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Wef 1 Sept 2020 onwards

Total points a faculty to make during 1 academic year is 1200 points (Academic year would be Sep 1
of the current year to Aug 31 of the next year)

Following are the allocation of points for each of the above categories. You may choose to do a
combination of any of the below

Teaching and Grading -

Teaching (1 credit of 18 hours) 40 points

(this includes only teaching without evaluations)

Every 10 students evaluated (all components) 5 points
Eg; If there are 55+ students in a class, it gets rounded off to 30 points. Hence the
faculty would earn 40 points for teaching + 30 points for grading = total 70 points.
Likewise if there are 54 students in a class, it gets rounded off to 25 points. Hence
the faculty would earn 40 points for teaching + 25 points for grading = total 65

Projects -
GIP/ ALP - 6.5 hours per project 5 points
RIP 3.5 points
ABR/ Dissertation - 8 hours per project 5 Points
DBA Supervisor - Core 120 points per 2
year/ 60 points
per year
DBA co Supervisor -Core 60 points per 2
year/ 30 points
per year

Administration -
For special admin responsibilities we will allocate separate points based on time

Research - Refer mail shared by Dr Seetha on Research where the 2019-20 points
will be carried forward to 2020-21

Others -
Free Seminars 2 points for
every 1 hour talk
The faculty need to take prior approval if workload exceeds more than 5% of the
expected workload
If a faculty crosses the 1200 points in an academic year, the load will be adjusted in USD 50 per
the next 2 years cycle. He/she can earn point
(The payment for a current year will be made after  reviewing the workload units of
the subsequent years and adjusting deficit points, if applicable)
The additional points earned ( more than 5%) can also be adjusted by adding these
points in the subsequent year workload.

If a faculty does not meet with the requisite points of 1200 during the year, it
would get accumulated then to the next year. The non-fulfilment of the workload
will also impact on annual performance of current year.

If a faculty resign during the year, the additional payment due will be forfeited

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