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Staycation means you have more space, as well as more privacy. On the other hand,
staying in a hotel gives you access to more amenities, but is generally more crowded. If you’re
staying somewhere for a weeks or months, or if you plan to spend a lot of the time at home. You
can save a lot of money by cooking instead of always eating out/ordering. On the downside, you
generally have to clean up after yourself and you might not have all the same facilities as a hotel,
plus there’s no service.
So, advantage of the staycation is cost. It’s probably cheaper than a hotel, and you
wouldn’t have to hit a restaurant for every meal. The latter is a great advantage if anyone in your
party is particularly difficult to feed.
Disadvantage: the lack of hotel amenities. In other words, you have to clean up after
yourselves. That may be a severe disadvantage if it is a family vacation and all this is put on the
person who usually does it.
As for me, I prefer to rest at home. But I do not mind spending a vacation in another city
or at some resort. So, I can say that in any vacation there are advantages and disadvantages.

Dark tourism
Dark tourism is a tourism involving travel to places historically associated with death and
tragedy. Its been there for a centuries However it became more noticed after World War 2. Even
today some of the travellers wanted to visit Nazi camps or Hiroshima Atom bomb and other part
which associated with mass deaths of innocents. Now a days lot of tour agency offering this
tourism around Europe. This gaining more attention from the last years as its producing lots of
income for a tourism.
Many people like this type of tourism because maybe they have curiosity and the
opportunity to learn about the history of this place. Sometimes people want to know what
happened to their relative in this place.
As for me, my attitude to this type of tourism is neutral. I believe that having the
opportunity to visit such places, I can find out the history of wars, heroes or tragic events.
The positive aspects of dark tourism can be called respect for the memory of the dead and
tragic events. Most people visit such places because of grief or to honor their memory. For
young people, this serves as a player in history.
But there can be negative aspects to dark tourism, too. Look out for sites being run purely
for profit rather than to educate, or tour operators and museums that are insensitively sharing the
view of both the victims and the perpetrators.
I do not know if I will like to visit these places. I have never been there. But I think that
to some extent it will be interesting for me to get acquainted with the history of this place and the
opportunity to pay tribute to the dead.

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