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Evidence 3: Audio Reading Technical Texts to Pronounce Vocabulary

Joseph Sebastián Fontecha Gómez


Noviembre 11 del 2019

Nota del Autor

Joseph Sebastián Fontecha Gómez, Tecnólogo en Informador Turístico Local, SENA

La correspondencia relacionada con esta investigación debe ser dirigida a nombre de

Joseph Sebastián Fontecha Gómez, SENA, AK 30 # 15 – 53 Bogotá


Evidence 3: Audio Reading Technical Texts to Pronounce Vocabulary

“Conceptualización Básica”

Formato Reporte de Novedades

Elaborado por:

Joseph Sebastián Fontecha Gómez

Aprendiz TGO Guianza Turística

Presentado a:

Alejandro Perlaza

Instructor Líder

Tecnólogo en Guianza Turística

Centro Nacional de Hotelería, Turismo y Alimentos

Ficha: 1876269



Reading Guion............................................................................................................................3

Equipment inventory chart..........................................................................................................4








For a tour guide is very important know a second language, for it must involve differents

words o vocabulary of his profession, far have a communication o conversation fluid with the

tourist. In this job we can find, first a guion for my audio in English, after an objects inventory

for a tour guide, with its condition, received, location, owner and instructions of each one object,

some objects that we can find are the latern, compass, GPS, ETC.

Reading Guion

A sleeping bag is a protective bag designed for a person to sleep inside. Essentially, it is a

blanket that can be closed with a zipper or similar means, and it functions as a bed in situations

(for example, camping, climbing or hiking.


The primary purpose of the sleeping bag is to provide heat and thermal insulation to its user.

It also protects, to some degree, against thermal sensation, precipitation, and exposure to

outsiders, but a tent performs these functions better. The base of the sleeping bag also provides

some cushioning, but a sleeping mat is generally used in addition for that purpose. A bivy bag is

a waterproof cover for a sleeping bag that can be used in place of a tent for travelers with light

luggage or as protection in bad weather.

A good sleeping bag should be compact, lightweight and offer good thermal protection.

Equipment inventory chart

Item Comdition Received Location Owner Instuctions

(good / bad) (date)
Compass Good 01/12/19 Bogotá Joseph ----------------
Boots Good 31/12/19 Bogotá Joseph ----------------
GPS Good 15/01/20 Bogotá Joseph ----------------
Binoculars Good 27/01/20 Bogotá Joseph ----------------
Lantern Good 15/02/20 Bogotá Joseph ----------------
Canteen Good 15/02/20 Bogotá Joseph ----------------
Swiss knife Good 15/03/20 Bogotá Joseph ----------------
Camp Good 15/03/20 Bogotá Joseph ----------------
Backpack Fontecha
Communicatio Good 15/03/20 Bogotá Joseph ----------------
n Radio Fontecha



The compass in a basic tool of survival, all compasses have a magnetized needle which is

oriented to the magnetic field of the earth, the principal idea of this object is: have the compass

correctly in your hand, know to which direction you want to go and by last we can differentiate

the north and the south magnetic.


It is essential that our ankles are well protected. A twist in the middle of the mountains is a

serious problem and if it can be avoided you have to put means. In the middle of the mountain it

is also easy to find stones and edges with sharp points, the semi-rigid sole will not allow you to

end up with your sole of the foot destroyed by them but it will be flexible enough to provide

comfort on the road.


The first thing we must do when configuring a GPS is to check if it has pre-installed maps,

after calculate the route, which we must know in advance, the next pass is to listen carefully to

what the GPS has to tell us.


First, we must recognize where we should see. We must locate what are called exit pupils,

subsequently, you should adjust them until they are comfortable, after you must locate a more or

less distant target. Sure, with the binoculars on. And here we must focus.


When we press the "ON" button, the contact blades unite, at that time, the electrons contained

in the batteries begin to move from the negative pole to the positive pole, the batteries provide

the flashlight with the power to turn it on. And they rest on a small spring that serves as a bridge

so that the energy reaches the contact blades.


The first thing that we will have to take into account before storing it, is to avoid leaving it

closed and / or with some water, it is always recommended to leave it uncovered, so that it drains

well and is well aerated.

Swiss knife

The Swiss Army Knife is the ultimate in multiple tools. Whether you need a magnifying glass

to read the fine print or a metal saw to cut iron, the Swiss Army Knife covers your back.

Camp Backpack

So that the clothes take up less space, it is convenient to fold it and then roll it up. Once this is

done, it is placed in a bag that we will take out the air, keep any container containing liquid

separate from everything else, in a plastic bag.

Communication Radio:

Finally, these are the four golden rules when speaking on the radio. Clarity. For clear

communication, speak a little slower than normal and avoid yelling. Simplicity. The simplified

language will make it easier for everyone to understand you. Brevity. Have short, concise



ebay . (18 de abril de 2014). Shop by category . Obtenido de

SENA. (S:F de S:F de S:F). Registrar novedades de los equipos de la guianza. Obtenido de

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