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DEMZICON MALANO Score/Rating_____

BSE-1A Lesson 1


What is the data privacy scandal all about?

 The data privacy scandal is all about the collection of personally
identifiable information of "up to 87 million people".

How does this Facebook privacy scandal relate to Heidegger’s

notion of revealing of modern technology as challenging forth?
 Nowadays Facebook is one of the ways for us to connect to our
love ones and other people despite their distance from us. Facebook
connects us to other people That is why we considered the Facebook as
a bringing forth of technology but this issue or problem that the
Facebook faced can be seen or considered it as a challenging forth of
technology because there are so many Facebook user’s information has
been exude publicly without the permission of the user.

How are Facebook users “enframed” in this particular data

privacy scandal?
 Because of the data privacy scandal on Facebook, Facebook
users were scared because their personal informations was exude to
the public and because of that they become more careful to the things
that they are posting and sharing on Facebook.

How do you think Facebook can be used in a way that is more

consistent with Heidegger’s idea of poieses or bringing forth of
 Facebook can be use in way more consistent aside from
this was used as means of communication, Facebook is much better if
we use it in a good way like posting informations that will help our
country, sharing our ideas that may help others and other things that
can help everyone than posting negative things and information that
doesn't help us.

How can the Heideggerian notion of “questioning” guide

Facebook users toward a beneficial use of social media?
 The Heideggerian notion of “questioning” guides us, the users that
the truthful of Facebook was manipulating us. Thus, the social
media were manipulating us. We are too reliable on social media to
the point that it was destroying the society, it rips apart how the
society works.
DEMZICON MALANO Score/Rating_____
BSE-1A Lesson 2


1. What is the framework of de-development?

 The framework of de-development is the procedure of allowing the
higher magnificence of society slowdown and allowing the decrease
class to trap up. This doesn’t mean that making a rich man to emerge
as negative but it's miles just most effective reducing their
consumption of sources.

2. How is de-development framework different from traditional

frameworks developments?
 The traditional framework is basically “growth” permitting the
society to enhance its skills by giving a fraction from the
wealthy to the bad and feature a balance. within the other
arms, studies have proven that we've got grown an excessive
amount of because we already passed the point of boom by
using exceeding our planet’s bio potential through 50% yearly.
due to this rather than traditional framework, Peter Edwards
proposed that in place of the bad u . s . a . to catch up, let us
have the rich catch down and feature an efficient and satisfied
residing. in which is likewise called the de-developmental

3. According to Hickel, how can rich countries de-develop?

 Hickel said that the client at the wealthy country should
purchase to the greater or less us of a. Having a excessive GDP
(gross domestic product) consistent with capital doesn’t truly
equal to being glad. He even quoted “How much is enough” by
using Robert and Edward Skidelsky, announcing that
commercial have to ban, to shorten workings hours, and
feature a fundamental profits and in this system a society and
the stay of its humans ought to improve at the same time as
decreasing intake.
4. Why does Hickel frown upon pundits using terms such us de-
growth, zero growth, or de-development in describing an
alternative framework?
 Hickel thinks that their use of language gives the man or
woman, who doesn’t genuinely recognize an awful lot
approximately it, a fake concept on what de-improvement truly
approach. He needs humans to understand the de-
improvement is not dropping, capture to analyze, seize to
develop or devolve but think about it as a human progress. He
goes on by way of announcing that we need to reorient
ourselves to the concept of a “ consistent country”. that's an
economic step in the right direction.
5. Some people might think that de-development is about giving
things up. How does Hickel explain that this is not a case?
 For Hickel the de-development is a process towards the know-
how and being conscious about the reason of our lifestyles and
our reason. It isn't about being miserable, for the purpose of
this is to have a satisfied and efficient life. It isn't restraining
humanity from improvement but allowing it to find balance
and be lifted up as a whole.
DEMZICON MALANO Score/Rating_____
BSE-1A Lesson 3


Compare and Contrast each pair fo terms related to Aristotle’s

Nichomachean Ethics.

1. Instrumental Good - Ultimate Good

Instrumental good are those things that you want to have in life,
those which gives you pleasure in life, those which gives you the
ability to get all what you want, the chance to be popular and be given
all the privilege in life while Ultimate goal is what makes you feel good
about yourself that you are fine living your life, no regrets, no hate
just living the life you wanted and you feel genuine joy and freedom,
that is the essence of ultimate good. However, everyone wants to
attain that which is good in life and in living, and every activity is
directed at some good.

2. Pleasure - Happiness
Pleasure, according to Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics, is
temporary; it does not long. Once you already have that thing that
gives you pleasure then the feeling of wanting it will then fade away
while Happiness is “living well and doing well”. Some also describe it
as the growing or thriving of one's being. Aristotle also presented two
hallmarks of Happiness which are virtue and excellence. Happiness
solely is living good, it is living good and doing in whatever a person

3. Virtue - Vice
Virtue is the continuous application of the good however things go
their way. It is the one that inspires you to do good. It is a continuous
deed that needs to be improved as well maintained in order to
flourish. Since everyone has the capability to be good but it also needs
to be regulated to be habitual in good while Vice is the flaw in the
goodness, if one doesn’t handle the situation well and ends up being
in the wrong attitude or behaviour.

4. Intellectual Virtue - Moral Virtue

Intellectual virtue is said to be acquired through education, time
and experience. This virtue is taught and needs a lot of understanding
and comprehension. It can be self taught or by the knowledge passed
by others. While Moral virtue is a constant application of an action,
this kind of virtue is not created or achieved overnight but a lot of
experiences, training and skills is attained. Although these two kinds
of virtues are the same where they do good shows in one’s action.
5. Science and Technology - The Good Life
Science and Technology in comparison to good life is more to think
than what it seems, Science and technology is evaluated on its next
developments as it advances, the good in science and technology
might be lost or wavered by overly appraising it or the other, it will
lose its credibility to humans experience of happiness. While The Good
Life simply means being happy, living happily, healthy and having a
prosperous life of how one person thinks, acts and lives. It said that
“The good life is understood as happiness brought about by living a
virtuous life”.
DEMZICON MALANO Score/Rating_____
BSE-1A Lesson 4


1. What is a human rights-based approach to science, technology

and development? 
A human rights-based approach to science, technology and
development is solely by protecting society as well as the advance
development of science and technology. The human rights-based
approach is made to keep society and science, technology at a
harmonious pace as it advances. In order to have a just and humane
society as well as peace for everyone. To prevent destruction to
humans and technology. 

2. How do the documents and their key principles present in the

position of human rights in the intersection of technology and
I can say that it is very focused on human dignity and security,
which is what it should be since all these advancements on
technologies are to help the society live a better life. But I hope that
these rights are flexible and that adding on it is applicable and
reasonable, since we might never know what these developments will
be in the future. And one more that these rights should be solely
focused on societies is that to make peace with everyone as well as for
the technologies to be formed, because if there is no peace how will
these technologies be formed with its greatest capabilities.  

3. Why should human rights be at the core of scientific and

technological advancement?
Because if we only think of the rapidity of advancement of the
technologies then we wouldn’t know where we’ll end up. If these
technologies will be too reliable for us and to the business world then
the security of the people would be gone. People then would be
replaced by those technologies -- robots, a perfect replica of humans
which can adapt as well as decide like a human being. 

4. What is the danger of using human rights as the merely

decorative moral dimension of scientific and technological
Using human rights as the merely decorative moral dimension of
scientific and technological policies makes the rights futile or useless.
Then everything that science and technology then can make an ugly
response or reaction to the society not knowing that the society per se
was the one being ruined. There would be chaos in the society if these
are being ignored by the scientific and technological policies. 
5. Do you agree with Mukherjee’s assertion that a human rights-
based approach to science, technology and development can form
very heart-sustainable futures? Explain. 
Yes, since we cannot deny that these technologies are really
helpful to the society in every thing and every part of the day. These
human rights as what he said will make a just and humane society, it
is actually for our own good and benefit. In order to have a peaceful
life and a flourishing life. As well as having the happiness in our lives
that we need.
DEMZICON MALANO Score/Rating_____
BSE-1A Lesson 5


1. How do science and technology affect contemporary life and

vice versa?
Science and technology is a very big help to the way we live on the
present-day. Through our farming, many machines are now invented
to speed up and help the farmers produce more agricultural products.
In the office, updated and advance computers and gadgets that would
easily help them do their work. The internet that would communicate
from far places as well as for students who need it to search for
information for their homeworks. Without these inventions and
developments towards science and technology life would not expand,
advance or grow. Science and technology is the main function why we
live the life we are living today.

2. How do we protect our human rights in the face of

technological advancements and ethical dilemmas?
Discipline, common used word but a very difficult one to do. We
can protect our human rights in the face of technological
advancements and ethical dilemmas by not over appraising these
technologies. If it is not for the good of more people then do not do it,
use it and make it. A lot of inventions and developments are to be
used for the betterment of everybody and not to be used by our
immoral desires. Love and acceptance are ones that we should show
to each and everyone, not racism. Because we are the ones who are
creating hatredness to one another and we should be the one
responsible for these actions.

3. Do you believe that Google makes people stupid?

I think it will depend on how people use Google. Since there is a
lot of information posted on Google, they can be a very big help to us
students where we can read additional information that would give us
more ideas to our said topic. But if students only use it to search for
the answers to the questions they are only answering without reading
the whole idea or thought then they are missing a lot of information
that they need in order to understand their topic. Google also shares
informations that are from before and are not updated and sometimes
inadequate or inaccurate informations like when it is about health
related informations, there are a lot of things that should be informed
to a person than just what we get from Google so it is still better and
safer to get help from the health workers, and appropriate persons
who holds that knowledge.

4. Read the entirety of Joys’ article. Why doesn’t the future need
According to Joys’ article, the future doesn’t need us because of
what we are inventing as of the present. These machines will take the
majority and popularity of the world soon and he believed that these
things will be the dominant ones. They would replicate themselves
and would not need a human to handle it. If they are being blown up,
they will not be destroyed but they will multiply by the destroyed
materials. Since Joy believed that these technologies will be smarter
than humans and they would not require human knowledge.

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