Preposition Guide

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Here are some sentences showing the correct use of prepositions with certain words.

1. Agree with, to, among

The girl agreed with me on this point.
After a heated discussion yesterday, the class finally agreed to join the lantern parade.
It is necessary that we agree among ourselves.
2. Ask a person for a thing
I cannot decide right away; I must ask Mother for some advice.
Very often a student asks his mother for money.
Don’t ask for the moon.
3. Apologize to another for a fault
At last Miguel realized that he should apologize to his mother for his rough answer.
Miss Cruz, please allow me to apologize for my tardiness. We had engine trouble on the way.
4. Associate with
We should associate with persons of good character.
5. Apply to, for
If you are looking for a job, please apply to our manager.
6. Approve of
She doesn’t approve of smoking.
7. Admit to (allow to enroll or enter)
Only those who qualify in this test will be admitted to the university.
8. Argue with
He argued with the taxi driver about the fare.
9. Arrive at (a place), arrive in (a country, city)
He arrived at the airport in time to have dinner before the flight.
They arrived in Rangoon in January.
10. Assist in
The children assisted their mother in cleaning the house.
11. Attend to
Everyone should attend to the work at hand.
12. Begin on
Our classes next semester will begin on November 4.
13. Believe in
The Rogers certainly believe in having a good time.
14. Belong to
This tennis racquet belongs to Harold
15. Break into
The burglars broke into the rich man’s house last night. (entered by force)
16. Blame for – lay the blame on
The chauffeur was blamed by his wife for careless driving.
Are you trying to lay the blame on me?
17. Care for
I don’t care for cream in my coffee, thank you.
18. Change for, with
Would you like to change places with Queen Wilhelmina even for a day?
19. Complain about, of
The students are always complaining about the assignments.

20. Consent to
The management has consented to the wage increase demanded by the union.
21. Depend on, for
Children depend on their parents for support.
22. Differ with, in
I beg to differ with you on this point.
People differ in facial appearance and character traits.
23. Eager for, to
Are you eager to know your ratings?
I am eager for school to start.
24. Deal in, with
Tio Jose deals with several merchants.
The Philippine Education Company deals in books and school supplies.
25. Expect to, from, on
We are expected to do our best.
Much is expected from firstborns.
The S.S. Maru is expected in Manila on January 3.
26. Engaged to, in, for
The news that Mary Ledesma is engaged to Dan Lucero is of interest to the younger set of Malabon.
27. Die of, for, from
Several men died of malaria last week.
Patriots are not afraid to die for their country.
The poor bird in the cage died from grief.
28. Fall in, out, with, to, upon
Once upon a time Cupid fell in love with Psyche.
The two young boys fell out with each other on account of a trivial misunderstanding (quarreled).
The soldiers fell to quarrelling over the looted jewels.
At the appointed time, the invading army fell upon the sleeping town. (attacked)
29. Listen to, for
He will surely come. Please listen for his footsteps.
Listen to the music of Chopin.
30. Look at, to, for, up in
Class, look at this picture and tell me what you can see.
We all look up to heaven for guidance.
Please look up these difficult words in the dictionary.
31. Meet with an accident, success, failure
He met with little success on the way.
Be careful, lest you meet with an accident.
32. Part from, with
The twins parted from each other with very little regret.
We have to part even from those whom we hold dear.
33. Pay for
I will pay for our lunch today. It’s my treat.
34. Prefer to
Do you prefer mangoes to chicos?
35. Suffer to, from, for
For ten years, he suffered for his crime.
Mother suffered my happy-go-lucky cousin to stay with us. (meaning permitted)
For three days, I suffered from fear and anxiety.
36. Synonymous to

Herod’s name is synonymous to cruelty.
37. Wait on, for
I shall be here at quarter to four. Please wait for me.
Madam, have you been waited on? (This means “Have you been given what you want?”)
He is our guest, Clara. Kindly wait on him. (Meaning, “Serve him what he wants.”)
38. Wish for, to
Have you ever wished for the moon?
Have you ever wished to see far-off Zamboanga?
39. Wipe out (obliterate)
The city was wiped out by the enemy fire.
Only God can wipe out the sins of the world.
40. Unveiled on, by
The statue of Del Pilar at Plaridel, Bulacan was unveiled on National Heroes’ Day by the municipal


Comment on Compare with, to

Consist of Congratulate on
Count on Explain to
Decide on Excuse for
Depend on Introduce to
Hear about, of, from Keep for
Laugh at Thank for
Object to Subtract from
Rely on Spend money on
Succeed in Take care of (watch over or look after)
Talk to, about, of Take charge of (assume responsibility for)
Vote for Waste money (time, energy or effort) on something
Work for


Afraid of Happy with

Aware of Interested in
Certain of Known for
Composed of Made of, out of, from
Delighted with, by Opposed to
Different from Relevant to
Disappointed in, by Satisfied with
Familiar with Surprised by, at
Famous for Thankful for
Fond of Thrilled by, with
Frightened by

Idiomatic expressions: Prepositions and common errors corrected. (1978). Philippines: Philippine Book Company


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