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Name: Dumissa Melville

Grade: 11 Science
Teacher: Miss stoll
Subject: Biology
1, Define the following terms and give one example of each:

Excretion- is a process by which metabolic waste is eliminated by an organism

Egestion- is an act or process of voiding or discharging undigested food as faeces
Metabolism- the sum of the chemical reactions that take place within each cell of a living organism
and that provide energy for vital processes’ and for synthesis new organic material.

2 (a) Identify two excretory products of plants and briefly explain how they are removed.

The leaf

Unlike animals, plants do not have specialised excretory organs. Excess carbon dioxide and
oxygen are excreted from the plant through the stomata in the leaves.

Resins is removed by dropping at the back of the tree.

(b) Identify two excretory products of humans and briefly explain how they are removed
from the body.
Our skin has sweat glands, through which we excrete small amounts of water, urea and


The lungs help in getting rid of carbon dioxide, formed as a result of cellular respiration,
through exhalation.

3. Is the removal of faeces from our gut an example of excretion? Explain your answer.


It is not directly formed from the major organs responsible for excretion (liver, kidneys, lungs and
skin) and hence is not a result of metabolic reactions. That is why, faeces are not an excretory

4. Something to think about You have one brain and one heart. Why do you have two kidneys
when you can live with only one?

Thus, we assume that the reason we have two kidneys is so that there is some extra reserve of
kidney mass in case we sustain some renal insult (e.g. toxic injury, or traumatic injury).
Worksheet 2

1. Fill in the excretory organ(s) for the following organisms

Organisms Excretory organ(s)

Fishes Gills, kidneys

Earthworms Nephridia
Prawns (crustaceans) Green glands

Cockroach Malpighian

Hibiscus stomata

Human Kidneys, Skin, bladder

2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words

(a) Excretion is the removal of metabolic products from the body

of living organisms. Waste products include uric acid and amino formed

during metabolic processes in the body, and unwanted and digestive materials that enter our body

(b) Egestion and excretion are not the same process. Egestion is the removal of

Undigestive unabsorbed food matter from the digestive system. This matter has never

entered any process dealing with excretion and so is not a waste product of excretion.

(3) Which (W to Z) is the main waste product eliminated by each of the excretory organs
(a) to (c)?

a. Skin; Excess water

b. Lungs; Carbon dioxide

c. Kidneys; Urea

W. Urea X. Excess water Y. Carbon dioxide Z. Excess heat


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