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Optimum Dietary Protein to Energy Ratio for

Channel Catfish Fingerlings, Ictalurus punctatus 1-4


Department of Biochemistry, Mississippi State University,
Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762

ABSTRACT Twenty-one semipurified diets were formulated to deter

mine the optimum protein :energy ratio (P/E) for channel catfish finger-
lings. Seven crude protein levels and three energy levels at each protein
level were utilized. The protein, lipid, and digestible carbohydrate sources
were hexane-extracted whole egg powder, salmon-corn oil mixture, and
white dextrin, respectively. After an initial 2 week conditioning period, the
experimental diets were fed in triplicate to groups of 30 ±3 channel catfish
Fingerlings weighing 205 ±10 g and kept in 110 liter flow-through aquaria
at 26.7 ±1.1°.The diets were fed at a rate equalling 3% of the total wet
body weight/day divided into three equal feedings and adjusted weekly
for 9 weeks. An approximate fivefold increase in body weight was observed.
These data indicate that the concept of P/E ratios must be restricted to diets
containing adequate levels of protein and total energy. Based on average
daily gain, diets containing energy levels between 275 and 341 kcal/100 g
had an optimum P/E ratio of approximately 88 (24-36% crude protein).
Diets containing 24% crude protein and 275 kcal/100 g diet appeared to
be utilized more efficiently in terms of percent protein deposited than diets
containing higher crude protein levels. J. Nutr. 106: 1368-1375, 1976.
INDEXING KEY WORDS channel catfish •protein requirement •
protein to energy ratio

The protein requirement of fishes vary diets with two protein to energy ratios to
with water temperature, water quality, fish channel catfish fingerlings in polyethylene
size and species ( 1 ). Other factors which lined ponds. These workers found that
influence the protein requirement are the diets containing 25% of protein and 1,870
biological value of the protein source and kcal/kg metabolizable energy were more
the accompanying non-protein energy. efficiently utilized than the other diets
Estimations of the protein requirement Recelvedfor publicationMarch15, 1976.
Of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus have i Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment
oeen Kcici>rl
oasea nn
on tntal
total w/picrVif crains nf
weignt gams or fien
nsn Station Publication
2Bagedon Number 3281.
a dlasertntlonsubmittedby the senior
fed practical Or semipurified diets. Channel author to the irradiiate family of Mississippi State
catfish have achieved maximum growth fo"vthre8
degree'oifDoctorof"philosophy3 in*z'óofógy" "
when fed dietarv crude nrOtein levels be- * Supported in part by Research Grant Agreement
oiW jl Af^-l- / a Af\7 vu No. 75-SE from the Mississippi Research and Devel-
tween 22% and 40% (2-4). ' The ap- opinent Center, Jackson, Mississippi.
parent variation in reported protein re- at'fneprliA^^
quirements may have been caused by dif- c^Si,^^ìliÌ2^^^M'^^t0t
ferences in Cultural techniques and diet channel catfish, Ictaluru« punctatus (Uaflnesque).
,-,^rr,r.â„¢.JtiY>nc Proc. S. E. Assoc. Game Fish Commrs. 16, 307-316.
compositi ins. «Dupree,H. K. & Sneed, K. E. (1967) Response
The protein to energy relationships for of channel catfish fingprlinfrs to different levels of
,r r r* i Pi j J • major nutrients in purlHed diets. Bur. Sport Fish.
a number of fishes maintained under van- \\-ndi.,Tech.Paper NO.9. 21 p.
mie r-iilriiral rvm
OUS Cultural
riifinn« nave
Oeen reportea.
*Lovell, R. channel
T. (1972) Protein
catfish. Proc.
requirements of
S. E. Assoc,
Tiemeier et al. (2) fed four experimental GameFish commrs.20,357-301.

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tested. The protein to energy ratio which energy level. Since calculated energy val
produced optimum growth was 133.7 mg ues for the dietary ingredients utilized in
protein/kcal [recalculated values based on this study are not available for channel cat
physiological fuel values of 4, 9, 4 for pro fish, the energy value of each diet was esti
tein, lipid, and carbohydrate, respectively mated based on standard physiological fuel
(5)]. Hastings8 recommended that a values, i.e., 4 kcal/g protein or carbohy
practical catfish feed formulation should drate and 9 kcal/g lipid (5).
contain 32% crude protein and 2,644 Energy values of 209, 275, and 341 kcal/
kcal/kg of metabolizable energy. This 100 g diet were established at crude pro
would produce a diet with a protein to tein levels of 17.2%»,20.6%, 24.1%, and
energy ratio of 121.0 mg protein/kcal. 28%. At the higher protein levels of 32%,
The optimum dietary protein to energy 36%, and 40%, the lowest energy diet
ratio for intensively fed channel catfish could not be prepared without altering the
fingerlings appeared to be between 131.6 lipid levels; therefore, energy levels of 275,
and 146.7 mg protein/kcal in pond studies.9 341, and 407 kcal/100 g diet were used.
These data were based in six experimental These diets resulted in protein to energy
catfish feeds containing 29%, 36% and ratios (P/E) ranging from 50.4 to 145.5
42% of crude protein at metabolizable en mg protein/kcal. Diets 1 to 9 and control
ergy levels of 2,203 and 2,863 kcal/kg. diet11 (Cl) were fed during the first ex
Page and Andrews (6) fed diets con perimental period and diets 10 to 21 and
taining 25% and 35% protein at various control diet11 (C2) were fed during the
energy levels to fingerling channel catfish. second period. Each diet was fed to tripli
Large fish fed to satiation required lower cate groups of fish.
levels of protein but higher levels of energy The semipurified diets were prepared in
than smaller fish. Feed consumption de the laboratory.12 Dry matter was deter
creased with high levels of dietary protein mined ( 15 ) on each diet which was fed on
and energy and with increased fish size. a dry matter basis. Diets were stored in a
At a constant feeding rate of 3% body freezer until weekly feed allotments were
weight/day, adequate non-protein energy weighed. Weekly allotments were stored
was provided by diets with the lowest in a refrigerator until used.
energy level. Tnese diets contained di All experiments were conducted in 110
gestible energy (kcal/kg) to percent pro liter aquaria equipped with a constant
tein ratios of approximately 75:1 (133.1 water level siphon type drain (16). City
mg protein/kcal ). water was passed through activated carbon
The objectives of this study were to de
termine the protein requirement and opti •Hastings,W. H. (1967) Feed formulation. In:
Progress in sport fisheries research 1900. Bur. Sport
mum protein to energy ratio for channel Fish Wlldl. Res. Pubi. 39, 137-139.
catfish fingerlings maintained under con »Prather. E. E. 4 Lovell, R. T. (1973) Response
of intensively fed channel catfish to diets containing
trolled conditions. These basic values will various protein-energy ratios. Proc. S. E. Assoc.
Game Fish Commrs. 27, 455-459.
permit further investigations into the nu 10The dietary ingredients were obtained from the
tritional requirements of the channel cat following sources : casein, gelatin, white dextrin,
cellulose (alphacel), carboxymethyl cellulose and the
fish. various vitamins (Nutritional Biochemicals Co-
Cleveland, Ohio) ; hexane-extracted whole egg powder
(General Biochemicals, Chagrin Falls, Ohio) ; whole
MATERIALS AND METHODS egg powder which was hexane extracted in our lab
oratory (Teklad Test Diets, Madison, Wise.) ; corn
oil (Mazóla) was purchased locally; the salmon oil
Two 63 day experiments were conducted was a stabilized product obtained from Moore-Clark
to determine the protein requirement as Company, Salt Lake City, Utah ; and the minerals
used in the premix were of reagent grade and ob
well as the optimum protein to energy tained from the usual sources.
ratio for fingerling channel catfish. Twenty- 11Purina Trout Chow, No. 3 pellets, Ralston Purina,
St. Louis, Mo.
one experimental diets (table 1) were for "The dry ingredients were blended in an industrial
mulated from semipurified ingredients 10 type food mixer until the mixture became homoge
neous. About 200 ml of warm water was added slowly
with mixing until a dough-like preparation was ob
with 7 protein levels and three energy tained. This mixture was then cooled in a refrigerator.
levels at each protein level. Lipids consti The moist diet was then passed through a meat
grinder to form a spaghetti-like product. The extruded
tuted 5%), 10%, or 15% of the dry diet material was air dried in a forced air oven until it
at each protein level while white dex could be chopped in a blender to form pellets. The
pellets were prepared to pass through a U.S.A. stan
trin was varied to obtain the appropriate dard No. 5 sieve.

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purifiers 1;1to remove impurities and chlo
rine. The water was preheated to 27°and
injected into the aquaria through constant 15
flow regulators.14 The flow rate was main
tained at about 900 ml/minute and the
water temperature was maintained at 26.7
±1.1°.Oxygen concentration was deter
mined (17) periodically and found to be
8 to 10 ppm. The diurnal light/dark cycle
of 14:10 hours was maintained throughout
the experiments by supplemental incandes
cent lighting.
At the beginning of each experiment, 40
to 50 channel catfish fingerlings 15 (2 to 3
inch) were placed in each aquaria for a 2
week conditioning period. The water tem 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
perature was maintained at 24°for 1 week
and the fish were fed a commercial diet.11
At the beginning of the second week, the Fig. 1 The average daily gain (g) of channel
water temperature was slowly increased to catfish fed varying protein to energy ratios (mg
26.7°and the fish were fed a semipurified protein Acal) at energy levels of 209 (D), 275
(O), 341 (X), or 407 (•) kcal/100 g.
conditioning diet (table 2) at a rate of 3%
body weight three times daily. The fish
readily adjusted to the semipurified diet fed each aquaria was randomized (18).
and consumed the diet within 1 to 2 The fish were weighed at weekly intervals
minutes. and the amount of diet fed adjusted ac
At the start of each experiment, the fish cordingly. After each weighing, a pro-
phylatic treatment of acriflavine17 was
were sorted into groups of 30 ±3 fish/
aquaria to obtain the desired total weight. administered to each aquarium to prevent
The fish used in the first experimental pe bacterological infestations caused by han
riod weighed 183 to 211 g/aquaria while dling (19).
those in the second period weighed 191 to Individual liver samples were used when
209 g/aquaria. The initial weights of each possible; however, when larger samples
group of fish did not differ significantly be were required, pooled samples were taken
tween aquaria. within each group. Body composition data
On the morning after the initial weigh were determined on a composite sample
ing,16 the fish were fed 3% of their total prepared by passing two frozen fish
wet weight per day divided into three through a meat grinder and then mixing
equal feedings. The arrangement of diets the ground material in a blender until a
homogenous slurry was obtained. All com
position data are reported on a dry matter
basis and represent the mean of 15 deter
Composition of semipurified conditioning diet minations (five samples/diet replicate).
Dry matter and ash were determined by
Ingredient %
A.O.À.C,methods (15). Liver protein was
Casein 23 13Model ACD-28, The Permutit Co., Paramus, N.J.
11Type 4908-1 TT constant flow regulators with
Gelatin 7 4916-03 orifice plates, Spraying Systems Co., Bell-
Corn oil 7 wood, 111.
Salmon oil 2 15Fish supplied by Thompson-Anderson Enterprises,
ADKK vitamin mix1 1 Yazoo City. Miss.
10Fish were weighed by placing each group into a
White dextrin 16 25 X 15 X 25 cm wire test tube basket which was
Cellulose 35 then placed into a plastic washbasin containing ade
Carboxy met hy 1-cellulose 2 quate water to cover the fish. The total weight was
Vitamin mix2 3 obtained on a platform balance. The flsh were returned
Mineral mix3 to the aquaria and the empty basket was replaced in
4 the wash basin and reweighed. The difference in
the 2 weighings represented the wet weight o£each
1See Table 1, footnote 2. 2 See Table 1, foot group of flsh.
17Matheson, Coleman & Bell, Division of The
note 4. 3See Table 1, footnote 5. Matheson Co., Inc., Norwood, Ohio.

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The effect of protein and energy levels on growth parameters and protein and energy deposition

wt daily conver
Diet123456789101112131410Hi1718192021ClC2Initial deposited4'6%54.6»54.7°46.2CÖLS"*54.7»49.6643.6





1 Means of 3 replications. 2 Values within the same column which bear different letters are significantly
different at P < 0.05. The error mean square for average daily gain, feed conversion, protein deposited, and
calories retained was 0.857, 0.003, 4.027, and 5.023, respectively (df = 46, 46, 46, and 42, respectively).
3 Feed conversion = dry weight diet fed/wet weight gain. 4 Means of 15 determinations (five samples/
replication). 'Final total body protein—initial total body protein divided by total dietary protein fed
times 100. 6 Final total body energy—initial body energy divided by total dietary energy fed times 100.

determined (20) on homogenates pre at a protein to energy (P/E) ratio of ap

pared in 0.1% Trition X-100. Total body proximately 88 mg protein/kcal (fig. 1).
protein was determined by the Kjeldahl Diet 8, containing 24.1% crude protein
method (15). Liver and body lipid were and 275 kcal/100 g diet, produced fish
quantitated by the extraction method of more efficiently in terms of protein depo
Folch et al. (21) as recommended for fish sition when compared to diets with the
tissues (22). Liver glycogen was extracted, same P/E ratios at higher protein levels.
followed by acid hydrolysis (23) and the Fish fed the higher protein and energy
glucose determined by the Somogyi diets had significantly higher (P < 0.05)
method (24-25). The glycogen content growth rates (14.9 average daily gain
was calculated using the conversion factor (ADG) for diet 21 compared to 11.5 ADG
of 0.93 (23). for diet 8); however, the percent protein
All data were subjected to analysis of deposited decreased considerably at the
variance and Duncans multiple range test higher protein levels (table 3).
(26). Whole egg protein served as the sole
protein source in this study. This protein
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION source was selected due to its high bio
The results of this study indicate that logical value in other animals. Its high bio
channel catfish fingerlings obtained maxi logical value may have contributed to the
mum growth when fed diets containing efficient production of fish at lower crude
energy levels of 275 to 341 kcal/100 g diet protein levels than in previous studies

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(2-4).r-7 The energy level at each protein TABLE 4

level was carefully maintained in the pres The effect of protein and energy levels on
ent study to determine the optimum P/E body composition
ratio for each energy level. In addition, the
Body composition'
body composition data should be consid
ered to determine the dietary formulation Diet
tein I.ipid Ash
which result in an acceptable growth rate
with maximum protein deposition.
The total weight gain of experimental 1234S6789101112131415161718192021ClC230.1»"33.4'«'35.4°29.1"*32.9«'«34.
fish ranged from 385 ±14 to 940 ±18 g/ 4cde/ff11,8»"10.4e«./»12.9«10.6'd'f9.8'«1«/»12.2°»9

aquaria for diets 1 and 21, respectively.

Diets containing energy levels of 275 and
341 produced optimum ADG at 24.1 and \i'l34.3«"28.8»31.8«/»33.8""30.8/»»33.5»rf34.4«»'30.8/»»32.9«1«34.4«»'28.2
28% to 32% crude protein, respectively. 8«"«/»10.
Fish fed diets containing 17.2% to 28% 1«V»52.8«'48.
crude protein and 209, 275, or 341 kcal/100 l'«V51.5«"52.8»»46'.1</»»54.6«47.0«'/»51.0«»tJ54
g diet grew at a linear rate when presented
graphically on semilog paper. However,
when fish were fed diets containing 32%
to 40% crude protein and 275, 341, or 407
kcal/100 g diet, their growth rates ap
peared higher initially and then slower
near the end of the experiment. The trend 1 Means of 15 samples (five samples/replication). 2 Values
of nonlinear growth rates was most pro within the same column which bear different letters are sig
nificantly different at /*<0.05. The error mean square for
nounced in fish fed the highest levels of carcass dry matter, protein, lipid, and ash was 3.62, 14.21,
protein and energy. This indicated that 25.85, and 2.86, respectively (¿/=46). a Expressed on a
dry weight basis.
under our experimental conditions, the
channel catfish fingerlings were not able
to utilize efficiently diets containing more 18). Diets containing 28 to 32% crude
than 28% of crude protein. Dupree and protein and an energy level of 341 (diets
Sneed 6 and Prather and Lovell °reported 12 and 14) were utilized less efficiently in
that channel catfish fed high levels of pro terms of percent protein deposited (44.5
tein without sufficient energy in the diet and 40.3, respectively) than diet 8.
had reduced growth rates. Prather and This study indicates that the concept of
Lovell °postulated that high levels of pro protein to energy ratios must be restricted
tein without sufficient energy in the diet to diets containing adequate levels of pro
may be harmful to the channel catfish. tein and energy. Fish fed diets with ap
Nail5 reported that semipurified diets proximately the same P/E ratios which
containing 25.3% crude protein produced differed greatly in crude protein and total
optimum total weight gain and percent energy, were significantly different in terms
protein deposited of channel catfish. The of growth (fig. 1), and body composition
diet contained 299 kcal/100 g diet with a (table 4). Diets 1 and 12 had P/E ratios
P/E ratio of 84.6 mg protein/kcal. This is of 82 mg protein/kcal. However, diet 1
in close agreement with the P/E level pro produced fish with average total weight
ducing optimum ADG reported in the gains of 583 g/aquaria while diet 12 pro
present experiment. The energy level of duced fish with average total weight gains
the diet utilized by Nail5 falls within the of 976 g aquaria (table 3). Tiemeier et al.
energy levels producing optimum daily (2) observed similar differences. Other
gain. In the present study, the percent pro studies of optimum P/E ratios for fishes
(2, 6, 11, 27 )9'18 were conducted with
tein deposited decreased as both protein
and energy levels increased. Diet 8, con diets containing a limited number of pro
taining 24.1% crude protein and an energy tein levels and an expanded number of
18 Fowler. L. G., McCormlck, J. H., Jr. & Thomas.
level of 275, produced optimum percent A. E. (1904) Further studies of protein and calorie
protein deposited (49.8) among those levels of meat-meal, vitamin supplemented salmon
diets. U.S. Fish Wildl. Ser., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish, 480,
with a P/E ratio of about 88 (diets 8 and 13 p.

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energy levels. The levels of protein in channel catfish carcass lipid content in
cluded in these experimental diets corre the present study or in research conducted
sponded to the levels considered optimum by Dupree.20 Previous workers did not ob
for the fishes under study. serve significant differences in carcass ash
Diets with energy levels between 275 content in response to variations in diet
and 341 appeared to have an optimum formulation (6-9). Niimi (29) reported
P/E ratio of approximately 88 mg pro- that carcass lipid levels of wild fishes in
tein/kcal for channel catfish finger lings. creased linearly with body weight when
Diets containing approximately 88 mg expressed logarithimically. Since the ash
protein/kcal produced fish with optimum levels observed in the present study de
ADG, feed conversion, and percent energy creased with increasing fish weights, the
retained at their respective energy levels differences were caused by diet formula
(table 3). Optimum growth in channel tion and not fish size.
catfish has been observed with diets con A commercial diet " was fed as a control
taining much higher P/E ratios of about diet during parts 1 and 2 of this study
133 (2, 6), 131.6 to 146.7,9 and less than (diets Cl and C2, respectively). A com
1218 mg protein/kcal. The observed dif parison of the data for Cl and C2 demon
ferences in optimum P/E ratios may have strates that no significant differences oc
resulted from differences in diet composi curred in either growth parameters or car
tion, experimental design and cultural cass composition during the two parts of
methods (2, 6)."-9 the study. Although the control diet con
Optimum total weight gains have been tained 46% of crude protein, it did not
reported at higher dietary P/E levels produce fish as efficiently as diet 8 (24.1%
(105.0 to 133.5 mg protein/kcal) in sal- crude protein). Average daily gains were
monids (27)18 and yellow tail (28). These not significantly different between diets
fishes appear to require higher levels of Cl, C2 and 8; however, diet 8 produced
protein than the channel catfish. An ap fish with significantly greater percent pro
parently higher P/E optimum results from tein deposited (table 3).
the high levels of protein and the low This study indicated that diets contain
levels of carbohydrate included in the ing about 88 mg protein/kcal and ade
experimental diet. quate energy levels will produce fish with
Earlier workers have reported pathologi optimum weight gains. Diets containing
cal changes in fish livers resulting from di 24.1% crude protein produced fish more
etary formulation (IO).19 Other nonpatho- efficiently in terms of percent protein de
logical changes in liver have been corre posited than diets containing higher levels
lated with dietary ingredients (2-12).19 of protein and energy.
Liver abnormalities were not observed in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
this study conducted with diets containing
up to 26.5% dextrin and 40% crude pro The authors wish to thank Mrs. Cynthia
tein. The observed differences in liver dry Herring for her technical assistance during
matters, percent protein, percent lipid, and this investigation.
percent glycogen could not be correlated
to differences in dietary components.
In general, as total carcass lipid con 1. National Research Council (1973) Nutrient
requirements of domestic animals. No. 11.
centration increased, the percent moisture, Nutrient requirements of trout, salmon and
protein and ash decreased. Lipid levels ap- catfish. National Acad. Sci., Washington, D.C.
Eeared to increase as the dietary levels of 57 p.
pid, protein, and total energy increased 2. Tiemeier, O. W., Deyoe, C. W. & Weaidon,
S. (1965) Effects on growth of fingerling
(table 4). Similar changes in carcass com channel catfish of diets containing two energy
position have been observed in earlier in and two protein levels. Trans. Kansas Acad.
vestigations (6-9, 11-14).20 Buhler and Sci. 68, 180-186.
Halver (12) reported elevated chinook 18Phillips, A. M.. Jr., Tunison, A. V. & Broekway,
salmon carcass lipid levels in response to D. R. (1948) Utilization of carbohydrates by trout.
N.Y. Consv. Dept., Fish Res. Bull. No. 11, 44 p.
increasing dietary dextrin levels. Increas 20Dupree, H. K. (1969) Influence of corn oil and
beef tallow on growth of channel catfish. Bur. Sport
ing dietary dextrin levels did not increase Fish Wildl., Tech. Paper No. 27, 13 p.

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3. Tiemeier, O. W., Deyoe, C. W., Dayton, A. 16. Carling, D. L., Jr. & Wilson, R. P. (1976)
D. & Shrable, J. B. (1969) Rations con An inexpensive constant water level device
taining four protein sources compared at two for flow through aquariums. Prog. Fish-Cult.
protein levels and two feeding rates with (In press).
fingerling channel catfish. Prog. Fish-Cult. 31, 17. American Public Health Association, Inc.
79-89. ( 1965 ) Standard methods for the examina
4. Simco, B. A. & Cross, F. B. (1966) Factors tion of water and wastewater. 12 Ed., New
affecting the growth and production of chan York, 769 p.
nel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. U. Kansas 18. Selby, S. M. (1967) Standard mathemati
Museum Nat. Hist. 17, 191-256. cal tables. The Chemical Rubber Co., Cleve
5. Pike, R. L. & Brown, M. L. (1967) Nutri land, 664 p.
tion: an integrated approach. John Wiley & 19. Lee, J. S. ( 1973 ) Commercial catfish farm
Sons, Inc., New York 542 p. ing. Interstate Printers & Publishers, Inc.,
6. Page, J. W. & Andrews, J. W. ( 1973) Inter Danville, 111.263 p.
actions of dietary levels of protein and energy 20. Lowry, O. H., Rosebrough, N. J., Fair, A. L.
on channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). J. & Randell, R. J. (1951) Protein measure
Nutr. 103, 1339-1346. ment with the Folin phenol reagent. J. Biol.
7. Phillips, A. M., Jr. & Brockway, D. R. (1959) Chem. J93, 265-275.
Dietary calories and the production of trout 21. Folch, J., Ascoli, J., Lees, M., Meath, J. A.
in hatcheries. Prog. Fish-Cult. 21, 3-16. & leBaron, F. N. (1951) Preparation of
8. Phillips, A. M., Jr., Livingston, D. L. & Poston, lipid extracts from brain tissue. J. Biol. Chem.
H. A. (1963) The effect of diet mixture 191, 833-841.
and calorie source on growth, mortality, con 22. Shabalina, A. A. (1971) Comparative anal
version, and chemical composition of brook ysis of the results of determination of lipids
trout. Prog. Fish-Cult. 25, 8-14. in fishes by the methods of Soxhlet and Folch.
9. Phillips, A. M., Jr., Livingston, D. L. & Poston, J. Icthyol. 11, 85-S8.
H. A. ( 1966 ) Use of calorie sources by 23. Hassid, W. Z. & Abraham, S. (1957)
trout. Prog. Fish-Cult. 28, 67-72. Chemical procedure for analysis of polysac-
10. Lee, D. J. & Wales, J. H. (1973) Observed charides. 7n: Methods of Enzymology (Colo-
changes in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) wick, S. P. & Kaplan, N. O., eds.), Vol. 3,
fed varying levels of casein-gelatin mixture p. 37, Academic Press, New York.
and herring oil in experimental diets. J. Fish 24. Somogyi, M. (1945) A new reagent for the
Res. Bd. Canada 30, 1017-1020. determination of sugars. J. Biol. Chem. 160,
11. Lee, D. J. & Putnam, G. D. (1973) The 61-69.
response of rainbow trout to varying protein/ 25. Nelson, N. ( 1944 ) A photometric adapta
energy ratios in a test diet. J. Nutr. 103, 916-
tion of the Somogyi method for determination
922. of glucose. J. Biol. Chem. 153, 375-380.
12. Buhler, D. R. & Halver, J. E. (1961) Nu 26. Duncan, D. B. (1955) Multiples range and
trition of salmonid fishes. IX. Carbohydrate multiple F tests. Biometrics 11, 1-42.
requirements of chinook salmon. J. Nutr. 74, 27. Ringrose, R. C. (1971) Calorie-to-protein
13. Stickney, R. R. & Andrews, J. W. (1971) ratio for brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis).
J. Fish Res. Bd. Canada 28, 1113-1117.
Combined effects of dietary lipids and envi
ronmental temperature on growth, metab 28. Takeda, M., Shimeno, S., Hosakawa, H.,
olism, and body composition of channel cat Kajijama, H. & Kaisyo, T. (1975) The ef
fish (Ictalurus punctatus). }. Nutr. 101, 1703- fect of dietary calorie-to-protein ratio on the
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