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G1 metals burn in O2 with characteristic flame colours to form white solid oxides, and when

dissolved in water, they form alkaline solutions of the metal hydroxide. This reactions is vigorous,
also produces H2 gas. K is the most reactive. It has the most metallic character. Easier loss
of e-. Observation? Solution colourless
G1 metals can react with halogens. G1 metals lose the one outer e- they have to achieve the
stable electronic configuration of a Nobel gas. Less energy required to remove outer e-. So
ionisation energy decreases down a group. Softer down the group H2 gas produced pushes.
Floats on water. Metal +. Water —-> metal hydroxide

Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba Ra

Harder than G1, and silverly grey when pure. Tarnish easily; metal oxide forms.

burn in O2 with characteristic flame colours to form white solid oxides, and when dissolved in
water, they form alkaline solutions of the metal hydroxide. This reactions is vigorous, also
produces H2 gas. Reaction with water not as vigorous.

Halogen are coloured elements, and darken as you go down group 7. Cl2 is pale green, Bromine
is red-brown and iodine is purple black.

Diatomic molecules

Gas to liquid to solid, (density inc down group)

Form hydrogen halides.

React with metals (form ionic metal halides) and non-metals.

G7 achieves a stable e- configuration by accepting one e-. Reactivity decreases down its group.

F, Cl, Br, I

Metalloids - Boron to Tellurium arsenci silicon germanium

Lead tin Aluminium poor metals

G1 G2 are reactive metals

Monoatomic colourless un-reactive .

Harder, stronger, higher densities, high m.p. and less reactive.

Show catalytic activity.

Do not react quickly with water and O2.

Form simple ions with more than one oxidation state

Form complicated ions with high oxidation states. Cr2O7 2- or dichromate (vi) ion Cr is 6+.
Manganese forms MnO4- Mn is + 7 the manganate (vii) ion

Hydrogen can form positive or negative ions

Increases up the group

Ionisation energy decreases down the group and increases across the period.

Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to attract electrons in a covalent bond.

Electronegativity increases across a period and increases up a group. F

Reactivity of metals increases down the group as ionisation energy decreases

Reactivity of non metals increases up the group as electronegativity increases up a group.

As you go across a period, the. Atomic radi decrease as they are all in te same period/enrgy lever
but more eprotins get added, so increased charge pulls e- closer to the nucleus. As you go across
thepeirod no additional e- for more shielding. Atom size decreases as you go across a period

Easier to remove paired rather than an unpaired e- due to repulsion with an orbital

In all these reactions the most reactive metal is the one that has the highest
tendency to lose outer electrons to form a positive metal ion.

Metal + acid —> H2 and salt

Metal + HCL acid —> H2 gas and metal chloride

Acids + metal hydroxides or alkalis —>. Salt + water

Metal oxide when placed in water make metal hydroxides and H2

Metal and steam/cold water produce metal hydroxide and H2

Metal oxides or metal hydroxides + acid —> salt + water

K Na

Cruel monkeys
and zoo fishes
are pretty cruel

Ag Pt Au

Metal nitrates decomposition by heat.

Nitrates of reactive metals? Metal nitrite and O2 gas

Rest? Metal nitrates decompose to metal oxide and NO2 nitrogen (iv) dioxide brown fumes and
O2 metal dioxide o2

Metal carbonates

Thermal stability decreases down the reactivity series. The more reactive, greater the thermal


? K and Na No reaction upon heating metal carbonate very high amounts required

Ca to Cu, Form oxide and release Co2 with increasing ease.

Ag to Au too unstable to exist

Reactive metals, no reaction

Ca to Cu decompose to make an oxide

and water. No group 1 metals here as
they are more reactive.

Ag to Au - again, too unstable to exist.

insoluble so (s)

Ionic equation is just the metal hydroxide


Sulfide 2- Sulfate SO4 2- Sulfite SO3 2-

Nitride N3- Nitrate NO3 - Nitrite NO2-

Phosphide P3- Phosphate PO4 3- Phosphite PO3 3-

CLO- hypochlorite

Chlorite CLO2 -

Chlorate CLO3-

• Ionisation energies trend of g1 and g2

• Trends in reactivity g1 (Li, Na, K) g2 (Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) wit O2 Cl2 H2O

• Metal oxides + H2O and + HCL

• Trends in solubility for hydroxides and sulfates G2 METALS only

• Reasons for stability (size and charge cations)


pH depends on amounts of water and oxide + solubility of hydroxides


Milk of magnesia - low solubility of Mg(OH)2 is safe as a low concentration of -OH ions, they
attack human tissue.

HYDROXIDE TEST! Litmus red to blue

Dec down a group SOLUBILITY OF SULFATES g2

Mg soluble Ca Sr slightly soluble Ba insoluble

Why isn’t there a trend in reactivity for G1 and G2 metal oxides? - because they already contain
metal ions, not metal atoms. Metal ions have achieved their full stable outer energy level like a
Nobel gas.


BaCl2 or Ba(No3)2 added to a solution that contains SO4 2+ ions

Why barium ions? Because barium sulfates are insoluble.

Acidify then add barium nitrate or barium chloride- white ppt

All metal nitrates are soluble, adding nitric acid will prevent metallic salts to precipitate.

Dilute nitric acid/dilute HCL and barium nitrate/barium chloride is added to X sulfate

Barium meal - barium sulfate is insoluble so safe. Ba 2+ ions are harmful when ingested

Thermal stability of nitrates and carbonates of G2 and G1

Group 2 nitrates and carbonates are different from group 1 chlorides.

1) group 2 cation has a charge of 2+

2) Group 2 therefore has a smaller ionic radius (same period of course)

3) Nitrate 1- and carbonate 2- ions are more complex than the simple Cl-


they decompose.

Complex CO3 2- can decompose into more stable O2- ion and get released as CO2

Nitrate ion (NO3-) can decompose into Nitrite ion (NO2-) and release as O2

Nitrate ion (NO3-) can decompose into Oxide ion (O2-) and release as NO2

The stabilities of the carbonate and nitrate ions are influenced by the 1. Charge and 2. The size of
the cations present.

Greatest influence - smallest size greatest charge

Metal nitrates are all white solids

No Brown fumes? It is an indication of lesser decomposition.

Metal Nitrate—> Metal Nitrite + O2

Nitrate (V) for Nitrate

Nitrate (III) for Nitrite

Brown fumes? Metal Nitrate —> Metal Oxide + NO2 + O2 or even Metal Nitrate -> metal + No2+

To get No2 or brown fumes, must have 2+ charge or be the smallest in-group 1.

CO3 2- you either decompose into metal oxide and co2 or dont decompose at all. Li carbonate
and all G2 carbonates decompose.

If very high temp present, then G1 carbonates decompose

Dip clean nichrome wire into conc HCL + solid

Na impurities yellow intense

Colour description is subjective

Ammonium ion test?

Add NaOH and warm. The ammonium ions will react

with the hydroxide ions to make ammonia and water.

Damp litmus paper turns blue. Only alkaline gas.

HCL + NH3 -> NH34 ammonium chloride white smoke

The formation of these colours in the flame test can be explained by electron transitions.
Electrons exist in orbitals and when energy (such as that supplied by a bunsen burner flame) is

absorbed by the species, some electrons will be promoted to orbitals which have a higher.

The electrons will then drop back down to the original orbital they were in and during this process
they release energy, some of which is in the form of light.

The colour produced depends on the wavelength of the light energy emitted. When some
electrons drop back down to their original orbital, the energy emitted may not have a wavelength
in the visible light part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which explains why not all atoms and
ions produce a colour in the flame test.

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