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Reading skit about life

Narrator: This part of life is when a boy named skit was born.
: Hi, baby Skit! You are still 1 year old
: Mommy, Daddy!
: We love you!
Narrator: After a few years, skit went to school for the first time in his
:Daddy, me scared.
: Don’t be scared, son. You will have friends there. Good luck!
:Thank you, Daddy!

Narrator: After graduating grade school, Skit moved to high school.

: Hey son, how’s school today?
: Dad, I’m not a kid anymore!

Narrator: When skit has his job, he married the love of his life.
:Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and
honor each other for as long as you both shall live?

Narrator: Skit was having a very good job in his work. So the manager
gave him an award.
:Skit, here is your award for doing well.
: Thank you, Mr. Manager.

Narrator: After some time, Skit was retired and they had kids.
:Mom, Dad, we love you!
: We love you too!

Narrator: The two were old. So their age was about 73.

:Dad, what will we do when you die?

: If we die, then do well in Earth. Have a good job, have children, and
catch up in heaven. I love all of you.

Narrator: Skit died at the age of 80. they buried him in a cemetery. He
will go to heaven afterwards.
: This man will live in peace for eternity. You will always love him.

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