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South Peninsula
High School



This question paper consists of 17 pages which

includes 5 diagram sheets and a formula sheet.

Mathematics P2 June 2017


1. Read the following instructions carefully before answering the


2. This paper consists of 10 Questions. Answer ALL the questions.

3. Show ALL calculations, diagrams, graphs, et cetera which you

have used in determining your answers.

4. An approved scientific calculator (non-programmable and non-

graphical) may be used, unless stated otherwise.

5. If necessary, answers should be rounded off to TWO decimal

places, unless stated otherwise.

6. Number your questions correctly according to the numbering

system used in this question paper.

7. Diagrams are NOT necessarily drawn to scale.

8. It is in your own interest to write LEGIBLY and to present your

work neatly.

9. Write down your Name, Surname and Teacher’s name on your

diagram sheet.

10. Hand in your Diagram Sheets with your script.


The ages of 25 residents of Peaceful Village are recorded below.

25 35 42 49 53 54 60 64 65 67 68 69

70 71 72 72 75 77 78 82 85 89 90 91 97

1.1 Determine the median of their ages. (1)

1.2 Determine the lower and upper quartiles. (2)

2 South Peninsula High School

Mathematics P2 June 2017

1.3 Represent the above data using a box and whisker diagram on

1.4 Use the box and whisker diagram to describe the distribution of
the data. (1)

1.5 Determine the mean age of the residents. (2)

1.6 Determine the standard deviation of the age of the residents. (2)

1.7 How many are within one standard deviation of the mean? (3)


The following frequency table shows the distribution of the heights of plants.

Plant height (cm) Frequency

0  x  10 22
10  x  20 39
20  x  30 60
30  x  40 51
40  x  50 18
50  x  60 10

2.1 What is the total number of plants? (1)

2.2 Use the table on DIAGRAM SHEET 1 to complete the cumulative

frequency column. (2)

2.3 Draw the ogive for the given data on DIAGRAM SHEET 1. (4)

2.4 Indicate on the ogive where to read off the median height and
mark it with the letter M. (2)

2.5 The tallest 20% of the plants need to be transplanted. Use the
ogive to determine the cut-off height. (2)

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Mathematics P2 June 2017


In the diagram, A(– 4; 5) , C(–1 ; – 4) and B(4; 1) are the vertices of a

triangle in a Cartesian plane. CE ⊥ AB with E on AB.

Determine the:

3.1 coordinates of F, the midpoint of AC (2)

3.2 equation of CD (4)

3.3 coordinates of E (5)

3.4 angle BÂD , if it is given that E is the midpoint of CD. (5)


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Mathematics P2 June 2017


4.1 A circle P has the equation x2  y2  6x  4y  12 . Determine

the coordinates of the centre P and the length of the radius. (4)

4.2 In the diagram below, the circle, having centre T(0; 5), cuts the
y-axis at P and R. The line through P and S(–3; 8) intersects the
circle at N and the x-axis at M. NS = PS. MT is drawn.

4.2.1 Give a reason why TS  NP. (1)

4.2.2 Determine the equation of the line passing through N

and P in the form y = mx + c. (5)

4.2.3 Determine the equation of the tangents to the circle that

are parallel to the x-axis. (4)

4.2.4 Determine the length of MT. (4)

5 South Peninsula High School

Mathematics P2 June 2017

4.2.5 Another circle is drawn through the points S, T and M.

Determine, with reasons, the equation of this circle STM

in the form ( x  a)2  ( y  b)2  r 2. (5)



5.1 If sin 37o  k, determine, in terms of k:

5.1.1 cos 53o (2)

5.1.2 sin ( 74o ) (4)

1  sin 2x cos x  sin x

5.2 Prove the identity  (4)
cos 2x cos x  sin x

5.3 Given the first three terms of an arithmetic series:

cos2 x  sinx cos x  sin2 x  ........

Determine the value(s) of x where x  [0o; 270o ]. (4)



Given: h (x) = cos ( x + 30º ) and g(x) = – sin x x  [ 120o; 180o ].

6.1 Determine the general solution, without the use of a calculator, if

h(x) = g(x). (6)

6.2 Use the set of axes provided on DIAGRAM SHEET 2 to draw

sketch graphs of the curves h and g for x  [ 120o; 180o ]. Show

the coordinates of all turning points and intercepts with the axes. (6)

6 South Peninsula High School

Mathematics P2 June 2017

6.3 Hence, determine the value(s) of x for which:

6.3.1 both h(x) and g(x) increase as x increases for the interval

x  [120o; 0o ]. (2)

6.3.2 sin x  cos x . cos 30o  sin x . sin 30o and

x  [ 120o; 180o ]. (4)

6.4 Explain how you would transform g to k if k( x )  cos x. (2)



In the diagram, B, E and D are points in the same horizontal

plane. AB and CD are vertical poles. Steel cables AE and CE
anchor the poles at E. Another steel cable connects A and C.

CE = 8,6m, BE = 10m, AÊB  40o, AÊC  70o and CÊD  27o.

Calculate the

7.1 height of pole CD (2)

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Mathematics P2 June 2017

7.2 length of cable AE (2)

7.3 length of cable AC (4)




8.1 In the diagram below, O is the centre of the circle. A, D, M and F

are points on the circumference.

Prove the theorem which states that   M̂  180 o (5)

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Mathematics P2 June 2017

8.2 ST is a tangent at S and chord SR is produced to V. PQ = QR,

Ŝ1  42o and Ŝ2  108o.

Determine, with reasons, the size of the following angles:

8.2.1 Q̂ (2)

8.2.2 R̂2 (2)

8.2.3 P̂2 (2)

8.2.4 R̂3 (2)


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9.1 In the diagram, O is the centre of the circle and P is a point on the
circumference of the circle. Arc AB subtends AÔB at the centre
of the circle and AP̂B at the circumference of the circle.

Use the diagram to prove the theorem that states that

AÔB  2AP̂B. (5)

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9.2 In the diagram, O is the centre of the circle and P, Q, S and R are
points on the circle. PQ = QS and QR̂S  y. The tangent at P
meet SQ produced at T. OQ intersects PS at A.

9.2.1 Give a reason why P̂2  y. (1)

9.2.2 Prove that PQ bisects TP̂S. (4)

9.2.3 Determine PÔQ in terms of y. (2)

9.2.4 Prove that PT is a tangent to the circle that passes

through P, O and A. (2)

9.2.5 Prove that OÂP  90o. (5)


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ABC is a tangent to the circle at B. BA = BF = FE. BE bisects FÊD.

BÊD  x. Prove that:

10.1 AC || FD. (5)

10.2 FB̂D  108o . (8)


12 South Peninsula High School

Mathematics P2 June 2017

Information Sheet: Mathematics

 b  b 2  4ac
A = P(1 + ni) A  P(1  n i) A  P(1  i)n A  P(1  i)n

n n
n n  1
Tn  a  n  1d 2a  n  1d
1  n i  2
Sn 
i 1 i 1

Tn  ar n 1 Sn 

a rn 1 
; r 1 S 
; 1 r  1
r 1 1 r

x[(1  i)n  1] x[1  (1  i) n ]

F P
i i
f ( x  h)  f ( x )
f ' ( x )  lim
h 0 h

 x  x 2 y1  y 2 
d  ( x 2  x1)2  ( y 2  y1)2 M 1 ; 
 2 2 

y  y1
y  mx  c y  y1  mx  x1 m 2 m  tan 
x 2  x1
x  a2  y  b2  r 2
In  ABC :
a b c 1
  a 2  b 2  c 2  2bc. cos A area ABC  ab. sin C
sin A sin B sin C 2

sin(   )  sin . cos   cos . sin  sin(   )  sin . cos   cos . sin 
cos(   )  cos . cos   sin . sin  cos(   )  cos . cos   sin . sin 
 cos 2   sin 2 

cos 2   1  2 sin 2  sin 2  2 sin .cos 
 2
 2 cos   1
 ( x i  x )2
f x  2  i 1
n n
n( A )
P( A )  P( A or B)  P( A )  P(B)  P( A and B)

ŷ  a  bx b 
 ( x  x)( y  y)

 ( x  x)

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DIAGRAM SHEET 1 Name: ……………………………..

Question 1.3

Question 2.2

Plant height (cm) Frequency Cumulative Frequency

0  x  10 22
10  x  20 39
20  x  30 60
30  x  40 51
40  x  50 18
50  x  60 10

Question 2.3




10 20
30 40 50 60
South Peninsula High School
Mathematics P2 June 2017

DIAGRAM SHEET 2 Name: ……………………………..

Question 6.2

-120 -60 60 120 180



Question 8.1

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Mathematics P2 June 2017

DIAGRAM SHEET 3 Name: ……………………………..

Question 8.2

Question 9.1

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Mathematics P2 June 2017

DIAGRAM SHEET 4 Name: ……………………………..

Question 9.2

Question 10.1

17 South Peninsula High School

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