Midterms - NSTP Zamudio Rr22

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Whatever your age, culture, gender, social status, or where at any group of
classification you are in, we cannot get away from this world’s pandemic circulating the
whole wide world – the COVID19. As long as there is no vaccine that can fight the spread,
the high risk will always be present inside the society. In recent weeks, we have seen
already the impacts of this corona virus in our lives. Admit it or not but we are not that
ready to fight for the cost that this pandemic will take away from us. We have already
this fear of the unknown because we still do not know when we can be free to go outside
and live a normal life. According to weforum.org COVID19 affects our economic,
physical and mental well-being. We tend to get anxious, unhappy and lonely. But what
can we do to manage this crisis effectively? Whilst the fact that we are into the unknown.

Now that I already plotted what I see in the world today, let us see the life I have
in a very important place we have right now – our home. I cannot deny the fact that we
are one of those individuals who are also in panic, in fear and affected by the crisis. God
continues to bless us with abundant blessings. Right now, we do not worry what to eat for
upcoming days. But the problem is how long can we be like this? It is certain that we can
still manage with help of God. It is great that we respond to this pandemic proactively.
We are the one who’s playing with the situation and we are not the one who’s been
played by the situation. Yes we have the fear of the unknown but while we are in fear,
what can be done productively? Personally, dealing with my online classes is very hard.
We do not have stable internet connections, I cannot fully comprehend what I am doing
or the lessons being sent to us. My classmates continues to rant their thoughts, to
complain, to blame certain people about the difficulties. I noticed that if they continue
to always act like that in the situation, they tend to do nothing and procrastinate.
Perhaps, I have also the same thinking but I do not act what I think. Whenever there are
activities, assignments, quizzes and lectures – I always do those things right up. As much
as possible, I finish them in the fastest way possible. I really do not want backlogs, I want
everything to be accomplished and done. So, instead of feeling the same way as my
classmates, I am starting to do what needs to be done. Because, at the end of the day,
you are going to do it anyway, unless you let your emotions drive you and not do
something about it. Every day, I am posting my to-do-list in my Facebook stories then at
every night, I am posting the accomplished to-do-list. Why? To inspire people to act and

respond like me. They are starting to ask me for help and I am glad that I am helping. My
elder sister is also working from home and she do the same way as I am doing. She said
that she have weekly tasks and she wants to finish everything as soon as possible so that
she can have time for herself and for the family. My parents who are working so hard are
now on their relaxing and resting state. Last time, they have been complaining that they
do not have time for actual rest and cannot do things at home – but now they are taking
their time and doing reorganization of home ideas. My siblings have time to maximize
their hobbies and improve their skills. More importantly, we are continuing to value the
time for God for daily devotions and meditations. Your response is a matter of choice,
you can always choose how to act and respond and I believe we are doing well.

As per the precautionary measures we are doing, when market time, we send one
family member outside as early as possible so there is still fresh air outside and can go
back home as early as possible. We buy food and supplies for two to three weeks
consumptions to prevent from getting outside and deal with social distancing. We always
sanitize ourselves and disinfect always. We clean inside and outside the house regularly
and we value family time by engaging in physical fitness and exercise early morning. As
of today, we are healthy and we don’t have sick family member. Given the fact that I
am a nursing student major, I tend to research ways to upgrade their immune system. I
always keep in touch with my friends and my relatives, I always share my knowledge and
encourage them to do the same. I always monitor their health and tell them what they
can do to alleviate the stress that they are having. God is telling me to spread good vibes
and good health. As I have said earlier, I continue to inspire others to be proactive and
be productive by sharing what I do and how I do it. Cura personalis tells us about
extending helping hands and those are my ways to be one of the front liners.

I am grateful that the whole world are helping each other and even risk their lives
just for others. I remember what Catriona said in her pageant, we must see the silver
linings of what we are experiencing. We can think positively and avoid the stressors.
Without this pandemic, environment cannot rest with pollution and cannot restore
themselves, workers burnout and do not have plenty of time to rest, front liners cannot
maximize their full potential and also government cannot really push themselves to care
for their community. We can always manage what we think and how we response.

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