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Are You Charismatic or Catholic?

"For false Christ’s and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs
and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." - Mark

By Raymond Taouk

The Origin of the present day Charismatic Movement can be traced back
to the “holiness movement” which was began in the late 19th century in
the united states by the Protestant preacher Charles fox Parham who
began preaching (1901) to his topeka congregation that speaking in
tongues was objective evidence of baptism in the spirit. After the Los
Angeles mission of Parham's apostolic faith sect became the center of a
great revival (1906) the movement quickly spread around the world.
Over the next two decades the movement split along doctrinal and racial
lines. Today the Charismatics generally go by the name of
“pentecostalist” although the term “Charismatic” is the more generally
used since this sect doesn’t limits beliefs to is own denomination.

The Charismatic movement gained its influence into the post Conciliar
Church with the efforts of various individuals such as Cardinal Suenens
and Kevin Ranaghan who helped deceived a number of well meaning
Catholics into thinking this would be a great way of being united with
those outside the Church while learning to “experience the holy spirit”.
The Catholic Promoters of this Pentecostal movement have been moved
far from orthodox in their faith (2 Thess 2:14). That is why Archbishop
Dwyer, of Portland, Oregon, in a scathing criticism of the charismatic
movement, warned in 1974: "We regard it bluntly as one of the most
dangerous trends in the Church in our time, closely allied in spirit with
other disruptive and divisive movements threatening grave harm to unity
and damager to countless souls."

Charismatic Movement and False Ecumenism

Let us also be greatly aware that this Charismatic Movement in the
Catholic Church is founded on a sin against the Faith. As Bishop Louis
LaRavoire Morrow, S.T.D points out, "A Catholic sins against Faith by
taking part in non-Catholic worship, because he thus professes belief in
a religion he knows to be false." This is because participation in Non
Catholic worship has always been forbid (See Canon’s
1258,1063,2319,1325 of the 1917 code of Canon Law). Yet by the
admission of Catholic Charismatic pioneer, Kevin Ranaghan, the
movement began with Catholics performing the grotesque ritual of
seeking a spiritual blood transfusion from the dead corpse of
Protestantism, and proclaiming that God "filled them to overflowing
with the spirit" for doing so. Such collaborating and "seeking the
holiness of the Holy Spirit" from anathematized heretics cannot be a
religious movement truly of God but rather diabolic Movement of
deception. While no one claims that those who belong to this Movement
are necessarily all evil or persons of ill intent, yet this is beside the point.
Since the movement itself is founded on principles that contradict the

The false notion of Ecumenical worship as proclaimed by the

Charismatic Movement was long ago condemned by Pope Pius XI and
Pope Pius XII who (basing their teaching on the unchanging tradition of
the Church rather than the progressive novelties of liberal theologians)
warned against the dangers of interfaith activity. Pius XI in Mortalium
Animos taught that though St. John recounted Our Lord's prayer "that all
may be one", as well as Christ's command "to love one another",
"nevertheless, he (St. John) strictly forbade any intercourse with those
who professed a mutilated and corrupted form of Christ's teaching. For
'If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not
into thy house, nor say to him, God speed you."

Pope Pius XI further castigated interfaith projects, stating, "...It is clear

that the Apostolic See can by no means take part in these assemblies, nor
is it in any way lawful for Catholics to give such enterprises their
encouragement or support. If they did so, they would be giving
countenance to a false Christianity, quite alien to the one Church of
Christ" (Moralium Animos, Jan 6, 1928).

The Charismatic movement being a product of such forbidden activities

needed to acquire the mock-sacrament of a false religion (“baptism in
the spirit”) for its impetus. Hence it acts in haughty disdain of Pius XI's

Speaking in Tongues?

Accompanying the so called “speaking in Tongues” the Charismatics

will often be found screaming the name of “Jesus” or rolling on the
floor, or making ecstatic utterances frequently unintelligible to listeners.
In the history of the Church such behavior has always been condemned.
In fact in Scripture it is only those who have been possessed by devils
that can not restrain themselves from acting in such a manner. That is
why most theologians agree that one of the signs of demonic possession
is the speaking in strange or unintelligible tongues. I will quote a few as

"According to the roman ritual, other signs of possession include ‘the

ability to speak with some familiarity in a strange tongue or to
understand it when spoken by another; the faculty of divulging future
and hidden events; and the display of powers which are beyond the
subject's age and natural condition.’" (joseph ecanem, ph.d., demonic
possession, p. 23)

"The catholic church still defines true signs of possession as displaying

superhuman strength, often accompanied by fits and convulsions;
changes in personality; having knowledge of the future or other secret
information; and being able to understand and converse in languages not
previously known to the victim, such as the phenomenon glossolalia.
Early puritan ministers and later protestant clergy agreed on the same
symptoms for declaring a person demonically possessed. In many
incidences there was a complete ignorance of the person's medical
condition and behavior." (Michael foreman, ph.d., a short history of
diabolical possession, p. 59)

one of the signs of possession as listed in the rituale romanum is as

follows: "to speak unknown languages (xenoglosia) and to sustain
conversations in such languages, as well as to understand the languages
that are spoken." (Rituale romanum)

Further the Charismatics seem to have forgotten the words of St Paul

regarding how a person should behave himself in the Church. St Paul
tells us " Thou know how thou should behave thyself in the house of
God, which is the Church of the living God the pillar and ground of the
Truth" (1 Timothy 3:15). In fact when dealing with the issue of
“speaking in tongues” he expressly states that “all things be done
decently and according to order” (1 Cor 14:40), which is something that
Charismatics totally ignore.

“The Holy Spirit”?

The Charismatic Movement often claim to magnifies the Holy Spirit, yet
the scriptures tell us the role of the holy spirit is to magnify Christ, as we
read "But when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will teach you all
truth. For He shall not speak of himself he will speak only what he hears
and he will tell you what is yet to come, He Shall Glorify ME; because
He shall receive of mine, and Shall make it known to you" (John 16:13).

One of the characteristics of Charismatics is that it goes to excess on a

detail, but loses the big picture of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith. It is
this excess of sensual “experience of the Holy spirit” that is the problem,
which some are trying to substitute for the Roman Catholic Faith.

The Charismatic approach to the Holy Ghost makes Him subservient to

their emotions and personal conveniences, when on the contrary our
faith teaches us that grace is a free gift given by God which He is not
necessitated to give but only does so out of His free will (1 Corinth 4:7).
What is more is that they not only make God subservient to their
emotions but also make their “experience” with the Holy Spirit into their
new Magesterium, since who needs the Church if we all have a direct
line with the Holy Spirit which we can activate according to our own
likings! This is confirmed by the fact that the Charismatics will often
refuse to admit that their “experience of the spirit” could be nothing
more than a diabolic delusion or simply an intensification of ones own
emotions. And so this Charismatic heresy is based on the erroneous
notion that emotional experience always accompanies the conferral of
grace, whereas the Catholic doctrine is that the only sensible indication
of the conferral of grace is the sacramental sign itself.

The Catholic church has a marvelous two-thousand year history of

"discernment of spirits" by which God has given us means (Spiritual
tools) to use in order to discern the spirit of truth from that of error. Yet
this Movement ignores Catholic teaching on the discernment of spirits.
As we see often see Lay people lay hands on an individual, the
individual gets a “rush”, and immediately proclaims that he is "full of
the Spirit." This is shocking presumption according to Catholic teaching.

The great mystical writer and Doctor of the Church, St. John of the
Cross, warned that souls must flee from seeking such manifestations: " I
greatly fear what is happening in these times of ours: If any soul
whatever after a bit of meditation has in its recollection one of these
locutions, it will immediately baptize all as coming from God and with
such a supposition say, 'God told me,' 'God answered me.' Yet this is not
so, but, as we pointed out, these persons themselves are more often the
origin of their locution." (The Ascent of Mount Carmel. Book II Ch. 29)

It is this very spirituality which the Charismatic movement is based on

which has long ago condemned by the Church and her great saints and
theologians, precisely because it leads people to delude themselves.

St. Vincent Ferrer, who was well known for the thousands of miracles
and conversions he work, nevertheless openly condemned this false
form of spirituality when he stated that:
" The soul that attaches itself to these false consolations falls into very
dangerous errors, for God justly permits the devil to have power to
augment in it these kinds of spiritual tastes, to repeat them frequently,
and to inspire it with sentiments that are false, dangerous, and full of
illusions, but which the misguided soul imagines to be true. Alas! How
many souls have been seduced by these deceitful consolations? The
majority of raptures and ecstasies, or, to call them by their proper name,
frenzies of these fore runners of Antichrist spring from this cause.
Hence, the only consolation you should admit into your soul in time of
prayer, is that which is produced by the consciousness of your
nothingness and misery; a consciousness which will preserve you in
humility, and inspire you with profound reverence and the desire that he
may be honored and glorified. Consolations such as these cannot
mislead. " - Life of St. Vincent Ferrer, By Fr. Andrew Pradel, London
1875, Pg. 183

“Experience the Holy Spirit” - Go to Mass!

The principle work of the Holy Ghost is the sanctification of the soul (1
Thess 4:3) through grace and not some hyperactive movement of our
emotions. This work of sanctification is accomplished by means of
worthy reception of the sacraments. This is reason Christ instituted a
Church, in order to impart to His members the life of grace through the

For this reason the Church has always affirmed that a most powerful
outpouring of Gods grace is given to us every time the Holy sacrifice of
the Mass is offered. In his well known work “The Incredible Catholic
Mass” (Tan Books) Fr. Martin Cochem, elaborates the 77 Graces and
Fruits to be Derived from Devout Attendance at Holy Mass and
concludes with the words “What dost thou now think of the holy Mass O
Christian? Can it be supposed that in the whole world there is any other
good work whereby so many graces and fruits are placed within our
reach? If Christians only knew how to profit by holy Mass, they might
acquire greater riches than are to be found in all the things God has

The Mass being an official prayer of the Church, is non-other than the
prayer of Christ Himself who continually offers Himself in intersection
for us (Heb 7:25).

Catholic Devotions

Since the outpouring of the Holy Ghost is not limited to the sacraments
alone, the Church has always recommend various other means by which
God works the sanctification of her members, such as the various
sacramentals, (i.e. Holy Water, Scapular), the various and private
prayers, not to mention the other public prayers of the Church such as
are found in the Roman Breviary. For this reason the Church encourages
us to “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17).

What is more is that amongst these devotion are found those such as the
devotion to the Sacred Heart, which has been practiced and
recommended by a great number of Saints. What surer path is there to
sanctity than drawing closer to the Heart of God!

Further more, the Rosary itself is another most ample means of drawing
Gods grace and blessing up ourselves and those around us. St. Pope St.
Pius X in expressing the mind of a number of Popes and saints on this
issue states that " There is nothing more excellent, it seems to us, than
that numerous voices are uninterruptingly and from many parts of the
world simultaneously lifting supplications to the Blessed Virgin Mary as
they meditate on the Christian mysteries, so that the blessings of her
maternal goodness may not cease to descend upon the Church."

Hence what real pretension have Catholics to claim they have need to
partake in works of the Charismatic sects in order to obtain the abundant
outpouring of the Holy Ghost.

No Second Pentecost!
Contrary to what the Charismatics claim, their will never be a second
Pentecost. The reason being that the first Pentecost was for the purpose
of fulfilling Our Lords promise to send the Holy Ghost (John 15:26) and
to confirm the divine Origin of the Church which had by the Coming of
the Holy Ghost had been established once and for all, for the redemption
of the mankind. For this reason St. Paul explicitly states that “For other
foundation no man can lay, but that which is laid: which is Christ Jesus”
(1 Cor 3:11). In other words the foundation of the Church which Christ
has placed can not be re-founded or established. This is not only
confirmed by the fact that the Church which Christ founded is
indefectible (Matt 16:18-19) but also from the fact that all heretics who
have every made the claim of a “second Pentecost” have always been

In this regard the charismatic movement is similar to that of many of the

“spiritual” groups that have arisen in the history of the Church and
which consequently merited by their strange beliefs and practices the
condemnation of the Church. Chief among these were the Joachimites,
followers of Joachim of Fiore in the 12th Century, who held the history
of the world to be divided into three distinct phases, each corresponding
to a person of the blessed trinity. Thus, the first age of the world was
marked by God the Fathers majestic rule, the second by the wisdom of
the son and his Church, and the third age (still to come) by the Holy
Ghost in an outpouring of universal love. This teaching was condemned
by Pope Alexander IV after Joachim’s death, in the 13th Century
(Joachim of Flora, the Catholic Encyclopedia, Charles Herbermann, et
al, eds, New york,1909).

Appeal to Scripture and History

Charismatics will often attempt to appeal not only to scripture but also
the History of the Church to promote their efforts, yet if we look into
both scripture and Church history we find that such efforts are clearly
We read in scripture that on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Ghost
descend upon the Apostles they spoke in tongues in such a way that
while they were actually speaking in their own language they were
understood by those present in their own native language (Acts 2:4 cf
also, The Baltimore Catechism No. 3Q46 Pg.89).

What is more is that nowhere in Acts of the Apostles do we read that in

order prepare themselves for the reception of the Holy Ghost, the apostle
or disciples began to show forth hysterical signs or actions that where
not in keeping with Christian modesty for as numerous spiritual authors
have pointed out, God speaks to us in silence (3 Kings 19:12) and not by
means of hyperactive motions. That is why we read that in the Acts of
the Apostles that “All these (Apostles) were persevering with one mind
in prayer with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus” (Acts 1:14).
And so if we desire the abundance of Gods grace we also must unite
ourselves in prayer “with Mary the mother of Jesus”, who is truly the
Mediatrix of all graces.

Further when St. Paul deals with the issue of speaking in tongues in the
fourteenth chapter of his first letter to the Corinthians, he gives them
some precise instructions, for example he firmly states that such person
are to speak in such a manner that they are understood by the
congregation for “If then I know not the power of the voice, I shall be to
him to whom I speak a barbarian: and he that speaks a barbarian to me.”
(1 Cor 14:11). This is because the soul purpose of speaking in tongues
must be the edification of the Church and NOT the sensual gratification
of the individual. For this reason, St. Paul goes on to say “ But in the
church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may
instruct others also: than ten thousand words in a tongue.”

What is more is that St. Paul is unhesitant to tells the Corinthians in this
instruction (1 Cor 14:34) “Let women keep silence in the churches: for it
is not permitted them to speak (in the Church)”. How many
Charismatics observe such commands?
St. Paul stresses the fact that all Charisms are imperfect in comparison
with Charity, which is far more superior, for this reason he tells the
Corinthians "But be zealous of the better gifts. And I show unto you yet
a more excellent way" (I Cor. XII :31). What is this better way? Well St.
Paul goes on to explain in the thirtheen chapter to the Corinthians that
this better way is Charity: “And if I should have prophecy and should
know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so
that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.”

The Catholic faith is built on the supernatural virtues of Faith, Hope and
Charity and not on Charisms which are only lower gifts. For this reason
St. Macarius Magnus (4th Century) states "In comparison with Charity
which is perfect, these gifts are of little consequence and those who are
at that level can fall while those who have Charity do not fall. I tell you
that I have seen men who have received all the Charisms and who have
become participants in the Spirit and who nonetheless fell because they
did not achieve perfect Charity". (Spiritual Homilies, II, 27, 14)

Further the Charismatic idea of trying to revive the phenomenon of the

early Church’s Charisma was an error the Montanist’s fell into in 170
A.D. These heretics were anathematized by the Church. This is because
the “Charismata” of speaking tongues enabled the early Church to
spread to the ends of the known world rapidly and become well
established before the death of the apostles. That is why St. Paul in his
second epistle to the Corinthians, explains the purpose of the gifts was
simply to build up the Church and not for the sanctification of those
whom the gifts were given.

The Catholic Church today now contains people of every nation. What
need could there possibly be of the gift of tongues for evangelization?
Sine the Catholic Church has a 2000-year record as the true religion,
what further need has she to prove her claims. Wherefore St. Augustine
(354-430) declares that , “ whereas even now the Holy Ghost is received
yet no one speaks in tongues of all nations, because the Church already
speaks in the languages of all nations. Since whoever is not in the
Church, receives not the Holy Ghost” (Tract. XXXII, in Joan).
Elsewhere he also affirms that "these [glossolalia] were miracles suited
to the times.... Is it now expected that they upon whom hands are laid,
should speak with tongues? Or when we imposed our hand upon these
children, did each of you wait to see whether they would speak with
tongues? and when he saw that they did not speak with tongues, were
any of you so perverse of heart as to say "these have not received the
Holy Ghost"? --St. Augustine, Ep. Joan., tr. vi.)

The apostle St Paul warns us against such false movements saying " In
those last days some shall depart from the faith giving heed to spirits of
error and doctrines of devils" (1 Timothy 4:2). This movement is
essentially a substitution of emotion for faith and good will for sound
doctrine. It is a stepping stone to occultism. For this reason the
Charismatic Movement bears a striking resemblance to the occultic New
Age movement and several heresies condemned by the Church:

Below is an example of some of those heresies and the resemblance:

New age Movement. It is a pan-denominational movement with a non-

Catholic principle as its unifying factors, in this case, "baptism in the
spirit". It offers a religion of EXPERIENCE. Charismatics never really
provide a satisfactory theological explanation of "baptism of the spirit,"
but emphasize that it is something that must be experienced. Yet the
Scriptures Say you are complete in Christ, (COL 2:9).

* Messalianism, a heresy that originated in Mesopotamia in A.D. 360.

The Messalians denied that the Sacraments give grace and declared that
the only spiritual power is prayer leading to possession by the Holy
Spirit. Such "possession" eventually led to immorality, from which they
were also called "The Filthy." Various bishops and councils of the
Church condemned them.

* Montanism, a heresy that claimed the Holy Spirit superseded the

revelation of Christ and was supplementing the revelation of Christ, such
that they were acting under a "new outpouring of the Spirit." This heresy
takes the name of its founder, Monatanus, who began to be carried away
by “inspiration”, by which would fall into a sudden seizure and start
raving in his speech, speaking with a strange tongue. Pope St.
Zephyrinus (199-217) denied them communion with the Church.

* Protestantism, a heresy that originated with Martin Luther in 1517.

This heresy denies the existence of a visible hierarchical Church but
holds to an invisible “spiritual Church of the predestined”, while also
claiming that prophetic inspiration is given to each individual believer to
understand the Word of God infallibly.

* Jansenism, a 16th Century heresy that tried to incorporate the errors of

Protestantism into the Catholic faith. Like Protestantism it failed to make
the distinction between nature and grace in such a way that they
erroneously held that grace was due to nature, since it maintained with
Protestantism that by original sin mans nature had been totally destroyed
so that without grace it could not even do natural good. The Jansenists
confused grace with the feeling of consolation while claiming that only
those who are totally spiritual (i.e. the Jansenists) can be sure that they
are predestined and this was assurance was to be seen in living a life
away from the sacraments and abandoning oneself to “the grace of

* For a detailed explanation and a more complete listing see:

“Enthusiasm” by Mgr Ronald Knox, Oxford of University Press, 1950

Seven Reason Why the Charismatic Movement is not From God

1) The Charismatic Movement Magnifies the Holy Spirit, Yet the Bible
Magnifies Christ.

JOHN 16:13 "But when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will teach
you all truth. For He shall not speak of himself he will speak only what
he hears and he will tell you what is yet to come, He Shall Glorify ME;
because He shall receive of mine, and Shall make it known to you."

2) The Charismatic Movement produces Division and strife in many

Churches. The Bible says, "God is not the author of Confusion."

1COR 14:33 "For GOD is not the GOD of dissension, but of peace: as
also I teach in all the Churches of the Saints."

3) The Charismatic Movement Says that a " Second experience" is

necessary in order to be complete. The Bible says you are complete in
Christ when you are saved.

COL 2:9 "For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead
corporeally; And you are filled in Him, Who is the head of Principality
and power.'

4) The Charismatic Movement Says that Miracles must be from God, yet
the Scriptures say that not all miracles are from God.

MATT 7:22 "Many will say to me in that day; Lord, Lord, have we
prophesied in thy name, cast out devils in thy name, and done many
miracles in thy name? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew
you: depart from me, you that work iniquity."

5) The Charismatic Movement says that speaking in tongues is a sign

that you have been baptized with the Holy Spirit, yet the Scriptures say
that it was a sign to unbelieving Jews.

1COR 14:22 " Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to believers but
unbelievers, but prophecies not unbelievers, but to believers."

6) The Charismatic Movement Says that it is alright for Women to speak

in tongues in the Church, yet the Scriptures say that women are to Keep
Silent in the Church.
1COR 14:34 "Let women Keep silence in the Churches: for it is not
permitted them to speak, but to subject, as also the Law Saith."

7) The Charismatic Movement places Great emphasis on "Bodily

healing" and tells people that "GOD is not wanting anybody to be sick"
but they have no Scriptural passages to refere to while many of them
Scoff and Sneer at such Passages.

2COR 12:7 "And Lest The greatness of the revelations should exalt me,
there was given me a sting of my flesh, and angel of Satan to buffet me.
For which thing thrice I besought the Lord, that it might depart from me.
And he said to me: My Grace is sufficient for thee for power is made
perfect in infirmity. Gladly therefore will I Glory in my infirmities, that
the power of Christ may dwell in me. For which Cause I please myself
in my infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in
distresses, for Christ. FOR WHEN I AM WEAK THEN AM I

"And we charge you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to
withdraw yourselves from every brother who lives irregularly, and not
according to the [Apostolic] teaching received from us." - 2
Thessalonians 3:6

Is the Charismatic Movement Catholic?

Charismatism takes its origins from Protestant Pentecostalism in the

United States and it has spread throughout the Catholic Church by the
"Baptism in the Spirit".

This spiritual baptism is an innovation which the Charismatic renewal

attempts to justify by claiming that with the sacraments the Catholic
Church has not fulfilled all the abundance of the Gospels: "The over
flowing and abundance of the New Testament should not be hastily
assimilated to subsequent sacramental forms" (Fr Laurentin, Charismatic
apologist, in his book Pentecôtisme chez les Catholiques, Beauchesne,
1975). Now, the Catholic Church alone is the custodian of the teachings
of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It transmits infallibly the blessings of the
Gospels in the only true Sacraments. "My God, I firmly believe all the
Truths which You have revealed to us and which You have taught us
through Your Church, because You can neither deceive nor be
deceived." (Act of Faith)

Regarding the emphasis put on charisms:

1. The presence of charisms is not sufficient to prove their divine

"Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of My Father who is in
heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to Me
in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in Thy name, and cast
out devils in Thy name, and done many miracles in Thy name? And
then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you
that work iniquity." (Matt. VII: 21-23)
"There are people whom the devil does not prevent in any way from
doing much good because the good which they do serves him to deceive
them." (Fr. Lallemant, La Doctrine Spirituelle, Paris, 1882, p. 253)

2. The Catholic Church is built on the supernatural virtues of Faith,

Hope and Charity and not on charisms which are only lower gifts which
must be controlled by the Church.
"But be zealous of the better gifts. And I show unto you yet a more
excellent way." (I Cor. XII :31)

"Certain people value above all amongst the spiritual gifts, that of
performing miracles, which are to be seen, forgetting that there are many
others higher, which are hidden and because of that not liable to
fall." (St. John Climacus, Scala Paradisi, 26th degree, 78)
"In comparison with Charity which is perfect, these gifts are of little
consequence and those who are at that level can fall while those who
have Charity do not fall. I tell you that I have seen men who have
received all the charisms and who have become participants in the Spirit
and who nonetheless fell because they did not achieve perfect
Charity". (St. Macarius Magnus, IVth c., Spiritual Homilies, II, 27, 14)

Regarding its search of extraordinary signs and wonders:

1. Risk of illusion:
"And I greatly fear what is happening in these times of ours: If any soul
whatever after a bit of meditation has in its recollection one of these
locutions, it will immediately baptize all as coming from God and with
such a supposition say, 'God told me,' 'God answered me.' Yet this is not
so, but, as we pointed out, these persons themselves are more often the
origin of their locution." (St. John of the Cross: The Ascent of Mount
Carmel. Book II Ch. 29) (1)

2. Possession by the devil:

"Through the desire of accepting them one opens the door to the
devil. The devil can then deceive one by other communications expertly
feigned and disguised as genuine. In the words of the Apostle, he can
transform himself into an 'angel of light' (II Cor. XI:14). (...) Regardless
of the cause of these apprehensions, it is always good for a man to reject
them with closed eyes. If he fails to do so, he will make room for those
having a diabolical origin and empower the devil to impose his
communications. Not only this, but the diabolical representations will
multiply while those from God will gradually cease, so that eventually
all will come from the devil and none at all from God. This has
occurred with many incautious and uninstructed people." (St. John of
the Cross: The Ascent of Mount Carmel. Book II Ch. 11) (1)

Regarding its suspicion of the Church's Hierarchy:

The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church is seen as a stifling human

"In so far as the ecclesiastical institution is constructed in the form of a
hierarchical and closed juridical structure, in so far as it is organised, not
according to the spirit of charism but by coopting clergy monopolising
the resources, the knowledge, the power and the initiative in the Church,
the Charismatic thrusts have been stifled." (Fr Laurentin, Ibid.) Now
this hierarchy derives from God Himself: "He said therefore to them
again: 'Peace be with you. As the Father hath sent Me, I also send you.'
" (John XX 21) "And I say to thee: Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I
will build My Church. And the gates of hell shall not prevail against
it." (Matth. XVI 18)

Regarding its ecumenism:

"Originating from Protestant families, I was baptised a

Protestant. Today, I know that God wants me to be a Protestant. I have
gradually felt that I must not separate myself from my Protestant Church
but to bring myself closer to it." (Testament of a young girl in the
Bethany Community, in Revue Tychique, No. 52, p.10)
"There will not be a real Judeo - Christian dialogue until the return of
the Lord, except when Christians are truly Christian and the Jews truly
Jewish." (Brother Ephraim, Founder of the Community of the
Beatitudes, in Cahiers du Renouveau, No. 64, p.13)

Now, the Catholic Church teaches infallibly: 'Outside the Church there
is no salvation'.
"The Catholic Church alone keeps the true worship. It is the Church of
Truth, the home of the Faith, the temple of God; he who does not enter it
or he who leaves it, loses all hope of life and salvation. Do not let
anyone hold a dogged view. It is a question of life and of salvation. If
one does not watch out carefully and prudently, it is ruination and
death." (Lactantius; IIIrd c., Catholic apologist.)


Charismatic Renewal is therefore not Catholic.

Catholic Wisdom Publications
P.O. Box 4120, Makati City, Philippines

The Pentecostal "speaking in tongues"

For false Christs and false prophetsshall rise, and shall shew signs
and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. (Mark

Over the last half century we have witnessed the incredible growth of
the pentecostal movement. Pentecostalism has even challenged the hold
of the catholic church in south america, where there are 17 million
pentecostal members in brazil alone. It has been estimated that in the
United States alone, 200,000-300,000 Catholics have become
"Pentecostal" or "Charismatic"(A NEW GUIDE AND ALMANAC
RELIGIONS OF AMERICA, By Leo Rosten 1975 ). The hallmark of the
pentecostal movement is its believe in miracles specifically speaking in
"tongues". Most pentecostals believe that in order to be a "true christian
one must be able to speak in the Spirit", in other words those religious
denominations which cannot (or don’t) speak in tongues are not from a
Holy Spirit. First, let use for clarification briefly examine the origin of

Pentecostal:what is sometimes called classical

pentecostalism grew out of the late 19th century
holiness movement in the united states. The
holiness preacher charles fox parham began
preaching (1901) to his topeka congregation that
speaking in tongues was objective evidence of
baptism in the spirit. After the los angeles mission
of parham's apostolic faith sect became the center
of a great revival (1906) the movement quickly
spread around the world. Over the next two
decades the movement split along doctrinal and
racial lines. Of the many pentecostalist
denominations in the united states today,
characterized by belief in the experience of
holiness or christian perfection. This perfection is
climaxed by an "infilling of the holy spirit," as
evidenced by "speaking in tongues," ecstatic
utterances frequently unintelligible to listeners,

Now let use begin our examination of pentecostal "miracle" of speaking

in "tongues".

First, it is important to note that most scholars agree that one

of the signs of demonic possession is the speaking in strange
or unintelligible tongues, as the following shows:

"According to the roman ritual, other signs of possession

include ‘the ability to speak with some familiarity in a
strange tongue or to understand it when spoken by another;
the faculty of divulging future and hidden events; and the
display of powers which are beyond the subject's age and
natural condition.’" (joseph ecanem, ph.d., demonic
possession, p. 23)

"The catholic church still defines true signs of possession as

displaying superhuman strength, often accompanied by fits
and convulsions; changes in personality; having knowledge
of the future or other secret information; and being able to
understand and converse in languages not previously known
to the victim, such as the phenomenon glossolalia.Early
puritan ministers and later protestant clergy agreed on the
same symptoms for declaring a person demonically
possessed. In many incidences there was a complete
ignorance of the person's medical condition and behavior."
(Michael foreman, ph.d., a short history of diabolical
possession, p. 59)

one of the signs of possession as listed in the rituale

romanum is as follows: "to speak unknown languages
(xenoglosia) and to sustain conversations in such languages,
as well as to understand the languages that are spoken."
(Rituale romanum)

Of course this does not mean that all "speaking in tongues" is demonic
such as the speaking in intelligible tongues that we read about in the
book of acts of the apostles. In acts 2:4-8. It tells the happenings on the
day of pentecost. The twelve apostles miraculously spoke in tongues
which they received through the baptism of the holy spirit. These
tongues were human languages which the apostles miraculously spoke.
But it does very well show that the demons also can perform this
"pentecostal miracle of unintelligible tongues" this is further emphasized
by the fact that this manifestation common in non-christian occult and
satanic religions [it is common in the hindu belief] is identical to many
modern pentecostal churches.

"Kundalini in english means ‘the serpent power.’ it is the common hindu

belief that within each person resides a "serpent" coiled tightly up at the
base of the spine. Through practicing kundalini yoga, along with
chanting, mediation, and an impartation from the guru one can have their
kundalini awakened. Kundalini yoga is the "power yoga" of hinduism. It
is the pathway to supernatural power and godhood. Kundalini yoga can
also lead to mental collapse, psychosis, and demon possession or
oppression. the awakening can bring up memories of past psychological
traumas. The grofs state that "individuals involved in this process might
find it difficult to control their behavior; during power rushes of
kundalini energy, they often emit various involuntary sounds, and their
bodies move in strange and unexpected patterns. Among the most
common manifestations ... are unmotivated and unnatural laughter or
crying, talking tongues ... and imitating a variety of animal sounds and
movements" (p. 78-79). The grofs state that "careful study of the
manifestations of kundalini awakening confirm that this process,
although sometimes very intense and shattering, is essentially healing"
(citing warren smith by permission in an article for spiritual counterfeits
project entitled "holy laughter or strong delusion" (fall, 1994, vol. 19.2),
p. 14).

The fact that the unintelligible tongue-speaking experience is found in

false pagan religions would indicate that its source is not from god but is
a human experience confused for divine intervention. The fact that the
same experience is known in, and sometimes outside the religious
experience altogether would indicate that its source is not from god. The
fact that it can be learned and imitated would indicate that it is not a

Second, pentecostals will tell you that they know that their gift comes
from god, because they "feel it". As it is, it is quite normal for the devil
to come posing as an angel of light, or even god himself, as the
following citations from early christian tertullian (160-200? A.d.)

"Let a person be brought before your tribunals who is plainly under

demoniacal possession. The wicked spirit, bidden speak by the followers
of christ will as readily make the truthful confession that he is a demon
as elsewhere he has falsely asserted that he is a god" (tertullian, apolog.,
tr. Edinburgh, p. 23).

"All the authority and power we have over them is from our naming of
the name of christ and recalling to their memories the woes with which
god threatens them at the hands of christ as judge and which they expect
one day to overtake them. Fearing christ in god and god in christ, they
become subject to the servants of god and christ. So at our touch and
breathing, overwhelmed by the thought and realization of those
judgment fires, they leave at our command the bodies they have
entered." (Tertullian, ibid).

Third, we see that sacred scripture also points this fact out:

"And no wonder: for satan himself transformed himself into an angel of

light." (2 corinthians 11:14)

"Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a doctrine to you besides

that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema." (Galatians

So, we see that just because we "believe" that they action or message is
from god this most certainly does not mean that this action is indeed
from the holy ghost and not from a demon.

Forth, as this is the case, we must try the spirits, and test them, as the
following citation from the first epistle of st. John the divine shows:

dearly beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits if they be of
god: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." (1 john

Now, let us examine the speaking in tongues that is referred to the book
of acts of the apostles

(New international)acts 2:6 when they heard this

sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment,
because each one heard them speaking in his own
language. (7) utterly amazed, they asked: "are not
all these men who are speaking galileans? (8) then
how is it that each of us hears them in his own
native language? (9) parthians, medes and
elamites; residents of mesopotamia, judea and
cappadocia, pontus and asia, (10) phrygia and
pamphylia, egypt and the parts of libya near
cyrene; visitors from rome (11) (both jews and
converts to judaism); cretans and arabs--we hear
them declaring the wonders of god in our own
tongues!" (12) amazed and perplexed, they asked
one another, "what does this mean?"... (41) those
who accepted his message were baptized, and
about three thousand were added to their number
that day.

The bible is explicitly clear on exactly two points:

First: each one of the crowd heard them (note: this is pleural not singular
meaning the crowd heard the group of disciples) speaking in his own
language despite the large number of native languages (parthians, and
medes, and elamites, and the dwellers in mesopotamia, and in judaea,
and cappadocia, in pontus, and asia, phrygia, and pamphylia, in egypt,
and in the parts of libya about cyrene, and strangers of rome, jews and
proselytes, cretes and arabians.)

Second: the glossolaly ("speaking in tongues") described in

acts was historic, articulate, and intelligible to both the
disciples and to the crowd. This makes perfect sense when
one realizes the greek word for "tongue" is gloce-sah'
(strong's ref. # 1100) which means : the tongue; by
implication a language (specially, one naturally unacquired):

The definition of language is:

lanq·guage : audible, articulate, meaningful sound as

produced by the action of the vocal organs understood by a
community (© 2000 by merriam-webster, incorporated)
Neither of these two points are accomplished in the pentecostal
"speaking in tongues" which st. Paul in 1 corinthians condemns and
likens to "speaketh (like) a barbarian"(14:11) and speaking "into the air"
(14:9) st. Paul further goes on to explain that if the whole group come
together into one place, and all speak with these unintelligible tongues,
and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, "will they not
say that ye are mad?" these unlearned, or unbelievers, certainly would
not be "utterly amazed" (acts 2:7) as the crowd was when the apostles
performed the true miracle of "Speaking in tongues". The new testament
gift of tongues is a miracle and consists of speaking in human languages
that the speaker, had not known or learned by natural means and which
the listener understands. Not the pentecostal preachers practicing mass
hysteria, holy laughter, slain in the spirit, animal sounds, spiritual
amnesia, spiritual muteness, spiritual drunkenness, spontaneous
movements, see someone do "the dead chicken" on the floor and another
while standing up! Hear the "redhead moo" while the preacher crows
like a rooster. The pentecostals and their pastors worship in chaos
(condemned 1 corinthians 14:40 ) and misbehave in church services in
ways that other real christian church goers discipline their children for,
and blame it on the Holy Spirit!

Third: it is important to note jerusalem was then as now a polyglottal

region and could easily have produced one hundred and twenty persons
who, in the presence of a cosmopolitan assemblage, might express
themselves in fifteen different tongues. Since the variety of tongues is
attributed to the group and not to individuals, particular disciples may
not have used more than their native aramaic, though it is difficult to
picture any of them historically and socially without at least a smattering
of other tongues. The linguistic conditions of the country were far more
diverse than those of switzerland today. The number of languages heard
equaled the number of those in which the listeners "were born".

Fourth:subsequent manifestations occurred at caesarea, palaestina,

ephesus, and corinth, all polyglottal regions. St. peter identifies that of
caesarea with what befell the disciples "in the beginning" (acts 11:15).
There, as at ephesus and jerusalem, the strange incident marked the
baptism of several converts, who operated in groups. Corinth, standing
apart in this and other respects, is reserved for special study.

Fifth: st. Paul's concept (i corinthians).for the biblical data thus far
examined we are indebted to the bosom friend and companion of st.
Paul. St. luke. That being true, the views of st. Paul on supernatural
glossolaly must have coincided with those of st. Luke.

Now st. Paul had seen the gift conferred at ephesus and st. Luke does not
distinguish ephesian glossolaly ("speaking in tongues") from that of
jerusalem (acts chap. 2). They must therefore have been alike and st.
Paul seems to have had both in mind when he commanded the
corinthians (14:37) to employ none but articulate and "plain speech" in
their use of the gift (9), and to refrain from such use in church unless
even the unlearned could grasp what was said (16). No tongue could be
genuine "without voice" and to use such a tongue would be the act of a
barbarian (10, 11). For him the impulse to praise god in one or more
strange tongues should proceed from the holy ghost. It was even then an
inferior gift which he ranked next to last in a list of eight charismata. It
was a mere "sign" and as such was intended not for believers but for
unbelievers (22).

St. paul, in commending the gift to the corinthians, therewith gave his
guaranty that the characteristics of corinthian glossolaly were those of
the gift itself. Some writers in overlooking this point place st. Luke at
variance with st. Paul, and attribute to the charism properties so contrary
as to make it inexplicable and prohibitively mysterious. There is enough
in st. Paul to show us that the corinthian peculiarities were ignoble
accretions and abuses. They made of "tongues" a source of schism in the
church and of scandal without (14:23). The charism had deteriorated into
a mixture of meaningless inarticulate gabble (9, 10) with an element of
uncertain sounds (7, 8), which sometimes might be construed as little
short of blasphemous (12:3). The divine praises were recognized now
and then, but the general effect was one of confusion and disedification
for the very unbelievers for whom the normal gift was intended (14:22,
23, 26). The corinthians, misled not by insincerity but by simplicity and
ignorance (20), were actuated by an undisciplined religious spirit
(pneuma), or rather by frenzied emotions and not by the understanding
(nous) of the spirit of god (15). What today purports to be the "gift of
tongues" at certain protestant revivals is a fair reproduction of corinthian
glossolaly, and shows the need there was in the primitive church of the
apostle's counsel to do all things "decently, and according to order" (40).
Faithful adherence to the text of sacred scripture makes it obligatory to
reject those opinions which turn the charism of tongues into little more
than infantile babbling (eichhorn, schmidt, neander), incoherent
exclamations (meyer), pythonic utterances (wiseler), or prophetic
demonstrations of the archaic kind (see I king 19:20, 24). The unalloyed
charism was as much an exercise of the intelligence as of the emotions.
Languages or dialects, now kainais (mark 16:17) for their present
purpose, and now spontaneously borrowed by the conservative hebrew
from gentile foreigners (eteroglossois, cheilesin eteron, I corinthians
14:21), were used as never before. But they were understood even by
those who used them.

From Pentecostalism to Apostasy

by John Vennari

The Council of Trent defined dogmatically that without the Catholic

Faith, "it is impossible to please God." [1] The Catholic Church also
defined ex cathedra that there is only one true Church of Christ, the
Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation. [2]
Pope Leo XIII, elaborating on this point, taught, "since no one is
allowed to be remiss in the service due to God . . . we are bound
absolutely to worship God in that way which He has shown to be His
will . . . It cannot be difficult to find out which is the true religion if it
only be sought with an earnest and unbiased mind; for proofs are
abundant and striking . . . From all these [proofs] it is evident that the
only true religion is the one established by Jesus Christ Himself, and
which He committed to His Church to protect and propagate." [3]

From these sources, and from countless other magisterial teachings, it is

clear that the only religion positively willed by God is the religion
established by Christ Himself, the Catholic

Yet, at the Vatican's Good Friday Liturgy, 2002, the Preacher to the
Papal Household, Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa, said the other
religions "are not merely tolerated by God-----but positively willed by
Him as an expression of the inexhaustible richness of His grace and His
will for everyone to be saved." [4]

This, in short, is apostasy.

Saint John, the Apostle of Love, said, "Who is a liar but he who denies
that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist who denies the Father and the
Son." [1 John 1: 22] Thus, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, any
religion that rejects Christ, according to Scripture, is an Antichrist

Regarding heretical religions, for example, "Orthodoxy" and

Protestantism, Saint Paul tells us that false creeds are the "doctrines of
devils." [1 Tim. 4: 1]

How, then, can Antichrist religions, and false creeds of heretics which
are "doctrines of devils," be regarded as "not merely tolerated by God
but positively willed by Him . . ."? This would mean that God positively
willsreligions to exist that teach Jesus Christ is not God and the Savior of
mankind [as do non-Christian religions]. It means that God positively
willsreligions to exist, such as Protestantism, that teach Christ did not
establish the Church, did not establish the Holy Eucharist, did not
establish the Sacraments. It also means that those Protestant sects that
hold devotion to Our Blessed Mother in abhorrence are positively willed
by God. This, despite the fact that Our Lady of Fatima asked for the Five
First Saturdays of reparation for the blasphemies against her Immaculate
Heart that are the fruit of these false religions.

In short, Father Cantalamessa's sermon means that God positively

wills error. God positively wills lies. God positively wills evil. Our Lord
certainly permitsevil, for He does not interfere with the free will of man.
But it is blasphemy to claim that God wills it, since God cannot will that
which is not good.

Is Jesus Full of Pride?

Father Cantalamessa's blasphemy does not end here. He also claimed

that God is "humble in saving," and the Church should follow suit.
"Christ is more concerned that all people should be saved than that they
should know who is their Savior," he told a large congregation at Saint
Peter's Basilica, which included Pope John Paul II and top Vatican

It might sound sweet, but Father Cantalamessa is indirectly accusing

Jesus Christ of pride. When he says, "Christ is more concerned that all
people should be saved than that they should know who is their Savior,"
this is a pious snub to the pre-Vatican II teaching of 2000 years that
holds it necessary for the soul to KNOW, love and serve Christ in this
world if he wishes to be happy with Him forever in the next. Father
Cantalamessa is thus advocating the heterodox teaching of Father Karl
Rahner on the' "anonymous Christian."

In fact, only 50 years ago, if a 7-year-old student in Catholic school

mouthed Father Cantalamessa's novel doctrine, he would have been
deemed unfit to receive First Holy Communion. Now, 40 years into
Vatican II's "New Springtime," this apostasy is preached on Good Friday
at the Vatican by the Preacher to the Papal Household.

This episode also reveals one of the many disadvantages of the Internet.
News of Father Cantalamessa's homily was broadcast around the world
via the Internet to thousands of Catholics who would have never
otherwise heard it. The result is that many Catholics assume the
Capuchin's words delivered in Saint Peter's somehow approach the level
of magisterial teaching. This is not true. Father Cantalamessa's Good
Friday address is simply another homily filled with errors delivered by a
Charismatic. It is that and nothing more.

Pentecostal Papal Preacher

Who is Father Raniero Cantalamessa?

To learn his story, we must go back to the 1977 pan-denominational

Charismatic Conference held at a football stadium in Kansas City,
Missouri. This conference was attended by 50,000 people from at least
10 different denominations including: Baptists, Catholics, Episcopalians,
Lutherans, Messianic Jews, non-denominational "Christians,"
Pentecostals and United Methodists. [5]

At one point, Protestant Bob Mumford was preaching to the 50,000.

Mumford lifted up his Bible and said, "And if you sneak a peak at the
end of the book, JESUS WINS!" This sent the crowd into pandemonium.
The entire football stadium suddenly erupted into an extended cheering,
"praise-frenzy" that lasted about 17 minutes.

Charismatics call this "The Holy Ghost Breakdown." They interpret this
,natural, pep-rally enthusiasm as the Holy Spirit moving through the
crowd, uniting the crowd [containing Catholics and members of various
denominations] and inspiring this raving jubilation. This, according to
them, is the "breaking down of denominational walls" that is positively
willed by the Holy Spirit, even though it defies 2000 years of Catholic
teaching on the one true Church of Christ. It also defies the traditional
Catholic teaching that forbids Catholics to engage in positive religious
camaraderie with false religions. [6]

Nevertheless, at the Kansas City conference, there was a Capuchin priest

named Father Raniero Cantalamessa who had come from Milan to
investigate the Charismatic Movement. He was so impressed with this
rootin' tootin' praise frenzy that he became, in charismatic lingo, an
"anointed preacher of the Charismatic Renewal." [7]

In 1980, this same Father Cantalamessa was appointed by Pope John

Paul II as Preacher to the Papal Household. Now, this "anointed
preacher" is given a pulpit in St. Peter's basilica on Good Friday to tell
the world that God positively wills false religions.

No wonder another Papal theologian, Cardinal Luigi Ciappi, who had

access to the complete Third Secret of Fatima, said, "In the Third
Secret is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the
Church will begin at the top." [8]

Error is not a Gift of the Holy Ghost

Father Cantalamessa's Good Friday sermon is one of many powerful

illustrations that the Charismatic Movement is not truly of God.
Charismatics claim, either directly or indirectly, that they have a special
hotline to the Holy Ghost that other Christians do not possess. They
claim to be especially filled with the Spirit! But if a Catholic is "filled
with the Spirit," it should be evident from his words and actions that he
is filled with the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost.

One of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost is The Gift of

Understanding, which gives the soul a deeper understanding of
revealed truths. Father Adolph Tanquerey defines it as "a gift which,
under the enlightening action of the Holy Ghost, gives us a deep insight
into revealed truths, without however giving a comprehension of the
mysteries themselves." [9]
The effect of the Gift of Understanding is that it enables us to penetrate
into the very core of revealed truths and gives us a deeper grasp of them.
Yet Charismatics, who continually boast of being "filled to overflowing
with the spirit," constantly spout religious errors. [10] Far from
possessing the Gift of Understanding, they appear to be bereft of even
the most fundamental truths of the Catholic Faith.

In fact, as has been mentioned previously in CFN, the entire Charismatic

Movement in the Catholic Church was founded on an objective mortal
sin against Faith.

In 1967, a group of Catholics in Pittsburgh attended a Protestant

Pentecostal gathering. The Protestants, who as members of a heretical
religion possess no Sacramental power, laid hands on the Catholics.
These Catholics began babbling in "tongues" and claimed to be "filled to
overflowing with the Spirit" as a result.

The actions of these Catholics defy the 1917 Code of Canon Law, which
was in force until 1983. Canon 1258 states, "It is absolutely not licit for
the faithful either to actively assist at or to take part in non-Catholic
ceremonies." Yet according to Charismatics, Catholics will be rewarded
with a special influx of Holy Spirit if they thus violate Church law.

Further, seeking holiness from members of non-Catholic sects defies

Catholic teaching that neither salvation nor sanctity [holiness] is found
in non-Catholic religions. Pope Pius XII restated this doctrine within the
context of a prayer to the Blessed Virgin:

"O Mary, Mother of Mercy and Seat of Wisdom! Enlighten the minds
enfolded in the darkness of ignorance and sin, that they may clearly
recognize the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church to be the only
true Church of Jesus Christ, outside which neither sanctity nor
salvation can be found." [11]
By contrast, "Catholic Pentecostalism," in the words of its prize
preacher, claims that non-Catholic religions wherein "neither sanctity
nor salvation can be found," are posItively willed by God.

Here we see one of the many ways in which "Catholic Pentecostalism"

leads to apostasy.

1. Session V on Original Sin. See Denzinger # 787.
2. The Church has defined this three times. The most forceful and
explicit of the three comes from Pope Eugene IV when he defined ex
cathedra at the Council of Florence on Feb. 4, 1442: "The Most Holy
Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of
those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also
Jews, heretics, and schismatics can ever be partakers of eternal life, but
that they are to go into the eternal fire "which was prepared for the devil
and his angels," (Mt. 25: 41) unless before death they are joined with
her; . . . No one, let his almsgiving be as great as it may, no one, even if
he pour out his blood for the Name of Christ, can be saved unless they
abide within the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church."
3. Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter, Immortale Dei, cited from The
Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism by Father Denis Fahey.
(Regina Publications, Dublin, 1943), pp. 7-8.
4. All quotes from Father Cantalamessa's sermon are from the April 2,
2002 Catholic News Service report.
5. The details of this conference are contained in Chapter I of Close-ups
of the Charismatic Movement, John Vennari, (TIA, Los Angeles, 2002).
6. See Mortalium Animos, Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius XI and
"Ecumenism Condemned by Sacred Scripture" by Bishop George Hay
7. I saw Kevin Ranaghan tell this story at the 1997 "Catholic"
Charismatic 30th anniversary conference in Pittsburgh. The lecture,
called "Witness" is produced on cassette by Resurrection Tapes.
8. Cited from "The Third Secret of Fatima-----Has it Been Completely
Revealed?" by Father Gerard Mura, Catholic, March 2002.
9. See The Spiritual Life: A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical
Theology, Father Adolph Tanquerey (Desclee, Tournai, 1930) pp. 627-
10. For greater detail, see Close-ups of the Charismatic Movement by
John Vennari.
11. Pius XII: RAC:626.

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