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Course Code : CET 407 GTHS/RS – 19 / 7603

Eighth Semester B. E. (Civil Engineering) Examination


Time : 3 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 60

Instructions to Candidates :—
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Explain with neat sketch wherever necessary.

1. (a) Define and explain the Hauling Capacity of a Locomotive. What are the
various resistances a locomotive has to overcome while in motion ?
(b) Define "Gauge" of a railway track. What are the factors which affect the
selection of a gauge ? 5(CO1)

(c) What do you understand by "Permanent Way" ? Discuss requirements of

ideal alignments. 5(CO1)

2. (a) Calculate the maximum permissible train load a locomotive of with 3 pairs
of driving wheel can pull with an axle load of 18 tonnes. The train has
to run on a straight level track with 85 Kmph. (B. G. Track). What will
be the reduction in speed if the train negotiate a gradient of 1 in 175.
(b) Calculate all the necessary elements to set out a 1 in 16 turnout with
the following data :
(i) B.G.Track.
(ii) d = 11.4 cm.
(iii) Angle of switch = 1 08'0". The length of straight arm is
0.9 m. The curve starts from heel of switch. 5(CO3)

3. (a) Write notes on :

(i) Maintenance of gauge.
GTHS/RS-19 / 7603 Contd.
(ii) Maintenance and renewal of sleepers. 5(CO4)

(b) What is Plate Laying in Railway Track Construction ? Describe any one
method of plate laying in detail. 5(CO4)

(c) Enumerate different types of yards. Explain any one brief. 5(CO2)

4. (a) Explain how runway is oriented with the help of wind–rose diagrams.
(b) Define Basic Runway Length. Explain the corrections which are applied to
get actual runway length as per the site conditions. 5(CO5)

(c) The length of runway under standard conditions is 2260 m. The airport
site has an elevation of 180 m. Its reference temperature is 29 0C. If
the runway is to be constructed with an effective gradient of 0.18 percent,
determine the corrected runway length. 5(CO5)

5. (a) Discuss Finger System of Aircraft Parking. 5(CO5)

(b) Discuss "Taxiway Lighting" with neat sketch. 5(CO5)

(c) Explain the need of air traffic control. 5(CO5)

6. (a) Enlist various methods of tunneling in Hard Rock. Explain any one in detail.
(b) What are the objects of tunnel Survey ? Discuss the procedure to transfer
the center line from the ground to tunnel inside. 5(CO5)

(c) Write the necessity of ventilation in tunnel. How the ventilation is provided
in tunnel during the construction. 5(CO5)

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