Hydrobiological Studies of Kali River

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Funded by



investigation carried out by

Department of Marine Biology

Karnatak university
P.G. & Research centre, Karwar - 581 303


1. Principal Investigator Or. B. Neelakantan

2. Co-Investigator Or.(Mrs) Kusuma N

3. Co- Investigator Or. U.S. Bhat

4. Research Associate Or. U.&. Naik

5. Research Associate Or. 0. C. Shetty

6. Field Collector Sri. C. T. Harikantra

7. Van Oriver Sri. Mahmood A. Sayed

flNAL £ # O T Of 1HS &&AH2H SCHEME

1. (Project title JfydrobiolbgicaC studies of%aCi river-prior to the

construction of %adra (Reservoir and

commissioning of%aiga fl. tomic (Power (Plant.

2. Sanction number and date • MPC/E <& (PA/CSC - 92-2/%l)C/92/(B/186

3. TotaCgrant sanctioned • (fa. 15 takh

4. (Report number • TinaC

5. (Report period September 1992 to August 1995

6. (Date of start September 1992

7. (Date of termination Mgust 1995

8. Name of Institute and (Dept. of Marine (Biology

location of the experimentaC (P. g. e£ (Research Centre

worf^carriedout XfirnatakjVniversity, Kjirwar- 03

9. (Research design as approved

for the scheme Enclosed

10. Objectives (Enclosed

(principaC Investigator

Laboratory study
Piald study

Tbarmal bio-assay
BIOTIC with tha followino
1• Phytoplankton
2. Copapods
Composition, distri-, 3 . Banthio nolluso
bution t abundanoa of 4. Pish, prawn A
1. Mierobas of watar crab
and sad imant
to find out tha
2. Vhyt oplankt on TJppar la thai temp,
and to raonrd tha
Spatial and Spatial and Spatial * tampora 3. Zooplankton- bahaTioural,
taraporal Tamporal varia- variation oft 4. Haiobanthos physioloffioal and
variation off t i o n of l biochanioal
1 . Torapora-tura 5. Macrobanthos ehaneas, of above
1. Tamparatura 1. Tamparatura 2. Salinity 6. Pinfiah,arustaoaan groups of animals
2. Humidity 2. Salinity 3 . pH
and nolluBoe at elavatad
3 . Wind spaad A 3 . pH 4 . Sise fraction 7. Mangrovasj-dotritus
4 . Nutriants 5. Organic mattar
4. Rainfall
5 < Suapandad

A. Hydrobiology

1. Introduction 1-6

2. Materilas and methods 7-18

3. Results and discussion 19 - 53

4. Summary 54 - 59

5. References 60 - 65

6. Tables (1 -103) 66-147

7. Figures (1-72) 148-221

B. Study on-Thermal Bioassay

8. Thermal bioassay on selected riverine species 222-238

9. Thermal bioassay on oxygen consumption 239-250

10. Thermal bioassay on primary productivity 251-254

11. References 255-259

11. a. An overview on Kali river 260-262

b. Species list of finfishes & shellfishes 263-263
c. An inventory on the manne fish landing
in Karwar (Tables M,B,C,D & E) 264-273

1. To establish the spatiat and temporal variation of thefollowing factors in the %ali
river during the pre-construction period of %adra dam and pre - operational period of
the KaigaJLtomic (Power (Plant.
a. Jtydrologicalparameters
6. SedimentoCogicalparameters

2. To record the composition and distribution of thefollowing biotic elements in the

%ali river during the pre-construction period of Kadra dam andpre-operationalperiod
of the XaigaJAtomic (Power (Plant.
a. 9/Licro organisms of water and sediment
b. (phyto andZooplan^ton
c. (Benthic meio and macro fauna
d. Tishfauna

3. To investigate and define the thermal impact on selected riverine biota, by way of
bioassaying on selectedriverinespecies.

Estuaries are common features of our coastline and have been during the last

several thousands of years. Because of their abundance, their high primary

productivity, the large population of commercially and recreationally important

species of finfish and shellfish they support, and the varied uses makes them a

very important; sometimes even crucial, role in maintaining a well balanced

ecosystem has been attributed to estuaries.

The term estuary has been defined in many ways, the definition most commonly

used by Oceanographers physical and geological is that an estuary is a semi

enclosed coastal body of water which is freely connected with the ocean and

within which sea water is measurably diluted with freshwater from land runoff. All

present day estuaries are very young geologically and were formed during the

most recent rise in sea level, which began about 15000 years ago and approached

their present position and configuration only within the past few thousand years.

Estuaries reached their peak development in number, size and complexicity

approximately 3000 - 5000 years ago when the raise of sea level showed

perceptibly and had reached nearly its present height. Since then, sea level

changes may be due primarily to the subsidence of continental margin under the

increased weight of the added overlying water. According to Bloom (1963), local

sea levels change in estuaries and salt marshes may be controlled by the balance

between isostatic adjustment and build up by sedimentation. This isostatic

adjustment is greater where shelves are wider than narrow.

The life span of an estuary is determined primarily by the stability of relative sea

level - the resultant of local sea level changes and the sedimentation rate. Climate

has also a major effect on the rates of weathering of rocks, on sediment yields,

and sediment inputs to estuaries. Streams that drain farm lands frequently carry

more than 10 times as much sediment as streams that drain equivalent areas of

forest land.

Many estuaries are characterised by fine grained sediments, but the sediments

accumulating in others are dominated by sands. Modern estuarine deposits are

typically high in organic matter but extremely variable.

Estuaries are of the very greatest importance, not only to the survival of the

species aspects, the maintainance of the entire marine ecosystem but also to man.

Of all the organisms which use estuaries, man makes the most varied demands on

them. Man is clearly the most estuarine-dependent organism in the biosphere.

The estuarine zone is inhabitated approximately twice as densely populated as the

rest of the nations. Man uses estuaries for activities which may be, and indeed

frequently, in conflict. He uses them for their extractable resources, both organic

and inorganic; for shipping and transportation; for military activities; as a transient

receiver for his human and industrial waste; as a source of cooling water for power

plants and uses them for recreational purposes.

The Karnataka state being located on the central west coast of India which

comprises of two coastal districts, namely the uttara Kannada and Dakshina

Kannada with coastal stretch of about 320 km is known for its rich commercially

important fisheries. The Uttara Kannada district comprises four major

riverine/estuarine systems namely, Kali being the northern most system followed
by Gangavali, Aghanashini and at southern part is the Sharavathi system. Due to

the variations in the topography and current patterns of adjacent sea, these

riverine/estuarine systems differ in their sedimentological texture and floral &

faunal composition.

The river Kali which joins the Arabian sea at Karwar, has a unique feature which is

mainly responsible for varied hydrological, sedimentological and biological nature

all along its axis with a diversified habitats, flora and fauna inhabiting in them.

River kali originates in the western ghats, at a place called Digga in Supa taluka and

after meandering about 184 km drains into Arabian sea, is one of the major fishing

centres in central west coast of India. The fish catches of Karwar bay mostly

comprises of pelagic, semi demersal species which predate on plankton and

plankton feeding fish, crustaceans etc. The amount of planktons and benthos

available may not have direct and immediate effect on the fishery but

undoubtedly influences indirectly on the fish abundance. The larvae, post larvae

and juveniles of the pelagic and even the demersal fishes depend upon the

planktonic organisms for their nourishment (Pillai, 1968 and Naik et al, 1990).

various hydrological and sedimentological significance found to have an impact

on the life and sustenance of biotic organisms in which they inhabit. Among the

many environmental factors which affect the life of intertidal organisms, the

texture of the sediment is of paramount importance. The grain size of the

sediment determines the pore space and the amount of interstitial water and also

the concentration of organic content.

Since the Kali is one of the major estuarine systems of uttara Kannada coast, which

supports vast varieties of finfishes and shell fishes and other flora & fauna
inhabiting in this biotope, which are in turn influenced by several cumulative

factors in establishing their abundance, distribution over space and time scale.

Hence, the study of hydrological and sedimentological features is very much

necessary as it might not only help to understand the variation in climatic,

weathering patterns in the adjacent land mass and affects the population but also

throw light on the possible changes in the chemistry and minerology of the

materials that are likely to reach the adjacent seas.

The present study was undertaken with a view to determine the hydrological and

sedimentological parameters and their impact on biotic communities of the Kali

river owing to seasonal fluctuations. In the present investigation an emphasis has

been stressed to study hydro-biological and sedimentological aspects together

with thermal bioassay studies on selected residential species of finfish and shellfish

in and around the proposed coolant water discharge site of Kaiga Nuclear Power


The coastal areas and river banks are often chosen for setting up of power stations

because of the large volume of water readily available for use as condensor

coolant. With the setting up of large multi mega watt electric generating systems,

the ecological impact of waste water from power plants has become an area of

considerable scientific interest, it is well known that an ecosystem has a highly

complex structure and a disturbance in one component leads to a number of

interacting effects. Relatively, the rivers and estuaries are prone to be affected to

a greater extent, due to its confined flow through a narrow valley and lack of

dispersion of effuents of any kind.

Kali river is one of such fragile ecotones) originating in the western ghats and

draining into the Arabian sea at Karwar, on the central west coast of India. Before
draining into the sea, the river has diversified into productive habitats namely -

the main estuarine axis, backwaters, mangrove swamps, fringing mangroves,

creeks and cazhani which are put into various use by the human beings. Besides,

the productive lowlying areas serve as nurseries for the young ones of many

economic fish and shell fish species. The post larvae of these organisms migrate to

the estuaries in search of food and shelter, to be nursed upto adulthood before

they migrate to the sea. Thus the estuary is responsible for the lucrative marine

fishery of the district of Uttara Kannada.

in this context, it is discernible that any interference with the natural functioning

of the fragile environment would damage the fishery of che area, apart from

causing ecological imbalance.

With this rationale, the present study was initiated , keeping in view the possible

impact of the atomic power plant being set up at Kaiga, on the left bank of Kali

river. The immediate significance of the study would be to establish the pre

operational status of riverine ecosystem. However, the study could extend to

operational period as well. Therefore, the outcome of the research would help to

define the impact of the power plant if any on the Kali riverine ecosystem.

The impact of large power stations, nuclear and thermal on aquatic systems -

freshwater, estuarine or marine has been an area of concern to ecologists for over

more than 3 decades now. several exhaustive studies have been undertaken in

this area particularly in the united States and Europe. Most of these investigations

were based on the szatistical comparison between pre operational and operational

situations and between the impact areas and control areas with regard to the

main ecosystem components.

Impact of the coolant water on the fauna and flora is of major concern, wherever

the power plant is operational. Keeping this in mind, a series of thermal bioassay

tests have been proposed, the results of which would assist in evaluating the

tolerance limits of various faunal groups, as well as deciding the safe level of

temperature to be monitored in the riverine water.

The outcome of the proposed investigation is expected to reveal the nature of the

riverine ecosystem during the pre operational period of the power plant at Kaiga.

This would assist in finding out, whether the power plant has any impact on the

estuarine ecosystem or not. The thermal bioassay tests on different species of

organisms would assist in deciding the safe level of water temperature for

sustenance of life in the river.


Study Area:

The Kali river which originates in Digga village (915 m above MSL) of supa taluka of

uttara Kannada District, after meandering about 184 km drains its water into the

Arabian Sea, in Karwar (Figure A). The river is strengthened by five tributaries

(Figure B), ex.- Pandari, Barchi, Thattihalla, Kaneri and vaki rivers at the upper

stretches of the river Kali. The total catchment area of the river is about 4850 sq

km with a major Lalguli falls, and numerous small falls. Some of the main

townships are flanked on either banks of the river Kali are Karwar, Dandeli,

Ganeshgudi, Ambikanagar etc. Castle Rock, Svntheri Rock, Cavel caves, Supa dam,

Power houses, reservoirs, Lalguli falls, thick forests of Dandeli, Ansi ghats, and

estuary points are some of the places of tourist interest, west coast paper mill,

Indian plywood industry, ferrous alloys, manganese fields, backwater fisheries,

brackishwater aquaculture.lime industries, timber and sand are some of the

industries seen around river Kali. Kali river has a lowlying area of about 1217 acres

in Kanasgiri, Hottegalli, Hankon, Sunken, Kadwad, Siddar and Wailwada areas with

more than 20 acres of mangrove area in and around Mavinahole creek, Kanasgiri,

Hottegalli, Sunken and Kadwad backwaters. The river water is mainly tapped for

irrigation and hydel projects (Figure C) for which several dams are being

constructed on the main axis of the river. A nuclear power plant is coming up at

Kaiga would use this source for cooling purposes and hence envisage the need for

regular water quality monitoring programme, the productivity of the water and

any drastic variation in water temperature profile so as to have improvement in

the control of scaling in coolant water discharge site in future. At this juncture it

was felt that a constant study of the area for its water quality, water temperature

variation, sediment nature, quality and biological production is essential in order

to assess the periodic changes that may occur. Hence to carry out some ecological
observations in the vicinity of the proposed intake and discharge sites, 12 study

stations (Figure D and Plates 1 to 12) were selected and fixed all along the main axis

of the river (including intake and discharge sites) representing various habitats of

the riverine stretch. Station 1, was taken as the reference site, as it is positioned in

the upper stretches of the river away from the coolant water discharge site.

Stations 1 to 9 are located in the fresh water zones, while stations 10 and 11 in

backwater areas and station 12 in estuarine zone, station 1 in the upper reaches

of the river about 65 km away from the estuarine point, is located in the northern

bank of the river. It is freshwater zone devoid of any mangrove floral stretch,

bottom is sandy with small pebbles. Station 2 is also freshwater zone, sediment is

silty clayey, no mangroves and is about 15 km downstream from the station 1.

Station 3 located on the northern bank of the river, freshwater zone where the

salinity is less than i p p t even during the period of peak pre-monsoon season. No

mangroves and is about 12 km downstream from the Station 2. The 4th Station is

a freshwater zone located just before the Kadra dam site, bottom is rocky and

sandy, no floral stretch of mangroves and the distance between the station 4 and

3 is about 2 km. Station 5 is situated on the northern bank of the river and the

distance between station 4 and 5 is about 7 km, the sediment is clayey silty in

dominance. The sixth station is also located in freshwater area with a bottom of

silty mud with little percentage of sand and is approximately 7 km from the

Station 5. Both the Stations 7 and 8 are located in the freshwater zone,the former

one on northern bank while the latter on southern bank of the river Kali. A sparse

mangrove floral growth can be seen in these study sites. The bottom is muddy,

wetland and comparatively shallow. Ninth station is fixed on the southern bank

of the river, some species of mangroves are distributed all along, bottom

sediment is silty-clayey in nature and is a tidal mixing area. The next sampling site
(#10) is an intermixing wetland area with a sandy bottom and about 4-6 species of

mangroves are found in this area. Station 11 is located on the southern bank of

the river and are of the most productive areas with respect to fish and shellfish

resources. The sampling station was fixed at mangrove sites where a rich flora of

mangroves existing, it is a backwater area, bottom is muddy entrapped with a rich

amount of nutrient salts. Twelth (#12) station is fixed in the estuarine habitat,

sediment dominated by sand and sparse stretches of selected species of

mangroves are existing. A wide fluctuation of abiotic factors have been noticed in

this sampling site during the present study period .

Field study:

During the study tenure (three years), diurnal samplings were made from stations

2,3,4 & 5 and monthly collections from 12 study sites were undertaken from

September, 1992 to August, 1995 to collect water, sediment and biotic samples. A

van was made use of for collection purpose, which was equipped with all sampling

devices, sample collections and storage facilities. At certain study locales, the river

is relatively deep and wide, and a suitable boat was hired for sampling purposes.

The position of the sampling sites is given in the Figure D.

Analysis of the parameters:

The samples for the present study were collected from the twelve different sites

to analyse various abiotic factors such as hydrological and sedimentological

parameters which would subsequently help in understanding the water quality

and substrate suitability for biotic organisms. water temperature,

salinity.dissolved oxygen, ph , suspended load (matter), VEC (Vertical extinction

coefficient) and nutrients such as the Phosphate-phosphorus, Nitrite-nitrogen,

nitrate-nitrogen and Silicate-silicon were the major parameters studied under the

hydrography. The sedimentological parameters studied were of soil temperature,

pH, organic carbon, organic matter, proportions of sand, silt and clay fractions.

Temperature and dissolved oxygen contents were measured in situ. Water

temperature was recorded by using the portable STD meter and the readings were

further confirmed by using the ordinary thermometer. Dissolved oxygen content

in water was estimated using the Winkler's method (USEPA, 1983). Water pH was

measured electrometrically using glass calomel electrodes (Systronics model) .

suspended matter was determined by filtering 1 litre of the water sample

through pre-weighed millipore (0.45 jam) filter paper. The seechi disc was used to

determine the penetration of the sunlight in vertical column of water, while the

VEC was calculated from the seechi disc readings by applying an equation of Atkins

and Poole (1929). The concentration of nutrients such as phosphates, nitrites,

nitrates and silicates were rrfeasured spectrophotometrically. Phosphate was

determined by the formation of blue coloured antimony phospho molybdate

complex (USEPA, 1983). while nitrite was determined by diazotisation of

sulphanilamide and nitrate under acid conditions in presence of

N-d-naphthyD-ethylenediamine dichloride to form reddish-purple colour and

nitrate was reduced to nitrite by passing the water sample through glass column

containing granulated copper cadmium and the amount of nitrite was determined

following the earlier methods (USEPA, 1983). Dissolved silica was analysed after

acidification with oxalic acid and further reaction with molybdate which

eventually reduced silica to intensely coloured silico-molybdenum blue (APHA,

AWWA, WPCF, 1987) . The hydrological parameters were analysed as per the

methods given in the Estuarine Biological methods (Ramrao et al, 1986).


Sediment samples were collected by using the Petersen's grab from the study

sites. As soon as sediment sample was taken from the river bed, its temperature

was recorded by using the ordinary thermometer at the site of the collection.

Sediments collected were brought to the laboratory and the hydrogen ion

concentration (pH), organic matter, organic carbon content in the sediment were

estimated by following standard methods (Holme and Mclntyre, 1971). The

percentage composition of sand, silt and clay was determined by wet sieving the

sediments followed by the pipette analysis (Holme and Mclntyre,i97D. The results

were plotted on triangle diagrams (Eltringham ,1971; Holme Mclntyre ,1971) and

the sediment texture was obtained.

Plankton samples were collected from surface horizontal haul by operating the

standard plankton net with a flow meter attached having a 35 cm diameter

galvanized iron mouth ring followed by the nylon net having the mesh size of

0.069 mm and was towed with a constant speed of boat (1 knot) for a duration of

5 minutes. The samples were preserved in 5% borax buffered formalin for further

analysis. The sample was then divided into two equal portions by using Folsom's

plankton splitter for quantitative and qualitative analysis of both phyto and

zooplankton. After diluting the sample to known volume an aliquot of 1 ml sub

sample was transferred to Sedgewick's rafter plankton counting chamber and the

phytoplankton were identified and quantified.. Similarly, triplicate sub samples

were analysed and a mean was calculated. The total number of plankton in the

sample was expressed as number of cells per cubic meter of water, the

phytoplanktons were identified by referring the earlier reports (Subrahmaniyan,

1947,1971; Scott and Prescot, 1961). The other half portion of the main sample

was used for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative purposes of zooplankton.

After diluting the sample to a known volume, an aliquot of 1 ml sub sample was

transferred to sedgewick's rafter plankton counting chamber and zooplankton

were identified and quantified. The total number of organisms in the sample

were estimated and the results were expressed as number of organisms per cubic

meter of water (No/m3) respectively. The bbmass of the plankton (displacement

volume method) was determined by following the method as described by

Wickstead, (1965).

Diurnal variation :

Diurnal samples were collected from four fixed stations, of which two stations

were located in the upper Kadra reservoir (#2 & 3) and the remaining two (#4 & 5)

in the middle reaches of the river Kali for the analysis of hydrographical

parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and suspended matter ) in

different seasons. Samples were taken at every four hour interval with a half an

hour gap between each stations starting from 10.00 a.m onwards over a 24 hours

duration . To know about the diurnal variations in each of the season, sampling

was carried out during post, pre and south west monsoon season. The sampling

was carried out and analysed as per the standard methods. Surface zooplankton

samples were collected from four fixed stations (#2,3,4 & 5) located in the upper

and middle reaches of the river. The zooplankton sampling was done with a

standard plankton net. The zooplankton samples were preserved and analysed as

per the standard procedure. The water samples were also collected for

determination of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH parameters.

The benthic organisms were collected along with the sediment with the help of a

modified Petersen's grab (area covered 1020 cm 2 and biting depth of 15 cm) from

the respective study sites. As soon as the grab was hauled up, the content was

transferred to a plastic trough after careful observation and making sure that the

sediment sample was undisturbed, a core sample was taken from the center of the

main sample and later transferred to a plastic container and preserved in the rose

bengal solution (a preservative prepared in the buffered sea water with 5%

formalin) for further qualitative and quantitative analysis of benthic organisms in

the laboratory. The samples were sieved using the filtered seawater and the

organisms being collected on the 500|i mesh size of the sieve were treated as the

macrobenthos whereas the organisms collected between 62|i to 500p. mesh size

were considered as meiobenthos respectively (Holme & Mclntyre, 1971). Both meio

and macrobenthos were identified upto the taxa level and the biomass was

determined with the help of electro-micro balance.

Collection and analysis of finfish and shellfish:

A drag net was used for collection of fin and shell fishes from the study sites. The

length of the net is about 14 ft with a width of 35 ft is rigged with thermocol float

and sinkers at the respective top and bottom salvages. Two bamboo poles have

been tied on both sides to facilitate dragging the net. Mesh size of the net was

5mm and was dragged for about a period of 5 minutes. Cast nets were also used

for collecting the fishes. The fishes collected from the sampling sites were washed

thoroughly in clean water and transferred to the bottle containing 5% formalin

and were further identified and analysed in the laboratory. The wet weight of the

fishes were noted down and morphometric studies were made and the fishes

were identified upto species level.


Microbiological analysis:

sampling of water and sediment:

water sample was collected in the pre-sterilized sampling bottles avoiding the air

contamination, while the sediment sample was collected by using the Petersen's

grab. The upper layer of the sediment was transferred to the sterilized steel

container with the help of the sterilized spatula (Colwell et al, 1982). Later the

samples were brought to the laboratory as early as possible for further analysis.

This is because the number of bacteria in the water sample change rapidly after

collection, an initial decrease in the number being followed by the rapid increase

(ZoBell, 1946).

selection of the media:

The media was kept ready before the collection of the sample and the choice of

the media was done depending upon the nature of the sample. As the study was

done in the riverine and brackish water area, the media selected for total plate

count was the "Tryptone-Beef extract agar media". The ingredients of the media

was as follows:

Tryptone 50 g

Beef extract 25 g

Glucose 10 g

Sodium chloride 65 g


Distilled water 1000 ml

The pH was adjusted to 7.0 ( ± 0.1)


The media principally used for growth of the coliform is McKonkey agar (Strasdine

& Lyn Dubstz, 1974) and ingredients of the media is given below:

Peptone 200 g

Lactose 100 g

Bile salt 50 g

sodium chloride 50 g

Neutral red 0.075 g

Agar agar 120 g

Distilled water 1000 ml

The pH was adjusted to 7.4

Preparation of the media:

The ingredients of the media was mixed with distilled water and the mixture was

brought slowly to boiling point by heating. Thus all the ingredients were mixed

properly. As the Mckonkey agar media was ready mixed powder, 52 g of the

powder was added in the 100 ml distilled water and boiled slowly to mix well.

sterilization of glassware and media:

It is well known that all the material, the media diluting liquids, glasswares and

other equipments are themselves contaminated by bacteria that is why

sterilization is most necessary in the study of microbiology. The sterilization is

done to keep the equipment free from the external contamination. The

glassware, steel containers, spatula, etc were sterilized in the hot air oven where

the temperature was kept at 160 - 170 degree celcius. At this temperature, the

glasswares were kept for not more than two hours . The sterilization of media and

the diluting liquid was done in the autoclave where the temperature and the

pressure were adjusted to 121 degree celcius and 15 Ib respectively. The time

interval needed for sterilization was 15-20 minutes (Rodina, 1972).

Method of estimation:

An estimation of total bacterial load and coniform were done indirectly by using

pour plate technique. As the number of bacteria occurring in the nature is in very

large quantity, it is very difficult to count it directly . Thus to overcome such

difficulties the dilution technique was followed as described by Rheinheimer

(1977). while preparing dilutions, the sample bottle was agitated vigorously and

the dilution series were prepared by adding 1 ml of water sample in 9 ml of

distilled water. The number of bacteria per ml has now been diluted to 1/10 =

10"1. This step was repeated with each new sterilized pipettes. Thus five series of

dilution was considered for the study.

Pouring plate technique:

From the above dilution series 1 ml of sample from each dilution was poured into

the plates. The required amount of media was melted in the boiling water bath.

This melted media was poured into the plate after flame sterilizing the edge of

the container and allowed to solidify (Buck et al, 1977). The plates were then

incubated in the inverted position upto 24 - 48 hours at room temperature, After

48 hours, the plates having colonies of 32 - 300 were selected for counting. These

plates were placed on the colony counter for counting purpose. The number of

colony per ml was calculated by the following equation:

Colonies counted
TPC/ml =
Dilution factor

For sediment analysis, a known weight (1 g) of sediment was taken in 100 ml of

sterilized distilled water and mixed thoroughly and dilution series were prepared

as stated above. Further analysis was done as that of water sample. For the

analysis of coliform the dilution series were not prepared and the number was

expressed as the number per 100 ml (No/100 ml).

Preparation of pure culture:

Determination of morphological & physiological characteristics of bacteria is

possible only after the preparation of pure culture i.e, the population of only one

species. The bacteria are isolated on the pure culture either on the solid agar slant

or on the petridishes.

in the sterilised test tubes, melted agar media was poured and it was kept in the

slanted position, when the media solidifies, a small portion of the colony was

carefully removed with a sterile platinum loop and a streak over the slant, in case

of petriplates also, the same way of streaking was done. Then it was incubated for

about 24 - 48 hours. This gives the pure culture of bacteria which was used for

further analysis such as identifying whether they are gram negative or gram


cram staining of bacteria:

Cram staining can be used to identify different gram negative and gram positive

bacteria, which is actually the basis of the artificial classification of bacteria. Most

useful differential staining procedure of gram involves the staining of given

bacterium with crystal violet solution, followed by gram iodine solution and then

washing with alcohol. Under aseptic condition, the culture loop was transferred on

the slide and dried over the low flame i.e/heat fixing'. The dried culture was

covered with 2-3 drops of crystal violet and allowed to stand for 30 seconds. The

slide was then washed with distilled water till no stain comes out. Then it was

covered with 2-3 drops of gram iodine and again allowed to stand for 30 seconds,

washed with water to remove excess of stain and a few drops of alcohol was


in case of gram +ve bacteria, saffranin has no effect and the'culture shows violet

colour under the microscope. But, if the culture is gram -ve, addition of saffranin

and washing away the excess stain retains the pinkish colour.
20 0 20k,






Figure A. Map showing the location of Uttara Kannatia district and its
four riverine sytems joining the Arabian Sea.


Pandri river

Diggi Tattihalla R.

o Kodsalli

Figure B. Map of Kali river - its origin and tributaries.

I Stage?
Nagjhari PH. 810MW CSX 135MW)
,. ^ „ Ramnagar
II StaqeS ' •Pandri R.
Castlerock • Supa Resv.
Kodsalli PH. 120MW (3XA0MW)
Kadra PH.165MW (3X55MW) Ganeshgudi
Dandeli PH. 50MW(2X25MW) •
11! StageS JTattihal Resv.
KaneruPH. 110 MW (2X55MW)

Submerged area

submerged area

Figure C. Kalinadi and the hydroelectric projects.


Sampling Sites:
# 1 i Kodsalli # 5: Hotegali # 9 : siddar
# 2 : Devkar # 6 : Balni #10 : Kinnar
# 3 : Marad # 7 : Halga #11 : Sunkeri
# 4 : Kadra # 8 : Khervadi #12 j Kodibag

Fig. D. Map showing the location of study sites

along the river KALI.

2S^s£ V;>c£i* .•'.'j* W~7w^vil-j>to»


-JE^» »
S? St.7
gtfjfc. _ -A




. St.12



The hydrological parameters were analysed as per the methods given in the

Estuarine Biological Methods (Ramrao et al, 1986). it is well known that the

hydrographical parameters play an important role in the sustenance of the

organisms in nature providing food to the higher levels in the food chain. As

these factors ultimately control the processes taking place in the biotic

environment, the abiotic influence is felt throughout the biological organization

starting from protoplasm through community and ecosystem. Either it is in a

biotope like mangrove swamp or a ecotone like estarine complex, in all these

system biological processes of both autotropic and heterotropic components are

under the great influence of these hydrological characters. These biotic influence

is felt right from the primary producers through the different components of the

intricate food pyramid affecting the abundance and production at varying

degrees. The influence of these environmental entities found to influence the

biotic components both spatially and temporally which ultimately decide either

the sustenence and propagation or ecological disaster which underlines the need

to study the environmental parameters in depth. Hence, keeping these points in

view, a comprehensive study was made at twelve different study sites in the river

Kali for a period of three years from September, 1992 to August, 1995.

Water temperature:

It is one among the most important abiotic parameters controlling the survival of

the living components of an aquatic medium comprising the flora and fauna, it is

absolutely necessary for the synthesis of food in the case of plants and for the

biochemical as well as reproductive functions of animals. Although it is considered


that the thermal structure of the estuarine waters are controlled fundamentally

by the temperature of the sea and run off water, it holds good only for the

estuarine systems which are short and have little development of sand and

mudflats (Day, 1950).

The difference in the temperature values between the stations located at Kali river

was primarily due to different timings at which the parameter was recorded.

However, there was marked difference between the seasons. In general, all the

study sites recorded higher temperature values during the pre-monsoon period

with a range of 25.3 - 30.7°C, whereas the lower range was observed during the

monsoon period (23.6°C - 29.5°C) with a fall in temperature during pre monsoon

to south west monsoon. Hence a variation of 5.4 °c and 5.9 °C in temperature was

noticed during the pre monsoon and monsoon seasosns. However, during the

three year period of study (September, 1992 to August, 1995), the yearly average

water temperature varied comparatively less recording 25.86 - 29.16° c (Table 1

and Figure 1); 26.63 - 28.81° c (Table 11 and Figure 11); 27.18 - 29.20° C (Table 21 and

Figure 21) respectively.

A two way analysis of variance for temperature (Table 21A) between the seasons

and stations found to be significant at 0.5% level in the former and an insignifant

relation in the case of latter, it shows that the variance in the occurence of

temperature can be quite significant in an area likely to be prone to

anthropogenic activities.


Salinity is one of the most significant parameters whose effect is much felt on

stenohaline forms, it is known that salinity not only has influence on the

physiological behaviour of estuarine organisms but also controls the abundance,

distribution and dispersion of planktonic ,benthic and nektonic forms. During the

present study the hypersaline tidal water effect was observed from Station 8 to

12, with a salinity range of 20 - 35 ppt. Obviously the highest values were recorded

in the stations which are in the close vicinity of river mouth (Figure A). It is quite

evident from the results (Tables 2,12 & 22 ) that the salinity was a highly

dependable parameter on the precipitation and land drainage during southwest

monsoon period. The hypersaline condition was observed in the stations which are

located in the vicinity of the estaurine mouth and during the monsoon period

even the stations 11 and 12 which were proximal to estuarine mouth had

experienced low saline conditions. During the present study, the hypersaline tidal

water effect was noticed at stations 11 and 12 with a range of 24.8 - 34.7 ppt

during the pre monsoon and 3.26 - 23.24 ppt during monsoon season. During this

monsoon period the stations (9 to 12) located in the lower reaches of the river

have experienced the lowest saline conditions. In general, the salinity tends to

decline with increasing distance from the estuarine mouth, it is evident from the

results that (Figure 2, 12 & 22), the salinity structure of Kali riverine system is

altogether under the total influence of variations in the amount of runoff from

land and precipitation received during monsoon period. Among the three seasons,

a maximum salinity in riverine water was recorded during the pre monsoon and

minimum in south west monsoon, while a moderate salinity regime was

established during the post monsoon season from all the study sites, As salinity is a

dependent parameter mainly on temperature other than the factors mentioned

above, any fluctuation in the radiation reflects in the variation of salinity regime,

moreso during the pre and post monsoon seasons.


Dissolved Oxygen:

The parameter studied was quite appreciable which never recorded below 2 ml/l

and the values of the parameter showed 100% oxygen saturation. It has been

established that under natural conditions, the running waters typically contain a

relatively high concentration of dissolved oxygen tending towards saturation. It is

surmised from the tables 3,13 & 23 that the concentration of dissolved oxygen

was considerably varied in all study sites during the three seasons and among

these seasons, the higher content of dissolved oxygen was recorded during south

west monsoon and low during pre and post monsoon seasons. Stations located at

upstream have experienced a moderately higher oxygen content and it was also

noticed that none of the sampling sites were designated as oxygen depleted ones

and saturation of this indicates an ideal condition to carry out the biological

processes in the water body. It is clear from the illustrations (Figures 3,13 & 23) that

the oxygen content remained well above 4.5 ml/I irrespectve of the seasons. The

monsoonal periods (June to September) recorded the highest concentration (5.0 -

6.5 ml/l) followed by the post monsoon (4.5 - 5.5 ml/l) and pre monsoon 4.2 - 5.2

ml/I). The lowering of temperature and salinity during the south west monsoon are

the main factors attributing to the super saturation in the oxygen content as a

consequence of high precipitation during the period of monsoon which also

coincides with a low production rate of phytoplankton and other biotic

components. It is also clear from the table - 23A, that the oxygen content varied

considerably between the stations and the variation is found to be statistically

significant. However, there was a marked significant variation in the occurrence of

oxygen between the months owing to the seasonsal effect both physical and

biological. As shown in the figures 3, 13 & 23, the oxygen values showed a similar

trend in all the stations. The lower values at stations 9 to 12, were due to

hypersaline water influx. The autotrophs i.e, primarily phytoplankton would


contribute to the variations in the oxygen levels as they produce oxygen during

carbon assimilation which resulted in a wide variation recorded in different

stations and during different seasons with a range of 4.5 ml/I to 7.5 ml/I,

it can be seen that the oxygen content (Table 23A) varied significantly both

between the stations and seasons at 1% and 5% levels respectively. But, there

was a marked significance in the occurrence of oxygen between the seasons

owing much to the seasonal effects, both physical and chemical.


pH of a water body is a factor giving an idea about the amount of precipitation

and solubility of different salts dissolved in water. The pH varied between 7.26 and

8.31 during the three seasons (Tables 4,14 & 24) and there was no marked variation

noticed between the seasons but a slight oscillation was recorded between the

stations. Nevertheless, lower values during monsoon and moderately high values

during pre and post monsoon, were discernible in all the study sites. It was

reported that, a range of 6.7 - 9.2 (Perkins, 1976) is an indication of normal and

unpolluted conditions of coastal waters. An alkaline range (Figures 4,14 & 24)

throughout the Kali river may be a clear indication that these sampling sites are

totally devoid of any sort of pollution.

Statistically pH varied significantly (Table 24A) only between the seasons and the

values between the stations was found to be insignificant. The pH remained

alkaline throughout the study period and the analysis shows that it varied very

little between the stations implying of a pure and normal condition of water.

Suspended load:

An amount of suspended load in water body is of paramount importance as it

affects the primary production by way of obstructing light penetration so

essential in the food preparation and also as a source of diet in the form of

organic matter, for entour of the filter feeding organisms. Hence, the availability

of suspended load in a balanced degree is known to enhance the fertility of water

bodies. An upwelling phenomenon in the west coast during the monsoon season

and land drainage following incessant rain are the main factors responsible for

enhanced levels of suspended load in the Kali esturary. consequently the

upstream stations (#1,2,& 3) and those with closer proximity to the estuarine

mouth (#11 & 12) recorded high concentration of suspended load during the

monsoon season. A maximum load of 1.99 g/l at station 12 and a minimum of 0.02

g/l at station 7 during the south west monsoon in the months of June and

September was recorded respectively (Table 5,15 & 25). During the three

conspicous seasons, the suspended load varied considerably with a low suspended

matter during post monsoon and high during south west monsoon (Figures 5, 15

& 25) with a moderate values in pre monsoon season. The suspended load varied

between 0.02 g/l to 1.62 g/l during the period September, 1992 to August 1993;

0.02 g/l to 1.99 g/l during the same period of 1993 -1994 whereas during the period

of 1994 -1995 it varied between 0.32 g/l and 1.88 g/l. In general, it is observed that

the suspended load showed a gradual increasing trend from upper reaches to

lower reaches of the river with a concomitant yearly increase in the average


An analysis of variance (Table 25A) validates the above observed general trend. The

values for suspended load varied significantly over the seasons at 5% level which

undoubtedly is a consequence of land drainage following precipitation, mixing

and incursion of turbid coastal waters.

Vertical Extinction coefficient:

it is a derivedv parameter which depends upon the depth of light penetration and

the amount of suspended matter in the water column. It is a point of light

attenuation which found to be minimum during the monsoon and maximum

during the post monsoon season. The VEC values ranged between 0.03 to 0.77

during the first year; 0.12 to 0.83 during the second year and 0..08 to 0.24 during

the third year of the study period (Tables 6,16 & 26). it is deduced from the figures

6,16 & 26 that the values for VEC during the three year period of study inversely

corresponds with the values obtained for the suspended matter in all the stations.

The values for VEC varied significantly (Table 26A) both over the seasons and

between the stations at 1% and 5% levels respectively which is undoubtedly is a

consequence of land drainage following precipitation, mixing and incursion of

turbid coastal waters.


Nutrients play an important role in the life of plants and animals for their

development and also as an important constituent of body fluids, in the present

study nutrients have exhibited a marked seasonal variation among the different

constituents namely phosphate - phosphorus; nitrate - nitrogen; nitrite - nitrogen

and silicate - silicon. The nutrients have showed marked seasonal and temporal

variations during the tenure of observation.


A close examination of the results reveal that concentration of Po^P at stations

located at the upper reaches of the river is higher than at the stations of

downstream of the river Kali. The concentration of P04-P during the post monsoon

was found to be high as compared to the other two seasons with the stations at

upper (#1-5) and lower reaches (# 9 -12) of the river accounting for an elevated

values (Tables 7,17 & 27). The figures 7,17 & 27 reveal a gradual tendency of

decrease in the values from post monsoon through pre monsoons to south west

monsoon seasons. Temporally it varied from 0.05 - 7.40 jag at /I; 0.72 - 2.43 \xg at/I

and 1.16 - 9.81 |ig at/I respectively during the three year period of study.

There is a significant variation in the values of Phosphate - P both over the seasons

and between the stations at 1% level (Table 27 A).


Nitrate -nitrogen recorded the highest values during south west monsoon

followed closely by pre and post monsoon seasons during the first two years of

study whereas a reverse trend is discernible in the third year of study period

(Figures 8,18 & 28). There was not much difference in the concentration of this

nutrient salt at diffrent stations both during the pre monsoon and monsoon

seasons. A minimum and maximum concentration of 0.04 - 2.88 |ig at/I; 0.24 - 2.89

l^g at/I and 2.90 -12.35 fag at/I respectively were recorded during the three year

tenure of study (Tables 8,18 & 28). It is clear from the figures that a more or less

uniform distribution of nitrate - nitrogen was noticed in all the study sites during

the respective seasons. However, statistically it is found to vary significantly both

between the stations as well as over the seasons (Table 28A) at 1% significance.

Nitrite - nitrogen:
The lower reaches of the river recorded comparatively less of nitrite-nitrogen than

the stations in the upper regions of the river (Figures 9,19 & 29) with a range of

0.04 - 2.71 (j,g at/I and 0.6 -1.69 ^g at/I during the two year period of 1992 -1994

whereas higher values were recorded during the third year with values ranging
0.11 - 1.38 \xg at/I (Figure 29). It is surmised from the tables 9,19 & 29 that the

nitrite value didnot vary much between the stations whereas a significant

variation was noticed between the seasons (Table 29A) at 5% level.


During the present study period it was quite evident that the silicate content was

comparatively more in the upper reaches of the river and the values showed

decreasing trend towards the lower reaches of the river (Tables 10,20 &30). it is also

evident from the figures 10,20 & 30 that the maximum concentration recorded in

all the study sampling sites was during the south west monsoon period. However,

more or less a uniform trend was established between the stations during the

three seasons, similar to the significant variation in the availability of other

nutrients, silicate-silicon too found to vary significantly at 5% level only over the

seasonss and varied insignificantly between the stations which can be seen from

the table 30A. >

Thus it is clear from the tables 27A to 30A, the significant variation in the

availability of different

constituents of nutrients not only over the months but also between the stations

which definitely contributes much to the sustained ecological continuance of

organisms at different biotopes of the river.


The study of the sediment along with the hydrography is equally important and

also essential in understanding the principles operative in any ecosystem.

Sediment characteristics play an important role in the survival, growth and


sustenance of the organisms harbouring therein and hence attain much

importance iaits study over a period of time and space, sediment also plays an

important role in the storage and release of nutrients into the water column, the

mineralisation of organic bottom deposits by various kinds of microbes also

provides a two dimensional substrate to sustain benthic life and not to mention of

its importance as 'bed' for the growth of algal pasture in shallow area. In all, soil

characters either directly or indirectly reflect the productivity of the system as a

whole through parameters such as texture, composition, organic matter, etc.

it is known that a whole set of benthic organisms depend directly or indirectly on

the nature and texture of bottom sediments in which they live in or on. The

organisms which live wholly within the sediments belong to the former category

and those organisms which depend on the sediments only for the purpose of

support to the latter. Whether the correlation or association is direct or indirect,

it is beyond doubt that the distribution and abundance of these organisms owe

much to the characteristics of sediments such as temperature, pH.organic matter

and sediment texture.

The temperature of the sediment, its pH, the availability of organic matter and

texture is a determinant factor for the survival, growth and propagation of the

benthic organisms, especially infauna in an aquatic environment. Thus, it is

important to study these parameters which ultimately decides the sustenance of

the benthic flora and fauna, it is to be remembered that any change in the

interactions of the various factors such as period of time likely to bring about a

substantial shift in the sediment characteristics ultimately dislodging the

organisms harbouring therein. Thus it is important to study the temperature

variations as it affects the biological processes such as feeding, metabolism,


growth etc. It not only controls the chemical reactions of living organisms but also

controls the quality of water which is the primary source of all organic production.

Hence, a sudden change in water or sediment temperature often bring about

mass mortality of flora and fauna in certain regions.

Sediment temperature:

Sediment temperature recorded in the different stations found to closely follow

the variation in water temperature . The range in temperature varied between

26.0 (June) - 30.84° C (May) in 1992-1993; 24.80 (December) - 31.4O°C (April) during

1993- 94 and 24.10 (December) - 29.90OC (May) in 1994 - 95. The variation in

temperature (tables 31, 39 & 47) within the stations in each of the seasons largely

owes to the difference in the time of the sampling rather than the actual

prevalence. Generally the monsoonal months (Figures 31, 39 & 47) recorded low

temperature followed by post and pre monsoon season following the pattern of

variation in water temperature. The annual mean values during the three year

period of study ranged from 26.27 ° c (§2) - 28.58 ° c (#3); 26.18°C (#1) - 28.65°c

(#12) and 26.34°c (#1) - 27.67°c (#11) respectively.

Statistically the sediment temperature found to be not varying significantly

neither over the seasons nor between the stations (Table 47A).

Sediment pH:

Although the sediment remained alkaline throughout the study period,

considerable degree of variation was observed between the stations during the

monsoon and post monsoon seasons. During the pre monsoon , however, the ph

found unchanged between 7.0 - 7.5. During the third year (1994-95) of the study

period pH was found to fluctuate widely but was within the alkaline zone (Figures

32, 40 & 48). Tables 32, 40 & 48 gives an account of the variation in ph during the

different months which ranged from 6.31 (September) - 8.87 (July) in 1992 - 93; 6.81

(December) - 8.81 (October) during 1993 -94 and 7.0 (November) - 8.45 (October) in

1994 -95 . At the same time, the annual average ranged from 7.62 - 8.31; 7.18 - 7.80

and 7.35 - 7.80 for the three years respectively.

Sediment pH too did not show any significance in its occurence both over the

seasons and between the stations (Table 48A).

Sediment organic matter:

Downstream stations (# 8 to 12) showed more of sediment organic matter during

the post monsoon and monsoon seasons (Figures 33, 41 & 49) than the upstream

stations, in fact few of the stations, viz., § 4, 5, 8, 11 & 12 recorded more than

4.0% of organic matter and proportionally higher values for organic carbon

(Figures 34, 42 & 50). stations having higher percentage of sand composition

exhibited less percentage of organic matter and vice versa.

The percentage of organic matter (Tables 33, 41 & 49) during different months

ranged from 0.57 (August) - 6.65 (May); 2.17 (April) - 4.91 (May) and 2.02 (October) -

5.0 (August) respectively during the three year period of research study. The

annual averages were found to fluctuate from 2.60 (1) - 5.10 (# 8); 2.71 (# 1) - 4.63 (§

8) and 2.81 (# 1) - 4.13 (# 8) respectively during the three years.

Statistically sediment organic matter too did not show any singificance in its

occurrence contrary to the expectation of significant variation over the seasons

(Table 49A). ,

Sediment organic carbon:

Sediment organic carbon did not vary much within the stations and seasons but

showed elevated percentages during the monsoon season especially in the


downstream Stations. Monthwise it varied (Tables 34, 42 & 50) from 0.48 (April) -

3.92% (May) during 1992 -93; 1.26 (October) - 2.85% (September) during 1993 -94 and

1.10 (September) - 3.85% (November) during the third year of study. Figures 34, 42

& 50 clearly show the percentage variation of this important parameter during

differrent months of the year and at stations which is indirectly linked with the

fertility of any water body so much vital for the organisms to sustain themselves.

Sediment organic carbon also found not to vary significantly both over the

seasons and between the stations (Table 50A) as the results obtained for other

sediment parameters discussed above.

sediment moisture:

The degree of sediment moisture depends upon the percentage proportion of

sand , silt and clay materials. The finer fractions of the sediment such as silt and

clay can retain more of water than the coarser fractions of the sediment resulting

in high percentage of moisture content. The downstream stations (§ 7 to 12)

showed more percentage (>40%) of sediment moisture in each of the year than

the rest of the upstream stations (# 1 to 6) recording <35 percent (Figures 35, 43 &


The monthly maximum and minimum percentage of sediment moisture recorded

in each of the year were 11.50 (May) - 48.10% (January); 10.20 (May) - 42.50%

(November) and 11.10 (May) - 42.0% (June) respectively. Tables 35, 43 and 51 show

the variation in percentage of sediment moisture during different months and

annual percentage during the three year period in each of the stations. Annually

it varied from 12.28 (#1) - 40.68% (#8); 12.18 (#1) - 40.48% (8) and 12.80 (#1) - 39.57%

(#7) during the three year period of september,i992 to August,i995.



The percentage composition of sand in differrent stations during the three year

period of study can be seen in the tables 36, 44 & 52 and it is surmised that the

bottom remained more or less sandy throughout the year in all the stations except

at § 7, 8 & 9 particularly during the months of March, April and May. Maximum

percentage of 91.20% (September) was observed at # 12 and minimum of 16.59%

(August) at | 2 during 1992 - 93; 82.5% (March) at § 4 & 19.45% (May) during the year

1993 - 94 and 81.8% (September) at § 12 & a minimum of 20.50% (May) at § 8 during

the third year of 1994 - 95 respectively. The wide variation in the percentage of

this sediment fraction may be clearly seen in tables 36, 44 and 52 which also shows

somewhat higher % of sand during the pre and post monsoon season irrespective

of the stations.


very low percentage of silt (<30%) is observed during the months of September

to February (Figures 37, 45 &53) in each of the year irrespective of the upstream

and downstream stations. During the rest of the months from March to August,

the percentage composition of this fraction increased considerably and recorded

> 40% in each of the station, stations 2, 3 & 5 in the downstream stretch and 7,8,9

and 11 in the upstream stretch of the river recorded more than 70% of silt during

the months from March to August. Tables 37, 45 & 53 show the minimum and

maximum percentage of silt to be 7.20 (September) - 74.10% (December) during

the year 1992 - 93; 5.71 (September) - 74.28% (August) during 1993 -94 and 6.80

(September) - 72.50% (July) during the last year of 1994 -95 respectively. During the

same period the annual averages for the three year duration were 10.92 (#4) -

41.15% (#2); 16.30 (# 9) - 38.39% (# 3) and 17.13 (# 10) - 39.03% (# 2) respectively.


Generally the percentage of silt encountered was more during the monsoonal

months in the downstream stations.


Almost a reverse trend is discernible for the percentage composition of clay

particle compared with the silt composition (Figures 38, 46 & 54). Clay showed

decreased percentage of its composition during the months from March to August

in contrary to the high percentage of silt observed during these months of the

year. Likewise, it showed high percentage during the months of September to

February as opposed to the low percentage composition of Silt during these

months. Tables 38, 46 & 54 show the maximum and minimum percentage

composition of this fraction during the period September, 1992 to August, 1995. it

recorded a minimum of 2.60 (September) - 45.40% (October) in 1992 - 93; 4.0

(September) - 44.20% (December) during 1993 -94 and 5.40 (January) - 36.30% (June)

during the year 1994 -95 respectively. At the same time the average annual

percentage was calculated to be 10.05 (#1) - 23.49% (# 3); 12.69 (#1) - 25.66% (#3)

and 13.68 {§ 6) - 26.30% (#3) respectively during the three years of 1992 -1995.

It is surmised from the above results that, there is a noticeable change in the

sedimentological parameters over the space and time. However, maximum

variation is observed in the texture of the sediment fractions in terms of

percentage composition of sand, silt and clay fragments.


Biotic components:

Distribution and abundance of the biotic components was also studied both over

space and time together with the abiotic components mentioned above. The

components studied include planktons (phyto and zooplankton), benthos (meio

and macrobehthos), water and soil microbes and nektons (fish, crustaceans).


The productivity of an ecosystem depends on the quality and quantity of the

plankton biomass production. As the phytoplankton occupy the bottom rung of

the food chain in the aquatic biotope, their fluctuation in density and the biomass

directly affects the entire biotic structure of the ecosystem, it is known that

success of fishing industry is dependent to a great extent on the availability of

adequate phyto and zooplankton production. Besides serving as an important

component of biotic community in determining the productivity of an ecosystem,

they are equally helpful in setting up the culture of planktivore and detritivore

species of fish. The zooplankton acts as the 'intermediate link' between the

primary producers (phytoplankton) and the nekton (fish), because of their role in

transferring energy from phytoplankton to the higher trophic level. Hence, the

study of phytoplankton becomes indispensable while the study of secondary

producer (zooplankton) is necessary to know the amount of energy derived from

the primary producers and in turn the transfer of its energy to the different rungs

of the aquatic trophic food chain, in the present investigation, the pattern of

distribution, and the density of plankton throughout the season is carried out in

relation to the environmental parameters, so that the information could be useful

in predicting potential productiveness of the areas. Variability is a characteristic

feature of the plankton distribution and to a certain extent reflect upon the

prevailing environmental parameters which causes spatial difference in the

abundance and diversity of plankton community (Vijayalakshmi et al, 1983).


Phytopiankton occupies the base of the food chain in an aquatic biotope and their

fluctuation in density and the biomass directly affects the biotic community. The

sustenance of all other organisms including zooplankton upto the giant whales of

the great oceans is dependent upon the trend in the production of

phytoplanktons and hence attains a great significance in its study.

The common forms of the phytopiankton are the Coscinodiscus, Chaetoceros

decipiens, Nitzschia closterium. Ceratium sp. whereas Rhizosolenia stolterfothii,

Bidulohia sp., Peridinium sp., Noctiluca sp. and Pvrocvstis sp. were occasionally

found. It was interesting to note that, the blue green algae {Trichodesmium

erythraeum) was only found in the lower reaches of the river (# 11 & 12) during the

pre monsoon season and was completely absent in the monsoon samples, whereas

the green algae were found in the upper reaches of the river.

During the present period of investigation a total of 55 species of phytopiankton

(Table 55A) were recorded from 12 stations spread over a period of 3 years. Of

these 37 species belong to the class Bacillariophyceae (Diatoms); 11 species to

Dinophyceae (Dinoflagellates); 6 species to class Chlorophyceae (green algae) and 1

species to the class Cyanophyceae (blue green algae). Among these, the first three

groups were quite abundant accounting for greater density. Tables 55, 61 and 67

show the variability in the density with minimum and maximum values (No x


of 550 (July) - 34286 (September) during 1992 -93 ; 1074 (April) - 28211 (September)

during 1993 - 94 and 158 (May) - 24481 (September) during the year 1994 -95

respectively. Figures 55, 61 and 67 clearly show the wide variation in the

availability of the phytplankton density in various months and in different

stations. Incidentally the lower stations of the riverine stretch (# 7 to 12) showed

higher percentage of density compared to the rest of the stations in each of the

year. Also, the monsoonal months recorded low density to be followed by

enhancement in the number during the post monsoon season.

Table 67A shows the statistical values for the variation in the prevalence of

phytoplankton during the three year period of study. It varied only over the

seasons at 1% significance and showed insignificance values for the stations.


A total of 45 zooplankton species (Table 56A) were encountered during the

present period of study. The common groups of zooplanktons found throughout

the study tenure were Protozoa, copepoda, cladocerans, larval forms, fish eaas,

etc. Among these groups, the crustacean alone constituted approximately 60% of

the zooplankton population in their abundance in all the study sites.

The common groups of zooplankton found during the present study were

protozoa (Tintinoosis sp., Globiaerina sp., Favella sp.), coelenterata (Hydromedusae

sp.), Cooepods {Acrocalanus sp., Paracalanus sp., Centropaaes sp.,

Pseudodiaptomus sp., Acartia sp., oithona sp.). The cladoceron {Penilia sp. and

Evadne sp.) were only found in the plankton sample collected from the station 12

which is located near the estuarine mouth. Other zooplankton forms were larval

forms of crustaceans, fish eggs and larvae. The pre monsoon (March to May) was

the period of higher abundance of zooplankton. Crustacean spcecies like

Acrocalanus. Paracalanus. Lucifer, Penilia and Evadne have been found to be


maximum during the pre monsoon and were reduced considerably during the

south west monson. During the pre monsoon period, the diversified groups

representing maximum number of species were observed in the study stations

which are located in the proximity to the estuarine mouth.


The primary and secondary maximum peak was noticed during the post and pre

monsoon seasons while a steep decline in their density was noticed during the

south west monsoon season ( Tables 56, 62 & 68). zooplankton density was found

to be slightly high at stations 10,11 and 12 when compared to stations located in

the upstream of the river. In upstream freshwater zone, there are some sites

which accounted for more zooplankton density contributed by mainly freshwater

species. Throughout the study period, copepods dominated the zooplankton

population although the bulk of the zooplankton in sampling sites were

constituted by copepods, cladocerans, larval forms, fish eggs and larvae were also

recorded. Carnivores like hvciromedusae, ctenoohores, and chaetoanaths were

numerous during pre and post monsoon seasons in samples collected at the close

vicinity of estuarine zone. Their relationship with salinity is direct, appearing

when high salinity regime established but was dwindling and disappearing with

low salinity values. During the three year period of study, the zooplankton density

(No/m2) ranged between 178 (September) - 9898 (May); 812 (July) - 9894 (November)

and 891 (JUly) - 7321 (November) respectively. The annual average (No/m2) ranged

between 1329 (§ 2) - 3188 (# 12) during 1992 -93; 1270 i§ 6) - 4629 (# 11) during 1993

-94 and 1321 (§ 6) - 4425 (# 11) during the third year of 1994 -95.

Among the three seasons, post and pre monsoon were registered with higher

concentration of zooplankton population. At lower stations, the zooplankton

density was found to be higher when compared to that of the stations situated in

the upper reaches of the river during the study tenure. Figure 56, 62 & 68 show a

general trend in zooplanktonic biomass at different locales during the period of

three year study. As in the case of phytoplankton, the two way analysis of variance

(Table 68A) showed significance values for zoopianktons only over the seasons and

varied insignificantly between the stations.


Benthos is a collective term referred to the organisms living in or associated with

aquatic sediments comprising plants, animals derived from almost all phyla. The

benthic existence itself reflects the cycle of energy more or less in a complete

manner, connoting that benthos form an absolute ecosystem instead of being a

part of one. The important groups in this trophic network of benthic

environment is meiobenthos. The role of meiofauna in the benthic environment

in terms of supply of energy to higher trophic levels have been hypothesized by

several workers and they also suggested that the function of meiobenthos in the

benthic communities is either nutrient remineralisaton or competition with


However, in the present study, an emphasis is given only to quanitfy the

meiobenthos and macrobenthos of river Kali in terms of density and biomass. It

was mentioned earlier that the information obtained on benthic density and

biomass can be conveniently utilised in assessing the productivity of the study

locales, the meio and macrobenthic population were not homogeneous in the

sense that the components varied both over space and time. Temporo-spatial

variation of meiobenthos and macrobenthos in different seasons are shown in

Figures 57B & 58B respectively.


A total of 15 taxa (Table 57A) are reported during the present investigation, with

the meiobenthic density (No/10 cm2) varying between 30 (September) - 5812 (May)

during the first year of 1992 -93; 9 (September) - 2345 (April) during 1993 -94 and 32

(September) -1925 (March) during 1994 -95 reaspectively. it is surmised from the

tables 57, 63 & 69 that the annual average of meiobenthic density (No/10 cm2)

varied between 228 (11) -1258 {§ 12); 279 (§ 2) -1380 (# 12) and 122 (# 1) - 541 (# 12)

during the three year duration between 1992 -1995.

in the present study, high densities of nematodes, diatoms were noticed in the

upper reaches of the river during March to August months whereas herpecticoids

and foraminiferans were found to be dominant in the lower stretches of the river

(# 11 & 12). it is also surmised from the results that the density was considerably

reduced during the south west monsoon season in all study locales. It is also

evident from the results that meiobenthic taxa had exhibited a definite pattern of

pre monsoonal stability in their community structure. There was a consistency in

total density and also in the density of individual taxa during pre monsoon

followed by an enormous faunal elimination during the monsoonal months. High

densities of total meiofauna, nematodes and polychaetes were observed in sandy

silt sediments. The fine sand and mud with large amounts of detritus are known

to support rich meiofaunal densities as it contains lot of organic matter and

nutrients In the form of minute particles which these organisms devour, in the

present study, more meiobenthic population was encountered during the pre

monsoon months when a sandy silt regime was established and during monson

the density was lowered down considerably, consequently on the change in the

substratum into dominant silty sand proportion. The elimination of faunal

assemblage during the monsoon was soon to be followed by a recolonisation

process whererin most of the species recolonised during the post monsoon

season. The structure of meiofauna community depends on environmental

variations in the salinity and sediment distribution which brings natural changes

in the abundance and diversity of meiobenthic organisms. Table 69A gives the

values of statistical analysis of meiobenthos which was found to vary significantly

only over the seasons at 5% level and insignificantly between the stations.


Among macrobenthos 12 taxa (Table 58A) were observed and their density is given

in tables 58, 64 & 70 for the three year period of investigation. The density

(No/m2) varied between 15 (September) - 3628 (April) during 1992 -93; 10

(September) - 620 (July) during 1993 -94 and 25 (September) - 415 (April) during the

year 1994 -95 respectively. An annual average (No/m2) values during the same

period were of 88 (#2) - 819 i§ 7); 79 (2) - 306 (#11) and 62 (§ 1) - 273 (§ 12)

respectively during the three year period of 1992 -95. The figures 58, 64 and 70

show the density in each of the stations during the period of 1992 -95. it can be

seen that the downstream stations (# 7 to 12) recorded higher densities during the

post monsoon seasons except in the year 1992 -93 and less of density in upstream

stations during each of the seasons.

It was noticed that the dominant species were found to be absent or depleted

during the south west monsoon with a initial colonisation during the post

monsoon season followed by a secondary colonisation, growth and structural

development during the pre monsoonal months. Polychaeta, the dominant

macrobenthic group was found to prefer silty sand substratum as they were found

in maximum numbers, such deposit feeders that live on organic matter, make up

majority of the fauna in finer sediments where feeble currents allow organic

matter to settle out, thus providing an adequate source of nutrition for large

numbers of deposit feeders (Sanders, 1958). Bivalves were next in numerical

abundance and were found to prefer higher salinity (Meretrix meretrix. M. casta,

Paohia malabarica) while villorita cvprinoides preferred a low salinity regime (in
upper reaches of the river) and sandy substratum as evident from the density.

Salinity and nature of substratum are the most significant environmental factors

that are affecting the distribution of benthic fauna. A similar findings were

noticed by several workers (Parulekar et al, 1980; Harkantra, 1975 & 1976;

sudarshana, 1983; Bhat, 1985 and ICAR report 1986). Both macro and meiobenthos

undoubtedly found to reign the bottom sediment providing the much needed

nutrition to the benthic organisms and demersal fishes. The environmental

characteristics of this coast fluctuate periodically depending on three seasons.

The benthos have a tendency to recolonise themselves in the post monsoon

period after overcoming the unfavourable season of monsoon mainly due to the

instability of the bottom substratum. From the results of the present study, it is

evident that monsoon is the season of fauna! elimination which can be attributed

to heavy runoff of freshwater during this period while the post & pre monsoon

are the season of faunal recolonisation and abundance in all the study locales. A

similar pattern has been expressed by Parulekar et al (1980) who stated that the

greater environmental stress prevailing in the coastal estuarine environment

results in distinct seasonal changes in the distribution of dominant species

characterised by total depletion during south west monsoon season, with a initial

colonisation during post monsoon, followed by secondary colonisation. The faunal

depletion that occurs during each monsoon season causes the cycle to repeat

annually (Parulekar et al, 1980) and similar results have been noticed by several

workers in the Kali estuary, it is surmised from the table 70A, a significant

variation in the occurrence of macrobenthos both over the seasons and between

the stations at 1% and 5% levels respectively.


The study of unicellular organisms with no complicit organisation between animal

and plants which include all of the unicellular organisms like algae, bacteria, fungi,

viruses and even unicellular protozoans can be termed as 'microbiology. Based on

the presence or absence of nuclear membrane, the microbes are classified as

eucaryotes (eg. algae, fungi and protozoa) and procaryotes (bacteria and viruses).

The development, growth and sustenance of microbes, be it in water or sediment

depends upon the different abiotic factors like, temperature,salinity, oxygen, pH,

pressure, organic matter, etc. Depending on the tolerance to withstand

temperature, they are also classified as Psychrophilic (can withstand temperature

of 0°C to 20°C); Mesophilic (can withstand temperature of 20°C to 45°C) and

thermophilic (can withstand temperature of 45°C - 90°C). Usually the microbes

prefer a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 except certain special variety of bacteria which can

withstand either acidic or alkaline conditions. Depending on the basis of oxygen

requirement, they may be termed as aerobes which require oxygen for their

growth and facultative anaerobes, which thrive without oxygen content in the

media, it is known that most of the estuarine variety of bacteria belong to the

mesophilic category and often devoured as source of food by many of the

estuarine invertebrates. They also help in remineralisation of organic matter in

the estaurine systems by way of breaking down the dead and decaying part of the

plant and animal matter thereby making available simpler particles as nutritional

matter for the fauna and flora in the area, in the sediments, their population is

seen to be high in areas of higher density of benthic organisms and less in

polluted zones. However, presence of coliform type of bacteria indicates the

pollution of the area, be it water or sediment zone. In aquaculture, the study of

pathogens is very much necessary as they affect the growth and production of

fish and crustaceans of both capture and recently booming culture systems. The

main aim of the present study was to have a general idea about the total microbial

population in the riverine and estaurine areas of study sites and to establish the

relation between water and sediment microbial population.

Thus the study of bacteria is very much important and relevant under the present

circumstances, vas the presence or its absence due to the impact of anthropogenic

activities is likely to have an impact on the ecosystem as a whole and on the

fishery resources of a region in particular.

Microbes in water and sediment:

Quantitative aspects:

The total bacterial load of water and sediment from 12 study sites of Kali river

during the period of three years (1992 -1995) is given in the tables 59, 65 & 71 for

water microbial samples and 60, 66 & 72 for sediment microbiai samples. The

bacterial population (No x iO5/ml) during the period of 1992-93 ranged from

0 (March) - 347 (July); 0 (September) - 896 (July) and 0 (September) - 486 (July) in

water whereas 0.7 (March) - 4522 (August); 3 (September) - 2490 (July) and 2

(September) - 432 (July) in sediment (No x iO5/g). This is in agreement with other

workers such as Rao (1981) who reported bacterial load In the range of 8.0 x i0 4 /ml

to 1.24 x iO9/ml from Zuary riverine system. Similarly, Polombo & Ferguson (1978)

noticed bacterial density in the range of 1.95 x 105 to 1.89 x io 6 /ml. in general,

sediment showed higher bacterial population than that of water samples. This is

in concurrence with the findings of Meyer-Riel et al, (1978), Nair and Lokbharathy

(1982). According to Okpokwasili and Alapiki (1990), the bacterial population of

sediment was 200 times more than that of the water column.

Qualitative aspects:
The bacterial genera encountered In all the stations were the same with the

difference in the density. The bacterial genera noticed were of Bacillus.

Micrococcus. Pseudomonas, Alkaliaenes, Enterobacter. Flavobacter. Acinatobacter.

corvnebacterium. Moraxella and Vibrio. It is interesting to note that here is marked

diference in the bacterial genera from the estauarine stations to the riverine

stations. Water samples from the riverine stations contained species of Bacillus,

Micrococcus. Alcalioenes and Corvnebacterium and sediment samples of,

Micrococcus, Bacilus and Corvnebacterium. However, estaurine samples contained

more of Vibrio, Moraxella. Acinobacter, Micrococcus Pseudomonas, and Flavobacter

in water and in sediment dominated by Vibrio, Pseudomonas, Moraxella and

Acinetobacter. in general, water and sediment samples from riverine stations

were dominated by gram +ve bacteria predominently Micrococcus, Bacillus and

corvnebacterium followed by gram -ve bacteria, namely Alcaliaenes,

Pseudomonas, Enterobacter. Whereas those of estuarine stations were

predominated by gram -ve bacteria such as Vibrio, Moraxella, Acinetobacter

followed by Micrococcus and Pseudomonas. This is in agreement with the results

of VenuCopalan et al (1985) who reported Bacillus as a predominant genus in water

and sediment samples whereas, Okpokwasili and Alapki (1990) recorded 93.3%

gram +ve bacteria from water (Bacillus, Staohviococcus & Micrococcus) and 100%

of gram +ve in sediment {Bacillus, Lactobacillus, streptococci) from freshwater

culture pond. According to Nair and Lokbharathy (1982) Pseudomonas was the

major genera followed by Acinetobacter, Alcaliaenes and Bacillus.

The distribution of bactrial genera varied with the season which was due to the

effect of various physiological, chemical and meteorological factors. During

monsoon months no sharp demarkation could be noticed between riverine and

estauarine stations mostly due to freshwater run off. Temperature and salinity are

the two important factors which influence the generic distribution of bacteria

both in water and sediment (Morita, 1974). According to Shewan and Hobbs (1967)

seasonal difference in the relative proportion of the bacterial genera are related

to temperature preference of various bacterial groups. Thus in the present study

the gram +ve (mesophilic groups like Bacillus, Micrococcus and corvnebacterium)

and Vibrio were more during the months of March - May whereas Pseudomonas

was more during July and August. Changes in the salinity caused by heavy rainfall

during monsoons may contribute to variation in qualitative composition of the

flora. High percentage of Alcalioenes, Bacillus. Micrococcus and corvnebacterium

(freshwater forms) during July to August could be due to this reason. Similarly

marine forms like Vibrio, Moraxella and Acinetobacter were in more number

during March- April period.

It could be inferred from the present study that the quantitative and qualitative

distribution of bacteria in water and sediment from different stations has

characteristics of its own which is influenced by the complex process such as

temperature, salinity, pH, sediment organic matter, grain size and rainfall to which

it is exposed. Microbes, both in water and sediment samples varied significantly

both over the seasons and between the stations (except for water) at different

significance levels. While it varied significantly at 1% level for water samples over

the seasons and insignificantly between the stations, a significance at 1% both

over the seasons and between the stations is discernible in the case of sediment

microbial population. The statistical values for both types of microbes inhabiting

in different biotopes can be seen in tables 71A and 72A respectively.



The term nekton includes all organisms capable of moving actively from one place

to another. In view of the motility of the fish, the quantitative and qualitative

sampling that is possible with planktons and benthos is scarcely feasible in the

sampling of fish; since some of them likely to escape the gear used. Furthermore,

one must be aware of the fact that chance plays an important part in the sampling

which perhaps limits the significance of the sampling. However, the survey is very

much useful when carried out over a long period of time, since it gives us an idea

about the population density, distribution pattern so that the accumulated data

serves as a bench mark in future about the change in population structure of fish

in areas suspected to be afflicted with anthropogenic activities. Keeping these

points in the background and its relevance under the present circumstances, a

survey was undertaken to know about the density and species composition of

finfishes under this project work.

Among the finfishes, 27 species of fish encountered include both the freshwater

as well as brackishwater forms. Table 73 depicts the species composition of

finfishes at different study sites during the period of 1992 -1995. Temporo spatial

variation in total density and incidence of percentage composition of different

species of finfishes collected from the study sites during the period of 1992 -1995

are given in tables 74 and 75 respectively. Puntius sp., Parluciosoma daniconius,

osteobrama dayi are the important freshwater forms encountered in sufficient

numbers in the upstream stations. The density was found to be higher during

post monsoon followed by the pre monsoon season in all the stations. Among the

brackishwater forms, Stenooobius sp., Ambassis commersoni, Cvanoolossus

punticeps and Muail ceohalus occured in sufficient numbers. Tables 76 to 85


represent the seasonal variation and abundance of nektonic species at different

study locales for the three year period of observation (1992 -95).

However, except for few species majority of the fishes found to occur in more

than one type of biotope which reflects their habit of moving up and down the

riverine stretch depending on the season in search of favourable environmental

conditions. Hence, the qualitative analysis rather than the quantitative study of

these species of fish is much more meaningful to know about the shift in

population structure over a period of time.


Table 86 shows stationwise composition, while the seasonal abundance and

distribution of the crustacean species are shown in the tables 87 to 96 for the

period of 1992 -95. Among the crustaceans, few of the species found to occur in

the upper reaches of the river Kali such as SQ/llA serrata, Metaoenaeus dobsoni and

carridean prawns. It is evident as majority of the crustaceans show the tendency

to spend atleast part of their lifecycle in different biotopes in estuarine stretch

from hyper saline to hypo saline water conditions. Except Penaeus monodon,

majority of the crustaceans had a wide distribution from station 1 to station 12

representing the lower and upper limits of the salinity regime. £ monodon found

to occur only at the stations downstream near the confluence zone of river and

sea. £. serrata, Carridean prawns, M. dobsoni, Metaoenaeus monoceros,

Metaoenaeus affinis, P. memuiensis found to have a wide distribution all along the

riverine stretch. Maximum density of prawns occured during the post and pre

monsoon seasons and less in the monsoona! months, while M. dobsoni and £.

serrata found to contribute maximum density in the upper reaches, P. memuiensis

and M. monoceros dominate the lower reaches of the river.


The foregone account clearly indicates the prevalence of different species of

finfish and shellfish of a relatively wide and rich variety found sparsed both in the

fresh as well as brackish water environments. While few of them are stenohaline

in nature, eg. Puntius sp., £. monodon, majority of the species of fish in the

riverine stretch of Kali from the estuarine mouth to the upper reaches at Kodasalii

found to be euryhaline varieties.


Diurnal variation.

The diurnal water and zooplankton samples were collected from 4 fixed stations of

which two stations (# 2& 3) were located in the upper Kadra reservoir and the

remaining two (§ 4 & 5) in the middle reaches of river Kali. For the analysis of

hydrographic parameters, such as water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and

suspended load, the water samples were collected along with the zooplankton

samples from the respective sites during different seasons for the period of three

years. To know about the diurnal variation in each of the season, sampling was

carried out during post, pre as well as south west monsoon seasons. The diel

variations in the physico-chemical parameters and zooplanktonic density are

shown in tables 97 to 103.


it is evident from the results (Table 97) that the water temperature showed clear

demarkation in its seasonal variations among the stations. An uniform pattern in

temperature oscillation was visible during day hours in all the stations followed by

decreased trend which again increased from dawn hours to noon. But during

south west monsoon period it was comparatively low and a steep fall from day to

night hours was recorded.

During the pre monsoon, the temperature ranged between 26 - 29°C while during

the south west monsoon period the mercury level dipped to 23.5°C and oscillated

tween23.5°C to 25°C. in both the seasons the trend of variation of this parameter

was more or less uniform. As typical of tropical river waters, the temperature

readings ranged from about 23.0°C to 30°c. A small variation between the values

of the various sources was mainly a reflection of the time of sampling. Water

temperature was always lesser by 1°C to 3.0°C than the atmospheric temperature.

Salinity (Table 98) did not show any marked fluctuations in its variation among the

stations and between the hours and seasons as it was completely freshwater zone.

Dissolved oxygen:

This parameter too showed more or less uniform pattern of variations in all the

study sites during pre monsoon and south west monsoon period (Table 99). The

dissolved oxygen concentration was comparatively low during the south west

monsoon than the pre monsoon period. ' The parameter studied was quite

appreciable in this case, which never recorded below 3.0 ml/I and the values of the

parameter reflected cent percent oxygen saturation, it has been established that

under natural conditions, the running waters typically contain a relatively high

concentration of dissolved oxygen tending towards saturation (Shyamsunder,

1988). Relatively higher concentration of dissolved oxygen found during day hours

(about S.O - 6.9 ml/l) than night (about 3.2 - 5.9 ml/I) was probably because of lack

of photosynthetic activity during night hours.


The pH values recorded during the study period ranged from 6.8 to 8.3, which is

typical of most of the Indian rivers (Mitra, 1987). Most of the natural waters tend to

be generally alkaline due to the presence of carbonates and bicarbonates. The pH

values did not vary much between the hours of the day during the pre monsoon

and south west monsoon periods (Table 100).

Suspended load:

The diel (diurnal) variation in the suspended load is shown in table 101 with little

difference in the values between the stations both during day and night hours.

However, considerable variation was noticed between the seasons with the

monsoon recording higher values in all the stations which is mainly due to rainfall

and consequent land runoff. The values varied between 0.12 g/l (#2) to 0.41 (|3)

during post monsoon; 0.11 g/l (#4) to 0.29 g/l(#5) during pre monsoon and 0.19 g/l

(#3) to 0.38 g/l (#2) in south west monsoon season.


The variation in V.E.C values also did not vary much between the stations but

varied significantly between the seasons. The south west monsoon recorded the

lowest values for V.E.C followed by the pre monsoon season. These values can be

seen in table 102 with minimum and maximum values of 0.11 (#4&5) to 0.49 (#3)


zooplankton (Biomass and population):

The diurnal variation in the zooplankton biomass and population is given in the

table 103. it was observed that the zooplankton biomass was high during the

night time than day eventhough peak values were obtained during the day hours,

zooplankton volume varied from 1.1 to 12.2 ml/m 5 during the different seasons.

The population density of zooplankton varied from 432 (#5) - 12784/m5 (#3) with

minimum and maximum recorded at 10.00 <and 02.00 hours respectively. The

major peak in zooplankton was represented by copepods (over 61%) followed by

decapods, lamellibranchiates, gastropods and other groups. The maximum group

diversity was found at 05.30 hours. Among the four study stations, the

zooplankton did not show any marked variation and was more or less uniformly

distributed during different hours of sampling during the pre monsoon and south

west monsoon periods. Day and night variability in the incidence of some species

was also observed. Among the 12 species of copepods recorded from the area,

seven species were found exclusively during day while five species were limited to

the night hours, primarily due to the vertical and horizontal migratory habit

shown by these species in search of food in general and avoidance of predators in

particular, in general, the relatively higher species diversity and limited variation

in the zooplankton biomass over the 24 hours during pre monsoon and south west

monsoon periods at study stations indicate a congenial environment for the

continuance of the species.



The present investigaton was carried out along the Kali river for a period of three

years from September 1992 to August 1995 as a part of the baseline study of Kali

river/estuary, in view of the establishment of the Kaiga atomic power plant. After

a preliminary survey of river Kali, 12 study sites were selected and fixed in

different biotopes such as freshwater area (upper reaches of the river), backwater,

estuarine water etc. The station 1 (Kodasalli), station 2 (Devkar), station 3 (Marad),

station 4 (Kadra) station 5 (Cotegalli), station 6 (Balini), station 7 (Kerwadi), station 8

(Halga), station 9 (Siddar), station 10 (Kinnar), station 11 (Sunken) and station 12

(Kodibag); among these, station 1 located at upstream of river kali was followed by

series of study locales towards the downstream of the river, while the station 12

was fixed at the estuarine point to evaluate the variation of different

hydro'graphic and sedimentological and biological features.

The hydrological parameters studied were water temperature, salinity, dissolved

oxygen, pH, suspended load, v.E.C, nutrients, etc. These parameters have been

found to be under the influence of different seasons and were more or less

comparatively stable between the sampling sites. The water temperature

increased during pre monsoon and decreased during sw monsoon and increased

thereafter gradually during the post monsoon period. A slight change in the

mercury level has been noticed between the stations which could be due to the

change in sampling time.

salinity values were found to be maximum during pre monsoon but drastically

declined during the sw monsoon period when heavy precipitation was

experienced especially in the stations located at downstream of the river.


The concentration of dissolved oxygen did not vary much between the stations

though moderately higher values were observed during the post and monsoon

season. The oxygen content was comparatively more in the water sample

collected from the upstream stations and it was noticed during the study period

that none of the stations could be designated as oxygen depleted ones.

A decline in hydrogen ion concentration during the pre monsoon period and

increasing trend during the monsoon periods may be due to the land runoff

which contains lot of terrigenous material.

Among the three seasons, higher values of suspended load was noticed during

the sw monsoon period in all the study sites and there was an appreciable

difference noticed between the upsrtream and downstream stations.

The vertical extinction coefficient values showed a remarkable range mainly

depending upon the depth, turbulence, transperancy and seasons. Usually the

monsoonal months showed less of VEC and more during the following seasons

due to the reasons as mentioned above.

Nutrients have exhibited seasonal variations in the study sites but their

concentration was found more or less uniform in all the sampling sites. A low value

of phosphate was noticed during the pre monsoon while a slight increase

observed during the monsoon season. The concentration of this salt was found

more near the estuarine areas and less in the upper reaches of the river. This

may be due to the flushing effect of river water which contain less of phosphate

content. There was no marked difference in the distribution of nitrite and nitrate

content between the stations and seasons. Silicate-silicon recorded high

concentration during sw monsoon season with its peak in July/August months.


The concentration of this nutrient element was found to be more in the upper

reaches of the river than the stations near the backwaters and estuarine areas.

This may be due to influx of land drainage and fresh water from upper stretches

which contains more quantum of this salt.

The sediment temperature showed an increasing trend during pre monsoon and

decrease in sw monsoon seasons. This variation in the temperature was attributed

mainly to the differential depth in each station. The pH of sediment did not

show any marked variation between the stations and seasons.

The organic carbon and organic matter were found to be maximum during the sw

monsoon with a slight fluctuation during the preceding and following seasons.

This might be due to the change in sediment texture in different seasons, while

the moisture content remained stable in all study stations except for a slight

seasonal fluctuation.

The stations were dominated by sandy bottoms but, the proportion of sand, silt

clay varied with the respective seasons. Silt and clay proportion was high during

the monsoon season while the sand dominated during the other seasons.

The peak production of phytoplankton noticed during August to September in sw

monsoon season was probably due to the optimum conditions in water attained

at this time through the abundance of nutrients which was due to the land

drainage and upwelling and also a fall in temperature and salinity. A decrease in

standing crop in the following months may be due to the depletion in the level of

nutrients. A total of 55 species of phytoplankton was recorded during the study


Zooplankton are considered to be ecological indicators of water bodies. The

zooplankton density in Kali river is quite rich with maxima during pre and post

monsoon season and minimum during sw monsoon period, it is evident that all

these study sites are comparatively productive regions with an abundance of

zooplanktons (45 species) as well as planktonic larvae which in turn support a very

good fishery resources of commercially important species in this coat.

The magnitude of variation in benthos (meio and macrobenthos) density was

found to be influenced by sediment characters and hydrology of the study sites.

The common macrobenthic forms encountered were foraminifera, polychaeta,

gastropoda, bivalvia, herpecticoid, cumacean, tenaeidaceae, decapod etc. The

benthic production was comparatively more during the post monsoon while the

pre monsoon was the recolonisation phase and sw monsoon was the faunal

elimination period.

The total load of bacterial count varied both over space and time and between

water and sediment samples, usually sediment samples recorded more of

microbial density than water in all the stations, with the monsoonal months

dominating in the availability of number of species as well as in quantity. This is

due to the favourable conditions available during this season with more of organic

matter and carbon which are used for the purpose of assimilation, usually the

stations (# 9 -12) towards the estuarine mouth region recorded higher densities of

microbes than the upstream stations which may be attributed mainly to the

differential grain size of the sediments. A marked variation in the availability of

dominant species of microbes from estuarine stations to upstream stations and

during different seasons is also recorded. The riverine water and sediment samples

contained more of gram -ve bacteria, namely, Alcalliaenes. pseudomonas whereas


the estuarine station samples harboured more of gram +ve bacteria like vibrio,

Moraxella. etc. v Thus it could be inferred that the quantitative and qualitative

distribution of bacteria in water and sediment from different stations has

characteristics of its own influenced by the complex process like temperature,

salinity, pH, organic matter, organic carbon, grain size and rainfall to which they

are constantly exposed.

About 27 species of fish were identified and their density varied according to

seasons. The size of the fish that were collected during the study period ranged

from 16mm - 350 mm and it is surmised from the present study that small sized

fishes were found in monsoon season and large during post and pre monsoon

season. The abundance of f inf ish varied drastically from station 1 to 12 because

some of the stations were located closer to the dam site and few far away from

the site of dam construction. Besides this, even the environmental parameters

also contributed much to the variation in the species occurrence either directly or

indirectly. Among the crustaceans, M. dobsoni accounting for >35% followed by

Carrideans were the major species. Most of the species found to have a wide

distribution all along the riverine stretch comprising both the upstream and

downstream stations except few species such as P. monodon. The foregone

account clearly indicates the prevalence of different species of f inf ish and shellfish

of relatively wide and rich variety found sparsed both in the fresh as well as

brackish water environments. Whlie few of them are stenohaline in nature, for eg.

Puntius ps. and £ monodon majority of the species of fish in the riverine stretch

of Kali from the estuarine mouth to upper reaches at Kodsalli found to be of

euryhaline varieties.

The diel variation of hydrological parameters studied were temperature , salinity,

dissolved oxygen, pH, suspended load and vertical extinction coefficient. The

impact of three seasons on the diel cycle of water temperature was clearly visible

with a maximum in post monsoon, minimum in sw monsoon with a moderate

values during pre monsoon seasons. There was no significant variations in salinity

and its maximum values were noticed during post and pre -monsoon seasons.

Dissolved oxygen varied maximum on diurnal scale in pre monsoon and post

monsoon, usually the night hours recorded less of oxygen content as expected

due to the lesser metabolic activities of the organisms with relatively higher values

found between 10.00 and 18.00 hrs. Not much of difference was noticed in the

values of suspended load, V.E.C and the pH except during the sw-monsoon


The zooplankton samples were analysed for evaluating the diurnal variation

thereby knowing the composition, distribution and abundance of the species. The

groups that showed diel variation at four stations were of Protozoa, Coelenterata,

Ctenoohore. Crustaceans, Cladocerans, Amphipoda and larval forms of

invertabrates and vertebrates, in all the stations during three seasons Copepods

varied much on diel cycle among the zooplanktons both in terms of numerical

abundance and species diversity. Totally 21 ispecies of copepods were identified.

Spatially all the seasons showed abundance in zooplankton biomass with a bimodal

peak in their density one in post monsoon and another in pre monsoon, usually

night samples showed higher diel variability than the day samples. The maximum

population was observed at station 2 during post monsoon season at night hours.

Thus it is concluded that the study sites fixed at Kali riverine system show a well

defined diurnal variation and the area is biologically very productive with a variety

of micro as well as macrofauna.


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Table 1. Monthly variation in water temperature (oC) at the study sites during Sept.92-Aug.93

Months Sept.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.93 Feb March April May June July Aug. means
1 28.10 26.20 25.30 24.60 24.30 24.00 28.70 23.50 27.50 27.80 24.70 25.60 25.86
2 27.80 26.10 25.20 25.40 25.80 25.20 27.40 27.90 27.80 27.10 24.40 26.70 26.40
3 28.20 27.10 25.30 25.60 25.10 26.50 26.50 28.70 27.20 27.40 24.80 26.50 26.58
4 27.20 27.30 25.20 25.50 24.30 26.80 27.00 28.60 27.90 26.90 24.80 26.80 26.53
5 30.10 30.20 27.20 27.00 26.80 27.00 28.00 29.50 28.00 28.70 25.00 25.90 27.78
6 28.50 28.00 25.20 26.80 27.20 28.50 30.50 30.20 29.30 28.10 29.20 26.50 28.17
7 29.50 27.50 28.00 28.50 25.00 27.20 28.60 29.90 29.30 29.30 23.70 27.10 27.80
8 28.20 28.00 28.10 26.20 25.10 25.00 27.25 27.90 25.50 28.70 28.50 28.00 27.20
9 28.40 29.00 28.00 25.50 25.80 28.30 29.80 30.30 27.60 29.10 24.40 26.50 27.73
10 28.50 28.40 27.90 24.60 26.80 28.10 32.00 30.10 29.90 29.40 25.80 26.50 28.17
11 28.10 30.20 28.00 27.40 28.00 30.20 34.00 30.70 30.20 31.60 25.20 26.30 29.16
12 28.00 28.50 27.50 27.80 28.00 29.20 31.50 28.30 29.50 30.10 25.50 29.50 28.62

Table 2. Monthly variation in salinity (%o) at the study sites during Sept. 92-Aug,93

Months Sepf92 Oct Nov. Dec. an."9 FEb. March. April May June July Aug. means'
1 0.27 0.35 0.29 0.17 0.18 O.^ 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.25
2 0.24 0.35 0.30 0.23 0.17 0.14 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.22
3 0.29 0.36 0.17 0.12 0.19 0.20 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.00 0.23
4 0.28 0.35 0.17 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.20
5 0.24 0.16 0.40 0.20 0.18 0.22 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.00 0.22
6 0.27 0.36 0.17 0.22 0.25 0.23 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.30 0.00 0.27
7 4.00 0.20 4.80 0.22 0.40 2.28 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.00 1.12
8 4.10 0.82 19.80 7.40 2.80 3.40 1.30 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.00 3.34
9 0.28 0.32 17.60 18.40 2.40 5.60 0.89 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.30 0.00 3.83
10 1.20 5.00 30.20 0.50 0.40 7.20 1.30 0.30 0.10 0.40 0.40 0.00 3.92
11 21.30 21.10 26.75 27.95 28.00 28.75 29.10 30.15 31.11 4.13 1.20 4.90 21.20
12 26.20 27.30 29.28 31.19 32.19 33.25 33.95 34.25 34.86 12.15" 4.87 9.45 25.75

• 1

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Table 7. Monthly variation in phosphate (ug at/I) at thj^study s$es during Sept.92-Aug.93

Months Sept.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.93 Feb.'* March April May June , July Aug. means
1 0.56 0.22 0.12 1.00 0.96 3.21 1.20 1.50 1.55 0.70 1.05 1.12 1.10
2 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.96 0.92 0.24 1.62 2.05 1.30 1.00 1.82 1.72 1.17
3 0.05 0.20 0.30 3.20 2.40 0.38 1.25 1.00 0.05 1.01 1.07 1.30 1.09
4 0.38 0.34 6.10 6.00 5.20 4.80 1.00 1.00 0.94 1.05 0.70 0.90 2.37
5 1.20 0.48 0.06 4.10 3.80 3.20 0.97 0.90 0.80 0.75 0.65 0.82 1.48
6 0.38 0.30 0.05 2.50 2.00 2-1^ 1.07 0.95 1.00 0.87 0.92 0.77 1.08
7 0.21 0.34 0.62 4.21 3.20 0.25 1.40 1.72 1.27 0.65 0.95 0.82 1.30
8 0.75 0.05 1.00 6.41 3.42 3.10 1.60 1.95 1.45 0.90 1.30 1.45 1.95
9 0.22 0.10 0.07 6.10 3.45 0.01 1.57 1.58 1.87 1.35 0.80 0.87 1.50
10 0.25 0.10 0.45 5.12 2.54 2.50 1.35 1.72 1.42 0.72 1.20 1.80 1.60
11 0.50 0.10 0.05 5.10 3.10 0.35 1.20 1.55 0.97 0.62 0.70 0.87 1.26
12 1.20 0.70 0.92 7.40 3.50 0.80 1.40 1.55 1.65 0.90 1.22 1.17 1.87

Table 8. Monthly variation in nitrate £ug at/I) at the study sites during Sept.92-Aug.93

Months Sept. "92 Oct. Nov Dec. Jan'93 Feb. March April May. June. July. Aug. means'
1 1 .00 0.25 0.50 8.01 1.92 0.45 15.60 13.20 8.21 20.40 28.80 16.80 9.60
2 4 .60 4.32 0.48 8.65 8.55 7.89 20.80 12.81 8.81 20.91 . 28.00 16.00 11.82
3 0 .62 0.53 0.08 10.82 4.57 0.06 16.10 12.08 8.02 21.20 28.00 16.40 9.87
4 0 .58 0.17 10.41 10.52 0.91 0.03 17.20 12.00 8.01 20.00 28.60 16.00 10.37
5 0 .32 0.25 0.06 1002 1.12 0.12 20.02 12.00 8.00 21.10 28.20 16.22 9.79
6 1.86 0.11 0.03 9.45 1.52 0.15 17.60 11.20 8.02 21.04 27.91 16.80 9.64
7 0 .23 0.48 0.42 1.43 0.75 0.23 13.20 10.40 8.80 20.08 24.40 15.60 8.00
8 1.92 3.81 0.68 2.23 0.45 0.31 14.00 6.80 8.80 20.40 24.00 15.60 8.25
9 1 .05 3.25 0.05 2.72 0.86 0.63 13.60 5.60 8.82 19.60 24.40 15.61 8.02
10 0 .37 2.08 0.70 1.90 0.25 0.08 13.58 9.60 7.60 19.71 27.20 16.00 8.26
11 0 .04 0.65 0.55 0.95 0.02 028 13.20 6.00 8.01 18.41 15.60 16.40 6.68
12 0 .03 1.54 2.10 1.01 0.06 0.07 17.60 12.04 840 19.60 23.60 16.45 8.54
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Ta). 1e 1 ••) • M o n t h1 y va r i a 1 i o n in Snsp e n d e d 1 OJH'I (Sims /I) a I the s t udy <
sites du r i n p t . ' 03-
-Aug . '94

Mon th s Sept '03 Or t . Nov , Dec. •Ian " 9 4 F oh. M a r rU Apiril May •Inn e .In 1 y Aug. "means'
1 il.'l II
S t ft
0.2 1 0. 2 2 0.15 0. 1 1 0 . 00 0.08 0 .0 5 0 .04 0 .08 0 .13 0. 41 0 .02 0.18
0.17 0. 19 0.10 0.12 0 . 0 5 o. no 0 .0 3 0 .03 0 .09 0 .14 0 .2 3 0 .43 0.14
3 0.14 0, 17 0.12 0.12 0 . 05 o.n 0 .0 4 0 .03 0 .00 0. 0 4 0 .15 0 .34 0.10
.1 o. i n 0. 1 1 0 . 00 0 . ) 1 0.13 1 ) . (1 5 0 .O I 0 . 0? 0 .O5 0 .4 4 II. I o 0 .3 1 0.14
.•) 0 . 1 0 0 .80 0 . 09 0.0 4 0.10 0.14 0 .0 7 0 .32 0 ,04 0 .10 1. 0 8 0 . 02 0,32
0 o. o o 0. 0 8 0. 10 0.07 0 . 07 0.04 0. 0 0 0 .07 0 .00 0. 11 0. 3 8 0 .80 0.10
7 0 . 02 0. 13 0.17 0.0 0 0.10 0.14 0 .0 7 0,1 0 0 .07 0. 3 8 0 .44 0 .58 0.20
H 0.17 0. 09 0.12 0.13 0.07 0,0 8 0. 0 7 0 .07 0 .08 0. 33 0. 3 0 0 .54 0.18
!i o . 1 2 0. 0 8 0. 0 0 0.17 0.14 0.15 0. 0 8 0 . 18 0 .00 0. 3 2 0. 3 3 0 .37 0. 17
1(! 0 . 08 0. 0 0 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.11 0. 14 0 .00 0 . 12 0. 29 0. 3 1 0 .30 0. 17
I1 0.13 0. 1 2 0.00 0.10 0.12 o.io 0 .1 5 0 . 12 0 . 14 o. 3 8 0. 4 0 0 .02 0.2.4
12 0.10 0. 12 0.14 0.09 0.07 0 . 13 0 .3 2 0 .34 0 .54 1. 9 9 1 . 84 1 .80 0.0 4

Tab 1e !0 . Month l y v a r i a t i o n in V . 1! C.
. at the s 1 u d y s i tP S "P t . ' 9 3-Autj. ' 94
d 11 r i n £ St

Mon th SEP.93 OPT NOV DEC .JAN. 04 FEB MAH APR M AY .TUN •Till. ANG "means
Sta t i'Ml s
1 o. :i a 0 .HI 0.12 0.3 0 0 . 50 0 . 4a 0 .12 0 .73 0 .23 0. 3 8 0 .0 0 0 .04 0.3 1
'-> 0.39 0. 3 0 0.3 2 0.3 1 0.52 0 . 0 1 0 .10 0 . 83 0 .31 0. 3 0 0. 12 0 .00 0.3 5
.1 0.3 7 0. 15 0.18 0.10 0.61 0.3 2 0. 12 0 .47 0 .37 0. 30 0. 11 0 .03 0.27
4 0.41 0 .27 0.31 0.31 0.51 0.4 3 0 .09 0 .48 0 .31 0. 3 2 0. 15 0 .07 0.31
;"i 0.5 4 0. 4 8 0.14 0 .32 0.4!) 0.41 0 ,0 7 0 .03 0 . ?? 0. 0 0 0 .1 1 0 .00 0.20
(' 0 . 45 0 .50 0.15 0.41 0. 57* 0 . 45 0 . 14 0 .59 0 .3 5 0. 0 9 0. 0 7 0 .00 0.32
7 o . :\ ? 0 ,I 1 0 . 3 1 0 . 38 0 . 52 0 . 50 0 .1 I 0 .0 1 0 .07 o.0 9 0 .1 1 0 .04 0.30
H 0.41 0 .4 3 0.18 0.42 0 . 0 1 0.07 0 .5 3 0 .59 0 . 10 0. 1 1 0 .oo 0 . 14 0 . 30
!1 0.31 0 .40 0.02 0 . 34 0 . 55 0.44 0 .3 3 0 .01 0 .08 0 .07 0 .0 5 0 . 2.1 0 . 33
i 0.34 0 .3 0 0.24 0 . 40 0.51 0 . 03 0 .5 1 0 .49 0.1 1 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 .08 0.32
1\ 0 . 09 0. 47 0.12 0.51 0 . 50 0,4 5 o. 3 0 0 .51 0 .08 o. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 .00 0.3 3
1y 0.72 0 .0 5 0.01 0.54 0 . 68 0.7 1 0 .21 0 .54 0 ,08 o. 1 5 0 .2 9 0.1 8 0.45

s o in t n c c if. C C O < M — > t— c- CM o

o occ. cooccxsr-r-o
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cc c c f- •» - L: u: u-.

c c c c r c c c c

e- S
Table 21A. Analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) values for water
temperature between the seasons and stations

source of variation Degrees of sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 17.64 8.82 14.00**

Between stations 11 14.25 1.30 2.06

Residuals 22 13.89 0.63

Total: 35 45.78

Table 23A. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) values for dissolved

oxygen between the seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square ~

Between seasons 0.99 0.50 2.43*

Between stations 11 1.94 0.18 6.76**

Residuals 22 1.62 0.074

Total: 35 4.55

* P<0.05 (significantat 5%level) * * P < 0.01 (significantat 1%)

Table 21 Monthlywariation in Water temperature (°C) at tho s.tudy sites during Sept. '94- Aug.'95

Months SepL-94 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan ,95. Feb March April May June July Aug. Mean
1 26^40 26.80 '20.60 25~80 "27 30 27 60 28 00 27.60 28.30 ~27?80" 27.10 26 90 "27.18
2 26.60 26.70 26.70 25.90 27 50 27 60 28.10 27.90 28.40 27.80 27.40 27.00 27.30
3 26 80 26 90 27 00 21110 27 40 27 80 2840 26 20 20 60 27 90 27 60 27.10 27.48
4 27.30 26.90 27.10 2(3 40 27.70 27.90 2850 26 50 2890 28.00 27.80 27.30 27.69
5 27" 50 27" 10 ' 21.30 ' 26 50 27.90 28 10 :>8.76 26 90 2910 28.40 2800 27.60 27.93
6 28.40 27.20 27.50 2390 2340 28 00 26.6Q 29 50 29 40 28.40 2820 27.60 28 21
7 28.90 27.40 28 60 27.30 2330 28 40 29.40 29 60 29 60 28.50 28 60 27.90 28 54
8 28 90 27.50 2800 27.70 2370 28 60 29 60 2980 29 70 28"60 28 90 28 40 28 70
9 29 00 2810 28 40 28 40 29 00 28 80 29 70 29 90 29 90 28.90 29.00 28 60 28 98
10 28 70 28 20 2860 29 30 "29 40 29 10 29 90 29 80 30 00 29.10 29.10 28 90 "29 18
11 28 60 28.40 29 10 2390 29.20 2920 30 00 29 00 30 10 29.4D 2890 20. SO 29 18
12 28.90 2860 29 50 23 60 23.90 29 00 29 80 29 60 "30'20 29.70 28.80 2860 29 20

Table? > Month y variatic n in Saliriity(%o) at tho 6t idy sites .luring Si ipt '04- ADO '0!5

Months Sept. 94 6c\. Nov. Dec. Jan.-95 Feb. March April May June July Au£j Mean
1 0 03 "o"O(5 003 003 0 03 0 03 0 08 0 00 0.08 003 0 0(3 006 005
2 0 00 0 08 0.03 0.06 006 0 06 0 06 0 08 006 003 0 03 0.06 006
3 008 0 03 0.05 0 03 0.03 0 03 0 03 0 08 " 0.03 0.06 0 03 ooa 0.04
4 0.03 00(3 0.08 0.06 0.08 0 03 0.03 006 0 03 0.06 003 0.08 0.05
5 006 0 08 0.03 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.06 0 06 0 06 0.03 0 03 003 006
6~ " 0.08 " boa " "b"06'" 6" 03 " Q 05 " ' 0 0 6 " 1 00 0 08 0 03 0 0 8 " "ooa" '""6!ba" 0.14
7 420 0 60 8 60 7.40 420 8 20 1230 11.60 Q30 008 0 06 0.06 530
8 8 60 0 80 9.20 4 60 9 80 10 10 16.40 14 30 aoo" ~4.30" 0 08 0.06 7.19
9 8 80 6 20 1280 1280 12 30 11 60 21.50 16.10 ~ 9.70" 5.80 " 0 08 0 06 9 98
10" 12.40 8 40 14 30 25 10 17 80 18 80 24 80 22 60 10 80 6 00" 0 08 0 03 1343
11 18.30 9 30 21.60 2880 21.40 27 80 30.50 27.40 24.70 19.70 0 08 2^80 1937
12 20 60 11.60 29 00 30.40 31.80 31 40 32 60 31.10 30 80 30.40 0 06 510 "23.74
Table 23. Month!y variation in Diss olved Ox yfjon (ml/ I) at In a study site- 5 during £Sept '94- /Kug'95
I . . Oct. Nov. Doc. Jan.-9o Feb. Ma re 11 April May June July Aug. Mean
MonthsjSepJ. 04
1 5 20 540 5 60 5.20 5.10 5 00 5 20 5 30 4 90 530 5 40 560 5 27
2 5.10 5 20 5.40 5.00 540 5 00 5 00 4 00 4 HO 4.00 5 00 5.10 507
3 500 5 00 520 510 5 30 5 20 4 20 5 00 es 1 0 4 80 4 60 5 30 4 08
4 4 00 5 10 li.10 400 4/0 5.(X) 5 10 4 80 !5 00 460 4 80 4.90 4 91
5 490 5 20 5.00 490 4 90 400 5.00 4 20 4 70 4.10 4 90 4.20 4 73
6 4.20 4 80 5.40 430 3.80 4.70 4.90 440 4 90 4 00 420 4.60 452
7 4.60 4 90 5.30 5.30 4.60 4.20 4.80 4 70 4 80 430 4 60 4.00 468
8 400 500 5.20 4.70 4 90 4.50 4.20 400 4 40 4.10 4 90 4.80 463
9 I 4.20 490 5.10 4.20 5.20 4.00 4 00 3 90 4 60 4.00 440 3.90 437
10 [ 4 . 5 0 4 70 5.00 4.10 5.00 l 4 50 3 80 410 4 20 3.90 4 80 3.80 4.37
11 I" 4.66 4 80 4.70 3.60 4 80 3.90 4.20 4 00 3 80 380 4 20 4.00 4 15
12 3.90 440 4.80 400 4.10 3 00 4 30 3 80 4.00 4.80 4 00 3.60 4.11
_ . . _. —

Table 2 4. Month y variatic n in pH et the stu dy sites cluring Se it ' 9 4 - A ig '95

MonthsjSept. 94 Oct Nov. Deo. Jan. 95 Feb. March April May June July Aug. Mean
1 7 50 7 00 7.00 7.10 7.30 7.20 7.00 7.10 7.40 700 7 00 7.00 713
2 7.40 7 30 7.10 7 40 730 7.30 7.20 710 7 50 7.10 7 00 7.10 723
3" 760 7 20 7.20 740 7 20 7 40 7 10 7 20 7.40 > 7 30 710 7.20 7.28
4 7 20 7 50 7.40 7.30 7.10 7 50 7 30 7 40 7 30 750 720 710 7 32
5 7.30 7 60 7.50 7.40 7.30 760 7 40 7 50 7 20 7.40 710 7.30 738
6 750 7 30 .7.40 7.40 7.20 7.80 750 7 40 7.50 7.50 7 20 7.40 7.43
7 7.60 7 60 7.60 7.60 740 7.90 7 60 7 60 7 60 7.60 730 7.50 758
8 7.50 770 7.80 7.50 7 50 780 7.70 770 7.80 7.70 7 40 7.60 764
9 7.60 780 7.90 7.70 7.60 7.80 7.80 7 00 790 7.60 750 7.70 7.66
10 7.70 760 7.80 7.80 7.70 780 7 60 790 7 80 7.80 760 7.80 7.74
11 7.00 7 90 7.00 7 90 7.80 7 90 7.90 7 90 7 90 7.90 7 70 7.90 788
12 800 810 8.00 8.10 810 800 8 10 8 00 810 800 8 00 8.10 805

Table 24A. Analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) values for water
PH between the seasons and stations

source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 1.33 0.67 12.40**

Between stations 11 0.09 0.008 0.15
Residuals 22 1.18 0.054

Total: 2.50

Table 25A. Analysis of Variance ( ANOVA ) values for suspended

load between the seasons and stations

source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 2 0.53 0.27 4.58*

Between stations 11 0.56 0.051 0.86

Residuals 22 1.29 0.074

Total: 2.38

•* ?<0.C5 (significant at 5%leve!) **P< 0.G1 (significant at 1 %

Table 2C>. Monthly variation in Sus>ended load (y/l) i at the study sites during Sep t. '94- Auc .'95

Months Sept. 94 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.-95 Feb March April May Juno July • A £ ~ Mean

1 054 078 0.32 0 80 0.51 0.02 0.46 0 39 0 41 1 20 1 82 0.95 073

2 1.58 0 79 0.33 0.81 0.54 0 63 0 44 "'38 0.44 1.22 1 83 0.99 083
3 1.58 0 81 0.33 0.86 0.56 0 62 0 45 0 39 0 40 1.21 1 79 091 0.83
"' 4 1.59 0 83 0.35 0 85 0 57 d 61 0.48 0 34 0 41 1 14 185 0.9t3 0 83
5 1 63 0 84 053 087 0 59 0 64 0 49 0 35 0 44 1.18 "1 83 "aol" 0 86
0 1 01 0 8/ 0 39 0 89 0 50 0 (k> 0 52 0 39 0 45 1 11 1 7(3 0.04 0 84
7 1 60 0 82 0.31 0.84 055 0 60 0 50 0 41 0 42 1 19 174 ae9 0 83
8 1.61 0 80 035 0^85 ~ 0 46 0 69 0 51 0 44 0 47 1.23 "1 79 090 0 64
9 1.68 0 91 0 33 ' 0.80 " O"47 0.75 0 49 0 46 0 48 1.21 188 0.81 0.86
10 1.71 088 0 52 0 98 0.72 0 79 0 66 0 52 0 53 1.11 1 81 0 84 002
11 1.87 0 96 053 0 97 0.79 0.81 0 64 0 53 0 58 1 05 1 70 074 093
12 1.86 0 97 0.53 0 96 0.78 0 82 0.69 0 58 061 1 04 1 69 0.73 095

T a b l e d ). Month y variatio n in V.E.0. at thej study si tss durinc I Sept. "'94- Atig.'O - . —
A~ " "

Months Sept. 94 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.-95 Feb. March April May June July Aucj. Mean
1 0 18 0 11 0~14 '0.16" 0 09 0.10 0 08' 0 06 0 09 0 08 0 18 0.13 0.11
2 0 16 0 10 0.12 0.11 0 08 0 11 004 0 07 0 08 0 07 019 0.13 0.11
3 0 14 0 14 0 10 0 10 0 07 11 09 0 06 0 00 0 00 0 09 0 15 0.20 0 11
4 0 19 0 09 0 11 0.09 008 0.14 007 0 09 0 07 005 018 023 0 12
5 0.14 012 0.15 0 08 0 09 0 11 0 04 0.10 008 004 017 0.18 011
6 0 13 010 0 11 0.10 ' 0.10 0.10 0.08 Oil " 0 09 " ' 0 08 019 017 0.11
7 0.11 0 08 0.14 0.12 0 09 009 0 09 0 09 0.10 008 018 0.19 0.11
6 0 10 0 10 009 011 014 0 08 0 06 0 09 0.11 0 06 0 21 0.14 0.11
9 0 13 0 11 0 03 0.14 015 0 06 0 07 0 08 0 09 0 09 0 20 OAd ' 0.11
IO 0 18 0 09 011 0.10 012 0 00 0 08 0 09 0 08 007 014 0 11 011
11 0.19 012 0.10 011 " 0 11 0 10 0 08 0 08 0 07 0 09 01 (i 0>!4 0.11
12 016 011 0.13 0 09 0.13 010 010 0 10 0 09 010 024 0.13 0.13

iz'zle 26A. Analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) values for water
v.E.c between the seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 0.15 0.08 12.50**

Between stations 11 0.18 0.02 3.13*
Residuals 22 0.14 0.0064

'Ota I: 35 0.47

Table 27A. Analysis of Variance ( ANOVA ) values for water

PO4 - P between the seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 9.12 0.83 3.46**

Berjveen stations 11 S.69 4.85 20.21**

Residuals 22 5.30 0.24

rotal: 35 24.11

* p<0.05 (significant at 5%level) **P< 0.01 (significant at 1%)

Table 27 . Monthly \variation in Phosphate-P (ug at/I) at the study sites during Sept. 94-Aug.95

Months Sep.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.95, Feb. March April May June July Aug. Mean
1 6.38 8.11 5:i2 2.36 4.77 4.39 5.16 3.44 4:88 5.33 9.81 4.11 5.32
2 6.57 8.16 5.18 2.38 4.79 4.37 4.12 3.43 4:86 522 '" 9.46 4.18 5.33
3 6.92 8.24 5.24 2.39 4.83 4.42 4.99 3.46 4.89 5.28 9.47 4.11 5.35
4 6.60 8.36 5.21 2.72 4.94 4.41 5.11 3.47 4:81 5.29 9.49 4.29 5.39
5 6.63 8.28 5.14 2.54 4.71 4.46 5.03 3.48 4.85 5.30 9.42 4.14 5.58
6 6 48 8.14 5.19 2.38 4.86 4.44 5.08 3.49 4:84 5.24 9.36 4.19 5.31
7 6.52 8.19 5.12 2.44 4.81 4.38 5.11 3.28 4.83 5.36 9.32 4.10 5.20
8 6.46 8.09 5:14 2:46 4.76 4.33 4.92 3.41 4:81 5.31 9.41 4.06 5.26
9 6.48 8.04 5.19 2.16 4.54 4.39 4.96 3.36 4.79 5.28 9.39 4.25 5.11
10 6.41 8.12 5.22 2:i7 4.52 4.38 4.97 3 37 476., 5.24 9.36 4.14 5.22
11 6.39 7.98 5.09 2.08 4.44 4.20 4.63 3.39 474 5.11 9.31 3.92 5.11
12 6 22 7.91 5:05 2:10 4.49 4.16 4.69 3.21 4:65 516 9.29 3 87 5.13

Table 2 c Monthly \variation in Nitrate-N (ug at/I' at the study sites during Sept.94-Aucj.95

Months Sep.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug. Mean
1 4.70 9.40 11.17 9.40 12.35 10.58 11.17 10.58 12:35 5.20 5.20 7.64 9.15
2 5.20 8.20 10.20 11.17 10.58 11.17 8.82 12.35 10.58 290 2.90 7.05 8.43
3 4.70 7.60 11.17 8:82 9.41 10.58 9.41 11.76 1176 328 4.11 7.64 8.35
4 5.20 10.00 10:58 8.23 8.82 8.23 11.17 10.58 11 17 5.20 5.20 7.05 8.45
5 5.80 10 58 10.50 7.05 8.82 9.41 12.35 11.17 10758 3.58 4.70 8.82 8.61
6 5.00 11.17 11:17 6.47 7.00 11.16 12.94 11.76 9:41 4.70 3.52 10.00 8.71
7 3.50 8.82 10.58 10:58 9.41 10.58 10.58 11.17 10:58 4.11 3.52 9.40 8.57
8 2.90 8.20 10.00 9:41 10.00 11.76 9.41 11.17 10:00 3:58 2.90 9.40 8.23
9 4.70 7.60 9.40 • 8.23 9.41 12.35 8.82 12.35 1117 5.20 4.70 10.58 8.71
10 5.80 7.05 8.23 7:05 8.23 11.76 9.41 10.58 io:58 4.70 4.70 10.00 8.17
11 5.20 7.64 882 6.47 7.05 11.17 1000 11.76 8.82 2.90 5.20 823 7.77
12 5.80 5.88 9.41 8.23 11.76 1058 1117 10.58 9.41 4.11 4.70 7.05 8.22 CO

Table 28A. Analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) values for water

NO3 -N between the seasons and stations

source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 44.90 22.45 43.60**

Between stations 11 1177.02 107.00 207.77**
Residuals 22 11.33 0.515
Total: 35 1233.25

Table 29A. Analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) values for water

NO2 -M between the seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 5.11 2.56 6.56**

Between stations 11 9.53 0.87 2.23

Residuals 22 8.66 0.39

Total: 35 23.30

* P<0.05 (significant at 5r/oleve!) **P< 0.01 (significant at 1%)

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Table 3GA. Analysis of variance ( AMOVA ) values for water

SiO3 - Si between tne seasons and stations

source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 2 3873.37 1936.69 18.88*^

Between stations 11 220.80 20.73 0.20

Residuals ' 22 2257.02 102.59

Total: 35 6351.19

* P<0.05 (significant at 5%!eve!) **P< 0.01 (significant at 1%)

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y. •-•
Tahl e 3 7 . nth 1 y v a r iat i o n i n Si It (*) at the s t u<ly S i1 e ring Sept . 9 2 - A u C ' 93

.font hs Sept ' 92 Dot * Nov .1 Dec . .Ian 1 93 l''eb , Mar ch Apr il May June Jul y Au B . "means
Stat i o n s
1 10. to 17. 4 0 22. 10 26. 40 22, 30 21 . 60 41 . 6 9 30. 1 1 8. 92 46. 08 29. 38 36. 00 24. 08
2 1 9 .4 0 2 1 . 20 23. 40 27. 20 23. 40 22. 6 0 84. 0 0 '• 68. 94 5 9.07 54. 81 58, 09 70. 89 41. 15
3 1 2 .80 14. 3 0 15. 20 17. 40 15 10 23. 20 60. 80 72. 98 70.09 71 .01 6 6. 00 63. 84 30. 81
•1 123 .0 1 4 . 2.0 14 .3 0 13. 20 12 60 IB. 12 0. 0 0 12. 7 0 15.00 7. 50 fi.30 2. 7 0 10. 02
5 10 4 0 1 1 4.0 12. 20 14. 20 13 20 18. 12 57. 50 60. 10 73 . 00 59. 70 12. 70 7. 30 27. 3 6
6 1 0 4.0 10. 80 10. 6 0 11. 40 12 .40 1 2 .61 15. 00 19. 7 0 21 .70 14. 00 13. 4 0 11 .7 0 13. 12
7 1 0 30 12. 4 0 11. 30 10. 30 19 .80 19. 16 58. 30 59. 90 7 2.80 60, 80 13. 90 7.90 27. 99
8 10 2 0 18. 60 21. 80 V. 8 .80 24 .80 22. 60 57. 50 60, 10 73.90 59. 60 12. 50 6. 80 31 .17
9 7 20 7. 80 9. 60 22. 30 15 .70 9. 00 51. 98 57. 58 54.42 54, 35 50. 74 48. 37 30. 62
10 1? 4 0 14 90 16. 90 26. 90 18 .00 17. 60 15. 90 19, 70 21 .70 14. 00 13. 30 11 .60 16, 3 8
11 H";.60 31 20 66. 40 74. 10 63 .40 71 .80 33. 0 6 33. 62 3 8.23 32. 92 30. 43 28. 25 40. 39
12 20 8 01 7 80 18. 90 10 .90 8. 90 58. 64 53. 59 53.76 56. 18 56. 88 56. 3 3 31. 39

Tahl e 38 . M >nt!» l y >/ur i a t i o n in Cl «y (*) at the study s i t e s «1 I.Ir i n g Sept . • 9 2 - -Aug. '93
Mont hs Si 1
02 Oc Nov. Dec Jan 03 Fel,, Ma r ch Apr i 1 May June JMI y Aug "means
Stat ions
1 .70 8.3 0 4 .10 9. 80 5 .00 6. 80 18. 9 5 17. 0 7 20.07 13 .06 9. 82 8. 01 10 .05
2 3 1.80 37 .50 36 .38 34. 40 33 .20 35, 20 8. 00 13. 01 12.86 13 .96 20. 01 12. 51 22 .37
3 4 0 . 90 4) .40 44 .40 43. 40 40 .60 36 20 16. 12 9. 0 1 8.01 6 .09 7, 16 5. 10 23 .49
4 ?. (.j .30 2 3 .40 2 4 .40 28. 20 23 . 1 9 18 67 2. 80 9. 80 13.20 2 .90 1 .80 2. 00 14 . 13
5 1,'. , 4 0 12 .40 15 .40 15. 60 15 .48 10 84 8. 80 18. 0 0 0 . 50 17 .70 12 50 7 .00 13 .42
{) t! . D O 10 ,30 Hi . 10 18 4 0 Ifi .40 17 3 1 fi. SO 17. 0 0 20. 80 13 .60 1 1 40 0. 4 0 14 . 3 2
7 ii.1(1) 7 .r.o 10 .50 10 50 7 .80 10 . 7 2 tt. 00 17. 30 10.80 18 .70 11 00 6. 70 12 .00
8 7 . 40 15 .00 18 .38 22 80 21 .39 1 0.80 18. 80 ta. 10 0.50 17 .90 12 90 6. 50 15 . 1 8
9 f,,70 7 .40 8 .70 19 80 8 .20 7 .70 4
£5. 65 21. 13 23.34 21 .11 22 08 21 .18 15 .54
10 12 .80 13 .40 15 .50 25 70 16 .80 15 .60 1L5. 50 17. 90 20.80 13 .70 11 40 9. 50 15 .28
11 0 .00 16 .90 15 .10 12 .00 18 .80 11 .60 13. 27 18. 04 12.04 14 .70 12 89 9. 02 13 .41
12 •/,fi0 7 .60 8 .40 17 40 9 .40 0 .50 1 5 t 71 10. 24 2 2.9 6 14 .32 10 ,24 8. 61 12 . 1 6
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Tabl e 4 1 . Month ly yar i a t i o n in Sediment Organi c mat ter (*) at the s t udy si 1tes dur tng Sept . ' 9 3 - A u g .

Mont hs Sep ( ' 93 Oc t . Nov Deo. Jan 1 94 Feb . M a r cl» Apr i 1 May June .In ly Aug . "means'
Stat ions
1 2. 4 8 2 .17 3. 36 2.53 2. 4 3 2. 99 2.53 2. 63 2. 68 3 .05 3 .10 2. 53 2. 71
2 2.63 2 .04 4. 80 3.20 3. 3 6 3. 20 3.3 6 3. 31 3. 3 6 3 .15 3 .36 4. 80 3. 4 5
3 3 .3 6 3 .46 3. 15 3.41 3. 31 3. 25 2.99 3. 05 2. 84 3 .05 3 .15 4. 86 3. 32
4 3.93 3 .51 3. 25 3.93 3. 95 2. 99 4.03 3. 87 3. 89 4 .18 4 .24 4. 91 3. 89
5 3 . 3 1 3 .87 3. 31 4.03 3. 93 3. 51 3.67 4. 03 3. 6 2 3 .62 3 .67 4. 34 3. 74
6 / . 22 2 .29 4. 03 1.96 2. 12 1 . 86 2.84 2. 74 2. 63 3 .36 3 .41 3. 2 5 2 .73
7 3 . 5 1 3 .41 1 .91 3.62 3 46 3. 62 3.15 3. 51 3. 05 3 .10 3 .67 3. 31 3. 28
8 4.91 4 .75 3. 56 4,70 4. 75 4. 70 4.75 4. 70 4. 65 4 .75 4 .70 4. 60 4. 63
9 3 .36 3 .61 3. 51 3.25 3 20 3. 36 3.25 3. 31 3. 20 3 .87 3 .93 3. 20 3. 42
10 :\ . G 2 3 .87 2. 48 3.56 3 65 3 . 41 2.63 2. 84 2 74 3 .36 3 .51 3. 62 3. 27
11 4 . 39 4 .08 4. 55 4.60 4 44 4 . 44 4.65 4. 29 4 55 4 .65 4 .75 3. 3 6 4 40
12 4.18 3 .10 3. 82 3.93 3 .77 3. 77 3.67 3 . 72 3 72 4 .39 4 .49 3. 25 3 82

Tabl e 4 2 . Mont U ly var 1 u t i o n In Sediment O r If a n i <• Cll I I.on ('*>) u< 1 lie s 1 udy si t en dur inn Sept . ' 9 3 - A n n .

Mont hs Se< »t '93 Oc t . Nov Dec. Jan 94 FeVi , March Apr il May June Ju ly Aim "meiins
Stat ions
1 ! .44 l .26 1 . 44 1 .47 1 .41 1 . 74 1.47 1 .53 1 .55 1 .77 1 .80 l. 47 1 .53
2 I. 53 l .65 1 . 89 1 .86 1 .95 1 . 86 1 .95 1 .92 1 .95 1 .83 1 .95 2. 7 9 1 .93
3 t ,95 2 .01 1 .95 1 .98 1 .92 1 .89 1 .74 1 .77 1 .65 1 .77 1 .83 2. 82 1 .94
4 ?. . 2 8 2 .04 1 . 92 2.28 2 .28 1 .74 2.34 2. 25 2 .25 2 .43 2 .46 2. 8 5 2 .26
5 t .92 2 .25 2. 34 2.34 2 .28 2. 04 2.13 2. 3 4 2 .10 2 .15 2 . 13 2. 52 2 .21
6 i . 29 1 .74 1. 11 1.14 1 .23 1 . 08 1 .65 1 .59 1 .53 1 .95 1 .98 1 .89 1 .52
7 ? . 04 1 .98 2. 07 2.10 2 .01 2. 16 1 ,83 2. 04 1 .77 1 .80 2 .13 1 .9 2 1 .99
8 ? . 8 5 2 .76 2. 79 2.73 2 .76 2. 7 3 2.7 6 2, 73 2 .70 2 .76 2 .73 2. 67 2 .75
9 1 . 95 1 .98 1. 83 1 .89 1 .86 1 . 95 1 .89 1 .92 1 .86 2 .25 2 .28 1 ,86 1 .96
10 7.10 ? .25 2. 04 2.07 2 .10 1 .9 8 1.53 1 .6 5 1 .59 1 .95 2 .04 2 10 1 .95
1 t >• . 5 5 ? .37 2. 6 4 2.67 2 .58 2. 58 2.70 2. 4 9 2 .64 2 .70 2 .76 1 95 2 .55
12 ? . 43 1 .80 2. 22 2.28 2. 19 2. 19 2.13 2. 16 2 .16 2 .55 2 .61 1 89 2 .22
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Table. 47. Month!/ yariatio n in Sedi rnentterriperature (°C) at the study ssites durir»9 Sept,.'£4 : Aug.'95

Months Sept. 04 Oct. Nov Dec. Jan-95 Feb March April May Juna Julv Auc[. Mean
1 25.90 26 90 " 24 50 24 0023 20" 28 00 27.90 27 60 28 20 2660 23.60 24 70 26.34
2 ~ 25.80 26.40 25.30 23.9023.40 2840 28 30 27.80 29 60 27.10 24.90 25.10 2675
•"3"' 25.90 27.50 25.50 23.8027 90 27.70 27.90 27 60 29 90 27.30 25.20 25 90 26.84
4 26.00 27.20 25.70 24.20 27.40 27.30 27.80 26.10 29.10 27^40 2530" 25.20" 26.73
5 26.20 27.40 25.80 24.30 27.20 26.20 28.20 28.50 29.80 28.10 25.30 25.90 27.08
6" 26'50 27~20 26CJ0~ 24.70" 23 10 28.10 "28.70 29 20 ~29 60" 27""90 ' 25.40 25.70 " "27.26
26.80 28.20 26.10 24.90 27.80 28.30 28.90 29.70 29.90 27.20 25.60 25.90 27.44
8 27.20 27.50 25 20 213.00 27 50 28.40 2820 29 60 28.80 27.50 24.30 26 80 27.25
9 26.90 27.90 25.50 23.40 27.20 28.20 28.10 29 10 29.40 27.80 24.50 25 90 26 99
~io" 27.30 28.40 25.80 23.90 27 90 28 60 28 00 29 80 27.00 29.90 24.90 2570 27.27
11 27.50 2830 25.90 24.10 23 00 28 20 2820 29.40 28 30 28.10 25.20 25 60 26 90
28.50 28 20 28.50 24.10 23 20 28 10 28 70 29 00 29 50 28 20 25.90 27.10 27.67

Table 48 Monthly variation in Sediment pH at the study sites during Sept '94- Aug.'95

Months Sept. 94' Oct. Nov. Deo Jan.-95 Feb March April May June July Mean
• • • ( • -

1 7 64 810 7.65 7.55 740 7 50 7.2S 7 00 7 00 7.40 7 61 8.13 7.53

" 2 ' " 7.14 820 7.01 7.67 7.16 7.19 721 7.11 7.28 7.66 782 7.97 7~45
3 7.58 J 7 90 7.00 7.02 . 7.25 7.17 7.10 7 28 7.26 7.32 7 83 7.65 7.36
4 721 760 7.15 7.20 7.26 7.29 716 7 18 7.35 801 7 60 7.91 7.41
5 7.39 7 50 7.20 798 7.81 7.71 7 83 7 12 7 65 764 7 85 7.93 764
" 6 7.00 ' ~7.21 7.01 " 7.10 7.15 7.30 7 18 723 " 7.65 750 7 61 "&20 7 35
7" 7.48 7 90 7.50 7.20 7.11 7 06 7 28 7 35 7 58 781 810 7.73 751
8 7 99 7 02 7 80 Y65 716 7.04 7 36 7 58 7 78 8 10 810 790 7.70
0 8 20 7 51 7.21 7.25 7.10 7 20 7 10 7 38 7 75 821 7 90 8.10 7 58
10 8 70 8 23 7.68 "7 30 712 7.75 7.25 7 85 7.98 8.25 7 10 8.20 7.78
"11" 820 8 45 790 7.30 7.20 7 30 7 65 7 87 7 97 B30 7 35 810 7 80
12 7 90 7.14 769 765 745 7 85 7 18 7 11 7 00 838 7 82 8 25 7 00
-Table 47A. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) values for sediment
temperature between the seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 2 6.74 5.37 0.002

Between stations 11 9.S7 0.90 0.007

Residuals 22 27340.00 1242.73

Total: 27356.61

Table 43A. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) values for sediment

pH between the seasons and stations

source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 1.02 0.51 0.0054

Between stations 11 1.42 0.13 0.0014

Residuals 22 2083.31 94.70

Total: 35 2085.75

* P<0.05 (significant at 5%!eve!) * X P< 0.01 (significant at 1%)

Table 4?). Monthly variation in Organic matter (%) at the study sites during Sept '94- Aug.'95 — _. .......

Months Sept. 94 Oct. Nov. Deo Jan.-95 Feb. March April May Juna July Auci Vlean
1 2.12 2 02 2.14 2.69 2 60 3 36 2 72 2 81 4.19 307 3 31 2.71 — 2 si
2 2.50 3 03 3.02 3.36 3.19 3.10 2.90 3 96 288 338 2 84 5.00 326
3" 3.46 3.41 664 284 346 2 03 2 84 2 24 3.41 284 245 4.43 3.41
" 4 " 4 90* 3 69 3.43 " ^69 3 64 3 19 3 43 3 41 2 90 391 393 3.93 368
5 3 22 4 05 371 4 22 3 76 3 41 3 08 3 7(1 -1 5 7 ' 4 00 3 on 4 0? 3 04
C 1.00 53 1-1 207 3.36 2.76 2 07 4.65 4 45 3 79 381 3 7(3 3.83 3.47
7 ' 3 62 3 02 3.27 3.41 3.27 3 27 3.79 3 24 3.81 3 55 417 " 3.77 352
" 8 3.36 4 31 " 2 34 " "A.27 " "445 4 57 4.93 3 95 362 4.98 4 34 4.43 413
9 " 3 46 3 46 3.41 3 52 346 3 62 3.36 4.96 4 57 4.26 486 3.69 3.B9
10 3.41 4 91 3.43 3.74 3.43 " 3.81 3 17 3 81 4 22 3 67 3 84 400 379
11 3.51 3 81 3 79 ' 341 4 22 4 22 4 55 3 48 3 76 489 4 52 3.72 3 99
.' r2 4 31 334 "3.81 " 431 3.79 " 3 93 3 79 3 99 4 45 4.58 4 86 3.77 4 08

Table 50. Monthly variation in Organic carbon (%) at the study sites during Sept '94- Aug.'95

Months Sept 94 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.-95 Feb. March April May June July . A ^9 Mean
1 1.23 1 17 1.24 1.56 1.51 1.05 1.58 1 63 2.43 1.78 1 92 1.57 1.63
" 2 " 1.45 "1 76 1.75 1.95 J 1.85 1.00 1.68 2 30 1.67 1 96 1.65 2.90 1.69
' 3 2.00 1 98 3.85 1.65 2.01 1.64 1.65 1 30 1.98 1.65 1 42 260 1 98
4 1.68 2 14 2.01 214 2.11 1.85 1 99 1 08 I 68 227 2 28 2.30 2 04
1.87 2 35 2.15 2.45 2.18 1 08 2 31 2.10 2 65 230 2 30 268 228
6 1.10 2 98 1.20 1 95 1 60 1*20 1.70 2 58 220 2.21 ~2i 18 2.22 103
7 2 10 1 75 'i.9Q " 1.98 i.90 1.90 2.20 1.88 2 21 2.05 242 2.19 2.04
8 1.95 2 50 1.35 2.48 2 58 265 2 86 2 28 21)0 289 2 52 257 2 46
'" 0 201 2 01 1.99 204 2 01 2 10 1.95 2 88 2 65 242 2 82 2.14 2.25
~---- g -
10 1.94 2 85 1.99 " 2.17 11 99 ' 2 10 VB4 2 21 245 2.13 2.23 2.32
' 11 2.10 2.21 2.20 1.98 245 2 45 2 64 2 02 2.18 284 262 2.16 2.32
12 2.50 1.94 221 2.50 2 20 2 28 2.20 2 32 2 58 266 2 80 2.19 2.37 to
Table 49A. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) values for sediment
organic matter between seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 12.67 6.34 0.57^

Between stations 11 0.92 0.084 0.038

Residuals 22 485.78 22.08

Total: 35 499.37

Table 50A. Analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) values for sediment

organic carbon between the seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 4.79 2.40 0.02

Between stations 11 0.27 0.025 0.0034

Residuals 22 164.11 7.46

Total: 35 169.17

* P<0.05 (significant at 5°/olevel) **P< 0.01 (significant at 1%)

t "94-Au
1 ible 51. Monthly varlaUon In Sodinrlent moi:sture (%) jat the study siitijs c uring S>cp

Months Sept. 94 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.-95 Feb. March April May June July Aufj. Mean
1 14.90 13.20 12.90 13.00 12 90 ~12 60~ 12 00 11.50 11.10 12.50 14.10 12 90 1280
2 35"60 31.50 31.30 3120 32.00 31.90 32.10 29 90 29 90 131.80 34.20 3130 56.89
3 33.20 32.20 36.20 3(3.00 3430 34.20 34.20 29 80 16.90 31.90 3260 31.60 31 93
~ A " 26720 20.60 16.80 17.80 1750 1890 17 50 17.00 35 80 19.30 18.20 19 70 1994
.... ^ 36.20 34.20 41.00 42.20 4330 39 30 36 80 36.20 25.20 28.60 37.20 31.50 35 98
'3130" 29730 ~32"o6~ 32 00 40.90" "29.50" ~ 28 10 36 60 ~25."9O~ 28.20 29.60 2950' 31.08"
39.80 36.30 37.80 39 90 40.80 38.90 36 50 41.00 40.10 42.00 40.90 40.80 39.57
8 "
43.10 40.30 41.90 43 20 34 90 40 80 41 20 37 90 26 20 40/10 " 4190 " "42.70 ' 39"52
30 20 20 10 32 10 31.20 3i3!5O 30 30 20 50 26 20 27 20 28.20 20 50 30 10 ' 29 93
39.30 35.10 37.80 37.90 22.80 37 70 36 90 37.20 33.90 35.90 36.50 36.50 35 63
11'"' 29.30 21.10 23 90 22.80 39.00 23.20 22 80 21 50 22.10 22 60 24.20 2510 24 80
12' 2&60 33 00 38.20 27.20 39 20 38 60 38 10 2150 34 80 27 80 37.20 3760 33 40

Table 52. Monthly variation in Sand (%) at the study sites during Sept. '94- Aug.'95 — - .
- - —
Months Sept. 94 Oct. Nov. DeC;_ Jan. -95 Feb March April May June Auc|,_ Mean
1 78.80 75.20 70.40 66.10 7250 7280 45.10 50.10 "74.20 42X10 52.00 57.60* "6307
2 ' 5120 43.40 4420 40.10 45.50 4520 44.10 37.80 3010 33.30 26.10 20 20 "38.43
3" 47.50 44.10 43 20 39 20 4520 4200 36 50 3200 24 40 21.60 2420 30 00 35 83
4 56.40 65 90 65 20 62 10 66 20 66 90 79 50 75 50 75 60 79"50 76 50 83 00" 71 03
t> 73 50 70.80 69 £.0 6750 7480 75 50 2440 26 00 25 50 24'20 28 60 81.00 53 66
0 80.10 7?'HO' IJO :<o 70 (JO 7i5 HO 75 50 m 40 e:> oo (10 00 35 00 3G50 82 00 67 OB
i 74 50 ((0 10 04 50 71.20 72 20 73 10 07 50 26 10 21 60 2060 6550 81 50 62 5'!
8 81 20 67.80 65.80 61.60 65 20 5800 2550 25 00 20 50 > 22^90 6850 79 60 5348
0' 76.80 81 90 42.10 61.20 72 90 76 90 22 90 22.10 23 50 22^0 33 40 32.20 47 39
io" 71 90 71.30 72 10 62 20 67 80 69 80 72.20 65 50 26 90 89.50 7290 83 30 67.12
I 1 70 00 !>/4() !>0 10 4l) !K) w no 71) 20 (J2 50 60 10 !>!> 50 62.10 6/50 00 M) <M 40
12 81.00 8160 73 50 75. HO 80 90 26 50 32 00 29 10 26 10 27 80 3550 29 60 50 03

Table 53J. Monthly variatior i in Silt (%) at the study sites during Sept. '94- Aug.'95

Months| Sept. 94 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan -95 Feb. March April May June July Aug. l/lean
1 11.20 14 20 16.20 22.10 22 10 18~90 39 60 23 00 7.80 39.50 2620 21.10 22.16
2 16 50 2 5 6 0 35.50 28 50 28 80 26 80 36 20 53.00. 62.00 3560 49.90 69 90 39 03
3 20 50 25.10 22 50 26 50 22 20 26.90 4960 49 80 64.10 42 10 52.50 52.50 37.88
4 12 50 20.20 16.90 18 50 1950 21.10 11.10 13 10 16.10 7.50 72.50' 9.90 19.91
5 9.80 1520 1870 18.20 14 60 16.80 52 60 54.50 65 50 52 50 57.20 11,90 32.28
6 9.80 1460 16 80 13.20 1360 13 20 18 60 56.80. 24.50 13.50 5250 13.10 21.68
7 12 50 13.10 14.20 13.80 16.20 19 70 43 60 61.00 61.80 < 55.60 3080 11.10 29.45
8 980 17.50 21.10 26 50 2280 26.50 5260 53 00 70.50 5090 28.80 13 60 3280
9 11.50 (5.90 36.20 23 50 16 80 9 80 4910 5480 5550 5250 61.10 53.50 35.85
10 13.60 1480 1610 26 90 16.60 19.70 14 60 16.70 29.80 12.50 1450 950 17.13
11 15 20 26 50 26 20 16 80 52 50 40.10 32 50 23 70 40.10 22 90 2320 21.20 28 66
12 680 9 60 1490 14 60 11 20 21.20 52 60 49 90 50 50 52 50 51.20 50 80 3217

Table 5 4. Monthl) variatio n in Clay (%) at th a study sites durin j Sept I )4 Aiig.'C 5

Months Sept 94 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan -&5 Feb. March April May June ' July ' Aug Mean
1 10 00 10 60 13.40 11.80 5 40 830 15.10 23 10 1800 1850 21.80 21.90 14.83
2 32.30 31.00 20 30 31.40 25 70 28.00 19 70 920 7.90 31.10 24.00 10.30 2258
3 32 00 30 80 34.30 34.30 32 60 31.10 13 70 13 20 11.50 36.30 2330 1750 26.30
4 31.10 13 90 17.90 1940 14.30 12.00 940 11.40 830 12.70 11.00 7.30 1406
5 16 70 14 00 11.80 14.30 1060 770 23.00 1690 900 23.30 11.30 7.20 1382
6 1010 12 60 17 00 16 20 10 60 11.30 15.00 1930 15.50 20 60 11.00 4 90 13 68
7 13.00 6.40 21.30 15.00 11.60 7.20 29.40 10 90 16.60 23.80 3.70 7.40 1386
8 9.00 14 70 13.00 21.90 1200 15.50 22.00 22 00 900 20.20 ( 2,70 8 28 14 02
0 11.70 8 20 21.70 1530 1020 13 30 28 00 23 10 21.00 24 70 5 50 1430 1642
10 1 4 SO 13Q0 11.80 10 00 1560 10 bO 1 :•> n o 1 7 flO 43 :M ' 18 00 13 10 7 20 1500
11 13 90 18.10 23.70 33 70 20 00 30.70 500 13 00 4.40 23.00' 19 30 10 30 17.03
12 5.60 860 11.60 9 60 790 4230 14.30 20 20 23.40 15.70 13 30 1380 15.53
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Table 55 A. List of Phytoplankton species encountered at 12 different study

sites in the river Kali during the study period (1992-1995)

Trichodesmium Thallassionema sp.
Rhizosolenia alata
Osciilatoria R. stoiterfothii
R. styliformis
Chlorophyceae: R. rebata
Spirogyra Fragillaria oceanica
Cosmarium Thallassiothrix sp.
Dictyocha Asterionella sp.
Pediastrum Cyrosigma sp.

Bacillariophyceae: Pleurosigma sp.

Coscinodiscus Navicula sp.
Class: Dinophyceae
Prorocentrum sp.
Biddulphia regia Dinophysissp.
B. obtusa D. miles
B. sinensis Ornithocercus sp.
B. mobiliensis Peridinium depressum
Lithodesmium Ceratium tripos
Triceratium C fusus
Bellorochea sp C. massiliensis
C. furc'a
Nitzschia sp. Pyrocystis fusiformis
Noctiluca miliaris
Ditylum sp.
Chaetoceros socialis
C. decipiensis
C. lorenzianus
Grammatophora sp.
Campylodiscus sp.
Planktoniella sp.
Bacteriastrum sp.
Eucampia sp.
Climacodium sp.
streptotheca sp.
Thallassiosira sp.
T. gravida
Table 56A. List of zooplankton species encountered at 12 different
study sites in the river Kali during the study period (1992-1995)

Tintinopsis sp.
Favella sp.
Rhabdonella sp.
Globigerina sp. Penilia sp.
Acanthometron sp. Evadnesp.
coelenterata: Brachionussp.
obelia sp. Keratella sp.
Siphonophorasp. Polyarthra sp.
Moina sp.
Ctenophora: Daphniasp.
Pieurobrachia sp. Microthrix sp.
Chaetognatha: Decapoda:
Lucifer sp.
sagitta enflata
s. bedotii Annelida
Arthropoda (Crustacea) Tomopteris
Copepoda: Spionidsp.
Heliodiaptomussp. Mollusca
Mesocyclops sp. Creseis acicula
Microcyclops sp. Creseis sp.
Diaptomus sp. Protochordata:
undinulasp. Doiioium sp.
Acartia sp. Oikopleura sp.
Temora sp. Larval forms:
Oithona rigida
0. plumifera Brachipoda
Euchaeta sp.
Euterpina sp. Polychaeta
paracalanus sp.
Acrocalanus sp.
Eucalanus sp. Cirripedia
pseudodiaptomus sp.
Macrosetella sp. Decapoda
Microsetella sp.
Amphipoda: Gastropoda
Labidocera Plutii
Oncaea sp.
Cladocera: Fisn eggs and
T a b l e 5 7 . Monihly v a r i a t i o n in M e i o b c n t h o s (No/lOoni?) at (ho slmiy s i t e s 'luring S e p t . ' 0 2 - A u g . ' 9 3

M o n t h s S< i> t'92 O c t . Nov. Deo. Jan'93 Fell. M a r c h April May June July Au£. "means
S•at i ons
1 30 228 404 530 670 720 737 6 67 600 567 533 434 511
2 75 151 67 2 502 540 706 567 53 7 533 466 467 4 00 4G8
3 80 180 f>80 501 560 701 767 7 68 761 66 634 468 514
4 75 240 140 145 160 190 599 53 3 73 5 589 600 5 67 381
5 G5 41 82 210 420 4 65 2516 2054 2955 835 737 634 918
6 22?. 62 260 290 320 3 85 1304 599 1041 734 634 667 543
7 140 160 54 158 261 306 1308 2514 93 4 564 400 600 617
8 120 241 115 161 185 152 938 738 1381 767 633 799 521
9 51) 173 2 50 230 261 271 93 4 898 107 5 5 98 699 63 4 507
10 32 48 82 198 271 1 89 4 68 733 86 8 867 3 85 367 376
11 30 61 10 2 118 45 1 16 668 334 534 3 99 199 135 228
12 -14'/ 33 44 3 52 443 735 1450 4014 5 812 798 735 53 5 1258

Table 5 8 . Monthly variation in M e c r o b e n t h o s (No/ 10in2) at the study sites d u r i n g Sept.'92-Aug.'93

Months Sept.92 O c t . Nov. P e c . Jan,93 Feb. M a r c h April May June July Aug. means
S t at i ons
291 45 62 37
90 l
75 26 6 18 10
3 25 58 80 62 92 105 155 4 81 102 42 23 27 104
4 31 16 72 70 105 1 10 7 68 4 82 387 56 102 65 189
960 91 85 42 98 1 10 23 1 862 1 96 56 104 72 242
6 i <; r» 91 80 7 5 102 9.'» 7 67 3628 674 86 2 1 622 55 6 85
7 150 70 2300 240 251 1814 9 56 1436 1145 864 4 86 819
I 10
8 17 9 6 8 6 215 2 25 529 104 578 254 105 107 196
32 26 9
0 1 fi 3 1 65 130 210 21 8 3 87 9ft6 296 324 104 4 88
10 2100 245 251 41 221 14 32 104 4 83 84 63 43 429
11 2 20 10 21 60 310 1052 2fi12 864 387 436 78 519
1 80 1 58
12 2 80 128 45 2 65 81 201 2 92 104 288 112 76 28
Table 57A. Li3t of M3iob3n.th.o3 tax& ancountsrsd
at 12 d if far ant study 3ita3 in ths
r i r s r Saii during th-3 3tudy pariod

1• Poraminifara 6. Sinorhynch* 11. Cru3tac3&

2. Diatom 7 • !7ema.toda. 12. Harpacticoida

3. Coalsntarata 8. ^ardisra 13* Tanaidacsa

4. 9. 2ol.7cha.3ta 14. Isopoda

5. G-astro-fcricha. 10. 3i 15* Arrrphipoda

Li3t of Mac^obanthic ta^ra encour.tsrad

a t 12 diffararit st-ody 3it3 3 in the
2r±v3T Kali d-oi'5-ng tha study period.

1. Foraminifara 7. Cuaacaa

8. Tanaidaca

Polychaata. 9. I3opoda

4. (Jastro-Doda 10. Amphipoda

5. 11. My3idacaa

6. Har-oacticoids. 12. Dacanoda

Tabl e .'>!). M o n t h l y iVO.V jul i<Ml in M i croll es in w a ti e r (No X 10/ml) at the st udy s t ?s dur ;••• S e p t 02-Au£ t

Mont hs S e p t '92 Oct Nov Dec . Jan1 93 Feb March Apr i 1 May June July Aug. "means II
Stat ions
1 1 1 f,. 1 135 .0 88 .5 50. 5 43. 5 70 .4 0. 0 0. 1 0 .1 1 .5 23. 3 9. 9 44. 9
2 250 .0 204 .4 192 .3 77. 4 97. 4 72 .4 4 .6 0. 5 7 .3 143. 0 4 .2 6. 8 88. 9
3 1 9 3 .0 206 .4 120 .4 38. 4 94. 4 115 .3 0. 5 0. 8 0 .0 I .3 124 . 0 0. 0 75. 4
4 24 0 .3 238 .5 111 . A 41. 5 104. 4 42 .5 1 .7 5, 0 41 .4 2 3 .2 34. 8 8. 3 75. 0
5 i 4'?..4 281 .4 220 .3 150. 3 42. 4 82 .4 0. 8 71 .5 7 .3 27. 8 2 4 6.0 02. 0 114. 5
6 2 1 0.3 292 .3 216 .3 48. 5 46. 3 65 ,4 3. 4 0. 4 0 .5 162. 0 49. 8 5. 8 92. 3
7 2 28 .5 205 .4 132 .4 91. 4 101. 3 44 .4 4 .1 31 .3 46 .2 156. 0 2370. 0 60. 1 205. 9
8 2 2 5 .5 2 56 .3 96 .5 57. 4 33. 4 67 .4 0. 3 25. 0 3 .6 62. 0 167. 0 5. 1 83. 3
0 177 .5 139 .4 270 .4 05. 4 112. 4 53 .4 3. 0 14. 5 2 .8 253. 0 3 4 7 0 . 0 86. 1 389. 9
10 289 .5 272 .5 154 .4 110. 3 94. 3 78 .4 6. 7 6. 8 72 .9 250. 0 4 7 8 . 0 14. 8 152. 4
11 227 .4 5 6 .3 170 .4 83. 3 59. 4 57 ,4 17. 8 62. 6 45 .4 380. 0 0 2 2 . 0 84. 0 180. 5
12 113 .3 122 .3 105 .3 79. 4 49. 4 57 .4 11 . 5 49. 6 3 4 .7 571 . 0 984 . 0 91 .4 189. 1

dur in,U Sept •02-Aui;' 03

Tabl e ilO . Montilily var i a t ion in M1 i crone
H in He diinent (NoX in/,) at the st udy s i tO H

Mont hs S <Pt .02 O«;1 . Nov * Peri

Jan1 03 Feb t M a r o 1i Apr i 1 May June i
Jul yr Aug. "means"
SI nl i 11it'i

1 1 3 1.2 108 .8 102 .1 100. 2 81 .0 6 1.2 0 ,7

. 18. 4 3 ,0 1 1 .6 3 1 .1 18. 1 63, ,8
2 191 .2 214 .6 120 .3 258. 7 175. 6 58 .7 43.,6 33. 8 56 .7 390. 8 560. 0 49. 8 181,,0
3 271 .5 288 .0 141 .6 109. 7 88. 2 50 .4 4.,8 20. 3 27 .0 60. 4 86. 1 45. 9 100,.4
4 2 27 .4 140 ,7 177 .3 117. 4 109, 6 40 .7 17 ,,0 121 . 6 318 .0 20.,3 135. ,0 463. 5 158,.2
5 on .1 128 .9 2 63 .6 107. 7 63. 2 81 .6 14. , 2 186. 0 26 .3 296.,0 81 .,0 433. 2 147,.6
6 2 53 .7 235 .6 170 .6 153. 7 128. 7 5 5 .5 13. ,4 41 .4 2 .4 222.,0 202. ,0 513. 0 173 .5
7 11 2 .0 240 .0 215 .5 186. 2 79. 2 61 .5 61 ,. 0 130. 0 644 .0 468.,0 334, ,0 568. 0 266 .6
8 2 4 5.6 203 .4 186 .9 182. 5 84. 7 81 .3 15, .5 2 55. 0 35 .0 608. ,0 814, ,0 3547, 0 529 . 1
0 101 . 9 170 .2 24 8 .5 751 . 2 72. 3 63 .8 14,.3 41 . 4 8 .0 962. ,0 531 ,,0 728.,0 308 .5
10 ?. 2 9.0 202 .0 125 .2 199. ,4 101 .3 21 . 1 6 8 .3 40. ,2 266 .0 991 ,,0 430 ,, 1 1343 ,.0 33 6 .2
11 214 .8 221 .0 110 .0 163.,2 88. 8 57 .5 1 3 5 .9 03. ,7 122 .0 2825,,0 5 6 4 .0 4522,,0 7 50.8
12 13 1 .2 ?.oo .6 9 5 .0 101 .,6 137. 0 5 6 .0 6 5 .8 118. ,9 3 57 .0 2204 .0
, 14 3 8 .0 12 4 8,.0 512 .0

Tabl e 6 1 . iVi'in t h JIy v a r l a t i o n in Phyt op 1ank t on (No X 1 0/tiil) at the study si tes dur ing Sept .'93-Aug. ' 94
Mont hs SepS'93 O c t . Nov . nee. J a n 1 9 4 Feb. March Apr i 1 May June July Aug. "means"
Stat i OIIH
1 1023 1 10311 1513 2 13201 1 1034 12341 8342 7321 12041 63 21 73 2 4 83 Gl 106G3
2 n 3 21 9224 8433 6311 12341 10310 4210 2321 6324 4621 7336 8912 7222
3 10 330 7321 12312 9311 10324 7312 6221 2162 6122 5271 7033 6324 7 5 54
4 113 31 9311 7234 7012 4342 4933 3241 3016 4323 4102 43 23 5484 5721
5 10153 3 5734 63 2 2 5914 4 813 4341 4024 301 1 3220 3012 3010 4836 4956
G 1 1! 3 2 1 12 3 11 9 334 871 1 G 3 4 5 8107 913 3 9014 83 4 1 1 08G4 21 03 50 3 0 8 908
7 t> 3 2 \ 5214 5012 4324 9112 5 91 2 3436 3 512 17034 12073 6634 5863 7038
8 7 83 2 03 2 0 7913 JH\ 4 7021 7 310 304 1 1074 1432 11634 321 1 8G34 6187
9 '/ 1 7 3 2 10321 117 3 2 14322 10732 12731 7804 G3 21 8104 7712 5014 17 803 11709
10 1 C :> 3 1 19311 17241 10322 15471 1017 3 8434 93 63 1073 2 11632 8741 10432 13340
11 2 Si 2 1 1 22733 18321 16724 15277 10203 10731 1 086G 117 3 5 14324 7 03 2 10 3 2 5 157G2
12 ?. r> r, 3 I 2 0 2 01 1 7 3 2 G 15283 14524 17321 1 1073 1 2 4 G 3 14 3 3 6 1923 6 604 1 14 5 6 2 15671
Tabl e 6 2 ,. M o n t h 1 y var ia t i o n i n Zooplanktori(No X I 0/i»2) at the s t udy sites dur ing S e p t . ' 9 3 -Aug.'94

Mont hs Si?pt '93 Oct . Nov . Pec. J a n 1 9 4 Feb. March April May June July Aug. "imeans"
Stat ions
1 14 4 3 1673 1021 1723 1003 6312 4114 7241 4212 44 21 4812 2 3165
2 1604 1786 1892 1382 2123 2324 2413 1014 3224 2216 4 24 6 5012 2441
3 2!) 8 2 2831 2014 2734 2963 2321 3241 1001 3214 2314 3104 2421 2595
4 10 13 ir,04 1743 1084 234 2 2 5 12 1042 122 4 1 92 4 2013 210 4 23 12 1815
5 1 10 2 1343 1432 1241 103 2 1 5 10 21 1 2 1 232 133 2 1210 129 1 2073 14 6 0
6 1 81 6 1036 1010 1214 1132 1201 1364 1431 1163 1436 1146 1231 1270
7 143 2 3424 2916 27 4 3 2864 32 14 2144 1591 434 1 1043 I 5 0 i) 1321 2384
8 4 32 4 3 G33 3 243 3014 1 982 3 1 22 2 43 1 17 93 1432 1103 980 11 32 23 50
9 .'i -'! 2 2 0322 28 1 3 4327 31 12 3774 2037 1 77 1 17 84 8 01 812 1 04 1 2 78 9
10 3 2 24 4 241 4 03 8 4 9 92 2243 4818 1028 1411 2631 2 3 20 973 143 5 2830
11 •1 8 3 2 7846 98 94 6634 3320 7324 2 0 84 2843 2431 3 8G4 1432 2434 4629
12 3 1 04 5141 5 0 8 9 5014 4811 51 14 2431 3 24 1 5841 4312 2 500 1432 4053

Table 63. M...nthl y vftr inti on i n M e i o b e n t h o s (No/10om2 ) at Ihe study sites d u r i n g Sept.'93-Aug. » 4
Months Sept '93 O c t . Nov . D e c . Jan 1 94 Feb. M a rch Apr i 1 May June July Aug . "means"
St at ions
.1 ?. 8 23 5 3 10 298 90 30 4 67 60 9 6 26 491 49 220 288
2 ?4 480 189 300 82 30 899 349 308 302 198 182 279
3 97 398 410 240 90 69 1558 967 1026 855 167 525 534
4 173 278 292 60 54 196 777 1249 820 6 99 72 420 424
5 42 522 240 189 171 150 2536 202 5 2719 1287 121 870 906
6 425 478 314 150 103 5 55 1428 400 1370 879 159 1260 627
7 •> ;j c 200 2 03 270 172 3 70 180 0 ?. 3 4 5 0 1750 680 176 ?, 10 24 67
8 <) \1 640 150 101 58 75 1697 1024 2010 1240 100 1470 734
9 i f> 9 530 216 300 104 180 2163 14 30 2020 910 139 490 720
10 9 303 351 2100 211 30 55 8 7 29 1508 282 290 200 548
11 34 389 393 720 230 600 1048 130 1099 382 12 180 435
12 43 221 3 15 10U9 1282 189 3086 317 9 4846 1299 150 850 1380

Table 64. Mmith 1 y v a ri a t ion in Macrobenthos (No/in2) at the study sites d m•ing S<ipt.'93- Aug.'94

Months Sepl ' 9 3 Oct . Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June Ju1y Aug . "means"
St at ions
1 20 160 106 110 420 436 320 140 53 20 10 25 152
2 10 2 60 90 130 270 120 140 110 48 22 14 20 103
3 ; to 120 70 130 120 68 130 75 57 25 10 30 79
4 s r> o 290 130 106 400 54 170 153 100 60 20 40 140
5 12 0 230 117 20 510 270 260 215 53 43 40 80 163
6 4 60 1 50 120 90 40 400 5 50 143 34 0 160 120 100 223
7 ? i0 2 60 20 5 320 140 1 80 180 1 30 130 260 6 20 40 22 3
8 i r»o 40 43 150 230 280 4 90 20 138 190 100 30 155
0 20 230 117 400 140 3 00 2 50 17 0 120 180 120 96 179
10 i3 0 310 80 210 155 360 22 40 73 60 50 35 127
11 SI0 380 127 405 238 610 310 198 175 270 400 53 306
12 Iflfl 560 165 550 640 312 130 50 120 125 40 30 2 60
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Table 67', Monthly variation in Phvtoplankton ( N o X 10/rrr} at the study sites during Sept '94- Aug.'95

Months Sept 94 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan -95 Feb. March April May June July Aug. Mean
1 15411 10184 14248 12881 11451 11242 ~859i 7891 " 11314 6101 6214 7246 10273
2 7216 9782 8781 6814 12488 9678 4916 3324 5324 " 3821" 5824 7014 " 7082
3 11248 6941 12683 9331 10854 7981 5384 3310 5683 4812 6122 5734 7569
4 11784 8421 78(31 7834 4811" 5431 3 320 "3514 4610 5014 4582' ' 4223 5971
5 ' 9428 6112 6711 6117 5214 55613 4314 " 3343 3992 ,4112' 4012 ' 3 8 8 9 " 5276
6 17241" 11343 10311 9143 6812 8818 10311 9912 8581 10932" 2 9 9 3 ' 4812 9272
7 6922 5684 ' 6 1 1 4 ' 4813 9781 6112 3314 4114 16332 11041 6524 4912 7222
8 8143 6978 8238 8211 7336 8401 3002 1632 1581 10864 2812 7813 6251
" 9 20213 11243 12121 12731 11211 12906 8114 6881 9114 8332 4812 16783 "11205
10 17113 20842 18113 17881 16732 15508 9141 8143 11321 10342 7832 11812 13782
" 11 " 3216 21411 18851 17113 15921 16383 11876 1 1342 12382 12812 6321 15832 13705
12 24481 20961 18101 15814 14841 18201 12082 13062 13281 16412 5882 13813 15578

Table 138. Monthly variation in Zoo lankton (No X 10/m2) at the study sites during Sept. '94- Aug.'95

Months Sept. 94 Oct Nov. Dec. Jan.-95 Feb. March April May June . July _ Aug. Mean
1 1214 1172 1514 1173 1924 1432 7042 5114 7914 4966 4814 5143 3(320
2 1521 1632 1734 1222 2442 2541 2614 1132 3716 2814 3973 6214 2(334
3 2784 2572 2214 2843 3041 2508 2314 984 3228 2413 2984 2492 2573
4 1242 1684 1573 1436 2582 2682 1312 1544 2214 2132 2413 2542 i 051
5 1121 " 1432 1586 1344 1731 1678 2413 1513 1482 1362 1832 1973 1(324
6 " 1632 892 973 1122 1436 1382 1541 1364 1561 1264 ' 1182 1483 1321
7 1143 2486 " 2104 2032 1894 3632 2316 2624 4824 1124 1784 1443 2326
8 3922 3011 2932 2841 1843 322(3 2583 1843 1621 1204 1132 1224 2282
9 4312 5823 2632 3896 2984 3112 2783 1343 1884 924 891 1132 2(385
" 10 3982 ~ 5113 4812 5114 2612 5114 1132 1436 2783 2542 1101 1632 "3114
11 -1412 C321 73.21 (1U12 3911 685):) 3213 3H12 2634 3622 1531 2814 4425
V? 3314 6612 4812 4012 4612 4813 2:514 3014 5614 4812 2762 3384 4265
Table 67A. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) values for Phyto
piankton between the seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 2 310313658 155156829 18.28*

Between stations 11 57756735 5250612 0.62

Residuals . 22 186752648 8488756

Total: 35 554823042

Table 68A. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) values for zoo-

planktonbetween the seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 21376536 10688268 20.36^

Between stations 11 5131561 466505 0.89
Residuals 22 11547674 524894
Total: 35 38055772

P<0.05 (significant at 5%level) **P< 0.01 (significant at 1%)

ahle Gi). Monthly variation in Meiobenthos (Mo X lOcnv") at tho study sites during Sept '94- Au<j.'95

Months Sept. 9 4 Oct. Nov. Dec Jan.-95 Feb." March April May June July Aug •/lean
1 35 95 150 110 157 95 160 250 210 95 45 64 122
2 32 150 1S0 158 168 105 163 225 315 112 54 85 146
3 110 250 201 107 105 136 295 200 394 115 49 0!5 101
4 l>f)!i 107 ?f-n' 175 110 125 30!') 247 355 116 65 75 ioo
55 2'tf) 213 168 230 156 510 270 4 25 107 7£> 103
r> 530 261 2G5 196 240 295 419 2/5 450 150 69 140
6 277
570 200 ' 250 198 260 268 450 310 450 197 83 125 "
7 263
2:95 310" 278 212 24V 231 700 390 495 251 00 " 180
8 187 " 394 315 235" 202 ' 310 1010 450 540 257 102 175
9 356
108 401 278 275" 312 299 1215 424 595 290 112 255
10 388
227 405 315 ''260" 322 325 1775 565 600 390 ' 120 250
11 463
235 520 352 290 361 355 1925 719 853 420 151 295 541
.. . — - - --

I able 70 Monthlyi variation in Macrobenthos (No X m 2 ) at the study sites during Sept '94- Aug.'95

Months Sept. 94 Oct Nov Dec Jan-95 Fob. March April May June July . A U 0 -...Mean
1 29 35 49 55 53 65 111 08 95 85 30 25 62
2_ 25 45 5(3 34 ' 56 110 121 126 120" 95 38 40 72
3 95 39 6!3 07 90 135 130 158 141 110 49 34 93
4 67' 65 62 ' 90 ~ 92 156 165 148 151 133 55 69 105
5 35 95 87 83 110 247 175 175 148 134 94 70 126
6 150 67 03 121 121 195 100 107 168 155 84 84 137
7 120 97 120 138 140 210 214 325 198 173 109 69 159
8 119 64 141 129 129 295 242 256 201 183 121 109 167
9 210 94 180 161 165 310 295 246 206 163 130 120 190
1~0' 215 110 200 178 158 320 311 299 238 193 125 122 210
11 240 120 220 170 182 345 335 324 318 203 118 110 224
| 12 '260 " 200 224 210 215 ' 355" " 395 ~ 415 335 203 210 190 273
Table 69A. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) values for meio-
benthos between the seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 2 4700S9 235049 4.00*

Between stations 11 1192918 108447 1.85
Residuals 22 1292771 58762

Total: 35 2955789

Table 70A. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) values for macro-

benthos between the seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 515502 257751 14.53*'

Between stations 11 487692 44335 2.50
Residuals 22 390261 17739
Total: 35 1393457
* P<0.05 (significant at 5%level) **P< 0.01 (significant at 1%)
Table 71 . Monthly variation in Microbes in water (No ]< 1f)2/ml) at the study sites iluring So >t. '94- Aug.'95

Months Sept 94 Oct. Nov. Dec Jan -95 Feb. March April May June July Aug. Mean
1 52 82 12 11 8 4 2 2 0 3 15 10 17
2 46 95 84 50 6 •3 1 2 10 82 8 8 33
3 42 78 26 21 10 1 1 1 5 64 22 23
4 22 12 10 16 15 5 2 10 48 91 52 9 24
5 10 116 8 2 2 4 12 15 23 70 113 82 38
(5 1 1 :> 1 1 1 h ;» 7 IU Of) 2 1?
7 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 7 15 77 49 15 15

7 0 2 7 1 2 1 5 2 '150 248 32 38
9 10 7 4 27 15 10 2 17 1 121 .222 60 42
10 a 13 !iO !)2 73 41 b 51 46 20:5 413 49 01
11 13 8 V, 14 24 10 4 20 SO 13 4 486 121 74
12 21 6 21 11 2 2 25 28 28 432 194 102 73

falilo 7 1 Montiil)1 varialiofi in Micrc >bt)b in S sclirnent (No X 1f7A/) at the study suit os dining Sept '94 Aug."'05

Mont nb Sept 94 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan -95 Feh" ~ March April May June " Jufy'" ." Aug." viean
1 i :> i 145 Hi 4 42 21 44 3 2 2 23 91 74 63
2 101 185 192 188 60 18 11 23 18 141 152 62 06
3 132 215 ?11 102 .31 48 1!3 31 13 12 101 72 82
110 111 23 32 62 16 8 104 15 '153 114 37 66
5 19 224 48 12 11 32 42 54 12 27 234 222 78
fi i\ 10 43 14 13 7 14 o > 2 A7 101 01 'M
7 2 12 18 22 10 47 32 68 21 96 184 9(3 51
8 V> 13 12 30 19 58 7 48 13 125 432 121 77
0 iO 27 7I 73 85 94 22 111 15 22> 112 240 94
10 22 78 81 127 143 117 70 192 97 283 139 294 137
11 52 54 31 03 115 101 11 98 132 301 213 357 13f
12 94 114 184 282 72 72 99 62 130 30 4 199 258 167
Table 71A. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) values for water
microbes between the seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 2 136039 68019 13.49**

Between stations 11 70482 6407 1.27

Residuals 22 110952 5043

Total: 35 317474

Table 72A. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) values for sediment

microbes between the seasons and stations

Source of variation Degrees of Sum of Mean F value

freedom squares square

Between seasons 1624933 812466 64.92**

Between stations 11 1004619 91329 7.30**

Residuals 22 275339 12515

Total: 35 2354214

* P<0.05 (significant at 5%level) **P< 0.01 (significant at 1%)

Table 73. Composition of flnfish species at different study sites during 1992-95.

Station Ho. HoTOmbor Dacambor January February Marah April Hay Juna July Augunt Soptaobor

Station 1 ViV A.C.Q . A,D.G G.D F . F . A,G,O.Q. DfF,0 B.F G,Q|V . . C , B , L t P , V 3,GtP

Station 2
Station 3 A ,ij ,0 F,D,G,V B,C,D,B A,n. F,P,q A,G,F B,F,P B,C?F E ,F B,E,L B ^ ^ ^ ^ B,K.L
Station 4' a,2,K, F,n D,IM0,P B,f • A , B , r t , O > A , L . Q 0 ,Y B C ,E

Station 5 r>,J3,!5| I F D >• ,n,F B,F,L,U 5,11 '• B f H,0 )1 \\ L,V,l! L ,11

Station 6 , :; ,M ,X A,B,F D , ,. L B,F,L,0 -H ,IiK,0 B,I, L ,fl •; C,E,L,1J 1 , 0 ,L

Station 7 I,H.R C,Q C,D,I A,F,0 B,F,L,0 P I,L,H,R I ,L E,I,V
Stntion 8 I ,L BtF,0 C . D,J •"' B ,L ,F , 0 F ,L , 0 ! A ,L I , J ,L I ,L * L
•Jtutlgn 0 I - ' , • . - • ; - : - . " ^
Station 10 Si ,K ,11,(1 K,1(.U, B H,H ,U
r,J,n H,U B,I,M L,ntK, n,tr,i K,jt,n,n
Station 11 1' ,L ,J ,K U , K , J Q ,K,L I , J ,K
S t a t i o n 12 ft,H,0,W H , J ,A , n,I,J,K H , F , K , Q , Q , 3 T ,H ,F H,W

finfc Oi Puffsr flah ops.

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rable 75. incidence of percentage composition of differnt species of finfish.


sps 49 70 129 63.36 23 31.3 13 22.35 17" 0.34

donicr?niti3 IS 22.25 -7 3.46 20 34.09 1 1.17


1 1.42 33 13.31 9 10.22 9 10.53 16 9.35

27 31.75 22 12.36

4 1.98 2 2.27 3 1.75

f *r f ^ 2 2.35 1 0.49 5 5.58 5 5.33 3 1.75

13 21.17 95 55.55

2 1.13


% % r* $ ;<

Vuntins sns 13 3.4a 9 10.58 3 4.54 - 12'

donic^nitis 1 1.17 - 2 2. '~>^

Cm ^ •• i •


3 5,33 45 52.34 6 3.09 15 17.77 15 8.06 i<

102 74.45 21 24.7 15 24.24 44 43.2S 120 64.5 352

1 1.17 15 16.55 21 11.29 X

strsatarsais 4 6.06 5 5.55 5 2.58 Z

Ptrffsr fl3h 4 2.31 6 7.05 - 7 3.76

13 19.69 1 1.11 127

a? in 3 2.13 - 19 23.78 2 2.22 2 1.07 25

1 0.72 2 2.35 4 6.06 2 2.22 15 3.SO

127 S5 66 SO 1180
Table 76. seasonal variation and abundance of finfish species at station 1.

species Post monsoon Pre monsoon sw monsoon Total

N % N % N %

PuntiUSSp. 19 38.77 11 22.44 19 38.77 49

Parluciosoma 2 .12.50 13 81.25 1 6.25 16

Osteobrama - -- -- - 2 100.00 2

Stenogobius -- -- -- -- 1 100.00 1


Mugil cephalus


Puffer fish - -- 1 33.33 2 66.66 3




Total: 71
Tadle 76. Seasonal variation and abundance of ftnfish species at station 1.

_ t Poat-mnnaoon Pro—monsoon- ^nr.nonn _ ._

ff $ 2f £ £

353. 19 38.77 11 22.44 19 33.77 49

2 12.5 13 81.25 1 6.25 1o

- 2 100 2

- - - - 1 100

X ganhali33

fish 1 33-33 2 66*66 3

? S3\id n r firrribu pt
Table 77. seasonal variation and abundance of finfish species at station 5.

Poet-monsoon Prs-aonaooa Monsoon

Spsoias ' -' ——_—__
IT $ U £ If

Tvastta e p a . 16 12.40 11 8.52 102 79.06 129

1 14,28 6 85.7* - - 7

13.04 20 36O95

3-tanogobiua . - - ' - - ^s 100 73

B-frron lua - - - - 4 '00


fish 1 100

Cjnogloeaua -



Table-78. seasonal variation and abundance of finfish species at Station 4.

10 14 14 ST
10 27 90

14^23 21*42 9 14

•** j * . . . - '

~ . • > . . - • * • - •

2 100

g-i,.; w -»t"*/i~> •

23 4 SO
Ta&le 79. Seasonal variation and abundance of finfish species at Station 5.

ri Prs-oonaoon Monscon

N f S £ .N

Pmrtiua spa, 13 63.42 6 31.57 - 19

?arltioioar>ffla 1 100 - - - - 1

• - •_ — 6 TOO - 6

• - - 1 it.ii o en,an 9

26 96.29 1 3.70 - 27

i'lah - 5 100 - 5

- - 6 33.33 12. 66,66 10

aor howbim
Table SC. Seasonal variation and abundance of finfisn species ac Station 6.

Poert—fiorusoon Pranoneoon Honsoon


l'.'.! rpn. -•>. 1*.7C ^ 17. £4. ' 2 70.50 17

4 30.75 - . - 9 69.2? 13

25 12 75 16

14 63.63 /3 36.


flnh - 3 100 - 3

7T;76.G4 95

r -sc-jf. or lionLuc 2 100


Table 81. Seasonal variation and abundance of finfisn species a: Station 7.

Species -• ' - • Total
n i> 3f £ IT £

11 34.61 2 15.38 - 13

"?<&2\lTteio25OPs» •» » • — — -• —

=^o 4 66.66 - - 2 33.33 6

jTsnorrcoi'via •• •" 7 o<«5 " 1 2 . ^

13 12-74 S3 83.33 4 3.92 102


£iah - - . 4 . inn

lo gouts

P.aand orhonbtaa 3 100

aibama - - 1 100

Table 82. Seasonal variation and abundance of finfisn species at Station 8.

5 •>•• i ""9*0 i w>

2 4
Table S3. asona! variation and abundance of finfisn species at sta~'cn 1Q.

P o s t - laonsoon ?2T3—taonsoon Monsoon.

Spacioa • —————— "•

Punt tun apo. 1 3^.3'J 2 66,66


C^aob 1 100 "!

r . d o s
3 50 3 50

Arrrvipjn in 0 50 3 50 16

pj 7> 4 1C0
sttrvttoi TOi3

Pvffar fish « - - - - - •

3 61.53 2 12.5 3 15,75 13

?3audorhoabu3 5 26.3"* ~ 14 73.63 19

1 25 3 75

Table 84. Seasonal variation and abundance of flnfish species at Station 11.

Por:t-r5ou3oon Pra-nonaoon

"Purrfciua s p a . «• —

2 1 0 0
d^n loon litg

3 1 0 0

25 4 25 8 50 16

S 18.18 Z1 70.45 44

h^luo 6 40 " 6 40

2irrnr>lua 3 60 2 40

fish - -

— — 1 100

Psaudorhoshua - — 2 1 CO

ar iii a

2 1 0 0
Table 85. seasonal variation and abundance of finfisn species at station 12.

?oat>nonsoon Pra-motiooon Monsoon

3p«oi»«J -" • — Total
N J* N ^ N £

Puntiua spa.



15 " CC 15

29 29-16 81 67.5 10 0.03 120

;ar)'^l",3 4 19.04 4 19.04 13 61.90 21

lus - - 5 1 0 0 - - 5

PuJffsr fish 6 85.71 1 14.23

1 50 1 50
&T Z." 3

2 T2.5 3 50 6 3 ^ . 5 16
Table 86. Stationwise composition of Crustacean species during 1992-95.

.re a t l on
tioeaiQB H

P, rnergai einaia 7.69 2*08 10 11.70 23 22.54

P, monodon
viti dobsoni 32 34,78 ;>"> 32,23 37 38.Si 38 -10.42 33 32.35

II* tnonooorog 8 0,33 9,57 12 11,76


Gori.dlana 51 53,43 44 48.33 35 36,43 20 21.27 28 27,45

Soylla a o l l a t r 0.78 7.69 14.! 0.57 6 5.88

Ibtol 9a 01 94 10 2

Table 86. statfonwlse composition of Crustacean species during 1992-95.

Station 0 10


P. morgaienola 23 23,71 14 13,20 33 27.92 46 23.23 41 35.96 190

E. Cionodon - - - •
- e 4 .04 - mm
M, dob BO lit 34 35, 03 42 3D . 6 2 n 37 . 0 3 64 32 . 3 2 19 16, 16 374
M* monocaroa 12 12. 37 20 10 ,86 16 14 . 4 1 34 17 .17 29 25, ,43 140
M, a f f l n l a 6 6 . IB 3 2.83 10 0 .09 12 6 .06 20 17,,54 5B
Cartdieiui 17 17, 52 17 16 . 0 3 •** 2 1.01 «* 214
flcylln tuirrutg 3 5, ,15 10 9 .43 12 10 . 0 1 32 16 .16 3 4,, 3 0 109

97 106 111 196 114 1101

Table 87. Seasonal aDunclance and cllstrlbution of Crustacean species during
1992-95 at station 1.

-sarjuionaia P . ncivcdon M. doboonl l\i [nonc<; a f f i n l a Car.Ldiana Scyllaserrata

H % H n i H % N * U

P o s t Monaccr. - - 0 37.58 16 55.17 5 17*24 29

Premonsoon 16 50 13 40.62 3 9.37 32

Hmaoon 0 35.80 22 70.96 1 3.22 31

Table 88. seasonal abundance and distribution of Crustacean species during

1992-95 at station 3.

P.Hin/ileh.i La j?#f£>noc]on .'l.do ;3Oi ii oa M. Qffints Caridiana Sc yJLJ. a 3e r rr. t a

• To'

N % n % ii .i H % n ri

Poat Monsoon 13 50 2 8.33 6 25 4 16.66 24

Pro mcnsoon 2 5.26 15 3e». 47 6 15.70 10 25.64 5 13.15 3£

Jfcmocon 10 il 19 5 5 . OG 5 11.70 3^'

Table 89. Seasonal abundance and distribution of crustacean species during

1992-95at stntlon <1.

?•» rnorcjiijLensdL3 P . »bnodon M. dobaoni M. monoceroa Mf ajffln.1.3 C a r i d i a n a S c y l l n a o r r c t ^

n % n x t\ % H x 11 ' s u /. 11 re

12,5 15 46.87 3 9.37 4 12»5 2 6*25 4 12.5 32

P r e nonuoon 2 14 46 .66 13 1 3.33 S 16 .66 3 10 29

^bn.:5oon 4 12.5 9 23 .12 2 6.25 2 6.25 13 40 ,62 2 6.25 32

Table 90. seasonal abundance and distribution of crustacean species during
1992-95 at station 5.

Scyllji Tot*
P.r.or.ulennia P. rrono<3on M. dobaoni M.monocoroa H^atfinlo. Carldlang al '

w U U

3t .vtonnoon 12 45.15 . 11 42«3O 3 11 • S3 26

Pro^onsoon 3 10.71 13 46.42 10 33.71 7 .14 2£

4 10.83 n 21.62 23 62.16 2 K

,.40 31

Table 91. Seasonal abundance and distribution of crustacean species during
1992-95 at station 6.

P. WGrgiiiGnslg. I?. JteruWqn H» dobaqni M,mqnocaro3 M.affinlg C u r r i d i a n Scyll^aaorcata Ttotal


trKjrvjoon 10 34,40 8 27,58 7 24.13 2 6.B9 2 6«H9 29

r.onaoon 7 20 15 42.05 5 14.28 5 14.28 3 0.57 35

6 15.7B 10 26.31 21 55.26 1 2.63 38

Table 92. seasonal abundance and distribution oF crustacean species during
1992-95 at station 7.

P. mirYjuronfcis P . Monoclon U* dobnonl M.monocaroai M.affiniai C a r r l d i n n n J J . S a r r a t n

] ; ; '"~

st >bn«on 10 32,25 9 29.03 3 9.67 4 12,90 2 6*45 3 9.67 31

3 monsoon 8 23.52 vC 14 41.17 3 14.70 2 5.88 3 8.B2 : 2 5.88 34

naoon . 3 13.62 - 11 34.37 4 12,50 12 37.5 32

Table 93. Seasonal abundance and distribution of crustacean species during

1992-95 at station 8.

i'.rnor<:ju.iensl3 P.rnorodon M^dobsoni H.monocarog ^ r »offinlu Caridlana i».3erxata

>O3' Jbn,->jon 13 46 • 42 4 14.23 7 23 4 14.23 28

-remonsoon 7 19.44 19 52,77 10 27.77 36

inaoon 7 16,66 10 23.80 6 14.20 3 7 # i4 10 23.30 6 14.28 42

Table 94. seasonal abundance and distribution of crustacean species during

1992-95 at station 10.

ala P«m~rcdon 'l»<3obsqnJL JUmonocaror M^ffiniji Caridiana Scylln a a r r a t a

' ~~~ ~~ .,,'" - , ~
u A M % a % u % ii % n %

bnnoon 9 34.6i 9 34.61 2 7.C9 6 23tO7 26

11 23.91 21 43.65 6 13.04 5 10.86 3 6.52 46

>n ii 29 12 31.57 10 26.31 3 8 2 3.26 38

Table 95. Seasonal abundance and distribution of Crustacean species during

1992-95 at station 11.

y.ryjr^ulengla P.mcnodon JUdobnonl M.nonocnca. H.o£finlg Carldian3 Scyllaaorrata

]" "" ' " ~ "" ' 2 Total
A u x u % u n

Ibnaoon 12 2G.6G 1 2.2 11 24.44 6 13.33 4 0.03 2 4.4 9 20 45

Pre :*>n3oon 14 20.53 3 4.41 20 29.41 14 20.58 5 7.35 - 12 17.64

ibnsoon 20 23.52 4 4.70 33 33.S2 1\ 16.47 3 3.52 - 11 12.94 85

Table 96. Seasonal abundance and distribution of Crustacean species during

1992-95 at station 12.

( j i».nvonoclorv M« dobnonl M.monocorou M,r>t"tinla Caridiunn J o y l l a oorcata

Season ~" ' " ~ ~ ' "" " ' 1__
a % n % N % H % ii rt it % n %

Poat ^naoon 10 31,?.3 ^ - 6 10/73 4 12.3 0 2a b 12 3 9.37 32

Pre~mon.TOon 15 34.09 « 10 27.7 2 11 23 0 16* IB - - 44

*bn£K>on * 16 42.10 3 7.39 14 36.04 3 7.89 2 5.26 33

Table 97. Diurnal variation of surface temperatuie (oC) at study sites
during post monsoon (A), pre monsoon (B) and sw monsoon(C)

Station A
Time 10.00 14.00 13.00 22.00 02.00 06.00 10.00

12 27.2 28.8 26.5 25.6 25.0 26.1 28.0

#3 27.6 31.1 26.2 27.5 24.3 26.4 29.4

f'4 28.8 29.5 27.3 26.4 25.7 27.5 30.5

#5 29.4 28.9 28.0 27.2 26.1 27.4 29.7

|2 27.3 27.9 27.5 28.5 25.3 27.5 28.5

|3 28.5 27.9 27.9 27.5 26.9 27.9 28.0

|4 28.2 28.5 27.9 27.5 27.8 28.0 28.5

|5 29.0 28.7 28.4 27.9 28.1 27.9 29.0

#2 24.1 23.9 24.2 24.6 23.9 24.1 23 5

,f3 23.8 23.3 23.5 23.9 24.7 24.6 23.7

=4 24.2 24.1 23.8 23.8 23.6 24.5 24.6

15 23.7 25.2 24.6 25.3 23.6 24.8 25.3

Table 98. Diurnal variation of surface salinity (%) at study sites during
post monsoon (A), pre monsoon (B) and sw monsoon(C)

Station A
Time 10.00 14.00 18.00 22.00 02.00 06.00 10.00

§2 0.29 0.12 0.21 0.13 0.14 0.18 0.1S

#3 0.23 0.23 0.25 0.26 0.21 0.19 0.25

#4 0.36 0.24 0.15 0.27 0.15 0.26 0.11

#5 0.29 0.23 0.18 0.23 0.22 0.14 0.24

§2 0.23 0.23 0.13 0.25 0.32 0.34 0.23

|3 0.25 0.22 0.12 0.13 0.22 0.11 0.23

?4 0.11 0.15 0.29 025 0.18 0.20 0.05

§5 0.10 0.25 0.44 0.65 0.23 0.13 0.20

12 0.22 0.11 0.13 0.09 0.07 0.12 0.11

#3 0.09 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.08 0.12

,f4 0.13 0.08 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.14

#5 0.13 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.09 0.06

Table 99. Diurnal variation of dissolved Oxygen (ml/1) during
post monscon (A), pre monsoon (8) and sw monsoon(C)

Station A
Time 10.00 14.00 18. 00 22.00 02.00 06.00 10

§2 5.2 6.1 5.9 5.6 5.0 4.9 5.2

#3 5.1 5.9 5.1 4.9 4.3 4.4 5.4

f4 5.1 6.1 5.5 4.6 4.9 3.9 5.2

#5 5.1 6.1 5.2 4.3 3.2 . 3.0 4.8

?2 5.8 6.8 6.2 5.3 5.3 4.9 5.8

f '3 5.6 6.7 6.9 co 5.1 4.9 5.2

*4 5.8 6.4 6.4 5.7 5.0 4.8 5.2

=5 5.3 6.4 6.3 5.8 4.9 4.6 4.9

=2 6.1 6.9 6.1 5.3 5.1 4.8 4.7

f3 5.9 6.4 5.9 5.2 5.0 4.3 4.9

=4 5.8 6.9 7.0 5.6 5.3 4.9 4.9

=5 5.5 6.5 6.3 5.4 5.1 4.3 5.0

Table 100. Diurnal variation of surface pH at study sites during
post monsoon (A), pre monsoon (B) and sw monsoon(C)

Station A
Time 10.00 14.00 18.00 22.00 02.00 06.00 10.00

§2 7.5 7.3 7.9 7.9 7.4 7.4 7.9

%Z 7.3 7.4 6.9 8.2 8.1 8.3 7.8

#4 7.9 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.1 7.9 7.8

§5 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.1 7.9 7.5 7.4

§2 7.5 6.9 7.3 7.9 7.4 7.4 7.9

#3 7.9 7.3 7.4 7.5 8.1 7.9 7.6

#4 7.9 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.1 8.0 8.1

§5 8.1 8.2 8.3 7.9 7.4 8.1 8.0

§2 7.2 6.9 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3

§5 5.9 7.1 7.2 6.8 7.2 7.4 7.1

§4 6.9 7.3 7.3 7.5 7.4 6.9 7.1

#5 7.1 7.4 6.8 7.2 7.5 7.1 7.2

Table 101. Diurnal variation of suspended load (g/l) at study sites
during post monsoon (A), pre monsoon (B) and sw monsoon(C)

station A
Time ' 1C.00 14.00 18.00 22.00 02.00 06.00 10.00

#2 0.12 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.32 0.24 0.23

#3 0.14 0.23 0.32 0.41 0.23 0.27 0.19

#4 0.25 0.23 0.23 0.32 0.16 0.27 0.17

§5 0.32 0.37 0.24 0.25 0.30 0.29 0.29

§2 0.16 0.17 0.13 0.19 C.25 0.26 0.19

|3 0.13 0.14 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.19

#4 0.11 0.15 0.13 0.21 0.20 0.21 0.22

jS 29.0 28.7 28.4 27.9 28.1 27.9 29.0

§2 0.35 0.26 0.38 0.38 0.27 0.31 0.29

§S 0.25 0.32 0.26 0.33 0.24 0.19 • 0.26

#4 0.25 0.35 0.35 0.34 0.34 0.23 0.34

|5 0.32 0.36 0.37 0.32 0.35 0.25 0.33

Table 102. Diurnal variation of v.E.C at study sites during
post monsoon (A), pre monsoon (B) and sw monsoon(C)

station A
Time 10.00 14.00 18.00 22.00 02.00 06.00 10.(

§2 0.31 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.16 0.32 0.25

#3 0.25 0.31 0.30 0.28 0.18 0.27 0.26

#4 0.25 0.34 0.34 0.23 0.23 0.13 0.34

#5 0.23 0.34 0.32 0.21 0.191 0.23 0.24

§2 0.56 0.34 0.43 * 0.40 0.45 0.45 0.38

#3 0.34 0.36 0.35 0.45 0.49 0.32 0.35

14 0.43 0.32 0.38 0.22 0.35 0.34 0.29

#5 0.36 0.46 0.24 0.35 0.27 0.379 0.36

§2 0.11 0.12 0.23 0.13 0.25 0.151 0.19

#3 0.21 0.19 0.16 0.189 0.21 0.22 0.23

#4 0.22 0.21 0.11 0.13 0.17 0.16 0.16

#5 0.16 0.21 0.11 0.16 0.13 0.19 0.15
Table 103. Diurnal variation of zooplankton at the study sites during
post monsoon (A), pre monsoon (B) and sw monsoon(C)

Station A
Time 10.00 14.00 13.00 22.00 02.00 06.00 10.00

12 19S6 1348 1734 4355 10124 3978 1808

#3 1553 1334 887 1872 12784 1583 1386

#4 1387 1084 634 1781 2789 1164 1223

is 1271 1073 892 1324 1482 1132 5324

#2 3382 1848 1478 4312 5104 6978 3524

#3 2737 3384 1887 3572 6532 4524 984

/4 2104 1984 1428 5324 9184 2972 232^

#5 2653 2104 2281 3301 6304 3889 20V

J 2 1986 1525 943 2204 9687 1384 1210

#3 1772 1539 910 2543 4788 1963 1034

#4 1014 664 524 1043 2324 1184 1064

#5 786 875 483 1014 2014 584 432

Figure 1. Water temperature during
Sep.92 - Aug.93

ept.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.93 Feb March April May June July Aug.

1 2 3
4 5 6

Water temperature (oC)



Sept.9 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.93 Feb March April May Jane MUC

7 •- 8 9
10 -e- 11 12
Figure 2. Salinity variation during




^ 3.00
III \\\


Sept'92 Oct Nov. Dec. Jan.'93 FEb. March. April May June July Aug.

1 •• 2 -•- 3
4 ^-5 -6
35 T



9 20


Sepi'92 Oct Nov. Dec. Jan.'93 Ftb. March. April May June July Aug.

•- 7 • 8 -• 9
^-10 -e- 11 «~ 12
Figure 3. Dissolved Oxygen
during Sep.92 - Aug,93


Sep.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'93 Feb. March Aprii May June Juiy Aug.

1 -•-2
4 -5- 6

Dissolved Oxygen

ep.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'93 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

7 -•- 8 -*- 9
10 -«-11 -e- 12
Figure 4. Variation in pH
during Sep.92 - Aug.93


aep.92 Oct Nov Dec. Jan'93 Feb March April May June July Aug.

-•- 1 -*-2 -»-3

Variation in pH




Sep.92 Oct Nov Dec. Jan'93 Feb March April May June July Aug.

7 -*- 8 ^ 9
10 *-11 -=-12
Figure 5. Suspended load
during Sep.92 - Aug.93


°iep.92 Oct Nov Dec. JaiV93 Feb March Apni May June July

1 -»-2
4 ^5

Suspended load




m 2.00



Sep.32 Get Nov Dec. Jan'93 Feu Marcn Apni .May June

10 -3-12
Figure 6. Vert. Ext Coefficient
during Sep.92 - Aug.93


I II I . ^ ) i i i • •

Sep.92 Oct Nov Dec. Jan'93 Feb March April May June July Aug.

1 2 -^
4 5 ^

Vert.Ext Coefficient

"Sep.92 Oct Nov Dec. Jan'93 Feb March April May June July Aug.

Figure 7.Variation in Phosphate during
Sep.92 - Aug. 93




Sept.9 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.93 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

*- ^ * 2
--4 -> 5

10 T



Sept.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.93 Feb. March April May MuQ.

7 +8 ^
10 -e- 11 -e- 12
Figure 8. Variation in Nitrate
during Sep.92 - Aug.93

(0 18.
O 12.
2 10.
lep.92 Oct Nov Dec. Jan'93 Fed March April May June July Aug.

1 + 2 -+-3
4 -3-5 ^6




Sep.92 Oct Nov Dec. Jan'93 Feb

--••• 1 1
Figure 9. Variation in Nitrite-N
during Sep.92 - Aug.93

ep.92 Oct Nov Dec. Jan'93 Feb ^4arch Apni May June July Aug.

1 2
4 5




0.00* _ _ . _ .
Sep.92 Oct Nov Dec. Jan'93 Feb March Apni May June July Aug.
7 -a- 8 -»• 9
10 -e- 11 -e- 12
Figure 10. Variation in Silicate-Si
during Sep.92 - Aug.93







ep.92 Get Nov Dec. Jan'93 Feb Marcn April May June Juiy Aug.

4 ^ 5 -s-6



Sep.92 Oci Nov Dec. Jan'93 Feb March April May June July Aug.

-*-7 -»- 8 • •*- 9

Figure 11. Water temperature
during Sep.93 - Aug.94


ep.93 Oct Nov Dec. Jan.94 -Feb Marcft April May June July Aug.

1 2 •*• 3
4 5 ^6

Water temperature


Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

•<- 7 -*-8 -»-9

- - 10 -> 11 -'- 12
Figure 12. Variation in Salinity
during Sep.93 - Aug.94

Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feo. March April May June July Aug.

1 -•- 2 -+-3
4 - ^ 5 -e- 6

27.00 \ V
o 21.00
2 18.00
c 15.00
6.00 j
Sep 93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

7 8 •*- 9
10 i >
Figure 13. Dissolved Oxygen
during Sep.93 - Aug.94





I 6.00
Q 5.50




Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March Aprii May June July Aug.


Dissolved Oxygen
8.00 T

ep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

* 7 -»- 8 -•- 9
^-10 -9-11 -^-12
Figure 14. Variation in pH
during Sep.93 - Aug.94






ep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June Juty Aug.

Variation in pH


x 8.00


Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June Juty Aug.

••- 7 -*- S ••+- 9

Figure 15. Variation in pH
during Sep.93 - Aug.94




/ \
0.60 /' \

Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan"94 Feb. March Aprii May June July Aug.

1 -*• 2 -*- 3
4 -e-5 -s- 6

Suspended load



Susp.load (gm/l




Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan"94 Feb. March April May June Juiy Aug.

7 ••• 8 >- 9
10 -•- 1 2
Figure 16. Vert.Ext.Coefficient
during Sep.93 - Aug.94


Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

4 -&-5 -5-6



ep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

** /' -a- 3 ••»- 9

-*- 10 -s- 11 -=-12

Fig. 17 . Variation in Phosphate
during Sep.93 - Aug.94





Q. 4.00

Sep,93 OcL Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March Aprii May June July Aug.

4 -e- 5 -3-6




Sep,93 Oct Hov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June Juiy Aug.

-•-7 •*- 8 9
- 10 * - 11 12
Figure 18. Variation Nitrate
during Sep.93 - Au 4



o.pcn Apni May July Aug.

Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. M;
1 3
4 6

s 20.00
CO 18.00
z 14.00
O 12.00

'3ep.93~ April May Juiy Aug

Figure 19. Variation in Nitrite-N
during Sep.93 - Aug.94



Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

1 -m-2 -»-3
4 -e- 5 -a-6



_ 0.80



3ep.93 Oct. Nov. .Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

-- 10 ••:-:- 1 2
Figure 20. Variation in Silicate-Si
duimg Sep.93 - Aug.94

60.00 T


_ 40.00
§ 30.00



Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

1 -*- 2 -*- 3
4 ^5 -s- 6



.S3 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'34 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

-*•• 7 g
Figure 21. Water temperature
during Sep.94 - August 95

§.94 Ocl Nov! Deo 195 Feb! Mar Aprii May June^ July Aug.

•1 -•- 2 -»- 3
4 -e- 5 ^ 6

Water temperature


94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug.

• 7 •»- 8
— 10 -:- 11
Figure 22. Water Salinity
during Sep.94 - Aug.95




^ 0.05


S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

-•- 1 -•- 2 -«- 3

-*-'4 -*-5 -s-6

Water Salinity

I 15-00

S.94 .Oct. Nov. Dec. J.S5 Feb. March April May June Juiy Aug.

«• 3

-.*- 10 => 1!
Figure 23. Dissolved Oxygen
during Sep.94 - Aug.95


94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March Aprii May June July Aug.

-*- 1 +2 -*-
-*-4 -e-5 ^

Dissolved Oxygen

S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June Juiy Aug.

*- 7 8 •- 9
*- 10 11 --- 12
Figure 24. Variation in pH
during Sep.94 - Aug.95


94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

1 -»-2 -+-3
4 -e- 5 -s-6

Variation in pH


S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March Aprii May June Juiy Aug.

7 -•- 8 •- 9
10 --- 11
Figure 25. Suspended load
during Sep.94 - Aug.95



94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

1 +2 -+- 3
4 -e-5 -s-6

Suspended load

.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

7 »- 3 --*•- 9
10 •--• 11 -• 12
i 1

Figure 26. Variation in V.E.C

during Sep.94 - Aug.95




94 Oct Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March Apni May June July Aug.

1 +2 *+- 3
4 -e- 5 ^6

Variation in V.E.C





S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March Aprii May June July Auc.

-•-7 -a- 8 -+• 9

-«-10 -e- 11 -s-12
Figure 27. Variation in Phosphate-P
during Sept. 94 - Aug.95



ept. 9 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

-•- 1 2 •- 3
x-4 5

Figure 27. Variation in PO4-P

during Sept.94 - Aug.95



• 7 8 9
• 10 11 12

Figure 28. Variation in Nitrate-N

during Sep.94 - Aug.95




94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March Aprii May June Juiy Aug.

4 -e-5 -e-6



i , . i i i
°S°H94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March Aprii May June July Aug.

• •7 » 3 -*- 9
-*- 10 -&• 11 -3-12
Figure 29. Variation in Nitrite-N
.during Sep.94 - Aug.95



94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

4 -&• 5 -s- -5




94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

- 9
-*-10 -e-11 -£3- 12
Figure 30. Variation in Silicate-Si
during Sep.94 - Aug.95



S.94 Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March Aprii May June July Aug.

1 -*-2 ••-3
4 -&- 5 -s-6




94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feo. March Apnl May June July Aug.

10 -e- 11 -=- 12
Fig.31. Sediment temperature
during Sep.92 - Aug.93


Sep.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'93 Feb. March Aprii May June July Aug.

1 -•-3

Sediment temperature
32.00 T


O 29.00

24.00 L
Sep.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Janf93 Feb. March Aprii May June July Aug.

-«- 7 8
-«- 10 11
Figure 32. Sediment pH
during Sep.92 - Aug.93


6.00 i -
Sep.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'93 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

•«- 1 -*-2 -«- 3

-*. 4' -e- 5 -s-6


Sep.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'93 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

*- 7 -•- 8 •-• 9
Figure 33. Organic matter
during Sep.92 - Aug.93



Sen .9 Cct. Ncv. Dec. Jan9 FeD. March April May June u..y Aug.

3 1 12 ^3
= 4 iH 5 16

Organic matter


Sep.9 Oct. \ c v . D e c . Jan'9 F e o . M a r c n April M a y June «_>A u g .

Z3 7 :~ 3
= •o ™2ii
Figure 34. Organic carbon
during Sep.92 - Aug.93

S.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.93 Feb. March April May June July Aug

Ml 2 3
== 4 6.

Organic carbon


.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.93 Feb. March April May June July Aug

B 7 m9
11 H 12
Fig 35. Sediment moisture (%
during Sep,92 - Aug,93
. r 40.00 _ .
Aug. F Oct.


June Dec.


April Feb.

1 •*- 2 -•-3
4 ^ 5 -=- 5

Sediment moisture (%)

Aug. [50-00 Oct.

July Nov.

June — Dec.


ADril Feb.

•-7 •- 8 *- 9
Suncl (%) Sand (%)

M C o - t i - c n c n v i o o c o o
o o p o o o o o o o p
( 3 O O b i O O < 3 i D O O b
o o o o o o o o o o § § 8 § § § 8 § § g g



o iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

HI. y " 0)
CD a.
CD r*

in to

en CJ
• RK^«Miaa>E«Woo4Sc!)88cwd6Sw8Eo83fl8c8cK3s3aw

//Avy/y////y///::y///y/y////yA-/yy//?y//y/y//y//////yZZfy>:y:i ]${"'

CT; T—
co co a.
8 S.I

.E g.
c < CM in 2 or>

o < w^mmmm^jmmr^^T^^^^^ ci
'tZ Q.

CO 5

d o

(%) ins 1%) IMS

Figure 38. Variation in Clay (%)
during Sep.92 - Aug.93


S.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.93 Feb. Mar. April

u May June July Aug.

39 1 u. Z. Sat o
= 4







0.00 3.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.93 Fee. Mar.

!"1 3
Fig 39. Sediment temperature
during Sep.93 - Aug.94



Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

-*-2 ~»- 3
-a-5 ^ 6

Sediment temperature

O 29.00

I" 28.00



Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

-»- 7 -*- 8 •+- 9

-- 1 0 - = - 1 1 -•-••• 1 2
Figure 40. Sediment pH
during Sep.93 - Aug.94


Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March Aprii May June Juty Aug.

4 -e-5 6

Sediment pH

6.00 .
.UU 1 i « 1 1 1 1 1 , , ,

Sep.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'94 Feb. March Aprii May June Juiy Aug.

•••7 -a A * 9
-*- 10 , , 11 ~ 12
Fig 41. Sed. Organic matter
during Sep.93 - Aug.94

S.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

m1 1 3
= 4 26

Organic matter

S.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

^ 7 iU 3 ^ 9
SS 10 "IS 11 -71 12
Figure 42. Sed. Organic carbon
during Sep.93 - Aug. 94

S.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.94 Feb. March Aprii May June July Aug.

13 1 DM 2 M2
==4 1 5 E3 6

Sediment Organic Carbon


S.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.
Si 7 m 8 E3 9
-S 10 OS 11 d 12
Fig 43. Sediment moisture (%)
during Sep.93 - Aug.94
Aug. Oct


June Dec.


April Feb.

1 +2
4 ^5

Sediment moisture (%
r 50.00
Aug Oct


Jure Dec.


- o •*•• b

Saucl(%) Sand (%)
- • • r o c o - J i - c n c n - ^ o o c o
p o o p p o p p o p ^ M U ^ oi O) N OS (O
b b b b b b i O o g i S p o o o o p p o o o
ci C3 o c> 'o 'o a 'o c> 'o
" ! !_j_ i i i i i i

co co

a c
O (D
CD 3
in 1 CQ <
cu CO
CD 3 .
Q. t T3 fi)
cr CO <-••

cn ro
i 5'
JUJUJIlllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Hllinillllllliiiiiiiiniiiiii
CQ •5"


Figure 45. Variation in Silt (%)
during Sep.93 - Aug.94


S.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.94 Feb. Mar. Aprii May June July Aug.




S.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.94 Feo. Mar. April May June

m? ;::n s m9
Figure 46. Variation in Clay (%)
during Sep.93 - Aug.94


S.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.94 Feb. Mar. April June July Aug.

•M 1 2 SI 3
= 4 Hi 5 Si 6

Clay (%)


S.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.94 Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug.

m7 E3 8 ^ 9
- <•»

Figure 47. Sediment temperature

during Sep.94 - Aug.95



•4 -9-5 ^

Sediment temperature


S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.35 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

10 ^ 11
Figure 48. Sediment pH 136
during Sep.94 - Aug.95




94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

1 2
4 5

Sediment pH






S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

• • 7 *• 8 ••- 9
-*• 1 0 e- 11 •=- 1 2
Figure 49. Sed.Organic matter
during Sep.94 - Aug.95

S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May July Aug.

m1 M2 BB3
= 4 16

Organic matter

S.S4 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May July Aug.

7 m9
10 11 i~3 12
Figure 50. Sed. Organic carbon
during Sep.94 - Aug.95


so.o Feb. March April Aug.

m1 2 m3
= 4 5 d 6

Sediment Organic Carbon



0.0)QS , , , , , S
S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May July Aug
7 ED 8 m9
10 11 Z3 12
Figure 51. Sediment moisture (%)
during Sep.94 - Aug.95

Aug. Oct.




March Feb.


Sediment moisture (%)

Aug. Oct.



April J.95

March Feb.
^- 7 8 •+- 9
— 10 11 -s- 12
Figure 52. Variation in Sand (%)
during Sep.94 - Aug.95





2 50.00-

§ 40.00-


20.00- II:

S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

• 1 ZE 2 I 3
1 6

Sand (%




60.00- I




S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March Aprii May June July Aug.

m 7 Z~ 3
?= 10


.5 eh
,n i ''•

c < (M
o • 00


o o o
q o q
d d
oo d

(%) ins JI!S

Clay (%) Clay (%)
ro CO co 4*.
o Ol o cn O cn o cn o cn cn
O O b b b b b b b b b
O CD o oI ot oI oI oI o
J o o

5' •

o O fi)

p.94 - /
j> ••>•



Figure 55. Phytoplankton
during Sep.92 - Aug.93



.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.93 Feb March April May June July Aug.

a 1 nnn 2 3


30000 y \

Sep.9 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.9 Feb March April May June July Aug.

HIE 8 I9
3 12
Figure 56. Zooplankton
during Sep.92 - Aug.93

S.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.93 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

m1 m 2 3
= 4 6


5.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.93 Feb. March April May June July Aug

c °v

Figure 57. Meiobenthos

during Sep.92 - Aug.93


S.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'93 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

I1 2 *
4 5 -s-

6000 r


4000 J.

o 3000



S.Q2 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'93 Feb. March Apnl May June July Aug.

3 •• 9
11 -•- 12
Kali River

1-12 Study sites

A SW Monsoon
Pre Monsoon
o-spatial variations of
Post Monsoon total Meiobenthic density
(No/10cm2) in the River kali
Figure 58. Macrobenthos
during Sep.92 - Aug.93

S.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.93 Feb. March April May June July Aug

1 2 -»-
4 5 ^-


2750 •

2250 •
1500 \ 1
1 /
S.92 Oct.
I /I

Nov. Dec. Jan.93 Feb. March April


May June Juiy Aug.

Si 7 -•- 8 *- 9
* 10 -•*-- 11 --- 12
Kali River

Monsoon 1-12 Study sites

N SEA Pre Monsoon

Fig.^B.pTemporo-spatial variations 'of

Post Monsoon total Macrobenthic density (No/m
in the River Kali. Ci
Figure 59. Microbes in Water
during Sep.92 - Aug.93

300.0T - — -~~

0.0 L
ep.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'93 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

4 -3-5 -3-6

Microbes in Water






ep.92 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'93 Feb. March Apni May June July Aug.

-•-7 -«- 8 -*- 9

— 10 -c- 11 •--- 12
Figure 60. Microbes in Sediment
during Sep.92 - Aug.93


Sep.9 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'93 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

1 -+-1 +3
4 -*- 5 H-6

Microbes in Sediment





o 2000.0




Sep.9 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan'93 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

7 *•• ? •-- 9
10 —11 -e- 12
Figure 61. Phytoplankton
during Sep.93 - Aug.94


S.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.94 Feb. March April May June July Aug

1 flnn 2 3
4 6



;.93 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.94 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

SB 7 IE 8 ^ 9
Figure 67. Phytoplankton
during Sep.94 - Aug.95


5.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug

2 m3
= 4 5 3 6



SQ4 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

ES 7 JE 8
=== 10 "M 11
Figure 68. Zooplankton
during Sep.94 - Aug.95



S.94 Oct. Nov. Cec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

= 4


S.94 Oct Nov. 2ac. J.95 Feb. March Aprii May June July Aug
Figure 69.Meiobenthos
during Sep.94 - Aug.95
600 T


S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feo. March April May June July Aug.

• 1 -»-2 -"-3
-•-4 -«- 5 -3-6


S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March Aprii May June July Aug.

• 9
• * - 1
Figure 70. Macrobenthos
during Sep.94 - Aug.95



S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feo. March April May June July Aug.

-+-4 —5


S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feo. March April May June J'-iy Aug.

£ * Q
10 11 -=- 12
Figure 71. Microbes in Water
during Sep.94 - Aug.95


S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. March April May June July Aug.

-•- 1 *• 2 *- 3
-~— 4 ->- 5 - ^ - 5

Microbes in Water




g 300

° 250-

i 200-


S.94 Oct. Ncv. Dec. J.95 Feb. Marcn April May June July A.

-•-7 «• 8 ••-• 9
3 >
im it
Figure 72. Microbes in Sediment
during Sep.94 - Aug.95




S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. Marcn Aprii May June Juiy Aug.

1 -*-2 *- 3
4 — 5 -=-6

Microbes in Sediment

S.94 Oct. Nov. Dec. J.95 Feb. Marcn Aoni May June July Aug.

T3 7 * 3 * 9
Chapter I

Thermal bioassay on selected riverine species


Many of the fish and shell fish from coastal and estuarine waters possess pelagic

larvae and play an important role in the aquatic food web. Their survival and the

development is important for successful recruitment of young to the adult

population, usually, the larvae of the species are released into the environment

when the conditions are optimum for their growth and development. However,

in nature, aquatic organisms are subjected to varying conditions of environmental

changes such as temperature, salinity, light, food and other factors and they

respond to the total resulting stimulus or stress rather than to single

environmental factor. Of these factors, temperature acting singly or in

combination with other factors often found to be major parameter influencing

the survival, development, growth and distribution of larvae. Hence, an

understanding of these larval responses is important to their basic biology and

their evaluation as bioassay organisms for assessing the affects of anthropogenic

activities, water temperature probably has more influence on aquatic life and

system than any other single variable. Aquatic thermal environment is a direct

result of the radiant energy available. However, variation in the thermal structure

other than the radiation may be caused by human activities such as discharge of

thermal or atomic power plant colant waters. There are three energy sources fpr

energy consuming process on the earth, namely - solar energy, geo-thermal and

man-made nuclear energy/ Thermal characteristics of estuaries are extremely

complex and vary widely from one estuary to another, the effects of temperature

on plant and animal growth are many and varied. With temperature as with light,

species vary in their minimum, maximum and optimum conditions.


Test samples (biological) belonging to different groups of molluscs,

crustaceans and finfishes were collected from the nearby areas of the
proposed Kadra reservoir and power plant and transported to the
laboratory in plastic containers. Each group were separated into two
batches and one batch of which were acclimated to a temperature of
20 + l°C and other to 30+l°C temperature.

At the collection site, the temperature recorded was 28.6oC and it

was in the freshwater zone. In the laboratory they were acclimated
gradually over a period of one day to the respective acclimation

In the case of a mollusc (Periwinkle), the length was in the range of

0.8 to 1.2 cm (from the apex to the outer end of the operculum). They
were fed with the algal culture of Pediastrum and daily 25% of the
water was exchanged. The aeration was maintained continuously
which also facilitated the proper mixing of the water.

In the case of a finfish (Puntius spp.), the test animals were in the
range of 3-5 cm in total length while Parluciosoma spp. ranged
between 4-6 cm in total length. These were also fed with algal diet
and 50% of the water exchanged daily.
Juveniles of Macrobrachium spp, ranged between 2 to 3.5 cms

in total length, while the males and females ranged bewteen 4 and

5 cms. Temperature was regulated using Jumo thermometer.

Test animals acclimated to two different acclimation

temperature were exposed to two types of thermal studies as

mentioned below.

A.1.Tolerance Study:

In this, the animals from the respective acclimation

temperature were transferred suddenly to a pre-determined

temperature and maintained at that temperature for 96 hours

(Fry et aj.. , 1946). The animals were not fed but 50% water

was exchanged daily.

B.2.Survival Study:

In this study, the temperature was increased at two


different rates of 1°C per hour and 1°C per 24 hours, from

the respective acclimation temperatures (Hutchinson, 1961).

Animals were fed and 50% of water was exchanged daily, with

water of matching temperature.

In both the above experiments, aeration was maintained

continuously, keeping the water well stirred with compressed

air. Mortality was confirmed from the inactivity even after

prodding. Experiments were conducted in triplicate with 10

animals in each test.


The median lethal time for selected group of riverine fauna

acclimated for 20+ 1°C and 30+ 1 Cacclimation temperature is

presented below.

The percentage mortality at successive interval of time for

a period of 96 hrs was plotted on ordinary-arithmatic graph and

the median lethal time was calculated for survival study and for

tolerance study the percentage motality was plotted on a

logarithmic graph.

1. Tolerance Study:-

A. Periwinkle:

The median lethal time obtained for the test animals

acclimated to 20 + 1°C Was 45 hrs at 30°C, while that

obtained for 30 + 1°C acclimation was 90 hrs at 37°C. The

median lethal time for various temperatures is shown in

Table 1, for both the acclimation temperatures.


Two species of fishes, Puntius spp. and Pariuciosoma

spp. were studied. Of the two species Puntius was more

tolerant to temperature as evident from Table 2 and Table

3. Pariuciosoma spp. was more sensitive and for 20 + 1°C

acclimation temperature, a median lethal time was 91.6 hrs

at 29°C. For the same species acclimated to 30 + 1°C it was

35 hrs at 38°C.

In the case of Puntius spp. acclimated to 20 + 1° it

was at 31°C temperature in 81 hrs and for 30 + 1°C

acclimation temperature the median lethal time was 62 hrs at


C.Macrobrachiurn rosenbergi i :•

In the case of juveniles acclimated to 20 + 1°C the

median lethal time obtained was 32.1 hrs at 29°C (Table 4 ) .

For 30 + 1°C the same was obtained at 38°C in 29.5

hrs. Males exhibited greater tolerance to temperature for

both the acclimation when compared to juveniles and females

when males of Macrobrachium rosenbergi i was acclimated to

20 ± 1CC the median lethal time obtained was 24.5 hrs at

32 C C. while that for 30 ± 1°C was 75.5 hrs at 39 C C. (Table

-IK -Females of this species also exhibited the effect of

acclimation (Table 5.) and the median lethal time obtained

for 20 + 1°C acclimation temperature was 38 hrs at 30°C and

for 30 + 1°C. it is 96 hrs at 38°C.

2. Survival Study :

A.Periwinkle :

In case of gastorpod acclimated to 20 + 1°C, when the

temperature was raised at a rate of 1°C/hr median lethal

temperature obtained was 35°C. While, when the temperature

was raised at a rate of 1°C/24 hrs t.\a median lethal

temperature obtained was 32°C.

When the test animals acclimated to 30 + 1°C were

subjected to various test temperatures the L.T50 obtained for

the test wherein the temperature was raised at a rate of

1°C/hr was 33.9°C while for 1°/24hrs it Was 33°C (Table 7 ) .


The LT5Q value for Parluciosoma spp. and for Puntius

spp. varied for both the types of survival studies and also for

both the acclimation.


In the case of Parluciosoma spp. (Table 8.) the median

lethal temperatures obtained for 1°C rise per hour for 30 ±

1°C acclimation was 41°C, while that for 1°C rise per 24 hrs

was 40°C. For 20 + 1°C ittfas 33.9 and 31.1 for 1°C/hr and

1°/24 hrs rise respectively.

Puntius spp. was found to tolerate greater tempeatures.

The median lethal temperature was higher than that of

Parluciosoma species (Table .9). The median lethal temperature

for 1°C rise/hr was 35.4°C and 42.6°C for 20 + 1°C and 30 +

1°C acclimation temperatures respectively. white that fcr

1°C rise/ 24 hrs. was 33.2°C and 41°C for both the

acclimation temperatures.

C.Macrobrachiurn rosenbergi i :

Juveniles acclimated to 20 +. 1°C temperature had a

median lethal temperature of 34.1°C and 32.4°C for 1°C rise

per hour and 1°C rise per 24 hrs respectively. (Table 10).

In the case of females acclimated to 20 + 1°C when the

temperature was raised at a rate of 1°C per hour, the median

lethal temperature was found to be 33.4°C and that for 30 +

1°C it was 42.7°C. The LT 5 0 value for 1 °C rise per 24 hrs


for 20 + 1°C was 31.7°C and that for 30 + 1 ° C was 41.6°C

(Table jj.). The LT 5 0 values for males, for i^c rise/hr was

36.1°C and 43°C for 20 + 1°C and 30 + 1°C acclimation tempe-

ratures respectively (Table 12).


7ha present tolerance and survival studies revals that, a

temperature of upto 36°C can be tolerated by most of the species

as most of them can adjust tc a certain higher temperature by the

process of acclimation. The species studied belong to different

group5 and it becomes necessary to consider the values obtained

for the sedentary species as the critical value of temperature^as

opposed to the free swimming forms which can exhibit avoidance

movements to certain local presence of non optimal environmental

conditions, such that it does not disturb any of the species

population in the ecosystem and adhere to these as the upper

permissible temperature limit for the waste water from the

Nuclear Power Plant reaching the riverine system.

Table 1 : Median lethal time (Hrs) at lethal temperatures for

acclimation temperatures of 20 + 1°C and 30 + 1°c

for periwinkle.

Accllmation Temperature (

! 20 + 1°C | 30 ;t 1«C i
J Test Temp ! Median lethal J Test Temp ; Median lethal J
! °C time ! °C time !

! 30 45.0 37 9o.o ..;

1 i

! 31 15.25 38 11.6 !

! 32 o.a 39 3. a j

Table 2 : Median lethal time (Hrs) at lethal temperatures for

acclimation temperatures of 20 + 1°C for

Parluciosoma daniconius

• \

Acclimation Temperature

! 20 + 1°(
*-• J 30 + 1°( •»

i _
[Test Temp !Median lethal ! Test Temp • Median lethal
! °C ! time °C time
i _ ji . j

| 29 91 .6 38 35.0
J 30 64. 0 39 14. 1
! 31 44. 4 40 3.65
32 25. 8 41 2.4
33 12. 2 ,
1 j
34 I 1 .5 !
Table 3 : Median lethal time (Hrs) at lethal temperatures for

acclimation temperatures of 20 + 1°C and 30 + 1°C

for Puntius spp.

0 Acclimation Temperature °(

J 30 + 1°C J

i. _ i
,'Test Temp I Median lethal , Test Temp | Median lethal \
; _o c 1
time °C ! time ;
L _ _ _ L_ _ _ _ _ I
! 31 81.0 40 62.0 !
J 32 62.0 41 16 ;
| 33 40.0 42 1.5 !
! 34 , 25.5 t

,' 35 2.72 1

Table 4 : Median lethal time (Hrs) at lethal temperatures for

acclimation temperatures of 20 + 1°C for

Macrobrachium rosenbergi i juveniles.

Acclimation Temperature °^ i

20 + 1°C ! 30 + 1°C |

Test Temp [ Median lethal ! Test Temp ! Median lethal !

°C J time oc ! time !
L _ _ — — — -L _ _ _ — L _ i

29 32.1 38 29.5 J

30 9.1 39 12 |

31 5.4 40 4.3 J
i-1 1 .7 !
Table 5 : Median lethal time (Hrs) at lethal temperatures for

acclimation temperatures of 20 + 1°C and 30 + 1°C

for Macrobrachium rosenbergi i females.

Acclimation Temperature °(

! 20 + 1°C ! 30 + 1°C |

! Test Temp J Median lethal Test Temp ! Median lethal |

°C t i me ! °C t i me !
L — — L _ _ _ L _ __ _ I
! 30 38.0 38 96.0 ,'

! 31 7.8 39 37.8 !
40 12.5 i

! 32 | 1 .9 | 41 ! 3.0 !

Table 6 : Median lethal time (Hrs) at lethal temperatures for

acclimation temperatures of 20 + 1°C and 30 + 1°C

for Macrobrachium rosenbergi i males.

/ _ _ _ _ _ \

I Acclimation Temperature °C !

! 30 + 1°C J

! Test Temp ! Median lethal j Test Temp I Median lethal \

°C ' time : °c ! time ,'
L _ _
! 32 24.5 39 75.5 1

40 24.5 J

! 33 , 10.25 41 6.0 j
\- • /
Table 7 : LT 5 Q values for survival studies with increase in

Temperature at two different rates in Periwinkle.

/ \
Acclimation ! 1°C/hr ! 1°C/24hrs
Temp °C
i _ L _ _

20 ± 1°C 35 32

30 + 1°C 39.9 , 33

\ /

able 8 : LTgg values for survival studies with increase in

temperature at two different rates in Pariuciosoma


• \

Acclimation ! 1°C/hr i 1°C/24hrs !

Temp °C
L _ _ L — _ i

dKJ -i-
Hr 110p
\j 33.9 31.1 ;
J_ i Or*
on _ 40 ;
oU + 1 U 41 ,
Table 3 : L T 5 0 values for survival studies with increase in

temperature at two different rates in Puntius spp.

/ »
! Acclimation ! 1°C/hr ! 1°C/24hrs
! Temp °C
L _ i

! 20 + 1°C 35,4 33.2


! 30 + 1°C 42.6 I 41
1 1
\ /

Table 10 : LTg n values for survival studies with increase in

temperature at two different rates in Macrobrachium

rosenbergi i juveniles.
• I \

Acclimation ! 1°C/hr ! 1°C/24hrs

Temp °

20 ± 1°C 34.1 32.4

30 ± 1°C 43 ; 41 .2
Table 11 : L T 5 0 values for survival studies with increase in

tamperature at two different rates in Macrobrachium

rosenbergi i females

{ Acclimation ! 1°C/hr J 1°C/24hrs
I Temp °C
i _ jL

! 20 + 1°C 33.4 31 .7

,' 30 + 1°C j 42.7 41 .6

Table 12 : L T 5 Q values for survival studies with increase in

temperature at two different rates in Macrobrachium

rosenbergi i males.

Acclimation ! i°C/hr ! 1°C/24hrs

Temp °C
L L _ __

20 + 1°C 36.1 34

30 + 1°C 43 , 41 .9
Chapter II

Effect of temperature on oxygen consumption of selected riverine



Of the environmental factors which are likely to affect

stress, temperature is considered first. Temperature affects many

of the biological processes and; the effects of ambient

temperature conditions on metabolic rate is experimented by

measuring the rate of Oxygen consumption (Kinne, 1970). As oxygen

is vital to the survival of the organisms and each molecule of

oxygen consumed is accounted for during the metabolic processes,

oxygen consumption can be used as an index of metabolic activity.

The metabolic rate of fish has almost universally been measured

by determining oxygen consumption (Hoar and Randall, 1971)

Standard metabolism, which represents the fraction of energy

which is necessary for maintaining all the vital function was

calculated during the present study.



Col lection of Test animals :

The representative test species of each group were collected

from the habitat and transferred to the laboratory and acclimated

to laboratory conditions. Daily feeding and water exchange was

made. The test species were acclimated to a temperature of 30 +

1°C. The test species were Vi1lorita cvorinoides, representing

the molTuscan group, Parluciosoma daniconius from the group of

fishes and Macrobrachium rosenbergi i from the crustacean grouo.

Test Condition :

The animals were maintained at a temperature of 30 + 1°C in

the laboratory and the CX? consumption rate at various sublethal

tempratures were measured. The animals were transferred abruptly

to the higher sublethal test temperatures and O2 consumption rate

was measured at specific intervals as mentioned earlier.


The standard metabolic rate was measured. Oxygen consumption

was measured in an closed respiratory chamber having a holding

capacity of 1 litre and the O 2 consumption was measured at

specific intervals, at the enc of 1 hr, 12 hrs, 24 nrs, 45 hrs,

72 hrs and 96 hrs after introduction of the test animals into the
test chamber. Nearly Saturated water was allowed to flow through

the chamber continuously. Algal feed of Pediastrum was provided

along with the circulating water for 3 hrs in the morning and

respiration rate was measured in the evening. To

determine the 0 2 consumption the flow of water from reservoir was

stopped after taking the initial oxygen content of the water

sr.mple. 250 ml of the water sample was collected and the 02

content was determined by Winklers method by referring to

Strickland and Parsons (1975). The final 0 2 content of the water

sample was determined at the end of 1 hr by taking 250 ml of the

sample from the respiratory chamber and the water flow was

resumed and maintained until the next determination.

Initially, the flow of the water was stopped after

collecting 250 ml of the water sample to determine the initial 0 2

content in the respiratory chamber, after which the test animals

were released into the chamber at the predetermined test

temperatures and at the end of 1 hr. the final O£ content of the

respiration chamber was found out and the Oxygen conaumption

rate was calculated. This value was taken as the

respiration rate at the end of 1 hr. The difference in the 02

ccntsnt of the final and Initial 0 2 content gives tne Qn

consumption rate. Similarly readings were taken at specified

intervals over a period of 96 hrs.

Test animals of uniform size were used. In case of vi1lorita

cyorinoides ten test animals were used for each experiment. In

the case of fishes, five animals were used. Ten juveniles of

Macrobrachium rosenbergi i were taken, while five each of male and

females were used separately. The experiments were triplicated

and the mean value was used for further analysis. Temperature was

maintained by keeping the respirometer in a water bath, wherein

the water temperature was controlled using Jumo thermometer and

relay system. Aeration was maintained continuously for proper

mixing and for having an uniform temperature.


The rate of oxygen consumption (mg/g/h) was calculated from

the raw data and these data pertain to standard or resting

metabolic values with a certain fixed level of oxygen

concentration (nearly saturated). The values in the Table 13-

Table 17 shows the respiratory response of each species to the

different temperature levels. The rate of oxygen consumption was

high initially and it gradually decreased to nearly normal values

at lower temperature i.e. near to acclimation temperature, while

at higher temperature the consumption rate shifted to a higher

level and at very high temperature i.e. as the temperature

reached closer to the lethal levels the respiration rate though

increased initially, by the end of 1 hr.the oxygen consumption

rate decreased greatly which can suggest the inability to adjust

to such higher levels physiologically. This can also be an

initial symptom that leads to death- Villorita cyprinoides was

found to tolerate temperature upto 34°C without stress. At 36°C

the respiration rate was reduced drastically. In comparison with

the respiration rate at 30°C. Eventhough there was an initial

rise in the O2 consumption rate at 32°C it gradually stabilized

to the normal.

The effect of temperature is clearly visible when the

respiration rate at various temperature is compared.

In case of Vi1lorita cyprinoides as shown in Table 13, with

the increase in temperature there was proportionate rise in

respiration rate. At 32°C eventhough initially the respiration

rate was higher in comparison with that of the control (30°C),

it gradually stabilized to the normal rate. However, at 34°C, by

the end of 96 hrs, a slightly higher value was found (0.1148)

in comparison to 30°C (0.1128). At 36°C after an initial rise,

the metabolic rata fell sharply to a very low of 0.0528 mg/g/hr.

The representative members of the fish group Pariuciosoma

danicom'us had a control value of 0.J2245 mg/g/hr at 30°C. When

the ' test .animals were transferred abruptly to 32°C the

respiration rate rose to 0.2514 mg/g/hr and over a period of 48-

72 it reached the normal value of 0.2245 mg/g/hr (Table 14) when

transferred abruptly to 34°C there was a rise in the respiration

rate by 0.0018 mg/g//hr in comparison to that of control. At 36°C

there was a reduction in the 0 2 consumption rate to 0.0528

mg/g/hr. which could be due to incapability to adjust

physiologically to this higher temperature for longer period.


Macrobrachium rosenberqi i also had a similar pattern of

response to higher temperaturss with variation in the values.

Juveniles had a control value of 0.3182 mg/g/hr and at 32°C ths

02 required was higher initially and by the end of 96 hrs the

metabolic rate was normalized probably by physiological

adjustments and as

evident from Table 15. At 34°C the metabolic rate was found to

have shifted tc a new higher level i.e. 0.2782 mg/g/hr from

0.2722 mg/g/hr. 36°C was found to bs physiologically stressful

temperature as the respiration rate was reaucsd to 0.252S mg/g/hr.

In females the control value of respiration rate was found

to be 0.3182 mg/g/hr. At 34°C it was 0.3082 mg/g/hr while at 36°C

it was reduced to 0.2970 mg/g/hr (Table 16).

Male was found to tolerate 36°C without much stress and had

a new respiration at 36°C unlike all the other test animals.

32°C and 34°C was physiologically adjustable for males. AT 38 C C

the respiration rate was decreased to 0.3210 mg/g/hr as evidenced

by Table 17.

The adaptive response of each species to the temperature is

obvious from its metabolic rate. Further, the change in response

to the changes in ambient test temperature is also clear as each

species exhibits compensation by increasing the metabolic rate at

optimum temperature.

The above findings will be of immense use for predicting the

levels of temperature that has to be maintained for the thermal

effluent / waste water used for the purpose of cool ing,in the

Nuclear Power Plant.

The results -of this study strengthens the conclusion drawn

for the temperature tolerance studies that temperature beyond

36°C will disturb the organisms inhabiting the ecosystem.

Table 13 : Oxygen consumption of Vi 1 "lorita cyprinoides at various


Temperature I Time 0•Irs)

°C 1
1 J 12 J 24 | 4 J 72 | 96
| L _ _ J. L -L J-
30 0.1136 J 0.1130 J 0.1128 0.1128 0.1130 0.1123
L L _ -L _ L_ _ _

32 0.1281 J 0.1255 J 0.1186 0. 1134 0.1128 0.1130

i i

34 0.1314 | 0.1294 | 0.1224 0.1148 0.1150 0.1143

i i

36 0.1431 i 0.1213 J 0.1034 0.07S-: 0.0544 0.Q52S


Table 14 : Oxygen consumption of ParKiciosoiTKi daniconius at

various temperatures.

{Temperature Time (Hrs)

i i i i
i °C 1 i
12 i 24 i
72 i 96
i __ iL i ±
i i i i i
i i i i
J 30 0 .2254 0. 2254 i 0.2245 t 0 .2244 0. 2245 • 0.2245
i _ iL _ i i L I j
i i i
i i t t
; 32 0 .2514 0. 2483 i 0.2318 ! 0 .2245 0. 2245 i 0.2244 ;
i i L I j.
i i i i
i • I i !
! 34 0 .2638 • 0. 2538 i 0.2422 I 0 .2268 0. 2268 i
i 0.2268
i j !
i i
i 36 0 .2670 i 0. 2315 i 0.2154 i

i 0 . 1362 i
! 0. 1772 i
g 0.1754
Table 15 : Oxygen consumption of Macrobrachium rosenbergi i

juveniles at various tamperatures.

• \

1 Temperature Time (Hrs) -

! °c 1 i
12 i
24 ! 4 72 96
i jL _ i i L _ -X —
! 30 0.2725 i
0.2723 i
i 0.2722 i 0 .2722 0.2722 i
i 0.2722
1 J i i L

! 32 0.2913 0.2876 i
0.2764 I
t 0 .2722 0.2722 0.2722
• _ —J i i _ i
i i

! 34 0.2986 0.2924 i
• 0.2814 I
I 0 .2796 0.2783 i
i 0.2782
' _J L
I i
! 36 0.2943 0.2741 0.2562 I
1 0 .2541 0.2529 i
i 0.2528

Table 17 : Oxygen consumption of Macrobrachium rosenbergii(Male)

at various temperatures.

/ - — ' \
{Temperature Time (Hrs )

' °C 1 i
12 •
24 • 4 i
i 72 1 96
L_ _ i Ii L _ _L

! 30 ! o.
3185 i
i 0 .3183 i
0 .3182 0 .3182 • o.
31 82 I 0. 31 82
L_ I
x _L
1 I
! 32 0.3382 i 0 .3326 0 .3253 i 0 .3185 0. 31 82 I 0. 31 82
1 L i
i i
! 34 0. 3388 i 0 .3341 i 0 .3290 i
i 0 .3214 0. 31 82 I
0. 31 82
i iL !
_L x1
! 35 0. 33S2 I
0 .3376 i
i 0 .3318 i
I 0 .3272 0. 32 16 1
0. 32 16
i j I i i 1
i i i

3 •" 0. 3414 i 0 .3356 j

0 .321 1 i 0 .3210 Q J
1 0, 10
V .
Table 16 Oxygen consumption of Macrobrachium rosenbergi i

(Female) at various tamperatures.

iTemperature • Time (Hrs)

• °c
1 i
12 i
24. i
4 i
i 96
I i i i i
t i
J 30 0.3068 i
i 0.3066 0 .3066 0 .3066 i
0. 3066 i 0.3066
i _ _ iL i i L_ i
- i i i i
• i
! 32 0.3143 •
0. 3095 i
0 .3056 l
t 0 .3066 i 0. 3066 0.3066
•_ _ J i i L_ i j.
i i i i i
i i
,' 34 0 .3159 i
0.3108 0 .3083 i
i 0 .3082 t
i 0. 3082 i 0.3082
• __ J i i L_ i j.
i • i i i
i i i i
.' 36 J 0 .3181 0. 3054 i 0 .3018 i 0 .2978 i
0. 2976 • 0.2970

Chapter III

Effect of temperature on primary productivity of Pediastrurn



Food supply is ultimately dependent on primary production.

Pnoto - synthetic activity of aquatic plants introduces a great

amount of oxygen into surface waters. The most important

conditions for photosynthesis are sufficient amount of light and

supply of essential mineral salts. The influence of temperature

stands next. When the temperature of the receiving water body is

to rise significantly, by heated water which is an artificial

means, the effect of temperature needs to be studied by keeping

the intensity of light and nutrient supply at a constant level.


Plankton sample was collected from the nearby area of Kadra

reservoir and the mixed culture was developed in the laboratory.

Monospecific culture of Pediastrum spp. was developed from the

mixed culture over a period of 15 days using the nutrients urea

and N.P.K in the ratio of 10:1 into the medium for developing the


The culture was developed and when the density of cell in

the culture tank was approximately 4 x 10 4 cells/ml, 10 ml of the

sample was used as seed for 1 litre of water sample. Primary


production of this water was measured using the light and

dark bottle method according to the laboratory and field
manual for study of mangrove waters by National institute of

Result and Discussion

The influence of temperature on the primary production

is evident from Table 18. At 30°C it was 256.15±6.36 mg C/m3/
day. From 30°C, with the increase in temperature there was a
simultaneous increase in primary productivity upto 34°C
where the productivity was 347.52± 9.26 mg C/m3/day. From
36°c it started decreasing and it was 213.82±5.14 mg c/ m3/day
while at 40°C, it was only 93.26±2.58 mg c/m3/day.

The rise in temperature from 30°C to 34°C has increased

the primary productivity which indicates that these range of
temperature are suitable for the optimal primary productivity.
Temperature above 36°C indicate thermal stress as implied by
the decreasing value of oxygen production.
Table 18 : Primary productivity in pure culture of Pediastrum

spp. at various temperatures.

J Temperature (°C) Primary productivity
(mg c/m3/day)
| 30 i 256.15 + 6.36
_ j
! """'"" 32 i 284.23 + 5.73
! 34 i 347.52 + 9.26
J. _
i 36 i 213.32 + 5.14
171.44 + 3.68

| 40 I 93.26 + 2.58
^ _. — — —

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Crisis s Digga (Supa Taluka) ,

3000 (915 m) f t above HSL,

2* Total of river 5 161 Sao*

3« Sua river Zali j Pandari, Barohi, Tattihalla,

Saneri end Yaki.

4* Total stretch of river t 4850 Sq Kaa*

5* Rainfall J Ha;,, 8900 ma (during southwest
$• Major f a l l j l a l g u l i Tall (major) and numerous
sn*.aTl f a l l s *

7» Maia. e i t i a s S Dandeli, S^rsrar* Ganash Gudi,

8. Placaa of Toxxriat X Castle rock, Syntheri rock,

Caveleaves, Supavdaa, Power houses,
• r -Reservoirs f "Xalguli f a l l s , Thiok
forests of Dandali, Asashi Ghats
and Sstuary point*

9* Industries J West floast Paper Mill, Indian Plywood,

Industry, Perro a l l o y s . Manganese
f i e l d , Backwater f i s h e r i e s ,
Lime Industries and Timber & Sando

Hanjrova Are* t 20 acres - Mavinhole oreek,

Xanasgeri, Hotegali, Sunkeri
and Sadwad backwaters*

11• Xowlying .Area t 1217 a c r e s - Kanasgeri, Hottagali,

(G-haaani land) Eankon, Sunkari, Kadwad, Siddar
and Wailwada*

12 • Typ«e of Fish S Miallete, Stroplus, lady fish

available giha.ma) ,
Tauthis sP• t -Ambassis etc

13• Type of prawns j ?• nonodont ?» iadicust ^»

H» aonoceros > M« dobeoni and
M. affinig.

14« Types of clams and 1 Maretrix oaata, M.

Oysters . available gaphia aalabarica, Y i l l o r i t a .
cTPrinoidas (Black clam) aod
Oys-tera Craaeog-traa sadraeen-aia

Types of crab aerra-fca t Portonas pelagic na

available P» ganguinoleg'bug and Charrbd i3 sPa»

1 60 Typaa of net J Gill nat, Drag ne-fc, Ghol net*

used for fishing Scoop nat, Cast net ate*

17 • Tidal amplitude J TJp to Hallapux ara&t


ZALI I STAG3 Eaight Water capaoit-r

1• Supa Dam 101 a 322 a 4418 mmo

2* I&nnsri Upper Dan 25.7 n 153.8 a 323 axao

3* 28.96 m 1024.8 a
P i c k u p Daa
4* T a t t i b a l l i daa 42.4 m 1225 m


1. Xodasalli 44*0 a 500.0a (Total subnmxged

araa 1 1300 Hact.)

2. l a c r a Dam 34.0 M 2.4 (Total eubsmxged

•t 3000 Eec-t.)


3 1 . No. Generators Capacity of Total Pove:

g-ta-fciona each Generator Production

1. 6 135 M.V. 810 MW.

2. 3upa 2 50 X.V. 100 M.W.

Total Power Production, in the I otage s ,910 M.W.

Xodasalli 40 M W . 120 M.V.

(under oonstru= t
Eddra 55 M.V. 165 M.V.
(under c o n s t r u c t .
Dandeli 25 M.'rf. 50 M.'rf.

Zz-tc.l Power Product i c s in *Z3 - - ata^e J "T"7?

Total Power production in I I I otafce I 110 M.V. (Under construction)
Total pover production of Za.li riverine system t 1355 M.V.

Species list of finfishes and shellfishes available in estuary and riverine

system of Kali during the study tenure -1992 to 1995.
A. Finfishes:
1. Ambassis commersoni 2. Barilius evezardi
3. Cynoglossus punticeps 4. Danio malabaricus
5. Equalor blochii 6. Etroplus suratensis
7. Gara mullya 8. Gobid comsole
9. Hemiramphus cantsi 10. Mugil cephalus
H.Osteobramadayi 12. Parluciosoma daniconius
13.Pseudorhombusarius 14. Puntius chola
15.Puntius jerdoni 16. Puntius sp.
17.Scatophagus argus 18. Sillago sihama
19.Tetradonsp. 20. Therapon jarbua
21.Triacanthus brevirostris 22. Anguilasp.

B. Shellfishes:
1. Metapenaeus affinis 2. M. dobsoni
3. M. monoceros 4. Penaeus merguiensis
5. P. monodon 6. Scylla serrata
7. Meretrix casta 8. M. meretrix

9. Paphia malabarica 10. P. textilis

H.Sunetasolandrii 12. Crassostrea madrasensis

13.C. grafoidis 14. Villorita cyprinoides
Table No. A. An inventory on the marine fish landings (in tonnes) in
Karwar region during 1993.

Name of Fish MTN OTHS Total

Sharks .. —
Skates 2 — 2
Rays 1 — 1
Eels « — —
cat fishes — — —
Cluipeids — — --
wolf Herring 11 — 11
Oil sardine — 145 145
other sardines -- 324 324
Hilsa shad - 26 26
Other Shads — —
Anchovies - —
Coilia — —
Setipinna — — ~
Stolephorus - 51 51
Thrisseina - — ~
Thryssa 44 58 102
Other Clupeids 34 45 79
Bombay duck — — ~
Lizard fishes 26 — 26
Half & full beaks 03 03
Flying fish - — -
Perches - — -
Rock cods 03 — 03
snappers - — —
Big face breams — — —
Threadfin breams 22 - 22
other perches 04 — 04
Goat fishes — — —
Threadfins — — —
Croackers 151 02 153
Ribbon fish 305 — 305
carangids — — ~
Horse mackerel — 14 14
Scads — 52 52
Leather-jackets 04 02 06
Other carangids 54 37 91
Silver bellies 37 13 50
Big jaw jumper 23 .. 23
Pomfrets -- — ..
Black Pomfrets 17 01 18
Silver pomfret 13 — 13
Chinese pomfrets 04 — 04
Mackerels — —
Indian mackerel 01 6228 6229
Other mackerels -. — -
seer fish — —
S. commersoni 02 12 14
S. guttatus — — -
S. lineolatus — — —
Acanthocybium spp. — — —
Tunnies -- - —
E. affinis — — --
Auxis sp. - - -
K. pelamis — — -
T. tongoll — - —
Other tunnies — — —
Bill fishes — - -
Barracuda 02 — 02
Mullets — —
Unicorn cod — — —
Flat fishes — — -
Halibut — — —
Flounders — — —
soles 862 01 863
Crustaceans — — —
Penaeid prawns 233 04 237
Non-penaeid prawns - — ~
Lobsters — — -
Crabs 56 56
Stomatopods 1335 — 1335
Molluscs — -
Bivalves — — —
Gastropods - - -
cephalopods 101 03 104
Marine turtles — ~ —
Marine mammals — -- —
Dolphin-Porpoise — — -
Seacows —
whale - — —
Seaweeds — - -
Miscellaneous 52 08 60

Total: 3422 7023 10445

Effort (Units) 11035 3737

Effort (A.F.H) 60046 12741

MTN: Mechanized trawl net

OTHS: other gears
Table No. B. An inventory on the marine fish landings (in tonnes) in
Karwar region during 1994.

Name of Fish MTN OTHS Total

Eiasmobranchs - 02 02
Sharks 05 -- 05
Rays 02 - 02
cat fishes 02 01 03
wolf Herring 12 - 12
Oil Sardine -- 02 02
Other Sardines 12 92 104
Hilsashad - 45 45
Other Shads
Stolephorus 05 134 139
Thryssa 67 04 71
other Clupeids 90 20 110
Bombay duck
Lizard fishes
Half & full beaks
Flying fishes
ROCk COdS 24 - 24
Big face breams
Threadfin breams 121 -- 121
Other perches 112 01 113
Goat fishes
Croackers 152 13 165
Ribbon fish 707 10 717
Horse mackerel 21 57 78
scads 28 - 28
Leather-jackets 01 - 01
Other carangids 100 134 234
Silver beilies 79 06 85
Big jaw jumper 15 05 ?.••
Black Pomfrets 63 - 63
Silver pomfret 86 - 86
phinese pomfrets
Indian mackerel 305 562 867
Other mackerels -- --
Seer fish
S. commersoni 10 - 10
s. guttatus
S. lineolatus
E. affinis
K. pelamis
T. tongoll . - -
Other tunnies
Bill fishes
Barracuda 07 - 07
unicorn cod
Soles 870 02 872
Penaeid prawns 363 99 462
Non-penaeid prawns
Crabs 135 03 138
stomatopods 1704 -- 1704
Molluscs -- -
Bivalves .
cephalopods 154 -- 154
Marine turtles
Marine mammals
Miscellaneous 71 03 74

Total: 5397 1196 6593

Effort (Units) 11810 1693
Effort (A.F.H) 97663 8912
MTN: Mechanized trawl net
OTHS: other gears
Table No. C. An inventory on the marine fish landings (in tonnes) in
Karwar region during 1995.

Name of Fish MTN OTHS Total

Sharks 01 47 48
Skates 02 02
Cat fishes 29 29
w o l f Herring 05 — 05
Oil Sardine --
Other sardines 154 154
Hilsa shad
Other Shads 171 171
Anchovies -
Stolephorus 01 -- 01
Thryssa 18 22 40
Other Clupeids 08 10 18
Bombay duck
Lizard fishes 08 -- 08
Half & full beaks
Flying fish
Perches .
Rock cods 04 -- 04
Big face breams
Threadfin breams 13 — 13
Other perches 13 13
Coat fishes
Threadfins —
Croackers 47 47
Ribbon fish 87 — 87
Horse mackerel 685 685
Scads 1592 1592
Leather-jackets 11 11
Other carangids 44 182 226
Silver bellies 72 70 142
Big jaw jumper 03 — 03
Black Pomfrets 01 42 43
Silver pomfret 02 18 20
Chinese pomfrets
Indian mackerel - 975 975
Other mackerels

seer fish — — —
S. commersoni 05 — 05
S. guttatus - — ~
s. lineolatus — — —
Acanthocybium spp. —
Tunnies — — —
E. affinis — — —
Auxis sp. — — —
K. pelamis — — —
T. tongoll — 70 70
Other tunnies — —
Bill fishes — 02 02
Barracuda — — —
Mullets - — —
unicorn cod — — —
Flatfishes — — —
Halibut — — —
Flounders — —
Soles 452 — 452
Crustaceans — -
Penaeid prawns 198 198
Non-penaeid prawns - — —
Lobsters — - —
crabs 25 — 25
stomatopods 606 - 606
Molluscs — — —
Bivalves • — — —
Gastropods - —
Cephalopods 136 33 169
Marine turtles -.
Marine mammals — — —
Dolphin-Porpoise - — —
Seacows — —
whale —
Seaweeds — —
Miscellaneous 56 — 56

Total: 1803 4115 5918

Effort (Units) 7289 2136

Effort (A.F.H) 44813 6489

MTN: Mechanized trawl net

OTHS: other gears
Table No. D. An inventory on the marine fish landings (in tonnes) in
Karwar region during 1996.

Name of Fish MTN OTHS Total

Sharks 03 03
Skates — — —
Rays — - —
Eels — — —
cat fishes 01 15 16
Cluipeids — - —
wolf Herring 13 01 14
Oil Sardine — 170 170
Other sardines — 98 98
Hilsa shad — —
Other Shads — — —
Anchovies — —
Coilia — — —
Setipinna — — —
Stolephorus 03 15 18
Thrisseina — — -
Thryssa 42 15 57
other Clupeids 27 89 116
Bombay duck — ~ —
Lizard fishes 25 — 25
Half & full beaks -- — ~
Flying fish — —
Perches — — —
Rock cods 08 - 08
Snappers — — —
Big face breams — — —
Threadfin breams 29 ~ 29
Other perches 24 -- 24
Coat fishes — —
Threadfins — — —
Croackers 61 02 63
Ribbon fish 408 — 408
carangids — — —
Horse mackerel 04 03 07
Scads — 549 549
Leather-jackets — 02 02
Other carangids 81 148 229
Silver bellies 21 02 23
Big jaw jumper 18 -- 18
Pomfrets - -- -
Black Pomfrets 04 125 129
Silver pomfret 13 13
Chinese pomfrets — - —
f/iackerels — — —
Indian mackerel 05 4597 4602
Other mackerels — —
Seer fish — — — r *« O

S. commersoni 15 36 51
s. guttatus — — —
S. lineolatus — —
Acanthocybium spp. — — ~
Tunnies 02 — 02
E. affinis ~ -
Auxis sp. -
K. pelamis - - —
T. tongoli — - —
Other tunnies 14 14
Bill fishes — 22 22
Barracuda 06 06
Mullets — — —
Unicom cod — — —
Flat fishes — —
Halibut ~ — —
Flounders — — —
Soles 352 — 352
Crustaceans — — —
Penaeid prawns 325 — 325
Non-penaeid prawns - — -
Lobsters — - -
Crabs 102 — 102
Stomatopods 789 — 789
Molluscs — — —
Bivalves^ — — --
Gastropods — - --
Cephalopods 131 — 131
Marine turtles — --
Marine mammals — -
Dolphin-Porpoise — -
Seacows — — -
Whale — — —
Seaweeds — —
Miscellaneous 59 02 61

Total: 2571 5905 8476

Effort (Units) 10108 3036

Effort (A.F.H) 70742 50067

MTN: Mechanized trawi net

OTHS: other gears
Table No. E An inventory on the marine fish landings (in tonnes) in
Karwar region during 1997.

Name of Fish MTN OTHS Total

Sharks 03 03
Skates — — —
Rays — — ™

Eels — — —

Cat fishes — 02 02
Cluipeids — ~ —
wolf Herring 05 12 17
Oil sardine 397 397
Other Sardines — 2073 2073
Hilsa shad — ~ —
Other Shads — — —
Anchovies — — •

coilia — 01 01
Setipinna — — —
stolephorus — 30 30
Thrisseina — ~ ~
Thryssa 20 04 24
Other Clupeids 13 57 70
Bombay duck ~ — —
Lizard fishes 01 01
Half & full beaks — — —
Flying fish — — —
Perches — — —
Rock cods 04 - 04
snappers — — —
Big face breams — —
Threadfin breams 06 — 06
other perches 12 — 12
Coat fishes — — —
Threadfins — — —
Croackers 36 - 36
Ribbon fish 180 - 180
carangids — ~ —
Horse mackerel 11 23 34
Scads — 143 143
Leather-jackets — 14 14
Other carangids 62 218 280
Silver bellies 18 03 21
Big jaw jumper 09 — 09
Po mf rets — --
Black Pomfrets 03 20 23
Silver pomfret 14 — 14
Chinese pomfrets — — —
Mackerels — — -
Indian mackerel — 2029 2029
Other mackerels — —
• Seer fish — —
S. commersoni 01 17 18
S. guttatus - — —
s. lineolatus — — --
Acanthocybium spp. — ~
Tunnies — —
E. affinis — — —
Auxis sp. — —
K. pelamis - — —
T. tongoll — 29 29
Other tunnies —
^ Bill fishes — —
Barracuda — — ~"*
Mullets —
unicorn cod — •"•*

Flatfishes —
Halibut —
Flounders 1797
1796 01
Crustaceans 1392
Peraeifl prawns 1392
Non-penaeid prawns 47
Lobsters 47 282
crabs 282 1467
,. stomatopods 1467
'Molluscs ^_ —
- Bivalves —
m —
Gastropods /inn
t5 --
lttP -


Dolphin-Porpoise :

Whale --
seaweeds 61
Miscellaneous 10648
Total: 2997
10446 9523
^ E f f o r t (Units) 67385
Effort (A.F-H)

MWM traWlnet
^ t a r s
OTHS: other gears ....

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