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Taimoor Azhar 17U00455

Section H Web design and Online journalism Final paper


Jennifer Alejandro (2010) argues, “New-media technology is not only having a serious effect because
of its impact on established journalism. The way that the vast bulk of public and commercial media is
changing is more important than the emergence of citizen journalism or the independent blogosphere.
Together they offer the opportunity to transform the news media into a more open, trustworthy and
useful forum for information and debate.” Comment on the above statement.


 Citizen journalism is when any individual person uploads any fact on his social sites people to
view and blogging is when people write or share pictures info on blogs
 While journalism had the same job but it was done through different traditional media such as
tv radio and newspaper where not every individual was able to place any fact or news
 As now everyone can share facts and be a part of online journalism with the help of digital
media the quantity of news has increased
 As the people have also changed and years before there were very few people who used to
share their point of view or the use to share news but now as the media has changed so the
people have changed and every person has an interest in sharing news whenever it happen by
sharing videos.
 For example: The people supporting and sharing the BLM movements, went viral just
because of one person who recorded the video. At that moment there was no other media
person he was just a citizen doing journalism
 As the statement says “ open” for this I’ll like to say that now the media the social sites have
provided people to question each other and it has given us a chance to share our point of view
while when there was news on tv radio or newspaper no one able to cross question or
comment on whatever they were saying because we were not given an option to do so
 When there is chance of cross questioning or people arguing you have to be sure that the news
you are uploading is right and in citizen journalism we are supposed to be trust worthy
 For example: Aurat march: every person was given a platform to debate as they shared their
slogans people who were anti-aurat march and people who supported aurat march could
debate and share their point of views

Taimoor Azhar 17U00455
Section H Web design and Online journalism Final paper

 In previous times we were shared what our government wanted us to hear and we were only
told about the good parts of any situation.

 For example: When India’s plane crashed in Pakistan, the Indian media told their nation a
one-sided story while the new media the people of Pakistan (by the help of citizen journalism)
uploaded the videos and snaps of what happened that showed them what just happened
Taimoor Azhar 17U00455
Section H Web design and Online journalism Final paper


Discuss the impact that social networking sites (as new forms of communication) have on media
consumers and how the Internet has made us rethink the notion of community by challenging
concepts of place and space


 Social media includes the social networking sites weather there are picture based like
Instagram snapchat or they are blog based like WordPress and many others. These platform
have provided every individual to communicate with each other
 Example: Zoom has helped us to communicate as a class and share information during this
difficult time when we are not able to meet each other personally
 A media consumer is the person who watch and intake information and entertainment from
different media platform it can be television radio or newspaper or social networking (digital
 The impact that social networking has on media consumer the people have more than the
knowledge they can intake . means now they have more than enough knowledge but still the
mind is the same they cannot retain as much as they have because the space the social
networking sites have is too much while the space the media consumer has it’s not as much
 But it has also helped media consumer as they can search anything anytime and get
knowledge of it whenever it is needed example if I am unable to understand a story I can
search about it online and can get views about it
 The impact of social networking on media consumer is not always positive due to social
networking the media consumers are face threats like they are under observation and any
individual can intervene their private space by the help of social networking are locations are
knows .and media consumer can be traced
 The social networking sites are also able to control the knowledge that they are giving to
media consumer. Like on almost every social site there are different ads that pop up and that
is not the knowledge we are looking forward to but it is given to us intentionally
 Social networking sites have hyperlinks attached to them that lead us to different stories for
example when I searched for football match in France when I opened that page there was a
hyper link that took me to an cricket match somewhere else by this we also get the
information that we have not asked for .
Taimoor Azhar 17U00455
Section H Web design and Online journalism Final paper

 The social networking has changed the belief of people in space and place as now every
individual is not bounded by the boundaries of countries every individual can sit in his own
country and can have every knowledge of the other country without visiting them
 With the help of social network people are now able to explore they can communicate to
anyone around to globe with the help of social networking site
 Internet has also helped to business globally. People with the help of internet are able to
connect to suppliers and consumers for example Amazon
 Example of positive impact: Without fail, the internet shows aspects of the digital world and
social media as a solution that not only presented challenges for youth workers, but also
opportunities for learning.
Taimoor Azhar 17U00455
Section H Web design and Online journalism Final paper


𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑴𝑰𝑺𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑺 [How black lives matter involves us.]

At the point when we talk about bigotry, we should consistently recall that it is perhaps the most
serious issue we have as a country and even have it joined in our outlooks to a point where racial slurs
aren't so much as a serious deal to us.

𝙒𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙪𝙣𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙣. 𝙒𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙥𝙩, 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 𝙤𝙛 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙬𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙞𝙩
𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙬𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜.

When there was Me Too, there was Men Too, not to overlook #NotAllMen when ladies shouted out
about rape, and when Black individuals all around shouted that 'Black Lives Matter', an oblivious or
ignorant 'All Lives Matter' came as the brief answer. Each social, common and political development
starts with a hashtag, and is in every case forcefully challenged with a restricting hashtag, a counter

Over the previous week, George Floyd has become an easily recognized name the world over, and
individuals, famous people and associations all around the globe have raised their voices, fighting in
the city and via web-based networking media, against police fierceness and bigotry. On May 25, 46-
year-old African-American George Floyd was severely executed by white cop Derek Chauvin. Video
film demonstrated Chauvin bowing on Floyd's neck for around nine minutes as Floyd argued,
shouting to his mom, and saying his last words that have now gotten interchangeable with the present
Black Lives Matter fights, "I can't breathe."

Truly, all lives matter, human and creature the same. In any case, underplaying the enduring of a
whole race by overlooking their situation demonstrates that their lives don't make a difference in this
distorted reality. That individuals are totally misconstruing the announcement, no one said that Black
lives matter more than different lives, they matter as well.

The motivation behind the development is to feature that directly the circumstance and lives of Black
individuals are underestimated, that Black individuals are captured, indicted and executed by police
more than white individuals, that they don't have a sense of security, and wants to stop this.
Taimoor Azhar 17U00455
Section H Web design and Online journalism Final paper

I have reliably endeavored to appreciate this disposition of taking a gander at calamities and torments.
EMPATHY IS NOT SELECTIVE. Everyone justifies a proportionate voice. We all in all do whatever
can in our capacity. Likewise, I feel sorry that this world isn't just and its unfair, anyway nobody is
conveying anything productive or significant to the table by sabotaging a tragedy and by tormenting
people into not discussing it. An update that Black individuals and People of Color have reliably been
zoned out monetarily, socially, and deliberately. History has not upheld the dark network, and the
system has quite recently attempted to accept their open doors and rights.

In Pakistan, there are different advancements meeting people's high expectations state concealment.
For example, there is an improvement confining that depends on fulfillment state violence against the
Baloch. State dread discharged on the people of Balochistan, a masses subject to numerous long
stretches of the most criminal limitation and savage mercilessness, likewise social, political, and
money related politically-authorized racial isolation, is directly all around chronicled. Coincidentally,
the state and standard, establishment mouthpieces give a valiant exertion to smother any investigate
calling for value and honorability for the Baloch.

In a comparable vein, the Pakistani state's agreement with Kashmir's is on Terror and its expanding
readiness to cause huge savagery in parts of the North-western Tribal parts Kashmir, may–and
should–start a development focusing the lives of Kashmiri's/Tribal regions. Pakistani and Indian royal
brutality, as bombs and automaton assaults, has occupied with the aggregate discipline of whole
populaces whose faces we are advised to disregard. The Kashmiri's have been gotten between this
rapidly spreading fire since the time the 1947 autonomy. The brutality has caused in excess of 47000
passings and several vanishings and relocations. This 71-years of age debate has been liable for
some serious human rights infringement while nobody is prepared to assume the liability. Nobody
is prepared to intercede between the two gatherings to help settle the contest. Just the individuals of
Kashmir are enduring in this circumstance. They are losing their homes, their families and their lives.
Neither one of the states is prepared to surrender even a piece of Kashmir to the next gathering. Since
they were denied of every single altruistic office, they likely are liable of something and merit mass
relocation and passing? In spite of the fact that regularly not verbalized so outrightly in neighborly
organization, this is the hidden disposition which educates the present arrangement towards this
Taimoor Azhar 17U00455
Section H Web design and Online journalism Final paper

India has positioned its paramilitary powers to commandingly control the insurrection in Kashmir.
What's more, it isn't only the situation with Kashmir, India is strongly quelling different uprisings in
Assam, Nagalim and Tripura, and numerous other North-Eastern districts. This is an extreme
infringement of the International Humanitarian Law, however nobody pesters. Not even the United
Nations has tried to keep a mind the exercises of Indian paramilitary powers. These powers are liable
for the extrajudicial killings of different Kashmiri political dissidents. They are additionally
answerable for the commanding vanishing of numerous youthful Kashmiris with the plan of
controling the rebellion.

None of the large players of the world is keen on settling the contention. It is absurd to expect to
announce the LOC as an official fringe among India and Pakistan in light of the fact that, along these
lines, the Jammu and Kashmir will remain with India, and the Kashmiris don't need that. The main
conceivable answer for this issue can be a free and reasonable plebiscite in the locale of Kashmir so
they can pick which side to line up with or stay autonomous. However, there are no odds of
masterminding a free and reasonable plebiscite due to such savagery.

What has without a doubt added to the general condition of misery and savagery in the nation is the
ascent of fundamentalist and partisan ideological flows, upheld by ground-breaking local and global
players for abominable, coarse political interests. The 'strict enthusiasm' of Pakistanis is the thing that
we are outlined for we should fixate, evacuating the setting of where exclusivist, conservative strict
belief system originated from.

With once in a while any information on the history and encounters behind the Black Lives Matter
development, for most Indians, it is just about getting on board with an online fleeting trend, pointing
a finger at the US, or showing up forward-thinking. It is likewise far less dangerous via web-based
networking media to call out prejudice in America than casteism or Islamophobia in India.
What's more, a few, don't see the similitudes.
Taimoor Azhar 17U00455
Section H Web design and Online journalism Final paper

With the rise of the #blacklivesmattermovement, let’s do our part to support the African-American
community and advocate for a more equal and just system for the next generation! Please support the
organizations listed in bio, that are trying to create positive change!

#blmmovement #systemicracism #whitepriviledge #nojusticenopeace #hussaininspires



Social Media Campaign

Canvassing the Gatekeepers: Women as Voters and Candidates

Social Media: Advancing Women in Politics?

Ladies in legislative issues face various boundaries to their headway, including social predispositions,
money related assets, and at-home duties. In late decades, those obstructions have been decreased
however ladies are a long way from having political equality with men. They hold today not exactly a
fourth of the seats in national governing bodies. In certain nations like Pakistan, barely any seats are
held by ladies. To grow ladies' organization, more ladies are required in open office. Online
networking can help advance that objective.

The significance of having more ladies in political office is clear. They fill in as good examples
particularly for more youthful ladies and young ladies, engaging them to settle on better decisions
about their lives. They improve the representativeness of political institutions and society all the more
comprehensively. They carry new points of view to arrangement making, ones that can make
government progressively responsive - not exclusively to underserved populations, including poor
people and youngsters - yet to all layers of society.

Different entertainers have been engaged with the drive to improve ladies' constituent participation in
the 2018 races, and quite a bit of these endeavors have been centered around shutting the enrollment
hole. This 'gendered psyche' isn't just constrained to ladies. Men additionally disguise accepted
practices administering what establishes "fitting" conduct for ladies. Such socialization may oblige
ladies' investment in legislative issues in express ways.
Taimoor Azhar 17U00455
Section H Web design and Online journalism Final paper

Taken together, the outcomes recommend that focusing on ladies with a soliciting effort is
deficient to improve ladies' turnout in legislative issues.

The ascent of internet based life in the previous decade has changed the political scene - not just the
manner in which companions interface with each other, yet additionally how individuals and open
authorities impart. Chosen authorities and governments over the globe can connect legitimately with
the individuals they speak to on a scale beforehand unfathomable.

"While conventional news media display a considerable lot of the sexual orientation inclinations
found in the more extensive society, web based life are as accessible to ladies as they are to

Female officials, still underrepresented comprehensively in governmental issues, have used Facebook
to separate customary sexual orientation boundaries. Notwithstanding their age, regardless of whether
their gathering was in power or not, and numerous other fac-tors, the greater part of these
administrators saw Facebook as a key device to associate straightforwardly with individuals, taking
into consideration a discourse that is effective, visit and unfiltered.

By and by, female government officials would individually advantage from a more full
comprehension of how to utilize online life adequately. This case did not depend on a sexual
orientation hole in the utilization of web-based social networking. Studies show that female
government officials are as dynamic via web-based networking media similar to their male partners

"An ideological group that treats its female chiefs inconsistent is bamboozling itself, just as
Taimoor Azhar 17U00455
Section H Web design and Online journalism Final paper


Many SEOs use older domains for higher rankings, and there may be truth that this is a successful
technique (Evans, 2007). Explain the above.


 SEO stands for search engine optimization

 People use SEO as they are not paid and they help to pull people to view their post
 SEO is done by optimizing your page with different keywords and when those same words
are used in the search engine by the media consumer your sites pop up on the list
 It is somewhat true that the older the domain the better, age plays a big role in keyword
 For example: If we have 2 domain names, 8 and 2 years old respectively. The 8 year hasn’t
been used for a while for webhosting and 2 years was running. You fire up the 8 year domain
name with exactly the same content of 2 year domain. The older one would hop right over the
2 year one in keyword ranking. We can stipulate that the 8 year old had no backlinks and the
only thing done to the site was some SEO for keywords.
 The older domain can help in getting higher ranking but that does not mean that the new
domains cannot get higher ranking
 If you have an older domain but you are not updating the content then the ranking will fall
 If you have an older domain and you publish your content and publish relevant content then
there will be chance that you ranking stays high
Taimoor Azhar 17U00455
Section H Web design and Online journalism Final paper

 If the old domain and new domain have same knowledge then the ranking of the old domain
will be higher because it is there from a longer time then the new one

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