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If wine is spilt on the tablecloth a waiter should:

(a) clear the table of everything and sponge the stain with milk

(b) cover the soiled area with a clean table napkin by unrolling it over

the spillage

(c) ask the customers to wait in the lounge while he fetches a clean


(d) take the plates of food to the sideboard and change the cloth

6. The correct accompaniments for roast grouse are:

(a) bacon rolls, meat balls, jus lie, heart-shape croutons spread with


(b) gravy, bread sauce, fried breadcrumbs, game chips, watercress

(c) redcurrant jelly, grapes, slices of kiwi-fruit, horseradish s·auce

(d) cranberry sauce, chestnuts, thyme and parsley stuffing, chipolatas

7. The main accompaniments for curried chicken, apart from ric~, are:

(a) plain boiled potatoes, quenelles, matignon of vegetables

(b) mangos, stuffed tomatoes, chateau potatoes

(c) fried onion-rings, chou-paste gnocchi, turned mushrooms

(d) poppadums, sambals, Bombay ducks

8. Horseradish sauce should be offered when serving:

(a) smoked mackerel

(b) wiener schnitzel

(c) fried whitebait

(d) roast leg of lamb

9. The correct accompaniments for a grilled steak are:

(a) grilled mushrooms and tomatoes, anchovy butter

(b) straw potatoes, watercress, parsley butter

(c) fried onion-rings, streaky bacon, picked parsley

(d) fried egg, slice of truffle, horseradish sauce

10. A customer who orders Coeur de Filet would expect it to be:

(a) braised lambs heart

(b) stewed ox-tail

(c) fried calf's liver

(d) fillet of beef

11. Grissini is another name for:

( a) small brioches

(b) Melba toast

(c) thin bread sticks

(d) slices of French bread

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