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1. Jurnal

Annual Review International Coffee Organization 2011-2012, 2013;

Agus Widarsono, Strategic Value Chain Analysis: Suatu Pendekatan

Manajemen Biaya, 2009;

Allesandro Nicita, Victor Ognivtsev, dan Miho Shirotori, Global Supply

Chains: Trade and Economic Policies for Developing Countries, 2013;

Anh, N. H., Current situation and recommendations to enhance

competitiveness of Vietnam’s coffee exports, Faculty of Economics and

International Business. Foreign Trade University, Vietnam, 2008;

Budiman Hutabarat, Kondisi Pasar Dunia dan Dampaknya Terhadap

Kinerja Industri Perkopian Nasional, Oktober 2004;

Dr.Timothy J. Sturgeon, Global Value Chains and Economic

Globalization, Mei 2013 ;

Gary Gereffi dan Miguel Korzeniewicz, Commodity Chains and Global

Capitalism, Greenwood Press, 1994;

Gavin Fridell, Fair Trade Coffee: The Prospects and Pitfalls Of Market-

Driven Social Justice. University of Toronto Press, 2007;

Germain N. Pichop dan Francis M. Kemegue, International Coffee

Agreement: Incomplete Membership and Instability of the Cooperative Game,

Southwest Business and Economics Journal, 2006;

Huyen, N. T., The global value chain and participation of Vietnam’s

industrial crops. Faculty of Economics and International Business. Foreign Trade

University Vietnam, 2008;

IPSARD (Institute on Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural

Development), Research on domestic consumption of coffee in Hanoi and

Hochiminh city, Vietnam, 2006;

Ipsos Research Note, Vietnam’s Coffee Industry, Juli 2013;

Jodie-Anne Keane, Trade Program, Overseas Development The

Governance of Global Value Chains and the Effects of the Global Financial

Crisis Transmitted to Producers in Africa and Asia, Journal of Development

Studies Vol. 48, No. 6, 783–797, Juni 2012;

Long, P. K., Coffee growing in Vietnam, 2007;

National Economic University, Added values in agricultural exports of

Vietnam: current situation and recommendation), 2006;

Nhan, D. T., Vietnam’s coffee industry after 2 year of WTO’s accession,

July, 2008;

OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises,


Przemyslaw Kowalski, Max Büge, Monika Sztajerowska, dan Matias

Egeland, State-Owned Enterprises: Trade Effects and Policy Implications, OECD

Trade Policy Papers No.147, 2013;

Reni Kustiari, Perkembangan Pasar Kopi Dunia dan Implikasinya Bagi

Indonesia, Jurnal Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi. Volume 25 No. 1, Juli 2007;

Robert Fitter dan Raphael Kaplinsky, Who Gains From Product Rents As

The Coffee Market Becomes More Differentiated? A Value Chain Analysis, IDS

Bulletin Paper, Mei 2001;

Stefano Ponte, The ‘Latte Revolution’? Regulation, Markets and

Consumption in the Global Coffee Chain, Januari 2002;

Synthesis Report OECD, Interconnected Economies: Benefiting from

Global Value Chains, 2013;

The World Bank Agriculture and Rural Development Department, The

Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Coffee Sector Report, Juni 2004;

United States Department of Agriculture, Coffee: World Market and

Trade, Desember 2014;

Vietnam Trade Office di Amerika Serikat, Vietnam: Strategically

Planning for Coffee,2008;

Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency Export Promotion Centre, Report on

Coffee Sector in Vietnam, 2007;

Vinacafe Buon Ma Thuot, The Tay Nguyen Coffee investment and import-

export join stock company. 2008;

Vu Quoc Ngu, The State-Owned Enterprise Reform in Vietnam: Process

and Achievements, Agustus 2002.

2. Website

About Coffee, diakses dari

All Exporting Countries, Total Production, Crop Years 2010/11 to

2012/13, diakses dari


Coffee, diakses dari http://www.agra-

Common Understanding and Definition Of State-Owned Entities, diakses



ICO Members, diakses dari

Organisasi Kopi Internasional, diakses dari

PWC Report, State-owned enterprises: Catalysts for public value

creation?, April 2015, diakses dari

Vinacafe Bien Hoa, The overview of Vietnam’s processed coffee, diakses


World coffee trade, diakses dari



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