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as a child always liked to cook because cooking always made her happy. Unsure
of what to take in collage she took a break from school and went to work at a small
restaurant owned by her relative. She worked a dishwasher, cashier, janitor, and other
works she could do. Sometimes when she had a break from work she would sneak to
the kitchen and watch employees cook. She learned many techniques and skills to make
food unique. Although she still wanted to be a cook, she took time to think whether to
chase her dreams or fulfill her parents’ wishes since they are against the idea of her
being a cook instead they want her to have a decent job. While working at the
restaurant for a year she realized that cooking is what she really really wants to do so
she decided to go after her dreams. Knowing that her parents might get disappointed
she decided not to tell her parents, but only after 2 months her parent found out about
everything, she thought that they would be so angry but it was the opposite. Even
though they showed disappointment they still supported her.

In 2009 she finished her course and graduated from a culinary art school. Soon
after she started to enter into a cooking contest but unfortunately she never won an
award. She started to apply for work but it is hard since she was always second in line
because she lacked skills. On 2011 she then again entered a national cooking contest
but then again to no avail. I asked her if she never thought of quitting since it was so
hard then she answered “of course I did, but thinking of how far I’ve come, now’s not
the time to give up, it would only turn my efforts into waste.” She fought her way
through every challenges and failures became her lessons. On 2015 she had her
breakthrough wherein she won the award “Philippine Culinary Cup.” She continuously
entered different contest to make a name for herself and fortunately she did, she won
few awards such as “Gourmand World Cookbook Award,” “Best cook Award,”

Jane wanted to tell her fellow dreamers not to give up,

she wanted to tell them that at the end of each struggle and challenges is a bright future
that awaits them. They can try and fail but don’t fail to try as Thomas Edison once said
after his success “I have not failed; I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Now
she is on the process of establishing her own restaurant.

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