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Assignment II

Subject: Advanced Probability And Statistics Subject Code: MATH4281


Session 2019-2020


1. A normal population has a mean 0.1 and standard deviation 2.1. Find the probability that the
mean of a sample of size 900 will be negative.

2. If x denote the sample mean for a sample of size 15 taken from a normal
  , 2  population
3 x     4
with variance 4, find the probability that .
3. The guaranteed average life of certain type electric light bulbs is 1000 hours with a s.d. of 125
hours. It is proposed to sample the output so as to assure that 90% of the bulbs do not fall short
of the guaranteed average by more than 2.5% . What should be the minimum size of the
sample? [ Ans: 41]
x1 , x2 ,..., xn be a random sample from a normal distribution with mean  and variance.
4. Let
1 n 2
 xi
is an unbiased estimator of   1 .
Show that n i 1

X1, X 2 , X 3 , X 4 , X 5 , X 6
5. If be an independent simple random sample from a normal population

K  X 1  X 2    X 3  X 4    X 5  X 6  
2 2 2

with unknown variance  . Find K show that   is


an unbiased estimator of  .

6. If the statistic X is an consistent estimate of  then prove that X is also consistent estimate

of  .

7. The monthly income of 175 workers in a factory were recorded which give sample mean as Rs.
3440.65 and the s.d. as Rs. 125.32. Find 95% confidence interval of the average monthly income.
[Ans. (3422.03, 3459.27)]
8. In measuring the radius of ball bearings manufactured by machine an engineer estimates that
the standard deviation is 0.05 cm. How large a sample of measurements must be taken in order
to be 95% confident that the error of his measurement of average radius will not exceed 0.01
cm? [Ans. 97]

9. Ten individuals are chosen at random from a normal

  , 
population and their heights in
inches are found to be 63,66,63,67,68,69,70,71,72,71. On the basis of the above data, obtain
95% confidence interval (i) for the parameter  when  is unknown and (ii) for the parameter
. [Ans. (i) (65.693,70.307), (ii) (2.223,5.900)]
10. The marks obtained by 17 candidates in an examination have a mean 57 and variance 64. Find
99% confidence limits for the mean of the population of marks, assuming it to be normal.
[Ans: (51.158,62.842)]

11. Prove that the maximum likelihood estimate of the parameter  of the population having density function
2   x
f ( x)  ,0  x 
2 x1 of unit size is 2x1 and that this estimate is biased.
for a sample


p−1 θ
x e
f (x : θ)= , 0< x <∞
12. A population is defined by the density function
θ Γ (p) where p>0 p

is known and p > 0. Find the maximum likelihood estimate of θ(>0) drawing a sample
x1 , x2 ,..., xn from the population. Show that the estimate is consistent and unbiased.

13. Let p denote the probability of getting a head when a given coin is tossed once. Suppose that
H : p  0.5 H : p  0.6 if 10 trials result in 7 or more
the hypothesis 0 is rejected in favour of 1
heads. Calculate the probabilities of Type I and Type II error. [Ans: 11/64, 0.618]
14. A random sample with observations 65, 71,64, 71,70, 69, 64, 63, 67, 68 is drawn from a normal
population with variance 7.056 . Test the hypothesis that the population mean is 69 at 1%
level of significance.

15. A random sample of 9 experimental animals under a certain diet give the following increase in

weight: x i  45 ;  xi2  279 xi denotes the increase in weight of the ith animal.
, where
H :  1
Assuming that increase in weight is normally distributed as N (  ,  ) variate, test 0
H :   1 at 5% level of significance [ given P  t  2.306   0.025 for 8 degrees of
against 1
freedom] .
16. A die was thrown 60 times with the following results:

Face 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 6 10 8 13 11 12
Are the data consistent with the hypothesis that the die is unbiased?
0.01;5  15.09
[Given, ] [Ans: the die is unbiased at 1% significance level]
17. In a sample of 400 parts manufactured by a factory, the number of defective parts was found to
be 30. The company however claimed that only 5% of their product is defective. Is the claim

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