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To establish policies and procedures which will assure maximum and

efficient utilization of all resources of the Barangay, to minimize the loss of lives
and/or injury to residents, protect and conserve resources and facilities that are
within the territorial jurisdiction of the Barangay. The disaster maybe natural or


Barangay Novaliches Proper, due to the presence of the Tulyahanriver,

traversing some parts of the Barangay, is vulnerable to flash floods as
experienced during rainy days particularly during the flashflood caused by
typhoon Ondoy, wherein almost all parts of the Barangay were underwater with
heavy current, causing damage to residents. Fire incident is very minimal,
however, due to dense population in the area, we must also be prepared at all
times. Likewise, for earthquake, depending on the intensity, buildings and
structures are being inspected and evaluated from time to time. This
phenomenon cannot be predicted, so we must be prepared at all times.


Barangay Novaliches Proper, will provide for the protection of residents, by

conducting the four (4) thematic areas, namely; a). Prevention and mitigation, b.
Disaster preparedness, c). Disaster response and Rescue and d). Rehabilitation
and Recovery, in order to minimize the loss of life and properties and injuries,
resulting from any kind of disaster, either man-made or natural.



This will be done in three (3) Phases namely: Phase I – Preparation Phase or
the Pre-disaster Phase; Phase II – Implementing Phase; Phase III – Assessment
and Evaluation Phase.

1. PHASE I – Preparation Phase (Pre-disaster)

In this phase, it is designed to develop a strong emergency response
capability and to organize all levels of administration to assure full
utilization of all resources and conducting the two (2) thematic areas,
namely Prevention and mitigation and Disaster Preparedness, by
conducting the following:

1) Prevention and mitigation:

a). Mainstreaming and integration of Barangay Disaster Risk
Reduction Management (BDRRM) and Climate Change
Adaptation (CCA) in the Barangay Development Plan,
projects and programs and in the Barangay Budget.
b). Institutionalization and the functionality of the BDRRMC.
c). Integration of the BDRRM and CCA in the different
environmental related policies and plans, such as the clean-
up drive of the tulyahan river, the creek and esteros in the
Barangay and the “basurang plastic kapalit ay bigas
d). Conduct inventory, vulnerability and risk assessment of critical
e). Strict implementation of the Building code and the
implementation of urban farming in vacant areas in the
f). Conduct Hazard mapping
g). Conduct studies on disaster risk prevention intervention for
effects of the climate change.
h). Conduct Information dissemination through flyers, tarpaulin
and word of mouth.
i). Develop financial scheme in soliciting support from different
business establishments, NGOS, POs and other stakeholders
to be used in support to relief, rehabilitation and recovery
j). Ensure the establishment and functionality of communication
protocol with the higher government offices, and the
community as far as the early warning system is concerned.
k). Procurement of equipment and EWS facilities.
l). Development and establishment of community base EWS and
other alarm and warning systems.

2). Disaster Preparedness:

a) Formulation and adaptation of the Barangay Disaster Risk

Reduction Management Plan. (BDRRM), and the contingency
b) Determine inventory of resources on-hand and Facilities that
can be used in cases of emergencies or disaster.
c) Establish a stock room intended for disaster supplies and
d) Stockpile of ropes, inflated interiors and other rescue materials
in the different frequently flooded areas.
e) Establish a BDRRMC Command Center and an Advance
Command Post
f) Enhance the BDRRM Plan through scenario- based simulation
and drill, including the enhancement of Information,
coordination and communication systems.
g) Conduct training of personnel and other volunteer groups in
the conduct of the BDRRM Disaster Operation, including the
enhancement of the guidelines for emergency response teams
and plans
h) Pre-designate the BDRRM Evacuation Centers in the Barangay.
i) Conducting training and education programs to the
community, to assure a continuing capability to accomplish
disaster response objectives including the conduct of flood,
fire and earthquake drills ;
j) Develop a BDRRM module for community based training.
k) Conduct capacity and team building training/seminars for all
BDRRM players and volunteers.
l) Preparing and conducting public information programs on
disasters to educate the residents on prevention and
protection measures to be taken during any kind of disaster,
including the distribution of Early Warning System (EWS) (what
to do in case of flood, fire and earthquake) to the different
households, including the installation of tarpaulin in the area.
m) Developing a procedure for alerting, notifying, and mobilizing
key officials and emergency response personnel in the event of
a disaster. Water level indicators shall be installed in strategic
places, particularly at the creek-wall of tulyahan river, to be
monitored by designated Barangay personnel;
n) Establishing mutual support agreements, as necessary with
other local adjacent LGUs and other agencies of government;
o) Involvement of NGOs, POs, GOs, and other volunteer
Organization in the BDRRMC.
p) Establishing the necessary emergency powers, to include a line
of succession, in order to maintain a continuity of
administration during the time of disaster.
q) Maximum utilization of the 70% BDRRM Funds.
r) Develop data base for coordination and strengthen
partnership among stakeholders, NGOs POs, GOs, and other
volunteer community organization in support to the BDRRMC.

2. Phase II – Implementing Phase (Disaster Phase):

In this phase, the operational activities of Barangay Novaliches Proper

will be accelerated to increase the state of preparedness of residents to
meet and cope with an impending or imminent disaster. In this Phase the
two (2) thematic areas of Disaster Response and Rescue and
Rehabilitation and Recovery shall be implemented.
a) This operational activities will be directed towards protecting
life and property, administering to the health and welfare of the affected
population, containing or limiting damage effects, assessing damage and
estimating requirements for restoring and recovering from the results of a
b). The declaration of an state of emergency will automatically
triggers the activation of the BARANGAY DISASTER RISK
implementation of the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management
Plan including the activation of the Incident Command System (ICS).

c). All households in the disaster areas including all affected

families, shall be warned. All stakeholders, emergency response and
rescue teams and other volunteer groups shall be issued public advisories
re the implementation of the BDRRM Plan.

d). Implement necessary coordination with agencies of

government, volunteer groups and other stakeholders for the efficient and
effective implementation of Relief and Response and search and rescue
and recovery operation if necessary.

e). Activation of the relief distribution points and evacuation

centers, including provisions for extra tents and temporary shelters if
f). Establishment of a child friendly space at the evacuation
centers to group them together and undertake exercises and moral
boasting activities to be able deviate their attention from the present
trauma this children are encountering.

g). Implement livelihood oriented activities to adults in the

evacuation centers if it is possible.

h). Administer the sick and injured, Implement medical

consultation and nutritional feeding to evacuees, including the conduct of
coordination with nearby hospitals for their possible support.

i). Establish a pre-designated area for livestock, poultry and

other pet animals in the evacuation centers.

j). Implement partnership mechanism with utility providers for

the assessment of water quality, immediate damage repair to water pipe
leaks, re-connection of electric supply and road clearing operations.

k). Address the psychological needs of evacuees by conducting

psychological stress debriefing.

3. PHASE III - Assessment and Evaluation Phase:

The Assessment and Evaluation Team (AET) of the BDRRMC shall

conduct adequate and prompt assessment of the needs of evacuees and
the extent of damage caused by the disaster. The AET submitsreport to
the BDRRMC and in turn the BDRRMC, evaluates the report, determine
the things that are still needed and make the necessary adjustment to the
implementing plan.

B. Tasking: Organizational Chart (see attached)

1. Prevention and Mitigation Committee

a. Conduct inventory, vulnerability and risk assessment of critical areas.
b. Conduct Hazard mapping
c. Conduct Information dissemination through flyers, tarpaulin and
word of mouth.
d. Conduct inter-agency coordination and establish the
functionality of communication protocol with the higher
government offices, and the community as far as the early
warning system is concerned.
e. Development and establishment of community base EWS and
other alarm and warning systems.
f. Perform such other disaster prevention and mitigation
g. Conduct all other matters or activities as maybe be ordered by
the BRDDMC and higher authorities.
2. Disaster Preparedness
a. Determine inventory of resources on-hand and Facilities that
can be used in cases of emergencies or disaster.
b. Establish a stock room intended for disaster supplies and
c. Stockpile of ropes, inflated interiors and other rescue materials
in the different frequently flooded areas.
d. Establish a BDRRMC Command Center and an Advance
Command Post
e. Conduct training of personnel and other volunteer groups in
the conduct of the BDRRM Disaster Operation
f. Pre-designate the BDRRM Evacuation Centers in the Barangay.
g. Conducting training and education programs to the community
h. Conduct inter-agency coordination with other stakeholders.
i. Perform such other disaster preparedness activities
j. Conduct all other matters or activities as maybe ordered by the
BDRRMC and higher authorities.
3. Response and Rescue Committee
a. Sounding the alarm and issue warning to affected communities
and the different stakeholders.
b. Activation of the relief distribution points and evacuation
centers, including provisions for extra tents and temporary
shelters if necessary.
c. Conduct search and rescue operation if necessary.
d. Conduct quick Response to the calamity area.
e. Perform such other matters as maybe required by the
BDRRMC and higher authorities.
4. Rehabilitation and Recovery Committee
a. Establishment of a child friendly space at the evacuation
centers to group them together and undertake exercises and
moral boasting activities to be able deviate their attention
from the present trauma this children are encountering.
b. Implement livelihood oriented activities to adults in the
evacuation centers if it is possible.
c. Administer the sick and injured, Implement medical
consultation and nutritional feeding to evacuees, including the
conduct of coordination with nearby hospitals for their
possible support.
d. Establish a pre-designated area for livestock, poultry and other
pet animals in the evacuation centers.
e. Implement partnership mechanism with utility providers for
the assessment of water quality, immediate damage repair to
water pipe leaks, re-connection of electric supply and road
clearing operations.
f. Address the psychological needs of evacuees by conducting
psychological stress debriefing.
g. Implement Rehabilitation and Recovery programs
h. Perform such other matters as maybe required by the BDRRMC
and higher authorities.

a. Overall emergency operations will be directed form the BDRRMC. The
emergency field operations will be directed from an established
command post.
b. The BDRRMC has the overall responsibility for the policy decisions
affecting the pre-disaster activities (Prevention and mitigation, Disaster
Preparedness), disaster operations Relief and Rehabilitation and
Recovery operations., as well as the coordination of emergency support
provided by other agencies of government, GOs, NGO’s and POs and
other stakeholders.

c. Provide information concerning the impact or assessment of the disaster

including assessing detailed reports from other groups responding to the
disaster operations.

d. Receive requests for emergency services, including the dispatching of

emergency services, as requested and as available;

e. Establish and maintain radio communications with the fire, police, SSDD
and other agencies of government.

f. The BDRRMC is the coordinating agency between emergency services

and other expert services that may be necessary during the pre-disaster,
disaster, and post-disaster phase.

g. Maintenance of law and order, maintaining traffic control on evacuation

routes, coordinating all law enforcement resources made available.

h. Establish a system for issuing security passes to authorized personnel in

the disaster affected areas.

i. The BDRRMC shall be responsible in ordering evacuations, as needed,

including the coordination for search and rescue missions;

j. Coordinate with the Health Department and the Philippine Red Cross and
hospitals and other agencies of government, that can provide for
treatment of minor injuries including the emergency treatment of the sick
and injured; and the care of mass causality victims.

k. Coordinate for the removal of debris and obstructions from transportation


l. Coordinate for the repair and restoring of utilities -- including electrical

and potable water.

m. Provide a qualified staff to conduct damage assessments and reporting.

n. Telecommunications such radios, telephones cell phones are needed to

maintain contacts. :

o. In coordination with the SSDD, and other agencies of government, the

(BDRRMC) will provide food and other basic necessities for the
p. In coordination with other agencies, the BDRRMC must ensure the most
efficient operation of personnel and material resources before, during and
after a disaster.

q. Reporting are required periodically when a disaster has occurred to

provide the (BDRRMC) with information to use in determining the
appropriate response to the disaster. Initial reports will be submitted as
quickly as possible to the (BDRRMC). Reports will include the

1. Initial Situation Report - issued by the first incident commander

includes but is not limited to:
a) Type of disaster;
b) Date and time of disaster;
c) Status of mobilization of resources;
d) Initial casualty, damage assessment and immediate support
needed from to bring incident under control.

2. The initial Damage Assessment Report (Part I, II and III) will be

made by the Incident Commander (IC) at the scene of the disaster and
will include:
a. Geographic estimate of damage area; and
b. Injury and fatality report.
c. Listing of damaged facilities; and
d. Resources necessary to return the facilities to normal
e. Time and expense to return damaged facilities to normal
f. Estimate of resources needed immediately to initiate the
disaster recovery process

3. Daily Situation Reports or Daily Operation Report (DOR) will be

made. This report shall include:

`a) Updates on emergency activities related to mitigation of the

b) Updates on restoring the area from a state of emergency to
normal operations.

4. After Action Report will be submitted to the (BDRRMC) as soon

as possible after the termination of the Disaster Phase. The report
will be a narrative summary summarizing:

a) Overall combined efforts of all involved agencies and

b)Deficiencies observed; and
c) Recommended actions that should be taken to improve
a. Provide operating units with requested resources for sustained
b. Operate staging areas for incoming equipment and personnel;
c. Provide for ambulance, feeding and housing of emergency
d. Maintain documentation of resource allocation and
e. Establish a portable base station operation (Command Post) as
soon as possible.
f. Telecommunications such radios, telephones cell phones are
needed to maintain contacts. :
g. The pre-designated evacuation centers are the following; The
Dona Isaura Covered Court for resident of the Dona Rosario
Subd. Buenamar, Petronia, Ramirez Subd., and Sarmiento St.
evacuees. The shop and Ride complex for General Luis
residents and the Rooftop of the Visaya’s residence for the
affected families of Fantasy (Merlion GK Village) residents.
The covered court at the Dona Rosario Subd. if not flooded, as
the evacuation center for other affected residents of the Dona
Rosario Subd. and other adjacent areas.
h. In coordination with the SSDD and other agencies of
government, the (BDRRMC) will provide food and other basic
necessities for the evacuees, including medical and
psychological needs.


All operations shall be under the direct control of the (BDRRMC)
and all personnel are enjoined to follow strictly the Chain of Command.
Prepared By:
Punong Barangay
Chairman, Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council

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