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Key Performance Indicators (KPI): to perform against their budget.

If its
operating costs are within the budget, then
 KPI is a measurable value that
the efficiency of the purchasing department
demonstrate how effectively a company will exceed expectations. If it is using the
is achieving. funds over and above the budget then the
 KPI can assist an organization in defining purchasing function is not efficient.
and measuring its progress. KPI’s are
quantifiable measurements of the Purchasing Effectiveness – a popular
improvement in performing an activity method of assessing purchasing
that is critical to business success. KPI effectiveness is to review the inventory
needs to complement the overall targets turnover ratios, the ratio measures the
of an organization and relate to its key number of times, on average, the inventory
activities. is used during the period. The ratios is used
StrategicPurchasing: to measure the liquidity of the inventory.

 KPI’s for Supply Management: Purchasing Proficiency – this measures

 Customer Service – satisfaction of the the abilities of the purchasing department to
customers for services and goods be able to contribute to the overall
received. profitability of the organization in relation to:
 On – Time Delivery – requested
products delivered within requested  Generating cost savings for the
timeline. company.
 Inventory Accuracy – actual inventory  Increased quality, thus, reducing
on hand correctly reflected in inventory wastes.
records.  Improving and shortening ordering
 Cost of Quality of Goods – the quality lead times.
of the goods, materials and services  Transportation improvements.
 Lead Time – time spent in the Strategic Purchasing:
acquisition process
Approaches to Strategic Purchasing:
Strategic Purchasing:
 Criteria for Measuring Purchasing  Analyzing how money is spent for
Performance purchases. Spend Analysis will reveal
way to make the process more efficient
 Purchasing Functionality and possibly save the company time and
– performance is measured against the money.
functional requirements of the purchasing o Spend Analysis - is a strategic
function. The primary function of the purchasing teams examine the
department is to provide the correct amount of money they spent in
items at the required time at the most each category of goods and
competitive costs as possible. services and use this analysis to
 Purchasing Efficiency identify opportunities for
– administrative costs are the basis for improvement.
measuring purchasing efficiency. It relates to
how well the purchasing department is  Staying on top of current and projected
performing in the activities they are expected needs of the company is also
part of strategic purchasing.  This reduces uncertainty by formalizing
analytical and creative thinking in cost
 It also involves in building rapport reduction.
between buyers and suppliers by
improving ordering leadtimes, lowering
inventories, and reduced  Strategic Purchasing Planning is a
product costs. necessity for purchasing to become
predictive and proactive, rather than
reactive with short – term problem
Approaches to Strategic Purchasing:
 The use of strategic planning also means  Interpreting the strategic implications of
automating as much of the planning global supply assurance for the company
process as possible. This free purchasing is a purchasing management
staff to focus on other aspects of the responsibility.
purchasing process and this increase the
changes of using available resources with Transforming Your Purcahsing Department
more efficiency. from Tactical to Strategic
 12 Characteristics of Strategic, in
 In the end, these approaches are all

contrast to Tactical:
Spend Analysis
about buying habits, processes, and
– is a strategic purchasing teams
behaviors so that the company enjoys the
examine the amount of money they spent
most benefit. From this perspective,
in each category of goods and services
strategic purchasing is not an event, but and use this analysis to identify
an outgoing process that involves the opportunities for improvement
interaction of purchasing professionals  Supplier – Relationship Management
with suppliers, and the management arm – measures the supplier performance
of the company.  and regularly spend time meeting with
suppliers to implement improvements.
STRATEGIC PLAN:  Technology Implementation
– frequently update and add technologies
 Purchasing managers should have a
that measurably reduce costs, decrease
strategic plan, and then use effective
cycle time and make the process more
buying tactics to carry it out.
 By definition a “Strategy” is a plan to
 Develop Project Plans
reach long – term goals that takes one
– use project measurement practices to
year or longer to complete.
map out both recurring activities and one
 Strategy gives direction while tactics form
– time projects.
the basis for handling the various battles
 Enterprise – Wide Contracts
of the day.
– consolidate spend across all parts of
Strategic Purchasing Planning: the firm and enter into contracts with a
limited supply base to serve the needs of
 Strategic Purchasing Planning seeks to the entire firm.
identify critical long – range supply
 InvolvementSpecificationDevelopment
issues, and to foresee sourcing changes.
– are involved at the early stages of
specification development, lending
specialized knowledge in materials
availability, cost drivers, standard parts,
and reliability of supply.

 Development of Productivity Tools –

develop tools so repetitive tasks can be
done more quickly and error free.
 Supplier Development – don’t blindly
accept the suppliers and products that
are currently available. They work with
suppliers to develop need capabilities or
products that will improve cost or quality.
 Work Responsibility Refinement
– constantly identify ways to automate,
delegate or eliminate tactical, non –
value added work.
 Forecasting
– regularly document changes that they
forsee in price levels, availability, and
markets to ensure a competitive
advantage for their companies.
 Risk Management
– involves in identifying risk in
procurement contracts, analyzing and
developing mitigating responses to risks.
 Category Management
– is a structured approach to the
procurement of goods and services and
applies best practices tools and
techniques in the development and
implementation of an integrated category
strategy aligned to the organization

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