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Steel castings - General technical

delivery requirements
PHk:ea movtfi/$ 9I'l ~ - Exigemea g'n6ralfn techn}qW5 de


0150 2003

("I'l'",hl b, Iht Inl.rnol,,!If.l Ort"'lU~," F S1.>nda..o"'llon

1I1u M 00 065() 11 2004

ISO 4990:2003(E)

PDF diu' I,..,

The POI' lilt mwy """10.. OI': '10<1 ,¥""'~cw. n ~ _ - . . - . . . ; p>IqI, Ill. Moo moy
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~ __ gpt_ b II"'U>i "'*Y "".. !"eO _ - . 11> ,.. \I'IIlI1h<I ~ ........ far ... by ISO _ _ In
'''' ~ _l'hoIO p _ ""!Ibng to ~ • .....,tI, ~nfotnl ~s..:.-", 11-. _

o lS02003
No rlgl'llo _ . . . - 011 . . . . opoo:>fle<l. no pori <llhlO puDlt::allon moy ile J9P'" ""'" or l1IlZIocl n .. y """" or by ~ ..........
..........'" '" .....,..,...,., . - . . ~ ond m _ . ","'WI p............. ....cJr'U "'"" _ ISO 01 11-. _ _ - . . '"

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ber boclY n .... courer, <11... ....,.-'

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; C ISO :!()'.)3 - All ngI'1to_

CQPyngtll by Ih. I'\""'_l"",ol Or,an,,,,,twn rQ' $l.ond"d,,,uG"

W.d lu, (III 1Il51::';: <:'00,
• I
ISO 4990:2003(E)

Contents Pog.

Foreword .••. ~ ••._ __.._.._ __ _. _ _ _ _ _ __ ..__ __ _. N

1 Scope __.. _l._ _ ...•..__ __.• __...••_ _ _ _ .. 1
2 NOl1l\lltJve ,..,e4ctl ___.._.__ _.__ ___.._____ 1
3 T _ and defin.on __ __._.. _.. __ __ _ .. 2

4 InforTnfilon 10 blIi '1./9Plled by the pun::tI_r _ .. ••_••._.._ _ •..__ .._ .. 2
4.1 EnquIry end ord* ..-qUl....-ts __.._ __ _ .. •.__ _._ _ _.._ .. _ .. 2
4.2 Addltlonel Inforrn.tlon ~ _ _ ••_ __ _ _ _ _ .._ _ _ •• 3
S Condltlom of ~"h";h.o __. .._ . _ __. .. _ _ _ •• 3
5.1 Foundry prac:t1~ _ __ _ __.. _ _.. _ _ _ 3
S.2 Cleaning and d ainll _._ _ __ _ _ .• 3
S.3 Production _l~._ __ _ _ _ _ _ __.._ __.. 3
6 Inspectlon and J-ung _ .••_._ _ _ _ .. 3
6.1 Non..peclflc In&Peeuon _ _.. __.. __ __ ..__.. _ _ __ _.._ .. 3
6.2 Specific In.pectbn _ __ _.__ _ _ __ __ _ .. 4
7 M nlng.. _ _ _ _~ __ _ _ __ _ _. _ ~ .. 7
8 Complalnts R_ _ _ ••••••• _ ••••• _ . _ •• _ . 7
Annex A (normabYe) Gehel1l1 conditions for .peclfic lnapediona and teats .._ _ 10
Annex B (normabYe) SutPlahlQttary requl lll.nts ...•._. _ _n_ __..__ 11

C0f'1''lihl b, II\< InleT"~llo",1 Orc,"'U1tlori "0' !land.rdJ.allon
'lhu lui 08 08 !IO"~ 2001 ,
ISO 4HO:2003(E)


ISO (fl9 lntem9bonal Organlzabon for Slandardzallon) Is a wona,.,.lde fedalllllon of nll1lOneI ,*,ndlll"ds bodies
(ISO rnwnber bodoes). The work of preparir"li Sla'IdlIrds is llOllllaity amied out through ISO
IechI1lC8I commitlee!l. Each m.-nber body inlentstBd in S BUb;8ct for which a tachnical comrnlllee has been
establi6he<l has the right to be repruented on lhat committllll. Inlemlltional orgara:.:abonlf, VCWllffifflenllll and
AOll-gOYtITVllental, in liaISOn with ISO. alSO llIke par1 in the 'MII1L ISO collaborates closely with the
lntemiltional EJectrotecfnI;lll Commission (IEC) on aI mattera afelectrolectlllical standardlZallon.

International Standan:ts are drafted in accorthmt'" with Ile rules given in the ISOo'lEC DirectIVes, Part 2

The main lasli; of teclv1ical <:ormIIlIilll5 15 10 prepare intemational Slandllrds. Drafl. Intamalional Standards
adopted by the lectric:aI e:anrnrttees In arculeted to the member bodies for voting. PubIlcetJon lIS an
International Stanc:lard requ~ approval by at least 75 % oflt>e member bodies cssting a vote.

Attention 1$ drawn 10 Ihe possibilrty lha1 some of the elements of this document may be the S\.tItect of patent
nghts.ISO shan not be hek:l responsible'or ldentifying".,y or all such patent rights

ISO 4990 was prepared by Technical Comrnlllll8lSOr'TC 17, $tfHlI, StJbcornmrtlee SC 11, SIsal csstJng$,

Ths second acttlon cancels and replaces the tnt edClon (ISO 4990'1986), Oausas 3, 4, 5. 6 and 9 Tlltfe 1,
Figul'fI 1 and Annex A of which hlllle bean technically ravIsed.

o ISO 2003- All "IlNo_

CopynghL br the 1n1l1"r..lI,n~1 OrtlfliZlllJon Yo, S\• .,d"dlz.IIOlJ

Jed '"" OS Il8 51 53 '200'.>
L -,- -
__ ,20_03-'IEJ..;

Steel castings + General technical delivery requirements

1 Scope
1.1 This Intemebonal i~ specrlles the gerllll'ellleclll'lletll delivery r&qJirements for the suppty' of steel.
nO::kelllnd eob8l1 alloy ca , Including tile requlremllllts fot the &election end preperal,on of samples and
I product S18ndard
1.2 When II material
standard sh8lI eppIy i difl'ers from lhis delivery specification, tile me.tenal or product

1.3 This IntemallonBl st:ndard

abo speeitIoM. group of ~entary
requi'ements.....nieh mllY be llPPIicKl
to stool, nlckBl and cobalt alloy castings. TheM ~l'eI'MIlt$ _ pr<Mcl8d for use 'MlIln addibonal testing or
Inspectlon Is desnd and pply ifdMJaly spec/fIed by the purctlaser.

2 Normative refenlilces

The IoIowing raf'~", oocuments are indispensable for the application of tIis document For d!lled
referencas. only the on cited applas. For lndated raf819l00es, the iii,,"! edition of the ,ef• ......e.d
doeomenl: (Including any ~)apJJlles

1$0 148:1983, 51ee/-

ISO 404:1992, StIHIIllnd ~, pt'Oduets - General tl/I::hnIcBI d9livety fllqlN&mE/nts

1$0783"1989. MetafIiC ",,!erials - TensUe Il'stirlll at MVilred ~r&

1$0 3ElS1-2:1998. D9l nation of /1IsistatlClJ to ~IB' conosIon of s/altWu.steeLs - Part 2: F9trltJc.
llusJ.9fIitJc arid ~u ni/Ie (ciJphlxJ sU/IM/$II stHIs - Coot>sIon "$l' 11'1 II1$dIa containing sulphuric IICid

ISO 4948-1 1982. SIooIB:;;;j;j....;;C~ - Part 1: C/guHlattlotl of 8tH/S mo Uflil/loyod 5nd alloy $l6e1$
baed on c/KJmJca/ ...

1$0 4964:1984, $t9f/I- klllt1ntlss conV/lfSioml

ISO 4986:1992, st981 ~ - AhgI1etir: pertJcI& /rIsp8ctJon

1504987:1992, StoolQl b'ngs-~lmp6clion

1504993:1987, StwJ hf1gs-R8dIogrepft/c1n~

ISO 6506-1.1999, Metall mai9ri81f- BrineII haJl:Jn6ss t8S/- PM 1; T6stmethod

ISO 6892:1998, Mete/llc ~alelJi!lhl- T6I1s11e !lls/lng at ambient ~t1N9

ISO 6929:1987, st96! vets - D9f"lI'lItlon3lJf1d cJ8ssJfIr;atJon
ISO 8062:1994, CD· _ Syst6m ofditnen&JonBl toteronces 8fld machining aI/owilIlc:e$

o ISO 2003 - .... ~ . . .n/-d

CopyTlgM hi' Ih.lnl"""llonlllll]..n, ..lJon for

"," luI 08 Il!l 5D:J) 20M
L_ _ _ __ _ _ _ I
ISO 499012003(E)

lSOlTR 97611:1991, SI6eIInd Irofl- Review oflMlilablfl fTJ9thods oIl1f1a1ys1s

ISO 10474:1991, St991llnd st&ll/ produCf:ll-1rupectiorI documents

ISO 11970:2001, SpGcific8tJor> and approval oIl1t'1lk1ing fJIOC'idIJr88 for production welding of $f8eI ~sting$

ISO 11971:1997, Vlsuaf examination ofwrf.ce quality DfstwlC8~

ISO 14284:1996, St9fl1 fNId iron - Sampling and pt11p8nJtion of sa",,1es I1;)r th6 d9tllrmlnation of e/lf1micaJ

3 Terms and deflnttlons

For IN pttposes of this dOCUrnen1 the terms Bod d9flniIions IIs1ed In ISO 404, ISO 4943-1, Clause 9 of
ISO 11929:1987 and 1$0 11970. liS well as foIlow1rojj apply. The sleel classifo;;ations givefI in Cla\Ise 3 of
1$0 4948-1:1982 shilll also ~ taken 1J140 account

klspectton docutMnl
document neeEI!iSaty lor the 8pP!OYal that the 49chnical dllIivery reqt.llrements for the ~sl: products have been

Sse Clause8 of ISO 404:1992 and ISO 10474.

alilhe moIttn rnelill poured from a slngIe furnace or all the I'I'I(l/IQn metal from two or more lumacea potI"EId
InlQ a single ladle

All the nooIlen rrMaI from one or m~ rurr- poured no a alngla Iadla
All the nooIlftn matal .. _ meII,n al1nogla f""'au

4 Infonnatlon to be supplied by the purcha58r

4.1 Enquiry and order requirements

"'1.1 A dtscnption of the cascng(s} by ~rtem number and/or clr'aMng. When 8 petlem III eupplied, iI
desa1ptlon of 'he ~tlem equipment sh.IlI be incllded. When • tnwing is no4 supplied the C8ll1ing Is
PtXChM«I CI'lIha basis of the patlElm. In thai: case. the folnlry shall not be responsible lot the dlmllll8iona d
. . port.

MBchnlng alowancos and dlrn&rl!llon<lllohilr;JnC8$ .... be selected Irem ISO llO62.

AlII modlflcallona 10 be made 10 the <lr8Wtng.1Qr the IBchracall"Bqlkemenls of the manufacturer, shall form fill
sub;ect of an agreement betwllen the IT\8I'lufacturer and the pUTCha!llll".

4.1.2 The matarlalatandard, delivery oondllon, end grado 01 stae4, nickel orcobelt alloy.

4.1.3 The non-dlllltruetlve inspectlon proceduraa to be uaed. the extent of the norKlestructiY8 Ilxamlnatloo
end the ac<:eptanoe Crtl9rfIl.

2 o ISO 2003 _ ol.IJ ~ru...-v<l<l

Co~:rn~hl b, 1,1~ Inl<:rn.tlonal 0"1,"...\Jon ••, SIlInd.rdJulloo

If'll hi' ~ Oil ~l ~ 2CJ05
ISO 4tlO:2003(E)

4.1.4 The lypll 01 ""oJ'on document to be provll:l&d al \toe tlma 01 supply.

4.2 Addltlonallnforriltlon
Where appropNde.\toe uiry and order ahIIIllndude IIddiOOnallnformlllion, a g.:

a) rements In aoaordance wflh a ... 8;

c) IIfO(lIIdl.nI6 for mring (In accordance Ydth Claose 7). mlldlining. protectlon. packllging, loading,
dispatching and hi clhstillltion;

d) the SlAlmission of -t.ple casW'lg$ lor approval before production quanlities lW'll produced, _ A.1.2:

e) methods of stalislical~to be used.

Inspecbon procedures vL,1 confOfl'T1 D Amex A, lndudiog the place of 1rlSpEK:tiol. for the pu"C/laSer, If the
IIl$p8CtiOn cannot be perf!kmed at lhe mantlact1.nln worts

5 Conditions of m.nufacbJre

5.1 Foundry practl~

U,*," otherMse agreed I the time of enquiry end ortIeror speofied in the meterilll sIIIndard, the selec1Kln of
the methlld of melting, m lding, heatftatment, etc., (818ft tolhe clsaetiorl 01 the mallllfaelu"er.

5.2 Cllanlng and d• •ing

All the cesbngs shall be Cleaned and dressed wei enoullh to ~Ine oompllance with the requirements of
6.2.3. Additional dressloQmay be agree<:l upon stIlle time dtlle ~Ilnd order.

5.3 Production wel'.

l.lnIes8 apeclfled at the me of lhe enquiry and order the castinll($l may be autlject to pro~ welding
WittloUl 'tle previous prove! of the poo:tlaser Weld procedure$ for production wekling sh.e~ be 11'1
aceordance with ISO 11 O.

For II supplement s~ng rn.atOI" fhlshlng welds sae B.8.1 and B.8.2.

6 Inspection and

6.1 Non-epeclflc i
This nspeetion shel ~ by the mamtacturer, and drawn lip 10 ensure lila! bl speeifOKl
reqlkemenb 818 oom with.
At the request of the lirchaser
at fle time of the enquiry 8nd ordering, It>e mllnufaeuw ahal supply a
statement of oom~ or t9st report on It>e b8sis of these non-$peCilic Inspectk>ns or tests.

c lS02003-Al~lt*_+- 3

COp,"~h\ byl"" 1"l.efThlh...1 ~.n,.,,1J,n ror

Thu lui 00 oo:ill II 2001
.J. _
ISO 491O:2003{E)

6.2 SpecJfic Inspection

6.2.1 Documents

Inspedion doamenb shill be egre«l upon at the tlm9 of 1he enqully llOd order llIld !IhlIli be In accordance
with 1$0 10474.

If one at 'he documents lor s.pecific lnSpeclion lnd testng from ISO 10474 Is ordered, the InspecIlOIIS and
I9Bb &hal be Clltried out on ItCOOr"dance wrth 6 2.2, 6 2 3ll1ld Am(lJ< A.

The l1~pectlon document shiIll caNun the results of the chemlcalsnelysls llIld machlInical te=sb, Including ~a
results of. any otIlef tests required by the specification and by the purchaser. It shalllf"lClude II ~tatement \hilt
casli ljjs 'M!fll manufactl6ed i1 socordance with the reqW'amen13 of the specI/IelltIM.

Tho ~spoellon doc:unent shIIll be &I!1'8d by . . llUlhortzlld agent of the msnuftocUer.

In the ease of Beetronle DllIa In\8l'ehllnge (EDI), the manufao::U'llr's certiflClltion, pOOted from or Ul>ed In
e1et:tronie lorm, shell be regarded liS l\!lving the same V91ldlty • a eountef'parl printed in the OIIftlier's faciity
provlded It confOITTl8 ~ 8lYf eXbting 9gI~ ~ the pu"Chilser and the suppillr.

Tile inspec1lon document sh9lf proYloje the require(l lI"aceebility to the castings

1.2.2 Sampling, pl'llpal'lltlan of teat pieces, and mechlInklll and chemlcioltat rnethoda and Fonnatlonoltastlots

The method of fomllng tesllots shall be slaled In the order The Sile of the test 101 may be <lelined i1l8rTTls of
mass or nlll!lber ofcastings; B.g., ~ may be done as fclaws.

e) by baEh: the producls may oome from heals of !he same grade and/or from heal trvatm9nls haYing Ile
Slime I;)'de$, ""tile/I mey or may not be odllnllfoed; 11 lhis Cll8e, th& b3Id'I Is Hm~ed 10 a runber of castings
or 10 a tonnage fixed ~ tha partie6 CQl'Ieemed llIld COOlItiIuling the Unit of acceptance,

b) by hut the products B'B of Ihe same type. They come !rom the SSTlB heat and hltvB undergone the
same heat trealment in f'Ie same fl.ma0ll;

c) by piece: for oortain products...t'lere mado IlOO8llsary by technicall1lCluirements;

d) by supplemenlary 8gnNl1T19llt (see e 2 3) Test blocks

The test bfocks may be Clls! separalely or attached 10 the castings or Cllstll'ltegrally on the castings. When
manl than one ledlels used tI'Ie test bk>ck shal be ClL5t integr&lly. They bit produced from the same cast
(heat) of steel and shall be heat trealed In the producllon I'I..rn8oes 10 the same prtlOBlltra as the caSting(ll)
they /&pn'IHnt.

Unlesll olhBrwise specified the thlel<nesll of the test blod< llhalf be 28 rrm minimum and Ihe lest pieces used
for Ihe m&etl8rtC8J tests shall be I8ken from lest blocks with their 9XeS at least 7 mm from the surface. See

The 1eSI1'flU1Is repteS8l'lt the malertallrom wt'licll th& castings t1eve been poured They do nol neCl'!$$llIily
represent the properlles of the easbngs These may bit affeded by lIOIidofocatton condltiOl'lI end the rate of
cooling dumg heat natment, wI'Ilct1 _ in tum InfIu~ by cas!hg tI'Ilcknees, tize and shape

4 o ISO 2003 _All r;toIo_

CoPynlM b)' t~.~ l,t.""lJoruol ~anl>:llt"n r", SIA,,",rrllulmn

Ittl Jon (lII (Ill ~l ,. 2006
- ,

ISO 4990;2003(E)

U.2.3 MKhilnlcal tub T&nslle teats room tetnpenture

One \enSIle test shaI bll "ad out per tcsllot (see The shape, the domensiOO8 and the m&Ihod shall
comply 'WIth ISO 6892 ;':T"test results shal comply with the speaflClltion for 1hA grade of ~tenlll ordered. Imp&et lest !

When the tltst 1$ specified ~ shall be c:anled. out i'laccoolllnOll with ISO 148. Three Charpytesl place$ 'NIh V.
notches shall be preparedl'n llCOOidenoe with The test IempenlUlt 5"*1 be as shown in !he matenlll
specification. The a~lue of IIbaorbed eneItlY !rom !he IhnIe teat pieces shell be not leu !han the
value indicated In the m specltIeatlon for the grade t.P8CIfted. Only one of fle three values mtIy be below,
but not less than 70 % of mk*n..... Bpedlled valUe.

6.2.2..4 RMests

Test rasults not In compli~ wII11he speclIIe9tIon Bre not valkI when doe to:

8) defecttve aSo$l!mbly oIlhe \el5t piece or abnomllli functioning 01' the test m8Chine;
bj delee1lve mar'lulactl.rt of the I8st pIeeu;
c) tllnSi"~st piece outside !he reference rnatkI:
a l:lreak In the

d) anomalies showfIlI'I J.. test piece.

In III cases, a new test ~ shall be taken tom 1he same lest bkx:k or from another lest tllock belonglng 10
the same test lot and the obtalBEld cen be ~rtuted for those eorresporo:lirog 10 the defvclive piecB.
Exoe¢ as pIOYided, ~~ of the test do not comply with the requrements of the matenal standGrI:I.
the mllllUfao::turllr sh8II, ~ .g...-l upon at !he tnIe of enqwy and CIl'deo', ll(\Qpt 008 of the
PftlQeOJres specified bel .
8) Repeat the test that J.z..., on \YIll 8ddilionsl test Pieces. It any of 1M two new le$t pIec= do not give the
spedlicalion 19QU1~,fie manufacturer may IoIow the procedure speciled In c).

bJ In the case of Im~ tests, II the aVB"age value obtamed from the three tests ~ I'"IQ( reach the
mlnmum spocrfled'"J;ille, CIt if one of the lndMduai values does not reach the spea1ied minimum (I.,.
70 % of ... speci(1&d vaItJe), the mllf'l.lf8ctlnr may tll5t thrH ar:t<itionlIJ \e$t p1eees TM
edditlonallest pi ahal be nlecled from the same test blodt or from llnlllMr block from the same
heat and heel treat test 101 to represenlthe castings in question. The rewtts lrom these additiorIallest5
shall be added to I Ill6UIIs previously obtained, and the lIVllflIge recalculatod. 11 this new average
s.atIsfles !he IlV value specified, the malarial represented may be considered to sabsfy the
requirements of the ma\1lrlal 5tandard Where the new average value doe5 not sali5ly !he specified
requirements, or one 01 the new values is less "an 70 % of the minimum specrl\ed veille, lhe
maMJIaeturer may n follow the procedure specified ft<::).

f'len c:arry out
snd tact bers shaf
$ the c:asttngs ~nd lest blocks to a _heat treatment wrltIIn thelomr1s 01 the ml!lel1al standard, and
raquL-Dd In the malarial Btandard on the lest blocks In any <::ese. lhe l:8$tings
be submrtlod 10 more than two addltlollBl heat trNtments (exduding tempering),
wit10ul the llIJPrOVai 0I1he~. Ctleml<::al itlon

The dlemical rom- __ l~ datEll1lllned from " " cast (heal) analysis $I\8lI meet the requiA'Hlle1lt8 01 the
specrlialtion 01 the ~ 'iJ"8de. When more than one ladle is used 10 pcIU" a single eastng. an _lysis 01
eachlaodle IS reql,lIred aIld lhe _1jf$18 0( eadlladle shU meet the requirements of the specillcetlon 01 the
selecled grade.

II ISO 2003 - M rqu resf 5

1'll1l Jot III
b1l~ 31l"(.,.".tlOn.11X~'""'tI0ll For ~'O'hrdlI'h."
(l!! ~ 2roI :

~- - -
ISO 4990:2003(EJ

Samples fQrchemiclllllnoslysis shall be obIalned and pre~ In aecordance "'.. ISO \4264. When chips Ill'8
Iaken. they Shall be r..-nov«l from ld I. .st 6 mm below the cast Soo8Cll .......en the cast waD eectIon e~OlIl1ds
15 mm In case 01 a dispute, a choidr. analysis may be carried out, Il.tljecl to the tI\II"8EImen1 Of the puct8=ser

and manufadtuter. The check lIOiItys;s Is made on .ampkls ullDd f« cast (heal) analysis <'If lin lest blocks or
lost pleceg ttom the cast tt-t). In \lle CElIe of a third party analysis. tne pennlsstlla deviations in Table 1

A prock.Ict lltiaIysls may be carried out by ttwl manufec:tl.r&r, ""bjllCt to an agreement between the puI'C/lallllf
ilIId manufacturer. The number of aample$, \tleIf Ioc:atioo~ aro;t frequeocy and pcrmlSSibla devlGtion of the
oornposibon range shan be IIgreed upon at lhe tme of the enqury end order.
The methods to be applied fOf the veriflC8lion of the prodLd anatpis ehall be agreed upon a1 the time or
orderTlg. In case 01 dispute about analytical metrods, the chemleal compo$iborl shall be datermi'led In
IIOCOfdanoe -Mth a referooce method ffom ISO s\9l'ldan:ls bted In ISOITR 9769

T " 1 - Permlsslble devtatlo~ of check anatysls with respect to the speclfted composition range

"~ .. Spectfl"
_.- --
%bym... '" tr;m. . ..,~

+0.005 ~0,o7

>0,03 .. 0,06 :1:0,01 > 1.00 .. 2,00 HI.l0

>0,06 .. D.3O
> 0.30 .. 0,80
> 0,80 .. 1,20
.t 0,05
..... > 2.00 .. 5,00
> 5.00 .. 10,00
"10.00 .. 20.00

.t 0,25
> 1,20 .. 2,00 ~O,06 > 20,00 .. 30,00 .t 0,30
"'. > 30,00 .t 0,50

,- .. 2,00
.. 0,70

-"'" .. 1,00
> 1,00



-- > 0,70 .. 2,00

> 2,00 .. 10,00
± 0,25
>1.00 .. 2.00
> 2,00 .. 5,00


"'''' ...
> 10,00
.. 0,045
> 0,045 .. 0,000
.t 0.40
• 0.005
• 0.010
> 5.00 .. 30.00
.. 0.30
> 0.30 .. 1,00

.. 2,00
> 2,00 .. 10,00
> 10,00 .. 15,00


,......, .. 1,00
> 1,00 .. 3,00
> 15,00 .. 20,00 to,40 >3,00 .. 5,00 :1:0,15
> 20,00
" ...
.. 2,00 .1 0,10 .".., .,..0
"- > 2,00 '" 5,00 ""'"'
"'" - >25,00 iO,10

",- .. 0,30 :I: 0,02 - -

THo ~ ld..-.... "'""'""' . . ..,.."..,..,., ..... _ l ' I ' ..... ill '"'" _ t o _ _ _ _ .... ~ d
u. ..... .... ~ l'I' ",_IaIlOfalO_ ... _ d I'IIIlroIO

• C ISO 2003 _All rIgIlIS_

C"!'J"\IM b, lb. 101...alloJl.1 C'&UI"t"", r...,dfUl"n

leO Jun 00 oe,l " 2005
ISO 4990:2003(E)

&.:1.3 In~ ~ of and rwqul_nta fOl' .urfae•• pp• ....:t dlmeMlon. Non-d~ le'~

ExaminBtion 01 th~ -a"",,$8L su1aoe8 oI1l'le ¢ll$tng ~ be cwnlld ~ (see B.9.5). Q.It

Unless olherwlll8 ~t IN tme of Ihe enqullY lind order. Ihe casings shall be dBWered In the
unm.c/lInlld condillon, lid. with head8 III'1d IillIIe8 removed. A.cces$lbIe sooecn s/lilll be free from
ed'>erk'og !land and heal !ment scale.

The CSlllJngs mey 001:.10

radlOl78pny, uttrasonic 0
cer1eIn non-delIlructNe eXllmH'I1I1IOn8 (liquid penetrant, megnetle pertiele,
minaben. lIM B.9.1 to B 9.4l.

&.2.3.2 Shaipes, dl . • .nd dlmenslolqll tolel'Vlcn ShJ.Pft end dtmenslons

The shapes and dimensIOns of the casting $IIaII comply with hi requlrement!l oIttle order, 'totlBtIlef In Ihe
foml d <hYmg, pattern templlIte.

In ClISB of dispulll, veden of !he dimenslons shall be earned out en casllngs In the ...-.d state.
, Datum POI~ for machining

The purchllsef $hal wd"CliIe the datum points fot mllCtliVlg.

7 Marking
By agreement between h pt.rCha$llr lind manufacturer, eild> eas&1g shall be marked. The m,ns shall

a) symbol oflhe rnanufectu~r:

b) test lot identification:j

c) l7fdlI of the cast m t Of eltematiVe ClI81 m.ierialllrade tdenlif"1ClIIlon (5" T" 2),

These mar1<& shall be

an alternative to the
otho:N" m8l'ks reque . by the po..od ese'

st II piece IlII'IIed bylhe pUlCt 8:or and m.nulacturer.

of the complete materialllrU on castings altem8t/YllldenUficatlon, as shown 1'1
Tsble2, may be used.

By agrooment botwelIn tf'Ie pul'dlasBr and manU'aeturBr, srnaU castinll8 may be made up into balches end the
tdenlifytlg marks sPl*Bd \Q a label atllIchElc!. to each balch.

8 Complaints !
If II comptau'll 18 madtt ~ manulachrar wi be glveI'l time 10 IIXIlm'rle \till merb of the complaint. The
CllSbngs In ql.CSbon shai remain availabl.1Qr ~

o ISO 2003 _M "9'1' "" ~iOd

CO~)'''t"1 bt lb. lol".. lJo,.1 O,gonltat"" Fo' SlonJardJ..l",n

Tb~ J.llIlI 005032 2004

ISO 4990:2003(E)

...... ~ On..

"'-'" M,
ISO 3155
"-,, "'"
410 - 620

1809411 "" -no
"" -"" "'""'"
GX12Cr12 ""
Gx.tC<NJ12....+QT1 "'"
G)(.4CrNlMa'6-5- I "'"

GX2Crt'<IMDl9-1 I.:!
G.l(5CrHlMol9-1 1·2
GX2CfWMo1i-1l-3 ""'
GX2C..... r.IoNl9-1 1-3

G""""" ""

G""""'" " "'"
G""""'" "'"
ISO 111113 GX4OC/HISl22-10

"'""''''''''. "'"
GX10NlC/Nb31·20 "'"
GXloo",13 "'"
ISO 1352'
i "..

o ,so 2CD3 - ..... ng....._

Copyn~ht by:llt Inl..... ~o"'l Ort.n".~"" Itr Slon<lonl,..t"n

'ed Jun Ol! M 01 06 1005
Iso 4990:2003(EJ


...... --
Idlid'lcallon mIOtl

• OS,.... "'"


......-..", An


""""""' _

I """""""'-

• """""""-'-an ""

19O'''n11 Ql7O'Wol5-5+OT >Z>
Ql1OU;l&-10>QT ow
~n ~,

I _-0"
"""""'~ "'"

~~ .."""",

oooc,..,,,,....o,, .w

G3ClNlCtMc>7 -3+ NT
I G3llHiCrMo7..3+QT1
G4/lNlCIM07-300'rl ""'
"""""""'..", ""'
""""""",-an ""
- "'.----.-
For BO ......... not _ ...... II.- _ _ _ IM)I tie

• o ISO 2003 -~ I9U _ L •


CopJr1ll'l by lbo ,*,llOl>onIl OrtIDlUl.," r.

, Th. Jol 08 0ll:!4 Xl <tI04
- - .-
ISO 4990:2003(El


General conditions for specific Inspections and tests

A.1 Insp8CUon condlDons

A, t.1 General

InspactJlll1 doa.men1s and condibons should be agnJed altha lime of the order. lnspllClion dOClJmenls Bra
descnbed in ISO 10474.

....1.2 Place of Inspeetlon

rnspectllll1S and tests shaM be canilld out III a place agr98d ~ betwwn the manulllctirer and purchaser.

$ampllllll may be selected.., the ma.-..rfaeture~sWOIks. DependIng on the 1ype of test, sample& may be blocks
~ Cll$Ungs l'8PfflS8/llatlve of the product.

A,1.3 Submission fot Inspection

The manul"acturw shall lIfTlInge with the puroh!Iser, by mutullli ~lKImont. the date of submission lor

The Inspedion representative shatl have free access at any Slitable time 10 !he places.., I'It1Ich the products
to balnspeetcd sre manutadU"ed and slorod. He may irdcate the samples 10 be sal~d i'llIOOOrdilnce with
the spedflcilllon. He shal have the opIIon of attending \he selec:tion of samples. \he preparation (machining
snd lrealmsnl) of the 1M! pieces and c:anying oullhe !ntll. ~,lIn inspectilll1 v1sr!s
the ~ shall respee! all of !he safety regulalions in force in !he WOfk$ and $hall be aeeompa,,*, '5 ~r
as poMlble. by a representatiVe of this worb

A.1.4 Conditionsoflcceptllnce

the reqWements of the oro&<, and of this International Standard. are tutfIleel, the test lot is 0Ilf"ISldlnd to
OOllfOlm lind III ecoepted by the purchnsor 'o'rflMut prajudice to the ..,spectoll which may lake place IIlter at
the po.I'dlllSll~s wonc.s within ~ brne Units specified by IIgreement between the mllllufacturer and pureha$llf.

A.2 Rounding-oft" of Will resut18

The res.utls of the mechanlcallll1d chemJCllllestll &hal be roIa'lded ott U$lnllthe IUlea specified In ISO 404.

A.3 Records

Unless otherwise specilled ., fle order, 'he mllnuf&ettnr 8111111 malnt!WI ~ of reootls of 11111119 required
tests peI'Iorm8d bylhe foundry lor B mlnlrnlJ'Tl par10d offlve y&aI1l,

10 OIS02003_AJ1" l I t D _

WM Jun lIB
by l~. Inter:llho",,1 D'l"nlnllOJl Yor ~1"""rdJUllon
1ll3~1 ~ZIlIl'i
ISO ..m:2003(E)


Supplementary requirements

B.1 General
One or more of the Iolowi='
wppIemen0ry reqlOrements may be liPPed when $peeifiad III the ordllr. OlltaJls
of Ihese llUppiementary . t:s $hall be as agreed by the manufacturer and purchaHr at the time of
enquuy and order. The ifled tests shall be carried out before del/v"'Y of the castings.

8.2 ManufJcturing lnslderatlons

9.2.1 Steelmaklng pr~

The steelmakng process jhaI be reported to fie plOd a!er.

8.2.2 . ._ ",,"~"ri"' _ " ,

When the GaSlIngs are Ufactured In buk, the purchaser may ask to epprO\le the manufac:tl.riolg process. A
proglIrTlmll of manuf and Inspeclion shall be Ililged ~. The ~ she. agree to II certain nlnlbec
01 satISfactory prallmhary sls and fie msnutactura of a sample sones of ClIS1ings. All thesa c:ondlllons taken
tog9\tler eonst~uW lin ~ test of mant.tac1l.n by lhe ~. When the resulb are satisfactory, th.
purchaMf may place sUilMQuent oro~ with IIl4l maoufltCtlnr In ll~ Wl1t1 theM programmes of
manufaclla'e and iMpectdn.

9.2.3 Mats of tnt

The mass of the leSt lot

a) 500 kg:
t I
be specified from one 01 the 1oIlo...v.g·

b) 1000 kSl,

c) 5000 kg.

up the I8sl lots lor tosti"" by statistical ffieal'l$ may be used. Such aflllmal/va
k'lthe enquiry ;n:l oro_lor 001; manllfacb.lre

9.2." tlIaN and lole<1~ce on ma.

If opplicablu. m8SS <WId arance on rnallll ahaII be lllJ'"d upon sllhe time 01 tho eflll...-y and order

9.3 Chemical anal Is for residual elements

Chemical anlllysls. :'"':;":~':"'af elements not bted in fle 6PElC1Ilca1Ion shall be as lIIlIf9«l between the
manufac1Ulllf and P'

o LSO 2003 -,.. n\trtS ..... 11

COP1l1ghl oy t~£ l,le'Mtlonal ~,m~ll,n fo, S ndord,tilton

Thij J,I 00 M)O:H 2004
ISO 4990l2003(E)

8.4 Mechanical tests

8 ...1 Proof .tre•• -': elevated templill1lture

The ch&rJions of the test pieces and method of jests shal meet the conditicns of ISO 6892. The prool' stress
at elevated Iempendure shan be determined In accordance with the requirements of ISO 7B3. The test
Ilmperelln end proof stress shall be as specIlIed In the melerial stlWKIard or shall be agreed betwHn the
manufaclun;lr end purehasllr.

8A.2 8riMli han:tnelltest

Measurement of the hardness el c:ertain points on the eastings shell be eal'T*! 0tJI In <lII':COrdance with
ISO 6506- f. The IoelIIlon on the casting or test block. where hal'dnea \e$I$ llI'I'I to be taken, wi be spedfled
In Ihe enqu.-y end OI'der.

8.4.3 Att«'native hardness test.

Har'lhess tests olher than Brlnell harUness tests may be US9d. COOV9l'slon or values shall be In aecordanee
WJIh ISO 4964.

BAA Impllc:t teat at low temperaturu

Impaet stre"lJlh at loW temperatures shall be delelmlned. Test temperaturlils and Margy valu8s shal be 88
speellled 1Il:lle IndMduai product standards or shall be ag"OOd botweon tha manulaeturer and purehas&r.
Other ptOpeFt\&s wt\Idl may !llIllplldfied indude:

al lateral expaoslon;

b) pe~ot~rarN.

8.5 HomOgeneity of the tnt lot

Under conditions agl'9ed upon by the manulaeuer end JUdI_r, (he homogeneity 01 the teet Jot $hllI1 be
verifi&d by testing carried out OIl 5 '" althe castqjs (at least i'lYlI castings) per tellllol

8.6 Test blocks

B.6.1 Tnt blocks representative of the castings Galtem

TIle $lZe, $l'lape and location 0I1he te3l b1oek$, Ihe <XlIfllSIlOIIdIng meet18f1leal properties. \hoa conditionS under
which the tesll;Jlod(s al'9 east (see 6.2.2 2), and the fI03'tion offle test pI!IOllS shal be 83 agreed betmlsn the
rnanulaetUrel and the plRhascr at f>e twne dille enquiry and Older. The teal block Cllf1 be seleeled 88
deseribeiclln aB.1.2 and B.6.1.3.

12 OI$02OO)- .... "llNo_

, Copyn,ht by tho Inl<'rr"llob.lllrl'Il.L.. ~,n Po; ~nj"<!I~,II.n
I 1C'd J,n!Jl 055157 2000
ISO 4MO:2003(E} TNtblockJ~1
The dlm_DOB of the block may be I ~ I lI'Ist&8d of 28mm ~ 28 mm, where I is tile lI.ding section
thckness (28 < I " 56) m;;:[ The nAng 8eCbon shall be indtcated by 1Ile pu'tl\tlse( III the eoqulry and the on:Ier.

The klst pieces shall:±be from the _I blocks lIB blows:

~ d the lIlICbon ttl IS .. 56 mm tie exls of the lest pkloe shall be;;,. 14 mm from the cast suriaoe.

- 1!1hoe $ElClion Ihock...J;S,. 56 mm. the llXIs 0I1IllI ,"t ~ $IUIII be 114 to not more than tI3 from the cast

B.6.1.3 Tntblockl~ ~3t

When lh9 rulllg sectioll nll88 Is ,. 66 mm. the dl~ of the test blad< can be taken es I" 3t ~ 3t
where I is ttle rulFig ttllcknll88. The ruling section thickness shall be indicalod by the pu-ctlas« 81 the
~me of the erlqUlry and 0 . The maximum dinansion 01 the tesl block Is limited 10 500 mm. The lest plel;e
shill be taken lIS $hOwn In FIgure B. I.

• , •, •
., .,

l- .J.-+----
- ------1-----
" ."
x x-x
a d4 10 11'3

re 8.1 - Po.ltlcm of the teat plece ~ slzs of the umpkl

8.6.2 Heat treatment. scparately-eaat test blocks

Test bloc::ks sh/ll be he{I( hated lfl ttle same fimace together with the casUngs thai they represent.

B.6.3 Test block. chedto~ng.

When the tes1 bIock"';;;;;j-atlached to ttle ~s. the attat;hment zone and the mBUlod shen bs as agreed
bllIWeen the manurac .-.d purchaser.

The test blo;:d(s shall not det9ched before the m;YoUfllCl\Jnlf I\lI8 canicd out the final heat ueatmen( of the

[op"I&~' ty lh~ Inl'l1lIIlioo,1 Ort~nJ<dJOn For.
Th. lui 05 0850~' 2Ikl4
-~- -
ISO ~:2003(E)

B.7 HeBt treatment

B.7.1 T:fpeofhuttreatlliunt
The type of heal treatment applied to the caslings shalf be reported to the plI't:hltser.

B.7.2 o.t8ila of the treatrnent

pI.n:haser and manufacturer ~ lie enquiry and tha order, \he fime.'le~
l.pJI'l by the
\he applied hBallnlatm8nl shiIIIl be reported to the pud=er,

B.8 FInishing weld

B.8.1 Pl10r agreement relating to maJorflnlahing welda

Unless otherwi$e 3lJl*'d, flnlshlng _Ids shslI be considered major when the depth 01 the cavity prepared lor
welding exceeds 40 % of the Wll.lhlc:kness or 25 mm v.tIiche__ is the smaler

When not spedfoed In the product 1I1andard, mafar f1nlshmg weldl1 are subject to pnor approvlll of Ih&
purdlllser, by egraement In the enquiry oclhe order.

B.8.2 W~ ma~ (aketch..)

Major fnl;h!ng wwkIs $hal be doeumemed on drawings or photographs showing the location and llXlent of the
wekt DocumentaUon 1Iha11 bllllUbmillod 10 tho purchaser 81 the completion of the order.

B.9 Nori-destructlve testa

B.9.1 Liquid penufr1lnt inapection

The caslrgs snsl be el0lTlined by IIQtJId pene4Jant Ins,pection In order to detect lIllY lIUrtace dlsconmU!les.
The examlflalion shal be carr1ed out III ~ wtIh ISO 4967. The area(s) 10 be extlfl'lIne<l tlnd 'tie leVels
of aecep\.tlllQe snsll be " agreed between tha manuf9ctu'er and porchaser.

B.9.2 Maanetic particle inspection

The easllogs shlill be examined by magnetc partlcle (nspedim i-l order 10 detect dlSCOl'ltinui\les on or nearto
the SI..II'facO. The extlml~ion shaI be carried out in 8OOlll'dllnce W!lh ISO 4986. The area(s) to be examined
and the IeYlIls of a>ccepIaN;e shall be IU agreed between lhe manulacturer lind pachaser.

8.9.3 Rediogrephlc Inspection

The castings shall be examined by radiography .... 0f0er b detecl htemaI dl8contlnullles. The axamWlElticln
shtllI be auried ()l( in acoordance with ISO 4993. The extent d the examlnation and the levels of acoeplance
shall be as Bgreed betWeen the mtlrlulactuer and purch8ll8r.

B.9.4 Ult....onlc lnapec:tfon

The castings shall be lested by ultrasonics in order 10 deled internal discontinuities. The extent of !he
ElXIlrTIlnation, ltle method of tesWg and the leVels 01 ~ $hall be as agreed beM'een !he mtlrluftlCturer

CoPyrlShl b1lht lnl.rM~o",1 Or~'"iut'on 1"(1( Sla"d"dJ"~W1

led Jun 00l1li51 31! ~{>
ISO 4990:2003{E)

B.1I.5 Vl,ullln.~

The cas~ sh8Il be e--Jlned vl$l.lIlly. ISO 11971 may be us9d to estebhh t)'llIcel and acceptable surtace
reqlinlm9lllll The ~~
the lWIminlllion and !he Ievllls of aa:eplance shal be as IiIQI'8Eld bet\'IIMln the
manufactulllr end the purchaser.

B.I.6 examlnatton of *eld preparation for pr-oc:h.tetlon weld.

ProdJclion welds loclude iolShnQ llllC1 jOlIl\ welds, III accordMce with ISO 11970, shall be lIl'.armfllld by the
rllm·deslructrve InlIpectionbod spec:il'led on the enquiry and ~ the order.
Mag'Ietie Pllf1l<:Ie or liquid trant el'.amlnation of surfeces prepllllld lor .we.'.::lII1.·• • shal be performed to verify
removal of deeonbruties nd un&C(;llJll8ble by the ln6PQCtion method speclfted !'or the castng_
Examlnabons sh.ilH be cMied OIJt III aceon:lanoe wiItl the requirements dl'!scribed In a 9.1, B.9.2, 6.9.3 end
B.9.4 dependent upon thelnspec:Cion techn.que used. The ~ critene shaH be as "greed bet>.-n t"l
mal'lUiaeturer and plJl"Chaer Unless otf'Ier.Nise specified, the ume aooeplllnOOl eritOlria U for \he bese
malarial m the SIlITI. area is requlflld.

8.1D MI8C8l1aneoJ tests

8.10. t lntergfllnular 4rTOSiOfl tnt.

The criteria for ecceptaOOe shall be as aw9lld batwoon lhe ITlaIlufaeturer and pUIl;haser at fill time of the
6l'Iquiry lind the order.

The tNt shall be carried i'laeeordMce ~ the IBI!It m8tlods de8Cf1bed in ISO 3651.2 or by lIllY other
melt10d agreed UJXWl by manufactnr and purchaser.

Thoe speeilled cl'laraCte e Is normally magnetic penneablfty. The cholce of lest methods lIfld accaptance
criteriII sh.all be 8ll agre ~.n the manufadtnr and pu'

8.10.3 Preslure tight+esl

CastIngs shall be tested!h \tie speaIIed fluid at the $p8C/Iied pressurOland for the time ndiceted.
The ustings wbmilled the lest ahal not be In an oxidized condition and wi not reoe/Yll8ny prmecti'o'e
coabng, covenng, or In nation before the klsts.

In the case of pressure Jessel eastinga, reference shal be made 10 the \est condibons indk:aled In the test
slimdards for these veWls.
Thll manufacturer Is. ruJ...s.ble for the 58IJBhIetory pIlffonnaoce d ...... castings under the pressure tightness
test It Is reatised that foundry tn#I'I be uMble to perfonn tho test prior 10 sh~nt, or thatlhe plrC/laser
may wish 10 diller tesb until additional won. or mechlrllng has been parlormad on tha casling.

8.11 Surfacetrea
lllheorder so spec:ijes, ~ unmachlned or machined castings may bllsubjected 10 a proIectiVII treatment.


COP1ng~t by the Inlem.II'loaI Of~ ••","on I'or :Lr.lo'dltll~on

Th" lui O~ O~ 50 35 ::oo.t I I
l. _
ISO 4990:2003(E)

ICS n.140.80
"..... _""15_

C"'1"J~M ~y U.. '01<>,",1'0..1 Oq.,,,.. lI011 rOt Sla.,dordJ""lI.o

Wt<l J"n

- ~ -

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