Newsletter 27 November 2020

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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 3, Issue 19 27 November 2020

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the nineteenth issue of  Ronde de Nice (round squash)

my newsletter for Volume 3.
Newsletter back issues  Solar Flare (yellow)
I hope you have all had a good week.
Facebook  Striato d'Italia
This week, I’m going to write about
Instagram the cucumber and zucchini varieties I  Zephyr (yellow)

Twitter am growing in the garden. Tips for growing cucumbers and

Cucumbers zucchini
 Beth Alpha (Lebanese)  Choose a sunny site
 Crystal Apple (apple)  Prepare the ground well before
planting. I like to mix in lots of
Contact me  Gherkin compost, sheep pellets and gar-
den fertiliser beforehand
 Feedback  Lebanese
 Leave enough space between
 Newsletter input  Lebanese Medici plants as they need some room to
(tips, recipes, gar- grow
 Lemon (apple)
den photos etc)
 Water well regularly
 Lombardy White (apple)
 To be added to my
 Liquid feed weekly with a water
mailing list  Louisa (telegraph) soluble plant food or seaweed tonic such as Seasol.
 Manny (Lebanese)
 Harvest fruits as they become
 Muncher (miniature)
ready to encourage further fruit-
 Tender Green (long) ing
Inside this issue:
Zucchini  You can pick the male blossoms
when they flower. They’re deli-
 Amanda cious stuffed with goat’s cheese.
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2
Anita’s Garden
The male blossoms don’t have a
 Black Coral zucchini attached to them.
 Cocozelle Useful links
Top 5 gardening tasks 2
for the week  Costata Romanesco  Italian Seeds Pronto
 Golden Zebra (yellow)  Awapuni
Herb of the week: Lov- 2
age  Fiorentino  Bulbs Direct
 Flying Saucers (scallopini) Have a good weekend.
How to grow kumara 3
 Partenon Kind regards,

 Romanesco Anita Kundu

PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 1 9

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Due to space constraints, I grew

I’m pleased with how healthy our all our radish in containers this
zucchini are looking. This one is year. These radish are the variety
called Romanesco from Franchi German Giant. Our favourite rad-
Seeds, which you can purchase ish is a yellow variety called Zlata
from Italian Seeds Pronto. This in the Franchi Seeds range. While
year, I’m growing three zucchini some radish can be bitter, this va-
varieties in the Franchi range: This year, I planted all our lettuce riety is very sweet. Whether grow-
Romanesco, Striato d’Italia and in containers. My favourite varie- ing radish in containers or in the
Fiorentino. They are all doing ty is the lovely Degli Ortolani from ground, I recommend sowing seed
wonderfully well and we look for- Franchi Seeds. If you wish to pur- direct. You can also purchase rad-
ward to having a fantastic harvest chase plants, Awapuni has a great ish plants from Awapuni.
this season. range of lettuce seedlings.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

December. Sick of green zucchini?
1. Sow okra beans direct to the ground. Pre-
Try growing yellow zucchini for a
pare the ground well beforehand
It is now warm enough to sow change.
by mixing in lots of compost, sheep
okra. pellets and garden fertiliser. 5. Plant marigolds
2. Sow snake beans 4. Plant zucchini Marigolds make a great companion
It is also warm enough to sow plant. They’re great for keeping
Zucchini are such a versatile vege-
snake beans. bugs off veggies and roses. Mari-
table and can be used in so many
golds can be used as bedding
3. Sow dwarf beans ways, so don’t worry about having
plants and look great in contain-
too much of them. You can plant
ers. Awapuni has a great range.
For a bumper crop, sow dwarf more zucchini in November and

Herb of the week: Lovage

Lovage has celery flavoured leaves in a punnet filled with some seed Lovage is a perennial herb. It dies
that can be used dry or in sauces, raising mix. If raising seeds in down in winter but comes back to
soups, stews and casseroles. The early spring, it may help to use a life in spring. It can be grown in a
leaves can also be used fresh. Add heat pad. From October onwards sunny position or in the shade.
to salads, meat and fish dishes. it should be fine to leave them out- Plants reach maturity in 4 years
Use leaves moderately as they are side to germinate. Seeds take 10- and can be 1.5m high. Most people
strong in flavour. 14 days to germinate. When the find that one plant is sufficient for
plants are large enough, carefully the garden. You can save seed
Lovage can be grown from seed. It transplant them into six cell pun- from your plants and store them in
can be sown in spring, summer nets before potting them up indi- an airtight container for sowing
and autumn. Sprinkle some seeds vidually. the next season.
V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 1 9 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

How to grow kumara

To be honest, I don’t know if I’m energy into forming tubers.
the best person to write an article
9. Kumara takes a long time to
about growing kumara, given that
grow so be patient. It needs
I only had success with it the first
at least 4-5 months in the
year that I grew it. I simply
ground so be patient! By
popped some slips in the ground in
April, your kumara should
December and by April was har-
be ready to harvest. Don’t
vesting lovely fat tubers. Since
leave it in the ground for
then, I’m a lot more knowledgeable
Propagating kumara slips at home much longer as it will stop
about the growing process, but it
growing when the weather
doesn’t seem to have helped much. until November when it’s a bit becomes cooler. Dig the tu-
Even so, I thought it would be a warmer. bers carefully with a fork
good idea to share some of the mis-
5. As a root crop, kumara does and make sure you use
takes I have made over the years
best in full sun so bear this speared ones first as they
which have led to my downfall.
in mind when choosing a won’t store well.
Kumara is an incredibly versatile site. 10. To store kumara, allow the
root vegetable. It is much more
6. There are two things that tubers to dry for a few days.
difficult to grow than potatoes and
you don’t want to do. The Wrap each kumara individ-
needs a long hot summer in order
first is not to add compost or ually in newspaper and lay-
to do well. But don’t let this stop
fertiliser, because the nitro- er in a box. Store in a cool,
you from giving it a go. It’s a lot of
gen encourages leafy growth dry place.
fun and nothing beats the taste of
fresh, homegrown kumara. at the expense of nice fat Nutrition
tubers. The second is not to
Tips for growing kumara dig the soil over prior to Kumara is one of the most nutri-
planting because it encour- tious vegetables. It is a good
 Kumara grows from slips.
ages the roots to keep trav- source of fibre, antioxidants and
You can either propagate
elling downwards rather vitamins. Kumara is low GI, mak-
your own or purchase them
than concentrate their ef- ing it friendlier than potatoes.
from Awapuni.
forts on forming tubers.
Ideas for using
 There are two ways that you 7. Kumara is a kumara
can propagate slips—by “Kumara is an incredibly
vine and versatile root vegetable. It
placing kumara in some dirt spreads. It  Roasted
and leaving it in a warm is much more difficult to
needs a bit of grow than potatoes and
place, or placing a kumara  Wedges
room. Space needs a long hot summer
in a jar of water. Henri slips at least
Ham, the owner of Awapuni, in order to do well”  Stuffed
15 cm apart.
recommends the first meth-
 Frittata
od. In spring, wriggle some 6. Get into the habit of liquid
whole kumara in a box or feeding your kumara weekly  Gratin
crate filled with some dirt. with a water soluble plant
Make sure that they are food or seaweed tonic if  Soup
about half buried. Keep in a you’re gardening organically
warm place (I use our green-  Rosti, croquettes and frit-
house) and keep moist. I 7. Water your kumara regular- ters
use a spray bottle regularly ly. Depending on where you
live, you may be on watering  Curries
to mist the kumara.
restrictions, so this may
 Hash
 When the shoots are long mean using a watering can
enough (I normally wait if you’re at Level 1  Shepherd’s pie
until they’re 5-10 cm long), (Auckland at present).
carefully pick them off the  Roasted vegetable salad
kumara and pot them up so 8. When kumara grows, the
that they develop roots. vines will put down roots Have a great weekend
everywhere so be sure to lift
 Don’t plant kumara outside these and turn the vines Happy gardening!
too early. I always wait over so the plants put their

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