Polycystic Kidneys (Synonym - Congenital Polycystic Kidneys) '"A Rare Disease - Nilanjana Basu

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22/10/2020 Polycystic kidneys (synonym: Congenital polycystic kidneys)'”A Rare Disease - Nilanjana Basu

Polycystic kidneys (synonym:

Congenital polycystic
kidneys)’”A Rare Disease
January 5, 201126 Commentsby Nilanjana Basu

Dr. Nilanjana Basu successfully treats a case

of congenital polycystic kidneys, which disease
had claimed the lives of four other family
members. Fully documented.

Introduction: Polycystic kidneys are hereditary and can be transmitted by

either parent as an autosomal dominant trait. The disease is usually not
detectable on standard imaging until the 2nd and 3rd decades of life and does
not usually manifest itself clinically before the age of 30 years.

Pathology: The kidneys become enormously enlarged, the cysts giving the
appearance of a collection of bubbles below the renal capsule. On
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22/10/2020 Polycystic kidneys (synonym: Congenital polycystic kidneys)'”A Rare Disease - Nilanjana Basu

histological section, the renal parenchyma is riddled with cysts of varying

size containing clear fluid, thick brown material or coagulated blood. In 18%
of cases there is a congenital cystic liver disease. The pancreas and lungs are
occasionally affected as well. The etiology of all renal cysts is uncertain
although theories abound.

Clinical features:

Irregular upper quadrant abdominal mass

Loin pain

Uraemia: Patients with congenital cystic kidneys pass large volumes of urine
of low specific gravity (1.010 or less) which contains a trace of albumin but
no casts or cells. Chronic renal failure develops as functioning renal tissue is
replaced progressively by cysts. The patient complains of anorexia, headache
and vague abdominal discomfort. As the symptoms are non-specific, the
diagnosis may be missed until drowsiness and vomiting result from the
biochemical derangement. Severe anaemia is common. Signs of end-stage
renal failure often begin suddenly during middle life, and the patient is
unlikely to survive without renal replacement by dialysis or renal

Case report: A 35 years old male presenting with pain in both loins. His pain
first appeared on the right side 4 years ago which was treated with some
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22/10/2020 Polycystic kidneys (synonym: Congenital polycystic kidneys)'”A Rare Disease - Nilanjana Basu

allopathic medicines and the pain subsided. There was burning in the part
since then and no diagnosis was made. He had pain in left loin 11 days ago.

Past history- He had jaundice 10 years ago.

-Chicken pox 4 years ago

Family history- Mother-alive-Hypertension

Father-died-Polycystic kidney disease

Grandfather-died-Polycystic kidney disease

Uncle-died-Polycystic kidney disease

Brother -died-Polycystic kidney disease

Brother-alive-Polycystic kidney disease

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22/10/2020 Polycystic kidneys (synonym: Congenital polycystic kidneys)'”A Rare Disease - Nilanjana Basu

Brother-alive-Renal mass

Sister-died-Polycystic kidney disease hernia

Son-alive-Bilateral inguinal hernia


Appetite: Good, can’t wait for food when hungry. Flatulence if he not eat for

Desire: Salty food, eggs, very warm food

Thirst: Profuse, large quantities at a time

Tongue: Coated, moist

Sleep: Wakes due to slightest noise and lies on back

Stool: Regular, twice a day

Urine: Comes in drops

Mental generals: Irritable, consolation aggravates. Desire to travel. MISER.

Does not work.

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22/10/2020 Polycystic kidneys (synonym: Congenital polycystic kidneys)'”A Rare Disease - Nilanjana Basu

USG report and family history suggested POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY


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22/10/2020 Polycystic kidneys (synonym: Congenital polycystic kidneys)'”A Rare Disease - Nilanjana Basu

On the basis of the following symptoms:–

Complaint started from right side to left

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22/10/2020 Polycystic kidneys (synonym: Congenital polycystic kidneys)'”A Rare Disease - Nilanjana Basu

Pain associated with flatulence >ed by flatus

H/o jaundice
Present complaint was affection of liver and kidneys
Desire for very warm food

Lycopodium was the medicine selected and was given in fifty millesimal
potency three times daily on 11.10.09

Follow up:

19.10.09 – Burning in loin was relieved. Urine now comes in proper flow and
quantity increased. Distension of abdomen was relieved.

Lycopodium was given in 0/2 to 0/9 and another USG was done on 24.2.10

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22/10/2020 Polycystic kidneys (synonym: Congenital polycystic kidneys)'”A Rare Disease - Nilanjana Basu

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22/10/2020 Polycystic kidneys (synonym: Congenital polycystic kidneys)'”A Rare Disease - Nilanjana Basu


Date Right kidney Left kidney

5.10.09 191mm 194mm

24.2.10 195mm 175mm

There was marked reduction in size of left kidney and complaints of the
patient i.e. pain and burning in loin, scanty urination, distension and
flatulence of abdomen subsided. The patient feels healthy, has a good
appetite and further rapid progression of cyst formation is restricted with
only homeopathic treatment, which is always evident otherwise. This case
also proves the fact that constitutional treatment gives good results in rare

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22/10/2020 Polycystic kidneys (synonym: Congenital polycystic kidneys)'”A Rare Disease - Nilanjana Basu


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