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Spain- Observe keenly the life and culture, languages and customs, industries and commerce and

governments and laws of the European nations in order to prepare himself in the mighty task of
liberating his oppressed people from Spanish tyranny.

Singapore- He spent two days in sightseeing soiree of the city, which was a colony of England. He saw
the famous Botanical Garden, the beautiful Buddhist temples, the busy shopping district and the statue
of Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles (founder of Singapore).

Sri Lanka- The general appearance of Point Galle is picturesque but lonely and quiet and at the same
time sad. Colombo is more beautiful, smart and elegant than Singapore, Point Galle and Manila.

Cape of Guardafui, Africa- inhospitable land but famous, Rizal sighted the barren coast of Africa.

Aden, Yemen- He was amused to see the camels, for it was the first time he saw these animals.

Suez- Impressed by the beautiful moonlight which reminded him of Calamba and his family.

Italy- He was pleased by its business activity, its lively people and panoramic beauty

Paris, France- He improved his mind by observing closely the French way of life and spending many
hours at the museums, notably the world-famous Louvre; the botanical gardens, especially the
Luxembourg; the libraries and art galleries and the hospitals where he observed the examination of
different diseases of women.

Berlin, Germany- He lived in famous capital of unified Germany for five reasons: 1. to gain further
knowledge of opthalmology, 2. tp further his studies of sciences and languages, 3. to observe the
economic and political conditions of the German nation, 4. to associate with famoys German scientists
and scholars and 5. to publish his novel Noli Me Tangere


Hongkong- Rizal studied Chinese life, language, drama and customs. Rizal practised medicine specialized
as Opthalmic Surgeon and build up a wide clientele. He became a successful and well-known, medical
practitioner in the British colony. He successfully operated on his mother's eye so she was ble to read
and write again.

Japan- He was enchanted by the natural beauty of Japan, the charming manners of the Japanes people
and picturesque shrines. He fell in love with a Japanese girl. He was impressed by Japan. He was a keen
observer, taking copious notes on the life, customs, and culture of the people.

United States- He saw the discriminatory treatment of the Chinese and Negroes by the white Americans.
He kept notes of what he observed during his trip from San Francisco to New York. Rizal had good and
bad impressions. The good impressions were the material progress of the country as shown in the great
cities, huge farms, flourishing industries, and the busy factories, the drive and energy of the American
people, the natural beauty of the land, the high standard of living and the opportunities for better life
offered to poor immigrants. One bad impression Rizal had of America was the lack of racial equality.

London- To improve his knowledge of the English language, to study and annotate Morga's Sucesos de
las Islas Filipinas, a rare copy of which he heard to be available in British Museum and London was a safe
place for him to carry on his fight against Spanish tyranny.
He engaged in Filipiniana studies, completed annotating Morga's book. who wrote many articles for La
Solidaridad in defense of his people against Spanish critics, penned a famous letter to the young women
of Malolos, carried on his voluminous correspondence with Blumentritt and relatives, and had a
romance woth Gertrude Beckett.

Brussels, Belgium- Rizal was busy writing his second novel which was a continuation of the Noli. He was
never idle even for an hour, He wrote articles for La Solidaridad and letters to his family and friends. He
spent part of his time in the medical clinic. He had gymnastics at the gymnasium and target practice and
fencing at the armory.

Biarritz, France- Rizal finished El Filibusterismo.

Ghent, Belgium- The cost of printing and publishing El Fili was cheaper than Brussels and to escaoe from
the enticing attraction of Petite Suzanne.

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