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Be Like A Rose That Yields Its Fragrance Even To A Hand Who Crushed It

I am called upon every night, to meet The Souls of those who have fallen.
Unaware of who I am? What was I? What purpose does my life hold any
meaning? I can only recall my creator and the task he assigned me. There is
another with me, where me and he appear to be joyful in a peaceful serenity of
our own. I’ve always done what was told, I’ve never questioned nor deny what
my creator told me. Until that night when I went to collect a soul that held the
key to the explain nation of my existence.

If the soul is immoral and filled with sinister vile evil, what is seen before them
is a creature only known to be death; the skin falls off my body, the eyes that
are within my head are sunken and turn hallow, while the wings that are
attached to my body are turned into skeleton mass of bones.

A good deed can be defined as helping someone without expecting something in

return. Doing good deeds is important for all of us. It helps us to become better
people. It affects our lives and the lives of other people (for whom good deeds are
performed) positively. It’s our moral responsibility to help others.
Good deeds are also done thinking if we will do good to others, good will come in
return to us. It’s a belief that motivates us to do good to others. As such, a good
deed may be referred to as a selfless act of doing something good to another
person without a reward or expectation that the individual will return the favor.
Many people do good deeds for various reasons. Thinking about how much one
receives by volunteering to help another individual begs the question: does the
individual do that to keep busy, repay a dept or just for fun? No matter the
reasons, it is essential to help others through our deeds. The performance of a
good deed should not be based on the expectation that it will be returned. The
best way to carry out an act of accomplishment without a reward is by
volunteering, recycling and donating where necessary. To volunteer refers to the
act that renders aid, performs a service or assumes an obligation out of an
individuals own free will. Volunteering at different events is a great way of
meeting new people and giving back to the society. For instance, October is the
designated month for breast cancer awareness. There are lots of walks meant
for individuals with the aim of contributing and raising funds to cater for this
disease. All the information concerning this event can be traced via the internet.
There are several forms availed to the public. To participate, an  I chose have
something in common as they are all acts of selfless behavior and with no
reward expected other than a simple “thank you”. The undertaking of volunteer
work and performance of god deeds boost the relationships that exist in the
society. individual is expected to fill the form as required. A mere ‘thank you’
brings a lot of changes to the personality of an individual.
Good Deeds Reflect Good Character. Your deeds are those things that you do
into others whether they are above you or ‘below’ you. Your actions and
attitudes towards others are a reflection of who you are deep inside. The reason
is that you are not different from what you say or what you do. When you are
always doing good, it shows that your character is equally as good. Like a tree,
a person produces fruits. Their frits can be in the form of their actions and
their words. When these two are pleasant, it is because everything about
you is good.
“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary
world.”-William Shakespeare,
It is rightly said that good deeds are remember very well and they are carved on
the stone which will be remembered forever.Even the time cannot show its
might power to the good deeds.Good deeds are always remembered even With
the passage of the thousand years.We have lot of example for this, Sometimes
good deeds do not get fruit immediately but that moment helps us to test our
patience.One who shows gud deeds alwz reaps benefits and fame out of
it.Apart from name and fame,it also earns a person self satisfaction and peace
of mind. ‘Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds [that]
for them there is forgiveness and great reward.’ (Qur'an, 5:9)  The best friend of
yours is your own deeds. You know why? It is simply because they are the only
friend which will follow you everywhere, even to the grave. So” it doesn’t matter
that people don’t notice the good that you do.What matter is that Allah notices

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