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Hypothesis Testing Plan v1.

Hypothesis Testing Plan

Please include all referenced test results in Project Storyboard or Appendix

Hypothesis Test
Possible X Alternative Hypothesis P-Value or
Null Hypothesis (See Hypothesis Tree on
(1 or 2 words) (Your theory) R-Squared
Next Tab)

Day Type There is no difference between Weekend pick-up lead times are
(Weekend/ weekend pick-up lead times and different (longer) than weekday pick- Mann-Whitney P = .076
Week Day) weekday pick-up times up lead times

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Hypothesis Testing Plan v1.1

ypothesis Testing Plan

t Storyboard or Appendix

(Accept or
Reject Null)

Accept Null

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Hypothesis Testing Plan v1.1

Hypothesis Testing Plan

Please include all referenced test results in Project Storyboard or Appendix

Hypothesis Test Results

Possible X Alternative Hypothesis P-Value or
Null Hypothesis (See Hypothesis (Accept or
(1 or 2 words) (Your theory) R-Squared
Tree on Next Tab) Reject Null)

There is no difference between the current

The current wait times are different (greater
Time Period wait time for pick-up orders and historic wait One-Sample Sign P = .000 Reject Null
than) than historic wait times
times for pick-up orders

There is no difference between the proportion

The current proportion late is different (greater)
Time Period late in the past and the current proportion late One Proportion Test P = .014 Reject Null
than the historic proportion late pick-up orders
pick-up orders

Day Type (Weekend/ There is no difference between weekend pick- Weekend pick-up lead times are different
Mann-Whitney P = .076 Accept Null
Week Day) up lead times and weekday pick-up times (longer) than weekday pick-up lead times

There is no difference in the total pick-up order The total pick-up order lead times are different
Time of Day Mood's Median P = .004 Reject Null
lead times at different times of the day at different times of the day

There is no difference in the variation in

The variation in customer wait times for pick-up
Day of the Week customer wait times for pick-up orders on Levene's P = .583 Accept Null
orders is different on different days of the week
different days of the week
There is no difference in the proportion of late There proportion of late orders is different at the
Location orders between the beachfront and the beachfront location (less) than at the downtown Two Proportions Test P = .091 Reject Null
downtown location location

There is no difference between the current The current packing time is different (greater)
Time Period One Sample T-Test P = .000 Reject Null
packing time and the historic packaging time than the historic packaging time

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