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Step 5

Question Set (2)

Q16: Why the urgency in getting back to the hospital when Alexis experienced a CSF leak from
her nose?
- Alexis was rushed into hospital after experiencing CSF leak from her nose due to the
reason that CSF leak is dangerous which can cause complications such as headaches,
meningitis and seizures.
Q17: Explain why Alexis’ thorough explanation for why she was in the hospital (previous
section) and
the humor she exhibited with the eyepatch are good signs (hint: think lobes of the brain).
- After the brain surgery most of the patients that received anesthesia will be confuse. The
nurse asked Alexis why she is in the hospital, surprisingly she explained how she had
vestibular schwannoma unlike the other patient would respond that they have brain
tumor. Generally, it was explained earlier that after receiving the anesthesia you will be
confuse but as for Alexis, she was not confuse and was able to explain the reason why
she is in the hospital. Thus, it shows that her frontal lobe was in good shape and it was
not affected, that's why the nurses knew that it is a good sign.
Step 6
Question Set (1)
Q18: What cranial nerve(s) are responsible for Alexis’ residual effects of brain surgery?
The cranial nerves that are responsible for Alexis’ residual effects of brain surgery are the
Cranial Nerve VII (Facial) and Cranial Nerve X (Vagus) for the hoarness of her voice.
Q19: What is synkinesis?
Synkinesis describes unwanted contractions of the muscles of the face during attempted
movement. Commonly, patients will notice forceful eye closure when they attempt to smile, or
other muscle spasms during routine facial movements.
Cranial Nerves Diagram:
Question Set (2)
Q20: For each assistive device: indicate whether or not it could be used in Alexis’ case and why.
1. traditional hearing aids
2. cochlear implant
3. brainstem implant
4. bone anchored hearing aid (now called a bone anchored hearing system)
1. The traditional hearing aid could not be used in Alexis case due to the reason Hearing deficits
are also related to cognitive disability, although hearing aids may not bring sweeping improvements
in cognition or behavior to the demented.
2. The cochlear implant could not be used due to the damage of the nerve.
3. While auditory Brainstem can be used for Alexis case since it has a capacity to improve
localisation by restoring useful aspects of hearing in the impaired ear. It is a good alternative for
those who cannot use a hearing aid or cochlear implant.
4. Bone-anchored hearing system could be used in Alexis case since it is a type of surgically
implanted device for hearing loss, the patient indications are different.
Q21: What do you think is the best option? Explain your choice.
The assistive devices mentioned above has a bad side effects and can be used for a person who is
experiencing hearing loss. According to Alexis, she is deaf in right ear. However, the best option
for Alexis case is the bone-anchored hearing system due to the reason that it works and benefits
for people who has a single-sided deafness.

Bone Anchored Hearing System:

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