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Computer classes

Coding & Basics

By: Sourabh Kala

Day 1: Computer Basics

Day2: Tools usage : Word, ppt, excel

Day3: introduction to programming/coding

Day4: ‘C’ language concepts

Day5: Explore online tool and few codes

Day6: ‘C’ programs and some videos

Day7: Code practices and new concepts

Day8: Revision & few takeaways

Computer Basics
A computer is a machine that accepts data as input, processes that data using programs,
and outputs the processed data as information. Many computers can store and retrieve
information using hard drives.
2. Hardware:
3. Future tech :
Input & Output Devices
Input Devices -- "How to tell it what to do“ - A keyboard and mouse are the
standard way to interact with the computer. Other devices include joysticks and
game pads used primarily for games.

Output Devices -- "How it shows you what it is doing" - The monitor (the screen)
is how the computer sends information back to you. A printer is also an output
Hardware & Software
The term hardware refers to the physical components
of your computer such as the system unit, mouse,
keyboard, monitor etc.

The software is the instructions that makes the

computer work. Software is held either on your
computers hard disk, CD-ROM, DVD or on a diskette
(floppy disk) and is loaded (i.e. copied) from the disk
into the computer's RAM (Random Access Memory), as
and when required
Computers in daily life
● Games
● Educational
● Online banking
● Smart ID cards
● Supermarkets
● Internet
Homework for 2nd session
1. List down names of input and output devices at least 5 each
2. What is internet
4. What is operating system
2nd Session ( 5 July )
What is internet
The Internet is a global wide area network that connects computer systems across the
world. ... The Internet provides different online services. Some examples include: Web
– a collection of billions of web pages that you can view with a web browser. Email –
the most common method of sending and receiving messages online
Operating system
An operating system (or OS) is a group of computer programs, including device
drivers and other software that lets people interact with a computer. ... An operating
system has many jobs. It makes sure that all the programs can use the CPU, system
memory, displays, input devices, and other hardware.
Good interactive video links - Internet - Programming language - Operating system - Computer memory

Hands on experience of some tools
● Microsoft word
● Powerpoint
● Microsoft Excel
Homework for 3rd Session
1. Watch all the videos mentioned in previous slide and make notes in brief (
100 words each)
2. Practice Excel : Sum, min,max,len,LCM,lower,upper functions
3. What is Programming language

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