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Abbreviation No.

Customer relationship management (CRM), is a number of strategies and
technologies that are used to build stronger relationships between companies and
their customers. A company will store information that is related to their
customers, and they will spend time analyzing it so that it can be used for this

Some of the methods connected with CRM are automated, and the purpose of this
is to create marketing strategies which are targeted towards specific customers.
The strategies used will be dependent on the information that is contained within
the system. Customer relationship management is commonly used by
corporations, and they will focus on maintaining a strong relationship with their

There are a number of reasons why CRM has become so important in the last 10
years. The competition in the global market has become highly competitive, and it
has become easier for customers to switch companies if they are not happy with
the service they receive. One of the primary goals of CRM is to maintain clients.
When it is used effectively, a company will be able to build a relationship with
their customers that can last a lifetime. Customer relationship management tools
will generally come in the form of software. Each software program may vary in
the way it approaches CRM. It is important to realize that CRM is more than just a

Customer relationship management could be better defined as

being a methodology, an approach that a company will use to achieve
their goals. It should be directly connected to the philosophy of the
company. It must guide all of its policies, and it must be an important part of
customer service and marketing. If this is-"not done, the CRM system will become

a failure. There are a number of things the ideal CRM system should have. It
should allow the company to find the factors that interest their customers the most.
A company must realize that it is impossible for them to succeed if they do not
cater to the desires and needs of their customers. Customer relationship
management is a powerful system that will allow them to do this.

It is also important for the CRM system to foster a philosophy that is oriented
towards the customers. While this may sound like common sense, there are a
sizeable number of companies that have failed to do it, and their businesses
suffered as a result. With CRM, the customer is always right, and they are the most
important factor in the success of the company. It is also important for the
company to use measures that are dependent on their customers. This will greatly
tip the odds of success in their favor. While CRM should not be viewed as a
technology, it is important to realize that there are end to end processes that must
be created so that customers can be properly served. In many cases, these
processes will use computers and software.

Customer support is directly connected to CRM. If a company fails to provide

quality customer support, they have also failed with their CRM system. When a
customer makes complaints, they must be handled quickly and efficiently. The
company should also seek to make sure those mistakes are not repeated. When
sales are made, they should be tracked so that the company can analyze them from
various aspects. It is also important to understand the architecture of Customer
relationship management. The architecture of CRM can be broken down into three

categories, and these are collaborative, operational, and analytical. The
collaborative aspect of CRM deals with communication between companies and
their clients.

The telecommunications market, in the last few years, has seen incredible
Technological advancement, which has fueled massive consumer adoption and
brutal competition driven by commoditization. To drive profits in this business.
You must increase the average lifetime value per customer and minimize the
service cost even as service choices increase. Common to all of our customers in
the telecom sector is an abiding belief in delivering the best service to customers
by investing in technology that empowers consumers and service agents to have
intelligent, productive conversations. In a marketplace where consumers are
increasingly aware of their choices, consistent service quality is the foundation of a
durable brand.


The sector that includes the telecommunications service providers, network

operators, regulators, manufacturers, subscribers, and users.

The telecom sector has seen much change during the past two decades. At first, it
was the opining up of the equipment manufacturing sector, followed by the
corporatisation of the government owned entities, Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
(VSNL) and Mahan agar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL). Subsequently, the
sector was opened for private participation in basic other value added services.
The most recent liberalization moves have been the corporatization of the
Department of Telecom into Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and the
privatization of VSNL.


An effective CRM system includes tools such as a skilled customer care staff and
leading edge automation and workflow management software platforms. With this
tool, it is possible for a telecom company to track sales enquiries, trouble tickets,
emails, telephone calls, and customer satisfaction surveys.



Telecom, especially mobile telecom, is a highly competitive and increasingly

mature market. As network coverage, handsets, and price plans become less
important as differentiators, customer service is increasingly seen as the key factor
in customer acquisition and customer retention.


Mobile telephony providers face a significant challenge to introduce and support

the range of new products and services such as email, multimedia messaging, and
synchronization with handheld devices, etc.

Aliant, for instance, has achieved a 17% reduction in call handle time,
which is translates to a saving of approximately $ 1.5 million in operating staff


Organizations would like to reduce the costs of customer care by deflecting calls to
web-based service channels, preferably to self-service.


With the commoditization of products and services, fuelled by greater access to

competitive information over the web, customer service is one of the few ways
organizations can themselves and increase market share.


• To find out the relationship by knowing the satisfaction level of subscribers

about the telecom industry.
• To know the customer opinion about tariff rates of BSNL.
• Creating awareness to BSNL subscribers about the facilities in prepaid and
postpaid connections.
• Analyzing the problem faced by BSNL subscribers
• Analyzing which connection is more used by customers.
• Analyzing which type of topping is more used by customers.
• Analyzing the satisfaction level of customers towards BSNL connection.


The study is conducted on BSNL prepaid and postpaid users at 'BSNL

CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER’. The study is confined to the area of
Thiruvalla. The size of the sample was 50.



Definition of marketing research is approved by the board of the American

Marketing Association (AMA) is:

"Marketing research is the functions which links the customer and public To
marketer through information used to identity and define marketing Opportunities
and problems; generate define and evaluate, marketing Actions, monitor marketing
performance, and improve understanding of Marketing as a process”. Simply,
marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and Reporting of
the data findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.

Careful planning through all stages of the research is a necessity.

Objectivity in research is all- important. The heart of the scientific method is The
objective gathering and analysis of the information.

The function of marketing research within a company is to provide the

Information and analytical inputs necessary for effective-

• Planning of future marketing activity.

• Control of marketing operations in the present.
• Evaluation of marketing results.

A research may undertake any of three types of research investigations
depending upon the problem. These three types of research included.

• Basic research
• Applied research
• Designated fact gathering


It is also known as the pure fundamental research which refers to those studies,
sole purpose of which is the discovery of new information. It is conducted to
extend the horizon in given area of knowledge with no immediate application to
existing problem.


It is an attempt to apply the various marketing techniques, which have been

developed as research, first and later on they become applied research techniques.
It is an attempt to apply the basic principles and existing knowledge for the
purpose of solving the operational problems.


It refers to a research where the investigator attempts nearly to gather some

predetermined data.

Steps in Marketing Research Process

Marketing Research Process can be carried out through the following steps:
Define the problem and research objectives
Develop the research plan
Collect the information
Analysis and interpretations
Present the findings


In a very sense, this is the heart of the research process. This is the first step, which
calls for the marketing manage and marketing research.


The second calls for developing the most efficient plan for gathering the needed
information. Not to forget the cost or values of research the Marketing manager
must estimate process its approval, Research plan calls For decision on

a) Data source
I. Primary data to be collected for a specific purpose,
II. Secondary data collected for another purpose and already existing

1. Research Approaches: Primary data can be collected in four ways:

1. Observational research
2. Focus group research
3. Survey research
4. Experimental research

2. Research Instruments: Marketing researchers can use questionnaires

in collecting of primary data, because of its flexibility, questionnaires is
by for the most common instrument used to collect primary data.

3. Sampling Plan: This plan calls for the three aspects:-

a) Define the sampling unit.

b) Decide the sample size.

c) Decide the sampling procedure whether to use probability or non-
probability sampling methods.

4. Contract method: once the sampling plan has been determined, this has to decide
how the subject should be contacted. The choices are mail, telephone or research


Data collection phase is generally the most expensive and the most phase to error.
Carry out the field Work, collect data using the instruments, adjust the Problem of
not at homes, replaced, refusal to co-operate, biased or dishonest answers.


The next to last step is to extract pertinent findings from the collected data. The
researcher edits, code, tabulate the collected data.


As the last step in marketing research the researchers present the findings. The
researchers have to arrange the researched result according to an approved
reporting format, get the report typed and bound, present the copies of the report
to the concerned authorities.


The methodology adopted for eliciting the data required for the study was survey
method. It is the overall pattern or framework of the project that will dictate as to
what information is to be collected, from which sources and by what procedures.


Research methodology must be classified on the basis of the major purpose of the
investigation. In this problem, description studies have been under- taken, as the
objective of the project is to conduct the market share study to determine the share
of the market received by both the company and it's competitors,


The information needed to further proceed in the project had been collected
through primary data and secondary data.


Primary data consists of information collected for the specific purpose at hand for
the purpose of collecting primary data. Survey research is the approach best suited
gathering description,


The secondary data consists of information that already exist somewhere, Having
been collected for another purpose. Any researcher begins the research work by
first going through the secondary data. Secondary data includes the information
available with the company.

It may be the findings of research previously done in the field. Secondary

data can also be collected from magazines, newspapers, other surveys conducted
by known research agencies etc.


The respondents are the mobile connection holders with BSNL toppings facilities.
The survey was carried in BSNL CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER at Thiruvalla
with the sample size of 50. The survey was carried out with the help of a structured
questionnaire, which helps in accomplishing the research objectives. The
respondents by means of personal interview administer this structured ended


The present study is subjected to following LIMITATIONS.

■ Method of data collection was through personal interview and therefore bias
becomes a major limitation.
■ Due to the time constraints all the customers were not covered.
■ The sample was restricted to 50 customers, which may restrict the scope and
completion of study.
■ The scope of study is restricted only to the Rajahmundry.
■ Owing to their pre occupation some customers were unable to answer the
complete questionnaire.


The telecom network in India is the fifth largest network in the world
meeting up with global standards. Presently, the Indian telecom industry is
currently slated to an estimated contribution of nearly 1% to India's
The Indian. Telecommunications network with 110.Q1 million connections
is the fifth largest in the world and the second largest among the emerging
economies of Asia. Today, it is the fastest growing market in the world and
represents unique opportunities for U.S. companies in the stagnant global scenario.
The total subscriber base, which has grown by 40% in 2005, is expected to reach
250 million in 2007. According to Broadband Policy 2004, Government of India
aims at 9 million broadband connections and 18 million internet connections by
2007. The wireless subscriber base has jumped from 33.69 million in 2004 to
62.57 million in FY2004- 2005. In the last 3 years, two out of every three new
telephone subscribers were wireless subscribers. Consequently, wireless now
accounts for 54.6% of the total telephone subscriber base, as compared to only
40% in 2003. Wireless subscriber growth is expected to bypass 2.5 million new
subscribers per month by 2007. The wireless technologies currently in use are
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Code Division Multiple
Access ' (CDMA).. There are primarily 9 GSM and 5 CDMA operators providing
mobile services in 19 telecom circles and 4 metro cities, covering 2000 towns
across the country.

Evolution of the industry-Important Milestones

History of Indian Telecommunications


1851 First operational land lines were laid by the government near
Calcutta (seat of British power)

1881 Telephone service introduced in India

1883 Merger with the postal system

1923 Formation of Indian Radio Telegraph Company (IRT)

1932 Merger of ETC and IRT into the Indian Radio and Cable
Communication Company (IRCC)

1947 Nationalization of all foreign telecommunication companies to

form the Posts, Telephone and Telegraph (PTT), a monopoly
run by the government's Ministry of Communications

1985 Department of Telecommunications (DOT) established, an

exclusive provider of domestic and long-distance service that
would be its own regulator (separate from the postal system)

1986 Conversion of DOT into two wholly government-owned

companies: the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) for
international telecommunications and Mahanagar Telephone
Nigam Limited (MTNL) for service in metropolitan areas.

1997 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India created.

1999 Cellular Services are launched in India. New National

Telecom Policy is adopted.

2000 DoT becomes a corporation, BSNL.

Major Players

There are three types of players in telecom services:

 -State owned companies (BSNL and MTNL)

 -Private Indian owned companies (Reliance Infocomm, Tata Teleservices,)

 -Foreign invested companies (Hutchison-Essar, Bharti Tele-Ventures,

Escotel, Idea Cellular, BPL Mobile, Spice Communications)


On October 1, 2000 the Department of Telecom Operations, Government • of

India became a corporation and was renamed Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
(BSNL). BSNL is now India's leading telecommunications company and the
largest public sector undertaking. It has a network of over 45 million lines
covering 5000 towns with over 35 million telephone connections.

The state-controlled BSNL operates basic, cellular (GSM and CDMA)

mobile, Internet and long distance services throughout India (except Delhi and
Mumbai). BSNL will be expanding the network in line with the Tenth Five-
Year Plan (1992-97). The aim is to provide a telephone density of 9.9 per
hundred by March 2007. BSNL, which became the third operator of GSM
mobile services in most circles, is now planning to overtake Bharti to become
the largest GSM operator in the country. BSNL is also the largest operator in
the Internet market, with a share of 21 per cent of the entire subscriber base.


Established in 1985, Bharti has been a pioneering force in the telecom sector with
many firsts and innovations to its credit, ranging from being the first mobile
service in Delhi, first private basic telephone service provider in the country, first
Indian company to provide comprehensive telecom services outside India in
Seychelles and first private sector service provider to launch National Long
Distance Services in India. Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited was incorporated on July
7, 1995 for promoting investments in telecommunications services. The group has
a total customer base of 6.45 million, of which 5.86 million are mobile and
588,000 fixed line customers, as of January 31, 2004. In mobile, Bharti's footprint
extends across 15 circles.


MTNL was set up on 1st April 1986 by the Government of India to upgrade the
quality of telecom services, expand the telecom network, introduce new services
and to raise revenue for telecom development needs of India's key metros - Delhi,
the political capital, and Mumbai, the business capital. In the past 17 years, the
company has taken rapid strides to emerge as India's leading and one of Asia's
largest telecom operating companies. The Govt, of India currently holds 56.25%
stake in the company.

MTNL has over 5 million subscribers and 329,374 mobile subscribers.
While the market for fixed wire line phones is stagnating, MTNL faces intense
competition from the private players—Bharti, Hutchison and Idea Cellular,
Reliance Infocomm—in mobile services. MTNL recorded sales of Rs. 60.2 billion
($1.38 billion) in the year 2002-03, a decline of 5.8 per cent over the previous
year's annual turnover of Rs.63.92 Billion.


Reliance is a $16 billion integrated oil exploration to refiner}' to power and

textiles conglomerate. It is also an integrated telecom service provider with
licenses for mobile, fixed, domestic long distance and international services.
Reliance Info comm offers a complete range of telecom services, covering mobile
and fixed line telephony including broadband, national and international long
distance services, data services and a wide range of value added services and
applications. Reliance India Mobile, the first of Info comm's initiatives was
launched on December 28, 2002. This marked the beginning of Reliance's vision of
ushering in a digital revolution in India by becoming a major catalyst in improving
quality of life and changing the face of India. lt has rolled out its CDMA mobile
network and enrolled more than 6 million subscribers in one year to become the
country's largest mobile operator. It now wants to increase its market share and has
recently launched pre-paid services. Having captured the voice market, it intends to
attack the broadband market.


Tata Teleservices is a part of the $12 billion Tata Group, which has 93 companies,
over 200,000 employees and more than 2.3 million shareholders. Tata Teleservices
provides basic (fixed line services), using CDMA technology in six circles:
Maharashtra (including Mumbai), New Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu,
Gujarat, and Karnataka. It has over 800,000 subscribers. It has now migrated to
unified access licenses, by paying a Rs. 5.45 billion ($120 million) fee, which
enables it to provide fully mobile services as well.

The company is also expanding its footprint, and has paid Rs. 4.17 billion
($90million) to DoT for 11 new licenses under the IUC (interconnect usage
charges) regime. The new licenses, coupled with the six circles in which it already
operates, virtually gives the CDMA mobile operator a national footprint that is
almost on par with BSNL and Reliance Infocomm. The company hopes to start off
services in these 11 new circles by August 2004. These circles include Bihar,
Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Kolkata, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar
Pradesh (East) & West and West Bengal.


On April 1, 1986, the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) - a wholly

Government owned corporation - was born as successor to OCS. The company
operates a network of earth stations, switches, submarine cable systems, and value
added service nodes to provide a range of basic and value added services and has a
dedicated work force of about 2000

employees. VSNL's main gateway centers are located at Mumbai, New Delhi,
Kolkata and Chennai. The international telecommunication circuits are derived via
Intelsat and Inmarsat satellites and wide band submarine cable systems e.g. FLAG,
SEA-ME-WE-2 and SEA-ME-WE-3.


Mumbai, Septemberl9,2007:Vodafone, the world's leading international mobile

communications company, has fully arrived in India. Vodafone Essar announced
today that the Vodafone brand will be launched in India from 21st September
onwards. The popular and endearing brand, Hutch, will be transitioned to
Vodafone across India. This marks a significant chapter in the evolution of
Vodafone as a dynamic and ever-growing brand. The brand change over the next
few weeks will be unveiled nationally through a high profile campaign covering all
important media.

Vodafone Essar is the Indian subsidiary of Vodafone Group and

commenced operations in 1994 when its predecessor Hutchison Telecom acquired
the cellular license for Mumbai. The company now has operations across the

country with over 71.54 million customers. IDEA:

Indian regional operator IDEA Cellular Ltd. has a new ownership structure and
grand designs to become a national player, but in doing so is likely lo become a
thorn in the side of Reliance Communications Ltd. IDEA operates in eight
telecom "circles," or regions, in Western India, and has received additional GSM
licenses to expand its network into three circles in Eastern India — the first phase
of a major expansion plan that it intends to fund through an IPO, according to
parent company Aditya Birla group.

Latest Customers + Revenue Market Share of Top5 Telecom Cos in

Results of all the Telecom Companies for the quarter ending June-2009:

 BhartiAirtel has 24.3% customer market share and 33.8% revenue

market share.
 Vodafone India has 18.8% customer market share and 20.7% revenue
market share.

 Idea Cellular has 11.2% subscribers market share and 12.1% revenue
market share

 BSNL has subscriber share of 12.7% and mere 10.2% of revenue share

 Reliance Communications is with 18.9% customer market share and

pathetic 11.5% revenue market share.




consumar share market
revenue share market

airtel vodafone idea bsnl reliance


Type State-owned
Founded 19th century, incorporated 2000
Headquarters Bharat Sanchar Bhavan,
Mathur Lane,Janapth,New Delhi
Key people Kuldeep Goyal(Chairman) & (MD)
Industry Telecommunications
Products wire less,telephone internet
Revenue USS 7.03 billion (2009)
Owners(s) The Government of India
Employees 357,000-march 31,2009
Web site

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (known as BSNL, India Communications
Corporation Limited) is a state-owned telecommunication company in India.
BSNL is the fourth largest cellular service provider, with over 53.96 million
customers as of March 31, 2009 and the largest land line telephone provider in
India. Its headquarters are at Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Harish Chandra Mathur
Lane, Janpath, New Delhi. It has the status of Mini Ratna, a status assigned to
reputed public sector companies in India.

BSNL is India's oldest and largest Communication Service Provider (CSP).

Currently has a customer base of 90 million as of June 2008. f3] It has footprints
throughout India except for the metropolitan cities of Mumbai and New Delhi
which are managed by MTNL. As on March 31, 2008 BSNL commanded a
customer base of 31.55 million Wire line, 4.58 million CDMA-WLL and 54.21
million GSM Mobile subscribers. BSNL's earnings for the Financial Year ending
March 31, 2009 stood at INR 397.15b (US$7.03 billion) with net profit of INR
78.06b (US$1.90 billion). BSNL has an estimated market value of $ 100 Billion.
The company is planning an IPO within 6 months to offload 10% to public in the
Rs 300-400 range valuing the company at over $100 billion.

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. formed in October, 2000, is World's 7th largest
Telecommunications Company providing comprehensive range of telecom
services in India: Wire line, CDMA mobile, GSM Mobile, Internet, Broadband,
Carrier service, MPLS-VPN, VSAT, VoIP services, IN Services etc. Presently it
is one of the largest & leading public sector units in India.

BSNL has installed Quality Telecom Network in the country and now
focusing on improving it, expanding the network, introducing new telecom
services with ICT applications in villages and wining customer's confidence.
Today, it has about 47.3 million line basic telephone capacity, 4 million WLL
capacity, 49.76 Million GSM Capacity, more than 37382 fixed exchanges, 46565
BTS, 3895 Node B ( 3G BTS), 287 Satellite Stations, 480196 Rkm of OFC Cable,
63730 Rkm of Microwave Network connecting 602 Districts, 7330 cities/towns
and 5.5 Lakhs villages.

BSNL is the only service provider, making focused efforts and planned
initiatives to bridge the Rural-Urban Digital Divide ICT sector. In fact there is no
telecom operator in the country to beat its reach with its wide network giving
services in every nook & corner of country and operates across India except Delhi
& Mumbai. Whether it is inaccessible areas of Siachen glacier and North-eastern
region of the country, BSNL serves its customers with its wide bouquet of telecom

BSNL is numero uno operator of India in all services in its license area. The
company offers vide ranging & most transparent tariff schemes designed to suite
every customer.

BSNL cellular service, CellOne, has 55,140,282 2G cellular customers and

88,493 3G customers as on 30.11.2009. In basic services, BSNL is miles ahead of
its rivals, with 35.1 million Basic Phone subscribers i.e. 85 per cent share of the
subscriber base and 92 percent share in revenue terms.

BSNL has more than 2.5 million WLL subscribers and 2.5 million Internet
Customers who access Internet through various modes viz. Dial-up, Leased Line,
DIAS, Account Less Internet (CLI). BSNL has been adjudged as the NUMBER
ONE ISP in the country.

BSNL has set up a world class multi-gigabit, multi-protocol convergent IP

infrastructure that provides convergent services like voice, data and video through
the same Backbone and Broadband Access Network. At present there are 0.6
million DataOne broadband customers.

The company has vast experience in Planning, Installation, network integration

and Maintenance of Switching & Transmission Networks and also has a world
class ISO 9000 certified Telecom Training Institute. Scaling new heights of
success, the present turnover of BSNL is more than Rs.351,820 million (US $ 8
billion) with net profit to the tune of Rs.99,390 million (US $ 2.26 billion) for last
financial year. The infrastructure alone is worth aboutRs.630, 000million
(US$14.37billion). BSNL plans to expand its customer base from present 47
million lines to 125 million lines by December 2007 and infrastructure investment
plan to the tune of Rs. 733 crores (US$ 16.67 million) in the next three years.

The turnover, nationwide coverage, reach, comprehensive range of telecom

services and the desire to excel has made BSNL the No. 1 Telecom Company of


 To become the largest telecom Service Provider in Asia.

 Be the leading Telecom Service Provider in India with global presence.

Create a customer focused organization with excellence in sales, marketing

and customer care.

 Leverage technology to provide affordable and innovative products/services

across customer segments provide a conducive work environment with

strong focus on performance Establish efficient business processes enabled
by IT.


 To provide world class State-of-art technology telecom services to its

customers on demand at competitive price,
 To Provide world class telecom infrastructure in its area of Operation and to
contribute to the growth of the country's economy.


• To be the Lead Telecom Services Provider.

• To provide quality and reliable fixed telecom service to our customer and
thereby increase customer's confidence.
• To provide mobile telephone service of high quality and become no. 1
GSM operator in its area of operation.

• To provide point of interconnection to other service provider as per their

requirement promptly.

• To facilitate R&D activity in the country.


Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, the largest Public Sector Undertaking of the
Nation, is certainly on a financial ground that's sound.

The Company has a net worth of Rs. 88,634 crores (US$ 17.40 billion),
authorized equity capital of Rs. 10,000 crores (US $ 1.96 billion), Paid up Equity
Share Capital of Rs. 5,000 crores (US $ 0.98 billion) and Revenues is Rs. 35,812
crores (US $ 7.03 billion) in 2008-09.

(Note: 1 US $ = 50.9500 INR as on 31-03-2009)

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has got net fixed assets valuing more than Rs.
54,321 Crores (US $ 10.67 billion), which are in the form of Land, Buildings
Cables, Apparatus & Plants etc. as on 31.03.2009.


Revenue earned by BSNL during last five years

Gross Investment in Fixed Assets:
The BSNL is making substantial investment year to year for its network expansion
and modernization. During the current financial year BSNL has made the gross
investment of Rs. 8,613 crore ( US $ 1.69 billion) in Fixed Assets. These
investments have been financed by the internal accruals.

Cumulative Capital Outlay

BSNL has Gross Fixed Assets of over Rs. 132243 Crores (US $ 25.96 billion)

BSNL's future plan include a fast expansion programme of increasing the present
34 million lines to twice that number by 2005 and some 120 million lines by 2010.

The shift in demand from voice to data domination, and from wire line to
wireless, has revolutionized the very nature of the network. BSNL has already set
in place several measures that should enable it to evolve into a fully integrated
multi-operator by 2005 and its incumbent status, size, infrastructure and human
resource should certainly, give it a distinct advantage.

Consolidation of the network and maintaining high quality of service

comparable to International standards is the key aim of the Growth Plan. Objective
of the plan are:

♦ The telephone connection shall be provided on demand and it shall be


♦ The Network shall be made fully digital. All the technologically obsolete
analog exchanges will be replaced with digital exchanges

♦ To provide digital transmission links up to all SDCAs.

♦ Digital connectivity shall be made available to all the exchanges by 2007.

♦ Extensive use of Optical fiber System in the local, Junction and long
distance network so as to make available sufficient bandwidth for the
spread of Internet and Information technology.

♦ ISDN services shall be extended to all the district headquarters, subject

to demand.

♦ To provide Intelligent Network Services, progressively all over the

country (major cities have already been covered).

♦ To set up Internet Nodes progressively up to District headquarters level.

♦ Upgrading existing STD/ISD PCOs to full fledged Public Tele-Info

Centers (PTIC) for supporting Multimedia capability and Internet

♦ Replacement of life expired, analogue coaxial and radio systems.

♦ Introduction of Wireless technology (Supporting Internet Access) and

optical fiber technology in subscriber loop.

♦ Introduction of latest telecom services like National directory enquiry,

computerization etc.

♦ Cellular Mobile Service 'Cell One' of BSNL was launched on 19th

October 2002 . The scheme will cover 4 million customers in two
phases. Phase-I will cover about 1.5 million customers covering about
1000 cities during 2002-03, which will be expanded to 4 million in

• National Internet Backbone of BSNL
• Voice over IP
• Broadband Services - ADSL & High Speed Internet
• Managed Leased Line Network (MLLN)
• Access Network - LMDS, DLCs, RLC etc.

• Internet Exchange Points - IXP & Internet Data Centers (IDC)

• E-Commerce.

National Internet Backbone OF BSNL

The National Internet Backbone of BSNL consists of 432 Point of Presence( POP)
that gives it the capability of transporting IP traffic from every hook and corner of
the country. This network provides internet services to more than 1 million dial-
up customers including about 3.5 lakh customers on CLI basis.

2nd in the line of IP network, BSNL commissioned a state-of-the-art Multi

Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) NETWORK TAKING India into the next stage
of the IP evolution. This network has 10 physical nodes with all district
headquarters designated as virtual nodes. This network has opened up a new
market segment of secure and reliable Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) for
corporate customers.

The latest endeavor of BSNL is a world-class multi-gigabit multiprotocol,
convergent IP infrastructure which will provide voice, data and video services
through the same backbone. In terms of infrastructure for broadband services, this
would put India at par with more advanced nations. Designated as NIB-II this will
be implemented in the form of four projects.
■ Project 1 involves building up of MPLS backbone
■ Project 2.1 is for narrow band access
■ Project 2.2 is for broadband access

■ Project 3 is to put systems and processes in place to integrate network

All the above projects in form of NIB-II are at different stages of implementation
and as per schedule .They will be operational in the third quarter of this year.

The services that will be available to customers when NIB-II is in place:

• Narrowband and broadband Internet access.

• Narrowband and broadband Internet access.

• Managed OPE
• Value Added Services like encryption, firewall and NAT
• Messaging: Plain Vanilla and feature rich

• Data Center Services: web hosting and web-collocation.

• Content based Services: e.g. video multicast, video on demand,

interactive gaming.

When it comes to connecting the four comers of the nation, and much beyond, one
solitary name lies embedded at the pinnacle - BSNL. A company that has gone past
the number games and the quest to attain the position of a leader. It is working
round the clock to take India into the future by providing world class telecom
services for people of India. BSNL is India's no. 1 Telecom Service provider and
most trusted Telecom brand of the Nation.

Driven by the very best of telecom technology from chosen global leaders,
it connects each inch of the nation to the infinite corners of the globe, to enable
you to step into tomorrow.

Here is an overview of the World Class services offered by the BSNL:

Basic Telephone Services

The Plain old, Countrywide telephone Service through 32,000 electronic
exchanges. Digitalized Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) with a host
of Phone Plus value additions.

BSNL launched DataOne broadband service in January 2005 which shall

be extended to 198 cities very shortly. The service is being provided on existing
copper infrastructure on ADSL2 technology. The minimum speed offered to the
customer is 256 Kbps at Rs. 250/- per month only. Subsequently, other services
such as VPN, Multicasting, Video Conferencing, Video-on-Demand, Broadcast
application etc will be added.


Keeping the global network of Networks networked, the countrywide Internet

Services of BSNL under the brand name includes Internet dial up/ Leased line
access, CLI based access (no account is required) and DIAS service, for web
browsing and E-mail applications. You can use your dialup sancharnet account
from any place in India using the same access no '172233', the facility which no
other ISP has. BSNL has customer base of more than 1.7 million for sancharnet

BSNL also offers Web hosting and co-location services at very cheap rates.


Integrated Service Digital Network Service of BSNL utilizes a unique digital

network providing high speed and high quality voice, data and image transfer over
the same line. It can also facilitate both desktop video and high quality video


Intelligent Network Service (In Service) offers value-added services, such as:

• India Telephone Card (Prepaid card)

• Free Phone Service (FPH)
• Account Card Calling (ACC)
• Virtual Private Network (VPN)

• Tele-voting

• Premium Rae Service (PRM)

• Universal Access Number (UAN) and more

India s x.25 based packet Switched Public Data Network is operational in 104
cities of the country. It offers x.25 x.28 leased, x.28 Dial up (PSTN) Connection)
and frame relay services.


BSNL provides leased lines for voice and data communication for various
application on point to point basis. It offers a choice of high, medium and low
speed leased data circuits as well as dial-up lines. Bandwidth is available on
demand in most cities. Managed Leased Line Network (MLLN) offers flexibility
of providing circuits with speeds of nx64 kbps up to 2mbps, useful for Internet
leased lines and International Principle Leased Circuits (IPLCs).



BSNL's GSM cellular mobile service Cellone has a customer base of over 5.2
million. BSNL Mobile provides all the services like MMS, GPRS, Voice Mail, E-
mail, Short Message Service (SMS) both national and international, unified
messaging service (send and receive e-mails) etc. You can use BSNL Mobile in
over 160 countries worldwide and in 270 cellular networks and over 1000
cities/towns across India. It has got coverage in all National and State Highways
and train routes. BSNL Mobile offers all India Roaming facility to both pre-paid
and post-paid customers (including Mumbai & Delhi).


This is a communication system that connects customers to the Public Switched

Telephone Network (PSTN) using radio frequency signals as a substitute for
conventional wires for all or part of the connection between the subscribers and the
telephone exchange.

• Countrywide WLL is being offered in areas that are non-feasible for the
normal network.

• Helping relieve congestion of connections in the normal cable/wire based

network in urban areas.

• Connecting the remote and scattered rural areas.

• Limited mobility without any air-time charge


BSNL is in the process of commissioning of a world class, multi-gigabit, multi-

protocol, convergent IP infrastructure through National Internet Backbone-II
(NIB-II), that will provide convergent services through the same backbone and
broadband access network. The Broadband service will be available on DSL
technology (on the same copper cable that is used for connecting telephone), on a
countrywide basis spanning 198 cities.

In terms of infrastructure for broadband services NIB-II would put India at

par with more advanced nations. The services that would be supported includes
always-on broadband access to the Internet for residential and business customers,
Content based services, Video multicasting, Video-on-demand and Interactive
gaming, Audio and Video conferencing, IP Telephony, Distance learning,

Messaging: plain and feature rich, Multi-site MPLS VPNs with Quality of Service
(QoS) guarantees. The subscribe will be able to access the above services through
Subscriber Service Selection System (SSSS) portal.

Key Objectives

 To provide high speed Internet connectivity (up to 8 Mbps)

 To provide dial VPN service to MPLS VPN customers.
 To provide Virtual Private Network (VPN) service to the broadband
 To provide multicast video services, video-on-demand, etc. through the
Broadband Remote Access Server (BRAS).
 To provide a means to bill for the aforesaid services by either time-based or
volume-based billing. It shall provide the customer with the option to select
the services through web server
 To provide both pre-paid and post paid broadband services Services
available through Broadband

 High speed Internet Access: This is the always-on Internet access service
with speed ranging from 256 kbps to 8 Mbps.

 Multicasting: This is to provide video multicast services for application in

distance education, telemedicine etc

 Dial VPN Service: This service allows remote users to access their private
network securely over the NIB-II infrastructure.

 Video and Audio Conferencing

 Content based Services: Like Video on Demand, Interactive Gaming, Live

and time shifted TV

Several Steps have been taken at BSNL to augment the quality of customer
care to international standards.

 Access round the clock help at following toll free numbers

 Dataone Broadband' 1600-424-1600'
 PSTN Call Center' 1500' (in select states)
 Sancharnet Help Desk' 1957'
 CellOne all India Help '9400024365'

 All BSNL Customer Service Centers (CSCs) remain open on all seven days
from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM without any break for all activities.

 Cheque deposit machines have also been installed in many cities, so that
customers can make payments 24X7 at their convenience.

 Customers can also make payments by cheque/Demand Draft to BSNL

franchisees all over the country.

 With a view to simplify and offer customer friendly services, more than one
Bfone connections can be applied on a single application form. Accordingly, a
single demand note would be issued to the customer in respect of all the
connections applied for.

 Shifting charges for local as well as all India shifting of fixed telephone (bfone)
has been abolished.

 Pagers being given to outdoor staff in a phased manner for speedy rectification
of faults.

 Majority of the local network is built up on jelly filled and OFC for trouble free
 Internal Distribution Points (DPs) being provided in the customer premises to
eliminate the faults arising out of overhead wires.

 Extensive use of digital loop carrier (DLC)/Wireless in Local Loop (WLL)

system for improving reliability of external plant.

 Remote Line Units (RLUs). Remote subscriber Units (RSUs) being provided
extensively to reduce the long lengths of copper cables.

 Establishing call centers across the nation to provide single window solutions
and convenience to customers

 Countrywide Network Management & Surveillance System (NMSS) to ensure

uninterrupted and efficient flow of telecom traffic.

 Application Forms for new connections have been made free of charge for all

 Procedure for restoration of telephones disconnected due to nonpayment

simplified and powers delegated to Secondary Switching Area (SSA) heads

 Payment of telephone bills being received on Saturday and Sunday through

cheques in City Telecom Offices (CTOs).
 More than one Public Call Office(PCO) permitted at the same premises
 Various application forms and procedures being simplified for new telephone
connections, shifting and third party transfer.


BSNL is committed to provide quality Telecom Services at affordable price to the

citizens of the remotest part of the Country. BSNL is making all effort to ensure
that the main objectives of the new Telecom Policy 1999 (salient points indicated
below) are achieved:

Access to telecommunications is of utmost importance for achievement of the

country's social and economic goals. Availability of affordable and effective
communications for the citizens is at the core of the vision and goal of the new
Telecom policy 1999.

Strive to provide a balance between the provision of universal service to all

uncovered areas, including the rural areas, and the provision of high-level services
capable of meeting the needs of the country's economy;

Encourage development of telecommunication facilities in remote, hilly and tribal

areas of the country;

Transform in a time bound manner, the telecommunications sector to a greater

competitive environment in both urban and rural areas providing equal
opportunities and level playing field for all players;


Till recently, most marketers focused on traditional modes of marketing to segment

and acquire few customers from its target segments, using the tools and techniques
developed for mass marketing in the industrial era, as a way to engender growth. In
the present competitive era, this is proving to be highly ineffective. Today, there is
a different approach to business that involves relationship marketing, customer
retention and cross-selling, leading to customer extension, which is a far cry from
the traditional segmentation model.

The relative and market emergence of CRM as a business strategy has

radically transformed the way organization operates. There has been a shift in
business focus from transactional to relationship marketing where the customer is
at the center of all business activity and organizations are now desperately trying
to restructure their process around the needs of their strategically significant
customers. The critical driver of such a seismic shift towards customer orientation
is the realization that customers are a business asset that when managed effectively
can derive continuous and sustainable economic value for an organization over
their lifetime.

The dynamics of the business ecosystem have changed the way in which
companies do business both in relationship management and the streamlining of
their operations. Relationship marketing is emerging as the core marketing activity
for business operating in fiercely competitive environments. On an average,
businesses spend six times more to acquire new customers than to keep them.
Therefore, many firms are now paying

more attention to their relationships with existing customers to retain them and
increase their share of customer's purchases. The practice of relationship marketing
also has the potential to improve marketing productivity through improved
marketing efficiencies and effectiveness.

Retaining and developing customers has long been a critical success factor
for businesses. In that sense, Customer Relationship Management is not new,
previously falling under the guise of customer satisfaction. Worldwide, service
organizations have been pioneers in developing customer retention strategies.
Banks have relationship managers for select customers, airlines have frequent flyer
programs to reward loyal customers, credit card companies offer redeemable
bonus points for increased card usage, telecom service operators provide
customized services to their heavy users, and hotels have personalized services for
their regular guests. It is, however, with the rapid rise of new entrants into the
market place and increased competition that companies in other sectors have
recognized the business potential within a captured base.

Sluggish growth rates, intensifying competition and technological

developments businesses induced to reduce costs and improve their effectiveness.
Business process re-engineering, automation and downsizing reduced the
manpower costs. Financial restructuring and efficient fund management reduced
the financial costs. Production and operation costs have been reduced through
Total Quality Management (TQM), Just in Time (JIT) inventory, Flexible
Manufacturing Systems (FMS) and efficient Supply Chain Management (SCM).
However, reduction in costs alone is no longer enough or is necessarily an
effective strategy.

In facing the competitive threats, such as new entrants, pricing pressures,
technology along with the related costs and also including the time lags in
procuring, maintaining and strengthening one's market, more and more
organizations are realizing that the traditional marketing models is no longer
effective. With a flood of new entrants offering quality products and. services at
lower prices; many sectors have been turned into commodity markets.

In a market place where loyalty has plummeted and the cost of acquiring
new customers is prohibitive, companies have turned to their current customers in
an attempt not only to retain them but to exploit the potential within. This has
enabled them not only to respond to the threats in their market place but also
positioned them strategically to take advantage of the opportunities available.


The benefits of customer relationship management are considered abound. It

allows organizations not only to retain customers, but enables more effective
marketing, creates intelligent opportunities for cross selling and opens up the
possibility of rapid introduction of new brands and products. To be able to deliver
these benefits, organizations must be able to customize their product offering,
optimize price, integrate products and services and deliver the service as promised
and demanded by the customer base.

Keeping the customer happy is obviously one way of ensuring that they
stay with the organization. However, by maintaining an overall relationship with
the customer, companies are able to unlock the potential of their customer base
and maximize the contribution to their business. Whilst the value of customer
relationship management has been identified by organizations, the full
implications and benefits are yet to be. Those responsible for delivery are perhaps
the most informed about these strategic benefits yet the transformation is a long-
drawn-out process.

The strategic benefits of customer relationship management allow

companies to reduce the cost of customer acquisition and give established players
the ability to react like a new market entrant, the very people they are battling
against. Ironically these are increased and the potential of customers can be then
capitalized through cross selling of other products and services. It is important to
understand the key benefits of CRM for most companies. These benefits generally
fall into three categories: cost savings, revenue enhancement, and strategic impact.

Based on successful CRM implementations, the following benefits seem

• Increased sales revenues. Increased sales result from spending more time
with customers, which results from spending less time chasing, needed
information (i.e., productivity improvement).
• Increased with rates. Win rates improve since companies can withdraw from
unlikely or bad deals earlier on in the sale process.
• Increased margins. Increased margins resulting from knowing customers
better, providing a value-sell, and discounting prices. Improved customer
satisfaction ratings. This increase occurs since customers find the company
to be more responsive and better in touch with their specific needs.
• Decreased general sales and marketing administrative costs. This decrease
occurs since the company has specified its target segment customers, it
knows their needs better, and thus it is not wasting money and time for
example, on mailing information to all customers in all existing and
potential target segments.


Customer relationship management does not enable a quick win. It is a long-term

approach that has to be adopted at a strategic level. However, the journey of
understanding the strategic benefits of relationship management has just begun.
To a greater degree, companies have understood the implications of customer
relationship management and have identified the risk to their business of not doing
so, namely loss of customers and competitive attach.

They are yet to look at the bigger picture and understand all of the
associated benefits that would enable their business strategies to be successful. The
competencies required to deliver these customer benefit are: to deliver on its
service promise, integrate products and service channels effectively, customize
products, service and their respective prices, create opportunities for cross selling
and delivery mechanisms for the onward promotion of these products and services
and reduce the gestation period to market by allowing quick and effective
introduction of new products and services.


On the basis of business srocess automation analysis of operational data, and

customer interaction software, CRM can also be seen as the following types:

1. Operational
2. Analytical
3. Collaborative

The automation of horizontally integrated business processes involving front
office customer touch points - sales, marketing, and customer service (call centre,
field service) - via multiple, interconnected delivery channels and integration
between front office and back office. The operational CRM is a process or an
approach, which involves the areas where direct customer contact is possible.
Operational CRM represents the automation of business processes involving

Its purpose is to provide transaction level data about individuals and

products, and provide support for customer facing process, such as direct mail,
phone interactions, Web-based communications, and point of sale information.

Because operational solutions directly effect the customer, they are very
appealing and often are the first implemented components of a CRM are:

 Sale force automation
o Account Management
o Opportunity Management
o Contact Management
o Activities Management
o Price and Product List Configuration

o Sales Incentives Plans

o Sales Forecasting and Reporting

 Customer Service automation

o Service Request / Customer Complaints Management
o Web-enabled Contact Center Management
o A customer interaction centre (CIC) is a critical component of operational
CRM, whether implemented for sale, marketing, or customer service
functions. The CIC accommodates multiple channel for customer
interaction and critical functions, including customer service/support,
field service dispatch, quality management, intelligent routing, case-based
reasoning, and knowledge repositories. The CIS is the intelligent routing,
case-base reasoning, and knowledge repositories. The CIS is the key to
consolidating customer interaction and developing and unified, enterprise
view of the customer.
o Sale Force Automation, also known as "technology Enabled Selling
(TES)'\ SFA is the application of information systems technologies to
sales activities. This includes accurate business forecasts,
generating customized

presentation and proposals and personalized communications by the field
representatives. It also handles the entire sales pipeline from lead
generation to closure and activities like calendar, diary management.
o Call centre systems provide extensive customer service by enabling

customers to receive any information they need, answering their queries,

buying products and receiving, payments promptly.
Includes customized service and support addressing specific issues
raised by customers, tracking cases and escalations, track progress, and
identifying opportunities to cross/up-sell.
o Order management - In the simplest sense, this includes quote generation,

campaigns; and service requests, pricing and ordering of products.

o Invoicing or billing this includes multiple order billing, multicurrency billing

and pricing functionalities in a minimal feature tool.

o Marketing automation and Management enable companies to measure and
track campaigns develop and refine strategies, gain insights into buying
behavior, revenues and profitability using marketing analytics.
o Today, the consumer approaches the business in far many ways than in the

past. The various interaction points are referred as "Customer Touch

o Technological Developments have made the job of a marketer more

difficult. The consumer today is flooded with information from various

sources to the extent that it

sometimes leads to information overload. For organizations, this is a major
problem as it means that there are several ways by which a prospect or a
customer learns about or experiences any organization.
o This could be the organization's catalogue, website, word of mouth through

customers, through employees of that organization, etc. all such sources

from which one gets in touch with the organization are called "Customer
Touch points."
o New sources of communication, faster means of transportation, changes in

life-style, increasing international trade and exposure to various media are

some of the reasons for an increase in the number of customer touch points.
This is a big challenge of organizations as in how to monitor so many
different sources in order to ensure that the same message reaches the end
o One of the most important customer touch point for any organization is the

Customer Care help line, wherein the customers can register their complaint
or get information about the products or services provided by that
organization. A large multinational bank once has had the entire process
such that after a phone connection had been established with the bank's call
centre, it took six-odd minutes to speak to the customer care executive. This
is a long time keeping in mind that many of the customers usually call when
they have some problem and want an immediate solution.


The analysis of data created on the operational side of the CRM equation for the
purpose of business performance management, Analytical CRM is inextricably
tied to data warehouse architecture and is most often manifested in analytical
applications that leverage data marts. Analytical CRM is the synthesis and
interpretation of operational data to identify opportunities, optimize customer
interactions and manage business performance. It also provides the insight into
customer behavior needed to implement intelligent personalization.

Analytics involves the capture, storage, extraction, processing,

interpretation and reporting customer data. It works on data gathered from
multiple sources; from marketing campaigns, key accounts and market or product
group, and is used as a strategic planning support tool. Analytical CRM takes the
information that operation CRM so diligently gathers, and runs algorithms over it
for analysis and interpretation purposes, to provide the insight and data
interpretation that is lacking in operational CRM. This includes:

1. Data warehouses: Data warehouse is system for storing and delivering

massive quantities of data that aids in analysis and decision-making. It is
frequently use for decision support within an organization, and also allows
the organization to classify its data, coordinate updates and identify
relationships between information gathered from different parts of the
2. Data marts: Data marts are subject-specific data warehouses; often
departmental or based on line-of-business.

3. Vertical and application-specific analytic tools.

4. Marketing Automation
 Campaign Management

 Database Marketing

 Outbound Call Center Management

5. Optimizes profitability, revenue and customer satisfaction Analysis

 What Are the Buying Patterns? Cross Selling Opportunities?
 Who are the Most Profitable Customers / Products / Services ?
 Competition?
6. Customer Profiting & Categorization.
7. Up Selling / Cross Selling of Products & Services

8. Fraud Analysis

9. Churn Management

Analytical CRM functions

The following are the functions of analytical CRM:

 Create a comprehensive customer knowledge base while ensuring privacy:

Capturing all relevant customer information from different sources,
channels, and touch-points before, during, and after the sale and then
integrating it into a customer knowledge base that provides a 360 degrees
view of the customer. This knowledge base must; however, be guarded with
utmost care so that the customers' right to privacy is never compromised in
any way.

 Measure and predict customer behavior by analyzing customer knowledge:
Applying a comprehensive set of analytical methods to measure and
optimize customer relationship and answering all relevant business
questions. The customer intelligence that results from this analysis
 Customer behavior: This is expressed through customer preference,
priorities, and activities.
 Customer Value: This is expressed in terms of customer profitability,
customer lifetime value, and potential.
 Customer portfolio: This requires developing a clear understanding of the
composition of customer portfolio and how it can be optimized.
 Deploy the results of the analysis to improve customer value: The insights
gained through the above analyses helps a company gear its CRM processes
towards customer centricity, and improve its customer interactions.
Following are possible outcomes of deployment of the analytical insights:
 Acquiring new profitable customers by cloning your best customers.
 Improving relationships with existing customers by addressing their
individual needs more effectively and more efficiently. This is
accomplished through automating and personalizing interactions with them
on the basis of the sound customer knowledge acquired through CRM
 Optimizing cross-selling and up-selling opportunities. Improving customer
loyalty and reducing a customer's propensity to churn.
 Targeting high-value customers: CRM analytics provides a company with
the knowledge of the customer lifetime value that enables a company to
focus its limited resources in marketing, sales, and service at high-value
 Integrate customer value into strategic enterprise management to improve
shareholder value. An improved understanding of customers and customer
segments facilitates integration of marketing sales, and service strategies
into the enterprise strategy.

Customer Analysis and Personalization Broadcast through Transaction

Information Segmentation All Channels

Customer Design Personalization Reach every Facilitate

Data Relevant For each Customer Interaction

Warehouse where


Collaborative CRM includes a suite of customer interaction software such as e-

mail management and conferencing tools. Collaborative CRM takes things a
stage further, and provides a point of interaction between customers, staff and
business partners, through new and traditional groupware/web technologies.

The application of collaborative service (e.g., personalized publishing, e-

mail, communities, conferencing, Web-enabled customer interaction centers) to
facilitate interactions between customers and organizations (e.g., customers to
sales, sales to marketing, organizational activities related to customer
information) for the purpose of improving co-ordination and communication,
thereby establishing lifetime customer value beyond the transaction (i.e., a

"partnering relationship"). This includes technologies such as:

Voice - Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Computer Telephony Integration (CTI),

and Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Conferencing - Web Conferencing
Response: Email, Fax and collaborative chatting.


Highlighting a few benefits whereby different types of CRM help enterprises:

o Retain existing customers, CRM helps increase customers loyalty by
tracking and coordinating all customer interactions It also gives the
customer a single, consistent and uniform experience irrespective of
the channel used to interact with the company.
o Attract, acquire, and grow new customers. CRM helps companies in
refining strategies and take timely action by providing real-time
feedback on marketing initiatives and sales leads through analysis and
o Recognize and take advantage of new competitive opportunities.
Because all interactions with a customer (or potential customer) are
tracked, opportunities for up selling and cross selling are more easily
o Improved response time to customer requests for information. With
24-hour access to information and faster tools for communication
such as email, web chat, etc., the customer can contact anytime and
from anywhere.

o Product meets customer requirements; Based on the customer like and
dislikes and with the capability of online configuration, companies or
customers can create products suiting their needs.
o Improved customer satisfaction, By analyzing the customer behavior
and providing a single view of the customer across the departments,
line-of-business or the interaction channels, CRM helps in better
servicing of the customer.
o Improved revenue and reduced cost, Becoming customer centric
increases revenue, profitability and employee productivity, as well as
improve overall shareholder value.

Facets & Elements of CRM :

1.CRM Vision : Leadership, Market Position, Value Proposition

2.CRM Strategy: Objectives, Segments, Effective Interaction

3 Valued Customer Experience Organizational collaboration

Understand Requirement culture and structure

Culture and Structure Monitor customer understanding

Expectations Satisfaction vs. people skill, competencies

5.CRM Process: Customer Life Cycle, Knowledge Management
6.CRM information: Data, Analysis, One view Across Channels

7.CRM Technology: Applications, Architecture, infrastructure

8.CRM Metrics: Value Retention, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Cost to Serve

Achieving the long-term value of customer relationship management (CRM)
requires a strategy involving the whole business and should be approached at an
enterprise level. Only a small, but growing, number of enterprises are tackling
CRM at this level, with most CRM initiatives consisting of departmental projects
or attempts to integrate the work of multiple projects.

Executing enterprise-level CRM is not easy. It requires board-level vision

and leadership to drive a. “relentless focus on the customer." It involves learning
new customer management skills, potentially difficult changes to processes,
culture and organization, and grappling with the technology challenges of
multichannel alignment, systems integration and data quality. Even if the board
accepts the need for enterprise-level CRM, the quarterly demands of revenue and
profit targets, especially in delicate economic conditions, often mean that,
although CRM is the most important challenge facing an enterprise, it is not seen
as the most urgent.

This typically results in a focus on isolated tactical "quick wins" until

conditions are better. Through 2005, enterprises that use a strategic CRM
framework to estimate, plan and promote their CRM initiatives while building up
their capabilities in small piloted steps are twice as likely to achieve planned
business benefits as enterprises that pursue projects without framework (0.7

The framework emphasizes the need to create a balance between the

requirements of the enterprise and the customer. The two central building blocks
in the Figure (value customer experience and organizational collaboration) are
joined by a yin and yang motif to emphasize that this is where people meet, build
relationships and provide value to each other.

Through 2005, 90 percent of successful CRM initiatives will have balanced the
needs of improved customer experience with improved organizational
collaboration (0.8 probability). Too many CRM initiatives suffer from an inward
focus on the enterprise, whereas the point of CRM is to achieve a balance between
value to shareholders or stakeholders and value to customers for mutually
beneficial relationships.

1 • Vision: Successful CRM demands a clear vision so that a strategy and

implementation can be developed to achieve it. The CRM vision is how the
customer-centric enterprise wants to look and feel to its customers and
prospects - the customer value position (CVP) and the corporate brand values
are key to the CRM vision.
Without a CRM vision, the enterprise will not stand out from the
competition, target customers will not know what to expect from it and
employees will not know what to deliver in terms of external customer
experience. A successful CRM vision is the cornerstone to motivating staff,
generating customer loyalty and gaining a greater market share. "Creating a
CRM Vision" defines a CRM vision, outlines the key steps and challenges in
creating it and discusses its role in creating a successful CRM program.

2 Strategy: A CRM strategy is not an implementation plan or road map A real

CRM strategy takes the direction and financial goals of the business strategy
and sets out how the enterprise is going to build customer loyalty - that "feel-
good factor" of customer connection with an enterprise that means customers
stay longer, buy more, recommend the enterprise to others and are more
willing to pay a

premium price: The objectives of a CRM strategy are to target, acquire, develop
and retain valuable customers to achieve corporate goals.

3. Valued Customer Experience: Customers' experiences when interacting with

the enterprise play a key role in shaping their perception of the enterprise - the
value it provides and the importance it place on the customer relationship.
Good customer experiences drive satisfaction, trust and long-term loyalty. Poor
customer experiences have the opposite effect and, because bad new travels
faster and further than good news, they harm the enterprise's ability to create
new relationships with prospects. No amount of internal "second guessing" can
simulate what it's really like to be a customer.

4. Organizational Collaboration : Many enterprises believe that implementing

CRM technologies makes them a customer-centric organization. They forget,
ignore or deliberately avoid the necessary changes to the enterprise itself. True
CRM means that individuals, teams and the whole enterprise must become
more focused on the needs and wants of the customer.
The term "organizational collaboration, ''highlights the many facets of
the customer-centric internal change needed to deliver the required and desired
external customer experience. As a critical part of a CRM program, it will
involve changing organizational structure, incentives and compensation, skills
and even the enterprise culture. Ongoing change management will be key.

5. Process: Past efforts to re-engineer processes were primarily driven by the
desire to improve the efficiency of an enterprise and reduce costs. The
beneficiary was the enterprise, not its customers. The rise in CRM has led to a
focus on reworking key processes that touch the customer and asking customers
which processes matter to them. We call this customer process re-entineering.
Enterprises frequently do not realize that their functionally fragmented
processes often mean that the customer has a poor experience and receives less
than the expected value.
Successful re-engineering should create processes that not only meet
customers' expectations, but also support the customer value proposition,
provide competitive differentiation and contribute to the desired customer

6. Information: Successful CRM requires a flow of customer information around

the organization and tight integration between operational and analytical
systems. Having the right information at the right time is fundamental to
successful CRM strategies, providing customer insight and allowing effective
interaction across any channel. Unfortunately, most enterprises' CRM
information capabilities are poor - the result of numerous and fragmented
departments, initiatives, databases and systems. Enterprises that establish a
business plan for sourcing, managing and leveraging their customer information
assets are more likely to achieve their CRM goals and objectives and gain a
competitive advantage.

7. Technology: For most technologists, CRM is all about technology, CRM
technologies are an essential enabler for any modem CRM business strategy,
but they are just one piece of the puzzle. Gartner has a wealth of ongoing
research into CRM technology issues and "Technology Decisions Are Key to
Enabling CRM Strategies" (DF-14-8082) looks at the key decisions that
enterprises have to take in three areas: CRM applications, architectural issues
and integration.
In many CRM projects, integration issues start as a relatively low
priority, and then rise in prominence (costs and time) as enterprises realize that
true CRM requires seamless customer-centric processes, supported by
integrated technology across the enterprise and its supply chain.

8 Matrics: The other seven building blocks depend on performance targets and
metrics to gauge their success, and enterprises must set measurable CRM
objectives and monitor CRM indicators to successfully turn customers into
assets. Without performance management, a CRM strategy and associated
program is destined to fail. A framework for measuring and enterprise's
success with CRM by creating a hierarchy of performance metrics involves
four levels, namely: corporate, customer strategic, operational and process, and
infrastructure input metrics. These metrics have an internal and an external
focus and link operations to strategy and corporate financial benefits. Each
enterprise will have a unique set of metrics applicable to their situation.

To achieve the long-term value of CRM, enterprise must understand that it is a
strategy involving the whole business, and thus should be approached at an
enterprise level. CRM initiatives need a framework to ensure that programs are
approached on a strategic, balanced and integrated basis.
Thus, Gartner defines customer relationship management (CRM) as a
business strategy that maximizes profitability, revenue and customer satisfaction

 Organizing around customer segments

 Fostering behavior that satisfied customers
 Implementing customer-centric processes.


Customer relationship management (CRM) strategies and the technologies that

enable them make it possible to figure out what customers want and the most
profitable ways to give it to them -important in an age when acquiring new
customers — is about five to 10 times the cost of retaining current ones. CRM
strategies are based on the premise that quick, accurate knowledge about customers
empowers organizations to increase the value of current customers, keep them
longer and more effectively acquire new customers.

A CRM strategy takes direction and financial goals from the business
strategy, and revisits the marketing strategy to customize it as shown in Figure. It
provides an overview of how the enterprise will build valuable customer
relationships and customer loyalty. The first stage in developing the CRM strategy
is to segment customers into categories, and to set objectives and metrics for each

The second stage is to assess the state of the customer base when viewed
as an asset. That can be achieved by plotting the strength and value of customer
relationships along two perspectives:

 How much does the customer value the enterprise?

 How much does the enterprise value the customer?

The result is a customer asset matrix as seen in Figure, which combines
the supplier's view of customer value segments with an estimate of the strength of
the customer relationship.

The third stage is to define the objectives to be met and the tactics to be
used. The customer strategy customizes the traditional marketing strategy for

different target customer segments, and thus supersedes it.

CRM strategy as derived from business strategy:

Business Strategy
How do we deliver stakeholder value and build competitive advantage?

Marketing Strategy CRMStrategy

How do we take advantage How do we get closer to the
of market opportunities and Customers to deliver value to
mitigate competitive threats? them and create value for us?
Market definition and audit Vision: customer experience
Vision: market position Customer definition, and behavior and
Analysis of strengths, weaknesses requirement audit
opportunities and threats Capability analysis
Target market segments Target customer segment by value
Objective for each market segment Objective for each customer
penetration, development, acquisition, development, retention
maintenance and productivity efficiency
Measures: market share, brand equity Measures: satisfaction, loyalty, cost
and to market penetration serve and employee satisfaction.
Based on product life cycle Based on the customer life cycle

Customer Asset Matrix:

Project Invest to Invest to Win Damage

Customer Large Share
Position Protect Over Limitation
Potential of Wallet
(Value to Counter Invest to Win the Careful

Entprise) Some Competition Build Opportunity Management

Potential Manage for Build Manage for Manage for

Profitability Selectively Revenue Revenue
* Transactional Manage for Manage for Manage for Consider
Profitability Profitability Revenue Divesting

HHighly Secure Secure Vulnerable Fragile

High Strength of Relationship Low

(Value to Customer).


Know your objectives — The idea is to keep and acquire customers with the
greatest value potential. By establishing objectives, one can determine specific,
quantifiable customer acquisition, development and retention targets that meet
corporate financial goals.

How this is best accomplished depends on the kind of organization and its
priorities. Of course, customer retention is important to just about all
organizations. Business-to-business enterprises aiming to become a preferred
supplier often give high priority to customer development. Business-to-consumer
enterprises with an eye to boosting market share concentrate on customer
acquisition. Government and non-profit organizations tend to care most about
customer satisfaction.

Know thyself- Start by answering these questions:

What are your enterprise's goals and imperatives?

What should be achieved with a CRM initiative?

What business units will be affected?

What's the condition of the IT infrastructure? What needs to be upgraded,


Transform your customer base into an asset - Be customer-centric. Focus

objectives on your customer life-cycle, which then mirror your product/service
life-cycle. This means:

 Analyze your customers. Look for ways that customer value is lost or
unexploited. When you've spotted where action is required, you can set
metrics and monitor them.
 Jibe CRM and corporate strategies.' CRM strategy cannot stand alone; it
must be derived from corporate goals and imperatives, and it must be linked
to other operational strategies.
 Keep it flexible. In a challenging, competitive environment unpredictably
impacted by discontinuous change, CRM strategy needs to be dynamic and
timely, adapting operational efforts and corporate direction to market
conditions. Thus, successful CRM strategy evolves in an iterative process
that takes advantage of customer and operational feedback to refine
objectives, tactics and processes.

Build a repeatable, continuously improving process:. The goal is to

efficiently utilize all your organization's resources to present one friendly,
consistent face to customers. Customers should get the same information about
your company from any channel-from website to call centre to sales force to
marketing brochure.

Companies that want to lock in customer loyalty and maximize

profitability need to employ four CRM tactics: 1) build a customer growth strategy
upon a CRM foundation of strategic intent and cost management; 2) avoid the
CRM whipsaw effect; 3) don't buy into the technology silver bullet; and 4)
measure satisfaction with CRM. These tactics will ensure that CRM programs can
successfully adapt to the pending changes in the economy.

Business must build top-line growth strategies upon the foundation of their CRM
programs by ensuring that strategic intent and cost management measures are
institutionalized. Many companies have not determined strategic intent or have not
focused on developing clear metrics to measure performance. Yet many have done
some cost cutting within customer-facing functions and lowered their cost-to serve
just to reduce the overall cost of sales.

These cost-structure changes should be modified to invest in these fields of

CRM so that growth strategies gain some early wins, no matter what state the
economy is in. As the economy turns into recovery, the winners are likely to be
those who have not only stabilized their customer service and sales costs, but those
who are improving the effectiveness of customer retention and loyalty programs.
Improved customer segmentation, customer satisfaction, and service strategies
should be tailored in downturns and expanded in upswings, but need to remain
long-term goals of any successful CRM program.


Senior management commitment is critical to the success of any major corporate

initiative. CRM is certainly no exception. In fact according to CRM magazine/the
A.T. Kearney survey results, IT decision-makers ranked executive sponsorship as
the most important factor for maximizing the return on their CRM investments.
If CRM initiatives are not in the CEO's agenda, then investments in these
initiatives have a much lower probability of success. Additionally because CRM is
a fundamental shift in the way a company does business with its customers, rather
than just a one-time e-business initiative, it required continuous leadership support
over multiple years. This type of long-term senior management support can only be
achieved and maintained if a long-term strategic plan is developed. The time frame
also requires the strategic plan to have built-in contingencies get caught in a CRM
whipsaw: over investing in one year and then cutting to the bone in the next.

The result is unrealized investments, squandered opportunities, and a loss of

employment for the CRM champion. The whipsaw may affect users as well.
Employees whose new customer-centric behaviour enable CRM success can get
caught in the whipsaw if communications about customer strategy and CRM
processes are not clear or consistent throughout changes in the business cycle.


The CRM vendor landscape is changing rapidly. Placing all bets on a single
vendor or technology can prove disastrous. The unstable economy has caused a
vendor shakeout. It has reduced the number of CRM vendors, but also have
enabled the strongest companies to survive with the best-integrated offerings.
Strong vendors, after acquiring or merging with smaller niche vendors, still have
to refine the resulting integrated offerings. Even so, research indicates software
functionality is not the prime factor in selecting a CRM vendor.
Financial viability and ROI remain the most important factors in selecting a
CRM vendor. Financial viability and ROI remain the most important factors in
selecting a vendor, and reflector the fact that the best-of-breed approach in recent
years has left a number of companies holding the bag of unsupported applications.
The focus on vertical expertise has also been increasing. Companies stung by the
challenges and high costs of customizing standard applications are demanding that
the major vendors of the CRM world ensure that vertical customizations are
prebuilt into the application they install. Customers are focusing on implementing
the best vertical application available. This shift has also been pressuring vendors
that have not caught up with the virtualization wave or have poorly packaged and
standardized their industry experience within applications.


Measuring CRM success has often been elusive, but it is possible to measure
satisfaction with CRM. Companies have often measured success either by ROI or
by changes in customer satisfaction to justify CRM benefits. Although capturing
ROI and preventing CRM budget expansion is important, the CRM magazine/A.T.
Kearney research indicates that 60 percent of companies claim their CRM
initiatives met or exceeded expectations.

Of the rest 25 percent did not set expectations. So far the moment, there
appears to be more satisfaction with CRM projects than not. However, ROI
generally measures the internal return of a technology/process or organization
improvement project.

 CRM strategies offer companies a complete view of their customers

across the entire organization.
 When implemented properly, a CRM strategy integrates all customer-
facing and back office applications with the same data. Companies reap
large gains from these efficiencies by offering better service and
developing deeper relationships with customers.
 In order to achieve those gains, the implementation of the CRM strategy
has to create a 360 degree view of the customer. This means merging the
information silos maintained by each department into a single data
repository accessible by all departments.
 Selection of technology is vital to a successful CRM implementation.
Selecting a package approach, rather than tying together existing
 Implementation of a CRM strategy is by no means a project for the IT
department alone. Marketers must be directly involved in the process
because they will ultimately win or lose based on the quality of the
 If implemented properly, a CRM strategy enables marketers to interact
with customers armed with useful information. Additionally, by
analyzing existing customer data, marketers have better tools to build
future marketing campaigns, increase sales and drive ROI.

It is not suddenly that the business managers have realized that the customer is
supreme or the need to render personalized service. However, it was not possible to
address the preferences of a massive group of widely dispersed individuals.
Neither the tools nor the technology were available.

The smart business managers did the next best thing, which was to conduct a
market research and classify the market into broad segments with different
preferences. The product managers would (and still do) then position their
products catering broadly to these segments.

The information systems have evolved tremendously over the last three
decades and so have the communication systems, as shown in Figure. While ERP,
the management mantra of the nineties, offered the means to optimize resource
planning at the enterprise level encompassing every area of the enterprise on a real
time basis, there was still no means of connecting to the customers. The customer
had just too many locations.

The commercial penetration of Internet into the homes changed everything.

It provided the means to take the integrated enterprise information system to the
customer's living room. He could buy, sell or bank sitting there, while uniquely
identifying himself.
This has led to the evolution of CRM, which uses the Net to integrate the customer
contact points directly with the enterprise. It provides the means to interact with
every customer individually (thereby interacting with million or ever billions of
customers). The interactions over a period of time create a history that is available
to the field sales/ support personnel at the touch of a button.
No. of respondents 100%

Rental 10 20

Brand value 25 50

Network coverage 10 20

All of those 5 10

Total 50 100

In my survey I found that 50% of subscribers prefer BSNL due to its

brand value and 20% of subscribers prefer it because reasonable rental
charges .20% of subscribers for network coverage, only 10% of subscribers
supports all of these.
Consistency level of customers towards BSNL

No. of respondents 100%

1 year 20 40

2 years 10 20

More than 3years 20 40

Total 50 100


In this survey I came to know that, 40% of subscribers were stick to this
since 3 years. This shows their loyalty toward BSNL.due to introduction
of new offers 40 % of subscribers were using from 1 year and only 20%
were using from 2 years.
Analysis on Type of connection used by the customers.

No. of respondents 100%

Prepaid 35 70

Postpaid 15 30

total 50 100


I found that 70% of the subscribers were interested i prepaid connection

and only 30% of were prefer postpaid connection.
Analysis on customer's monthly expenses on mobiles

No. of respondents 100%

Less than 150/- 5 10

151/-to 350/- 10 20

351/-to 500/- 30 60

Above 500/- 5 10

total 50 100

In my survey I found that the monthly expenses of BSNL subscribers were as

follows: 60% were in between Rs- 351/-to 500/-,40% were in between Rs 151/- to
Analysis of receiving remainders regularly to pay bill/top up

No. of respondents 100%

Yes 37 74

No 13 26

Total 50 100


In my survey I found that 74% of subscriber told that they receive

remainders regularly and only 26% of subscribers told that they are not
receiving any remainders.
Analysis on problem faced by the customers in their

No. of respondents 100%

Signal problem 30 60

Problems with 15 30
recharge coupons'
Unwanted activation 5 10

Total 50 100


In my survey I found that 60% subscribers were facing signal

problem,30% of subscribers were facing problem with their recharge
coupons,their connection and 10% of subscribers were facing problems like
unwanted activation.
Analysis on problem rectification in BSNL connection

No. of respondents 100%

•Immediately 0 00

1 day 35 70

2 days 5 10

More than 2 days 10 20

Total 50 100


In my survey I found that 70% of subscribers told that 1 day takes to

rectify problem. And 10% & 20% of subscribers says that it takes 2 days and
more than 2days.
Analysis on receiving promotional calls from BSNL

No. of respondents 100%

Yes 45 90

No 5 10

Total 50 100


In my survey I came to know that 90% of subscribers were

receiving promotional calls from BSNL.And only 10% were not
receiving any calls from BSNL.
Analysis on information provided by the BSNL 'CUSTOMER
SERVICE CENTER' representatives to the customer that they are
providing required information or not.

No. of respondents 100%

Yes 40 80

No 10 20

Total 50 100


I ask this question to know that the CSC representatives provide the information
they required or not.

80% of subscribers says Yes. 20% of subscribers says No.

Analysis on satisfaction of customers with BSNL present offerings

No of respondents 100%
Satisfied 30 60
Unsatisfied 20 40
Total 50 100


I found that 60% of subscribers were satisfied with BSNL offerings. Only
40% were unsatisfied.
Comparative analysis on advertisement promotion and punch lines
of various telecom companies

No. of respondents 100%

BSNL-connecting India 1 2

Airtel- Barriers break 40 80

when people talk,
Reliance- Karlo dhuniya 4 8
mutti mein
Idea-An idea can change 5 10
total 50 100


Most of the subscribers like Airtel advertisement (80%) only 2% of

subscribers like BSNL advertisement. 8% and 10% of subscribers like
Reliance & Idea adds.
Analysis on the rate of the overall quality of customers relationship with
BSNL, considering all of their experiences with them

No. of respondents 100%

Excellent 20 40

Good 30 60

Fair 0 00

Poor 0 00

Total 50 100


In my survey I found that the overall relationship between (60%) subscribers

and BSNL were good. And excellent were in between 40% of subscribers.

 Customers are basically satisfied with present offerings of BSNL.

 In my survey I found that most of the customer were facing some problems.
 It was observed that most of the customers expressed their unhappiness because
they are facing problems like signal problem and (particularly postpaid) they
were wrongly charged or they never received bills on time.
 Few subscribers were very particular about rentals.
 Through my survey, I came to know that most of the customers are satisfied
with BSNL plans and toppings.
 Through my survey I observed that most of the customer’s monthly expense
was in between Rs/- 350/-and 500/-
 I observed that most of the customers are prepaid connection holders.
 I observed that most of the customers like Airtel advertisement and punch-line.
 Through my survey I found that BSNL takes at least 2-3 days to rectify
 BSNL 'CSC representatives provide the information to all the subscribers.
 It is observed that the relationship between the subscribers and the BSNL was

• To retain existing customers BSNL has to offer better or improved schemes

from time to time to compete with the competitors. This would automatically
attract new customers.
• BSNL should continue to offer the best toppings to stay at the top.

• There should be no compromise in quality and the network facility.

• BSNL has to spend more on advertisement to attract customers.

• To ensure better customer satisfaction and maintain higher level of Customer
relationship management, BSNL has to strengthen its network coverage.
• To attract customers of different age groups it has to introduce new offers
totally different from others.




1. Name :
2. Age :
3. Mobile No: :
4. Occupation

5. Why do you prefer BSNL? ( )

a)Rental b)brand value c)network coverage d)all of these

6. From how long you are using the BSNL connection? ( )
a) 1 year b)2years c)more than 3years
7. Which type of connection you are using ? ( )
a)prepaid b)postpaid
8. How much is your monthly expenses on your mobiles? ( )
a)less than 150/-b) 150-350 c)350-500 d)above 500
9. Do you receive remainders regularly to pay bill/top up ( )

a)yes b)no

10. Which type of problem you are facing in your connection?

a)signal problem b)recharge coupons c)unwanted

activation ( )
11 .In case of any problem, how long does it take to rectify it?
a) immediately b)lday c)2days d)more than 2days ( )
12. Are you regularly receiving promotional calls from BSNL ?

a)Yes b)No ( )

l3.Does BSNL 'CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER' representatives

provides the information you required ? ( )
a) Yes b)No

14.How satisfied are you with the clarity of information they provided ?
a)excellent b)good c)fair d)poor ( )
15. Are you satisfied with BSNL present offerings? ( )
a) satisfied b)unsatisfied

16. Which company advertisement promotion and punch lines you like
the most ( )
a) BSNL -Best hai mere liye
b) Airtel-Barriers break when people talk, Express yourself
c) Reliance-karlo dhuniya mutti mei
d) Idea- An idea can change your life
17. 0verall satisfaction on BSNL? ( )
a) Satisfied b) unsatisfied
18. How would you rate the overall quality of your relationship BSNL, considering
all of your experiences with them? Would you say it is…………………….
a)excellent b)good c)fair d)poor ( )
19. Would you like to give your suggestions to improve the satisfaction level of the
a)yes b)no
If yes please specify ____________________________________________

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