

● After, we can pinpoint the price of the fruit with how many each student buys.
Since these numbers will vary, the student will create an equation using their
knowledge of functions.

● The lesson objective will be presented by showing them a visual of my favorite

fruit, how much I buy, and how I turned that into an equation.

Instructional Input “I do”

Teacher Will: Student Will:

◻ How will you model/explain/demonstrate all the ◻ What will students be doing to actively capture and
knowledge/skills required of the objective? process the new material and connect to their prior
◻ What types of visuals will you use?
◻ How will students be engaged?
◻ How will you address misunderstandings or
common student errors that may be uncovered
within prior knowledge?

◻ How will you explain and model behavioral


◻ Is there enough detail in this section so that

another person could teach it?

● Students will be given the notes prior to the lesson

● Examples will be demonstrated in the class of and they will follow along by annotating them in
pulling apart from each unique role in the whichever way is useful to them.
equation y = mx + b, how to determine if a
function is linear or not, and how it’s represented ● The students will be seated individually during the
on a graph. lesson.

● Visually, different colors and labels will be used ● Students will be engaged through working alongside
to define each unique role in the equation. On the the instructor in labeling the visuals and examples.
whiteboard or projector, Desmos will be used to
showcase the graph. We will use markers to
pinpoint the roles on the graph. Then using these
factors, we will determine if the function is linear
or nonlinear.

● To address misunderstandings or common

errors, we will stop, thank the student for their
input, and showcase why the idea is wrong and
how to prevent this mistake from happening

● To explain and model behavioral expectations,

there will be many examples demonstrated to the
student of how to break down the equation, what
steps are needed to take to define if the equation
is linear or not, and how to graph the function.

● Yes, I believe there is enough detail in this


Guided Practice “We do”

Teacher Will: Student Will:

◻ How will you provide guidance to all students as

they practice?
◻ How will students be engaged?
◻ How will you ensure that all students have multiple
opportunities to practice new content and skills ◻ How will students practice all knowledge/skills required
with your support? of the objective, with your support?

◻ How will you utilize the support of peers within this ◻ How will you elicit student-to-student interaction?
◻ How are students practicing in ways that align with
◻ Is there enough detail in this section so that independent practice?
another person could facilitate this practice?

● To provide guidance to all students, I ● Students will be engaged through

will be promoting group work and be volunteering to help guide me through the
walking around to ensure all questions examples shown in front of the classroom.
are answered.
● The students will practice all knowledge
● To ensure all students have multiple and skills required by applying their
opportunities to practice new content, knowledge in different ways. There will be

we will have a group activity where different functions, scenarios, and
each group is assigned an equation examples that relate to real-life
and they will present the roles, experiences.
showcase if it is linear or nonlinear, and
graphically represent why. ● Students will be moved into groups of 4.
They will be given the opportunity to
● The students are in groups of 4 working discuss, critically think, and work together
on the examples together as well as through all of the examples and projects.
presenting their function. They are able
to ask other groups to help and get ● Students will also have a Kahoot quiz to
feedback from their peers. practice independently on their knowledge.
The entire class will then go over the quiz
● I believe there is enough detail in this to go over what was missed or students
section. had trouble on.

Independent Practice “You do”

Teacher Will: Student Will:

◻ How will you plan to coach and correct during this ◻ How will students be engaged?
◻ How will students independently practice the knowledge and
◻ How will you provide opportunities for remediation and skills required by the objective?
◻ How are students practicing in ways that align to
◻ How will you clearly state and model academic and assessment of collection of evidence of mastery?
behavioral expectations within the collection of
evidence of mastery? ◻ How are students using self-assessment to guide their own
◻ Did you provide enough detail so that another person
could facilitate the practice? ◻ How are you supporting students giving feedback to one

● Students will be engaged by actively

participating in the Kahoot Quiz.
● During group work, I will be asking
open-ended questions as well as ● Students are independently practicing by
walking around to support them. I will completing this quiz in a fun and friendly
hop into groups and ask them to competition with their group mates and
explain what they’re doing, where they classmates.
are at, and if anything needed
clarification. ● The quiz will test their knowledge on the
components of equations, determining if a
● Students can ask their group, other function is linear or nonlinear, and
groups, or myself to clear up any choosing the correct graph correlated to
possible misunderstandings. the function.

● I will clearly state and model ● Students constantly get their results of
expectations by going over our specific each question on what is correct or
goals and how we will achieve them incorrect. As a class, we will go over the
together. content and common mistakes.

● I believe there is enough detail. ● I will support students by walking around

the classroom, listening for constructive
and kind criticism, advocate students
asking for help, and showing them it’s okay
to be wrong and make mistakes.

Closing Activity:
◻ How will students reflect on learning?

◻ Summarizing and stating the significance of what they learned.

◻ Acknowledge the new information that was added/developed within their schema.

● Students will reflect on learning by completing an exit ticket. On the exit ticket,
there will be a given equation. The students will pull it apart, define the unique
roles in the function, determine if it is linear or nonlinear, and graph it.

● There will be a section where the student can list any further questions, list what
else they can use this information for, and rate how comfortable they are with the

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