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1. What are reducing sugars? Give examples and describe each.

Reducing sugars contains aldehyde group that are oxidized to carboxylic acids. It acts as a reducing
agent and can donate electrons to another molecule. Reducing sugars can react with other parts of
the food, like amino acids, to change the color or taste of the food. All monosaccharides are
reducing sugars, along with some disaccharides, some oligosaccharides, and some polysaccharides.
These are capable of reducing copper (II) ions in a solution to copper (I) oxide. The reducing sugars

Glucose – known as blood sugar because it essential for brain function and physical energy.

Fructose – known as the sweetest of all monosaccharides.

Galactose – is a component of lactose that is found in dairy products.

Maltose – is not often found in nature, but it is produced during digestion when starch molecules
are broken down.

2. Differentiate oxidation from reduction. Give examples.

Oxidation and reduction are two types of chemical reaction that often work together. It involves
exchange of electrons between reactants. It occurs simultaneously in a type of chemical reaction
called redox reaction. Oxidation involves a loss of electrons, whereas reduction involves a gain of
electrons. The reaction between magnesium metal and oxygen to form magnesium oxide involves
the oxidation of magnesium. The reaction between magnesium oxide and carbon at 2000C to form
magnesium metal and carbon monoxide is an example of the reduction of magnesium oxide to
magnesium metal.

3. In this learning activity, which is oxidized? Which is reduced? Is it the sugar of the reagent?

4. Differentiate alkaline solution from acidic solution. Give examples.

An acid is a substance that donates hydrogen ions. Because of this, when an acid is dissolved in
water, the balance between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions is shifted. Now there are more
hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions in the solution. This kind of solution is acidic. Alkaline is a
solution that has pH values above 7. This means alkaline solutions show basic properties. Therefore,
alkaline solutions can be neutralized by acids. Alkaline solutions are bitter tasting and feel slippery
when touched. Examples are:

Hydrochloric acid

Acetic acid

Citric acid

Nitric acid

A base is a substance that accepts hydrogen ions. When a base is dissolved in water, the balance
between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions shifts the opposite way. Because the base "soaks up"
hydrogen ions, the result is a solution with more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions. This kind of
solution is alkaline. Alkaline is a solution that has pH values above 7. This means alkaline solutions
show basic properties. Therefore, alkaline solutions can be neutralized by acids. Alkaline solutions
are bitter tasting and feel slippery when touched. Examples are:

Sodium hydroxide

Potassium hydroxide

Magnesium hydroxide

Calcium carbonate

5. Discuss the importance of reduction tests for sugar in the determination of patient having

Reducing sugar tests such as Benedict's and Fehling's test can be used to determine whether sugars
are present in urine, which can be indicative of diabetes mellitus. They can also be used in a
qualitative manner, such as in a titration experiment, to determine the amount of reducing sugars in
a solution.

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