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TABLE 3-17. Ultimate Strength Design Cases and Load Faetors

Load Cases Load Factors and Combinations
Case 1 1.1 0 + 1.2 Whw + 0.75 SC + 1.1 T w
Case 2 1.1 0 + 1.2 Iwh!" + 1.2 W1lrll/ + 0.75 SC + 1.1 Tw
Case 3 1.1 0 + 1.0 SC + 1.1 T w
Case 4 1.1 0 + 1.25 E (or EFS)lrE + 0.75 SC + 1.1 T w
"The impürtance factor für ice is applied to the thickness.
"The importance factor für wind with ice, IFI\\" is 1.0 with wind speeds from Figllres
3-3a to f.
Notes: Replace load factor 1.1 on 0 with 0.9 for cases in which dead load is
COllnted on to resist other applied loads. Fm allowable stress design, the load
factors should equal 1.0.

This diseussion addresses the parameters that influenee the seleetion

of the reeommended load faetors for substation struetures presented
in this manual. The load faetors should be used with all material-
based design speeifieations in eonjunetion with the nominal resistanee
Table 3-17 shows suggested design load eases, eombinations, and
minimum load faetors to be use for substation struetures. The individual
load eomponents are the following:

• 0 = strueture and wire dead load;

• W = extreme wind load (F, from Eq. 3-1, without Im);
• W1 = wind load in eombination with iee;
• Iw = iee load in eombination with wind;
• E = earthquake load (FE, from Eq. 3-10, without hw);
• EFS = earthquake load reaetions from first support imposed on the
remainder of the strueture (without IFE );
• Tw = horizontal wire tension for the appropriate wind and tempera-
ture condition;
• SC = short-eircuit load; and
• I F = importallCe faetors (IFW, Irl' I FI % and irE)'

The general format of the load ease equations is the combination of load
faetors times the ealculated loads, such as 1.1 x dead load. Load faetors are
used to accowlt for the uneertainties in the estimation of the loads. A load
faetor of 1.0 does not imply that the strueture is not strueturally reliable.

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