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Collapse - Margaret Lucy Tyler - HomeopathyB...

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Books & Journals » Pointers to Common Remedies by

Dr. M.L. Tyler » Collapse

by Margaret Lucy Tyler

Are you suffering from Collapse? Dr. Tyler tells us the

BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of

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Collapse - Margaret Lucy Tyler - HomeopathyB...


A e t h u s a [ A e t h]

Intolerance of milk.

Face expresses anxiety and pain.

Linea nasalis–pearly whiteness on upper lip bounded

by a distinct line to angles of mouth.

Violent vomiting: of milk: after milk.

Stool undigested: thin: green: bilious.

Violent straining before and after stool.

Collapse– almost as bad as Arsenicum only not


A remedy of violence–violent vomiting– violent

convulsions–violent pains–violent diarrhoea.

A r s e n i c u m [ A r s]

Worse at night, 1 to 3 a.m.

Rapid emaciation; exhaustion and collapse.

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Collapse - Margaret Lucy Tyler - HomeopathyB...

Intense restlessness. ( Pyrog.) (opp. of Aethusa)

Painless, offensive, watery stools.

There may be simultaneous vomiting and diarrhoea. (


After cold drinks; when heated; in older persons after


Thirst for cold water, immediately vomited.

Coldness of extremities.

Pale cadaverous face.

Skin dry, wrinkled, toneless.

C a m p h o r [ C a m p h]

Skin cold as marble (Carbo veg.), but child will not

remain covered.

Great prostration and diarrhoea. Give a drop of the

strong tincture on sugar. Repeat in 5 to 15 minutes if
case urgent. Keep Camphor away, from
Homoeopathic medicines.

P y r o g e n [ P y r o g]

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Collapse - Margaret Lucy Tyler - HomeopathyB...

Extreme restlessness: has to keep on moving.

Only momentary relief from moving, but has to move

for that relief. (Comp. Rhus.)

Diarrhoea with frightfully offensive stools ( Baptisia).

Profuse, watery, painless stools, with (?) vomiting.

(One has seen Pyrogen almost magic for sudden, very

exhausting attacks of summer diarrhoea.).

Re l a te d P o s t s :
1. C H O L E R A A S I AT I C A Dewey gives the common
homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Cholera Asiatica in

an easy question-answer format. ......

2. Aet hu s a C y n a p i u m Aethusa Cynapium homeopathy

medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Aethusa

Cynapium from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen......

3. C H O L E R A I N FA N T U M Dewey gives the common

homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Cholera Infantum in

an easy question-answer format. ......

4. I nto l e ra n c e O f Mi l k Homeopathy treatment of

Intolerance Of Milk from the book Homoeopathy for Mother and

infant by Dr. Douglas M. Borland (1950), a useful guide for

treating Intolerance Of Milk homeopathically. ......

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