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TiO2 Proton Conductive Composite Membranes for

PEMFCs Operating at Elevated Temperature and Reduced Relative
Elena Chalkova, Michael B. Pague, Mark V. Fedkin, David J. Wesolowski and Serguei N. Lvov

J. Electrochem. Soc. 2005, Volume 152, Issue 6, Pages A1035-A1040.

doi: 10.1149/1.1895225

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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 152 共6兲 A1035-A1040 共2005兲 A1035
0013-4651/2005/152共6兲/A1035/6/$7.00 © The Electrochemical Society, Inc.

Nafion/TiO2 Proton Conductive Composite Membranes

for PEMFCs Operating at Elevated Temperature
and Reduced Relative Humidity
Elena Chalkova,a Michael B. Pague,a,b Mark V. Fedkin,a David J. Wesolowski,c
and Serguei N. Lvova,b,*,z
The Energy Institute, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA
Department of Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA

Nafion/TiO2 composite membranes with different TiO2 contents were studied in an H2 /O2 proton exchange membrane fuel cell
共PEMFC兲 over a wide range of relative humidity 共RH兲 values from 26 to 100% at temperatures of 80 and 120°C. The composite
membranes, which were prepared using a recast procedure, showed a pronounced improvement over unmodified Nafion mem-
branes when operated at 120°C and reduced RH. For instance, at 50% RH, the Nafion/20% TiO2 membrane demonstrated a
performance identical to that of an unmodified Nafion membrane operated at 100% RH. This performance level was comparable
to that of a bare Nafion membrane at 80°C. The high performance of the Nafion/TiO2 composite membranes at low RH was
attributed to improved water retention due to the presence of absorbed water species in the electrical double layer on the TiO2
surface. The zeta potential and thickness of the hydrodynamically immobile water layer at the TiO2 /water interface were discussed
as parameters influencing the water balance in the membranes. The obtained experimental PEMFC performance data were fitted
using an analytical equation, and calculated parameters were analyzed as functions of RH and TiO2 content in the composite
© 2005 The Electrochemical Society. 关DOI: 10.1149/1.1895225兴 All rights reserved.

Manuscript submitted May 6, 2004; revised manuscript received September 11, 2004. Available electronically April 21, 2005.

Proton exchange membrane fuel cells 共PEMFCs兲 are a promising current density values were obtained at 130°C and 100% relative
clean energy source for transportation and small-scale stationary humidity 共RH兲 using a fuel cell employing either a composite
power generation. The current PEMFC technology is based on using Nafion/23% zirconium phosphate membrane8 or Nafion/10% SiO2
perfluorosulfonic acid polymer membranes 共Nafion兲 operating at membrane,9 and a six times higher current density was obtained
80°C. The operation of PEMFCs at elevated temperatures can sig- using a fuel cell employing Aciplex1004/10% SiO2 membrane,
nificantly reduce CO poisoning of the electrode catalysts and the compared to the fuel cell with a commercial unmodified Nafion 115
need for noble metal catalysts. Increasing the operating temperature membrane. A new type of composite membrane, Nafion-Teflon-
would also enhance the electrode reaction kinetics and, conse- Zr共HPO4兲2, for high-temperature PEMFC operation was reported in
quently, boost the fuel cell efficiency. It would also make the cooling Ref. 11. These membranes were prepared by impregnating a porous
system for the stack significantly simpler. At the same time, opera- Teflon matrix with Nafion and zirconium phosphate and tested in an
tion of a PEMFC at elevated temperature presents a challenge for H2 /O2 PEMFC at 120°C, ambient pressure, and low RH 共about
membrane development, as the membrane material should be ca- 35%兲. The maximum power density achieved was about
pable of maintaining proper hydration when the water evaporation 340 mW cm−2.
rate is high. Nafion membranes experience severe dehydration at Another class of inorganic/organic composite membranes, called
temperatures above 100°C, resulting in a decrease of conductivity self-humidifying polymer electrolyte membranes, was developed by
and overall fuel cell efficiency. Significant efforts have been made to Uchida and coauthors.12-15 These membranes contain highly dis-
modify Nafion to achieve suitable operation at elevated tempera- persed nanosized Pt, which stimulates catalytic recombination of H2
tures. One of the approaches is the incorporation of bifunctional and O2 inside the membrane. This process results in a decrease of
inorganic particles, which are both hydroscopic and proton conduc- gas crossover and maintains the water content of the composite
membrane. These membranes also contain a hygroscopic metal ox-
tive, into the membrane. Good examples of such hydrophilic mate-
ide, which adsorbs the water produced at the Pt particles and at the
rials are framework hydrates, such as zirconium phosphate, and ox-
cathode. Self-humidifying membranes, in particular Nafion-Pt-TiO2
ides, such as zirconium dioxide, titanium dioxide, and silicon
membranes, exhibited significantly higher water uptake and lower
dioxide.1-3 All these compounds display a high water retention abil-
fuel crossover than did unmodified Nafion membranes.14 The PEM-
ity and, when they absorb water, become proton conductive. The FCs employing such membranes demonstrated lower ohmic resis-
low solubility of these compounds in aqueous media prevents them tance, when operated with dry H2 and O2 at 80°C and ambient
from leaching. In recent studies, different types of recast Nafion pressure.14 The methanol crossover of these membranes also
membranes containing inorganic additives were fabricated, tested decreased.15
with respect to their water uptake and conductivity, and then inves- In this study, we attempt to develop a composite proton exchange
tigated in high-temperature direct methanol fuel cells.2-7 The experi- membrane that can function at 120°C under reduced RH conditions
mental data showed that addition of inorganic hydrophilic materials at a performance level comparable to that of regular Nafion at 80°C.
to Nafion substantially extends the working temperature range and Our approach involves incorporation of TiO2 particles into Nafion.
reduces the methanol crossover rate.3 A few Nafion-based composite TiO2 was selected as an inorganic additive for the composite mem-
membranes were evaluated in an H2 /O2 共or H2 /air兲 PEMFC at el- branes based on our previous surface chemistry studies of different
evated temperatures. Composite Nafion/zirconium phosphate mem- solid oxides.16-18 Our high-temperature microelectrophoresis mea-
branes8 and Nafion/silicon oxide membranes9,10 were tested at tem- surements showed that the rutile polymorph of TiO2 has an isoelec-
peratures up 140°C. At the same voltage, almost four times higher tric point 共IEP兲 in the acid part of the pH scale 共5.0-6.5兲 at ambient
conditions, which decreases to around 4.2 as the temperature in-
creases to 200°C. A similar tendency was also established for the pH
* Electrochemical Society Active Member. of point of zero proton charge of the same TiO2 powder using a
E-mail: high-temperature potentiometric titration technique.19 Thus, in aque-

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A1036 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 152 共6兲 A1035-A1040 共2005兲

ous solutions with pH lower than the IEP, rutile particle surfaces mainly consisted of 3-50 ␮m aggregates of anhedral or subhedral
become positively charged due to surface protonation equilibria, as 0.1-1.0 ␮m rutile grains. The specific surface area of the powder
illustrated by the following reactions resulting from the Multisite was determined by Brunduer, Emmett, and Teller method multipoint
Complexation 共MUSIC兲 model for TiO2 共rutile兲 N2 surface area analysis as 2.914 ± 0.004 m2 g−1.17
The composite Nafion/TiO2 membranes were prepared using a
⬅Ti-OH−0.31 + H+
⬅Ti-OH2+0.69 关1兴 recast procedure similar to that described by Arico and coauthors2
for the preparation of composite Nafion/SiO2 membranes. Appropri-
⬅Ti2-O−0.62 + H+
⬅Ti2-OH+0.38 关2兴
ate amounts of commercial 5% Nafion solution 共Aldrich兲 and TiO2
As the temperature increases, the equilibrium constants, KH1 and powder were mixed and sonicated in an ultrasonic bath. The suspen-
KH2, shift toward lower values, which should result in even lower sion was cast and heated at 80°C until dry. The recast composite
pH at the TiO2 /water interface. The thermodynamic equilibrium films were then hot-pressed at a low pressure 共less than 2 bar兲 at
constants for these reactions are represented as a function of tem- 150°C for 10 min. The thickness of the membranes was about
perature by the following equations19 80 ␮m. The membranes were purified using a standard procedure
described elsewhere.21 Three types of Nafion-based composite
log KH1 = 2699.5/T − 25.28 + 9.27 log T 关3兴 membranes, containing 0, 10, and 20 mass % TiO2, were prepared.
The membrane electrode assemblies 共MEAs兲 were prepared us-
log KH2 = 1917.3/T − 17.94 + 6.58 log T 关4兴 ing a commercial gas diffusion solid polymer electrolyte electrode
If the amount of liquid phase is relatively small compared to the of Los Alamos type 共ELAT兲 with double-sided coatings. The elec-
solid phase 共like in a dense slurry or in a membrane兲, Reactions 1 trode specifications were as follows: Pt loading 0.5 mg cm−2 with
and 2 act as pH buffers, producing mildly acidic solution, as was 20% Pt on Vulcan XC-72 as a catalyst, Nafion loading 0.8 mg cm−2,
confirmed previously.7,16 However, the buffering capacity of the and standard poly共tetrafluoroethylene兲 loading. MEAs were pre-
electrical double layer 共EDL兲 on the TiO2 surface is low at low pared by pressing the electrodes on the membrane in a Carver hot
content of TiO2 in the membrane and likely would be exceeded by press at 130°C and 50 bar for 40 s.
the intrinsic acidity of the membrane solution, which is due to the The fabricated MEAs were coupled with Teflon gas-sealing gas-
dissociation of sulfonic acid groups20 kets and placed in a 5 cm2 ElectroChem fuel cell, which can operate
at temperatures up to 130°C and at pressures up to 3.5 bar. The
-SO3− + H+ 共log Ka = 6 at 25°C兲 关5兴 voltage and current of the fuel cell were measured simultaneously
Under fuel cell operation, protons are continuously generated at using an electronic load 共Hewlett-Packard Co.兲 and electrometer
the anode side and driven through the membrane pore fluid, but the 共Keithley Instruments, Inc.兲. The high-temperature fuel cell operat-
sulfonate groups remain largely unprotonated, even at pH values of ing system was equipped for monitoring the temperature, gas flow
0-1. In the absence of essentially immobile counter cations in the rate, and pressure. Water traps were installed in front of backpres-
pore fluid, this would tend to retard the free migration of protons sure regulators in the oxygen and hydrogen lines to prevent valve
through the membrane, although the hydrophilic nature of the sul- clogging at a high RH. To ensure data consistency, each fuel cell
fonate groups would tend to attract water dipoles. If positively arrangement 共compaction force兲 and the operating conditions 共hy-
charged surfaces 共such as that of rutile particles at low pH兲 were drogen and oxygen pressures, temperature, and RH兲 were the same
able to counterbalance the negative charge of the sulfonate groups, for the tests of membranes with different compositions.
the hydrophilic nature of the membrane would be further enhanced Prior to the high-temperature performance tests, the membranes
by the presence of both positively and negatively charged species were hydrated at ambient temperature using the water produced in
fixed within the membrane. This might also permit the unhindered the fuel cell under an external load of 0.01 ⍀. This procedure was
migration of protons through the membrane, as at least some sul- necessary to rehydrate the membranes after hot-pressing. During the
fonate group charges would be counterbalanced by positively high-temperature PEMFC performance tests, the cell was fed with
charged particle surfaces, rather than protons within the pore fluid. humidified reactant gases of high purity. Humidification of both H2
In other words, in the absence of fixed countercharges, the long- and O2 was temperature controlled. The fuel cell tests were per-
range coulombic attractive force of negatively charged sulfonate formed at 80 and 120°C, at 26, 50, 80, and 100% RH with a total
groups would tend to retain protons within the membrane, even as pressure 共reactant gas and water vapor兲 of 3 bar. Membranes with
they are “pushed” through as a result of the external anode/cathode different TiO2 contents 共0, 10, and 20 mass %兲 were tested using an
reactions. If the long-range coulombic attractive force for protons identical procedure. All the experimental results were obtained un-
were disrupted by the presence of fixed positively charged surfaces der steady-state conditions 共i.e., the current density remained con-
within the membrane, the protons might more readily pass through stant in time at a fixed cell voltage兲.
the membrane pore fluids unhindered.
At the acidic conditions in Nafion-based membranes, TiO2 is Results and Discussion
characterized by a relatively high positive surface charge density The performance of the H2 /O2 PEMFCs employing Nafion/TiO2
and zeta potential due to proton adsorption.17 The high concentra- composite membranes was evaluated based on cell voltage vs. cur-
tion of protons in the EDL is beneficial from the standpoint of the rent density 共polarization兲 curves. The current density was calcu-
hydrophilicity of TiO2-doped composite membranes, because the lated considering the surface area of the gas flow channels. The
water species forming the EDL are retained at the TiO2 surface by effects of the TiO2 content and RH on the PEMFCs performance
the electric field. Although the water retention properties of the TiO2 were then investigated.
powder are also related to the particle morphology, particle size, When the membranes were tested at 80°C, an increase in the
aggregation, and porosity, the intrinsic acid-base surface properties TiO2 content had no significant effect on the PEMFC performance
of the TiO2 共zeta potential and surface charge density兲 may play the over the entire range of RH used 共from 26 to 100%兲 共Fig. 1兲. The
primary part in the membrane conductivity and water balance. effect of RH on the PEMFC performance was minor but more pro-
nounced for the Nafion/TiO2 composite membranes than for the
Experimental unmodified Nafion membrane. However, at 120°C, the fuel cell per-
formance was affected by both the TiO2 content in membranes and
The TiO2 powder used in this study was pure crystalline rutile RH 共Fig. 2兲. The effect of the TiO2 content on PEMFC performance
共␣-TiO2兲 obtained from Kronos, Inc. 共Kronos 4020兲. The powder was greater at reduced RH. When the TiO2 content increased from 0
was sorted, cleaned, and characterized at the Oak Ridge National to 20%, the current density delivered at a cell voltage of 0.6 V
Laboratory as described in detail elsewhere.17 The resulting TiO2 increased, respectively, by 3, 5.8, 1.6, and 1.1 times at 26, 50, 80
material contained no detectable crystalline contaminants and 共data at 80% RH not shown in Fig. 2兲, and 100% RH. The effect of

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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 152 共6兲 A1035-A1040 共2005兲 A1037

Figure 3. Effect of TiO2 content of membrane on PEMFC power density at

Figure 1. Performance of H2 /O2 PEMFC based on Nafion and Nafion/TiO2 0.7 V, 120°C, and 3 bar for various RH values. -䉱- 26% RH; -䊏- 50% RH;
composite membranes at 80°C, 3 bar, 26 and 100% RH. -䉱- 0% TiO2, 26% -⽧- 100% RH.
RH; -䉭- 0% TiO2, 100% RH; -䊏- 10% TiO2, 26% RH; -䊐- 10% TiO2,
100% RH; -⽧- 20% TiO2, 26% RH; -〫- 20% TiO2, 100% RH.
The performance of the PEMFC was also influenced by the de-
crease in partial pressures of the reactant gases in the feed fuel
stream at operating conditions. When the fuel cell was operated at
RH 共ranging from 26 to 100%兲 was significant for the unmodified 120°C and total pressure of 3 bar, the increase of RH from 26 to
Nafion membrane. The performance of the Nafion/TiO2 composite 100% lowered the partial pressures of the reactant gases by the order
membranes was more RH sensitive at reduced RH values. The effect of 2.5, which negatively affected the performance of the fuel cell.
of TiO2 content on the power density delivered by the PEMFCs at a However, according to our data 共Fig. 2兲, this effect was much
constant voltage of 0.7 V at different RH values is shown in Fig. 3. smaller than the effect of membrane hydration 共the performance of
The results obtained for fuel cell performance and power density the membranes always substantially increased with increasing RH兲.
can be attributed to the enhanced water retention properties of TiO2. When the fuel cell was operated at 80°C, the decrease in H2 and
Hydrophilic TiO2 evidently improved the water retention properties O2 partial pressures due to RH increase was relatively small. De-
of the membranes and, therefore, their hydration, which in turn fa- hydration of the membranes at this temperature was also insignifi-
vors the Nafion proton conductivity and fuel cell performance. Im- cant; thus, the RH and addition of hydrophilic TiO2 powder to the
provement of membrane humidification due to addition of TiO2 was membrane material was not expected to significantly affect the fuel
more evident at reduced RH because, in this case, the initial water cell performance. Our results 共Fig. 1兲 are in agreement with this
uptake of the membranes was small, and the fraction of water asso- assumption.
ciated with the solid oxide particles was significantly higher than The PEMFC performance obtained at 80°C was higher than that
that in the case of well-hydrated membranes. Water retention by at 120°C for all membranes at all RH values studied. When the
TiO2 substantially changed the level of membrane hydration and, temperature was increased from 80 to 120°C, the performance de-
consequently, its conductivity and the performance of PEMFCs. At a clined much more significantly at reduced RH and for unmodified
high RH, when Nafion contains enough water to effectively conduct Nafion membranes 共Fig. 4 and 5兲. For the fully hydrated mem-
protons, addition of moisture to the membranes did not substantially branes, the performance decrease was probably due to the decreased
change the membrane hydration and conductivity. partial pressures of the reactant gases in the feed 共related to increas-

Figure 2. Performance of H2 /O2 PEMFC based on Nafion and Nafion/TiO2

composite membranes at 120°C, 3 bar, 26, 50, and 100% RH. -䉱- 0% TiO2, Figure 4. Performance of H2 /O2 PEMFC based on Nafion and Nafion/TiO2
26% RH; -䊏- 0% TiO2, 50% RH ; -⽧- 0% TiO2, 100% RH; -x- 10% TiO2, composite membranes at 80 and 120°C, 3 bar, and 100% RH. -䉱- 0% TiO2,
26% RH; -+- 10% TiO2, 50% RH; -ⴱ- 10% TiO2, 100% RH; -䉭- 20% TiO2, 120°C; -䊏- 10% TiO2, 120°C; -⽧- 20% TiO2, 120°C; -䉭- 0% TiO2, 80°C;
26% RH; -䊐- 20% TiO2, 50% RH; -〫- 20% TiO2, 100% RH. -䊐- 10% TiO2, 80°C; -〫- 20% TiO2, 80°C.

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A1038 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 152 共6兲 A1035-A1040 共2005兲

Figure 5. Performance of H2 /O2 PEMFC based on Nafion and Nafion/TiO2

composite membranes at 80 and 120°C, 3 bar, and 50% RH. -䉱- 0% TiO2,
120°C; -䊏- 10% TiO2, 120°C; ⽧- 20% TiO2, 120°C; -䉭- 0% TiO2, 80°C; Figure 7. Model structure of the EDL at the TiO2 /water interface.
-䊐- 10% TiO2, 80°C; -〫- 20% TiO2, 80°C.

ing the humidifying temperature兲. When the PEMFC was tested at Although the basic mechanical properties, such as tensile
100% RH and constant hydrogen and oxygen partial pressures, the strength, were not measured in this study for the composite mem-
performance was higher at 120°C than at 80°C. At 50% RH, the branes, it is considered an important future step in predicting the
magnitude of gas partial pressure reduction with increasing tempera- membrane properties in relation to the TiO2 content. The effect of
ture was much smaller and the decrease in fuel cell performance was the TiO2 content on the mechanical strength of Nafion/TiO2 com-
mainly due to membrane dehydration at 120°C. In this case, the posite membranes can be different in dry and wet states. According
composite membranes showed a significant advantage over the un- to Ref. 22, the membrane tensile strength tends to decrease with
modified Nafion membranes, confirming that hydrophilic TiO2 pro- increasing TiO2 content in Nafion. As was shown by the study of the
vides better water retention than bare Nafion polymer at a reduced TiO2 profile across the membrane using X-ray energy dispersive
RH. Performance of the composite Nafion/20% TiO2 membrane at spectroscopy with a scanning microscope, the TiO2 component was
120°C and 50% RH was comparable to the performance of the un- mainly concentrated in the near-surface zone. The presence of such
modified Nafion membranes at 80°C and 100% RH. This result an oxide-rich layer in Nafion membranes lessened the membrane
demonstrates that using the new composite membrane that contains tensile strength.
20 mass % of TiO2 allows increasing the operating temperature of The benefits of having TiO2 particles in the fuel cell membrane
the PEMFC from 80 to 120°C at a reduced 共50%兲 RH without any can be related to both water retention and proton conductivity. The
significant performance loss. water retention increases due to the adsorption of the aqueous spe-
A membrane stability test was conducted with the Nafion/10% cies H+ and OH− in the EDL of the solid particles. The adsorbed
TiO2 composite membrane at 120°C and 50% RH 共Fig. 6兲. The fuel species in the EDL are under an electrical field, which provides the
cell power level was relatively stable with a total decline of about force retaining water at the surface and an admixture of TiO2 to
7% for 45 h. The performance of the recast Nafion membrane at the Nafion is able to increase the potential ability of the membrane to
same operating conditions sharply declined after 25 h operation. intake water. When the temperature is increased above 100°C, the
Adjemian and coauthors9 tested a recast Nafion and a Nafion/SiO2 water incorporated into the EDL of solid oxide particles does not
composite membranes for 50 h and also found that the composite evaporate as easily as does the “free” water in the Nafion polymer.
membranes had much higher stability at elevated temperatures. The ability of a particular solid oxide to retain water depends on the
strength of the electrostatic attraction within the EDL. The primary
indicator of this attractive force is the zeta potential at the solid
oxide/water interface. In most cases, a higher magnitude of the zeta
potential implies a higher proton charge and, therefore, a higher
concentration of water species adsorbed 共retained兲 at the solid oxide
surface. The zeta potential is the surface potential measured at the
shear plane, which is located at a hypothetical distance Ds from the
surface and divides the hydrodynamically immobile and mobile
parts of the EDL 共Fig. 7兲. Therefore, the experimental data on zeta
potential at the solid oxide/water interface can be used to estimate
the Ds parameter and to determine the geometric thickness of the
part of the EDL that is strongly attached to the particle surface.
As a result of zeta potential data fitting using the temperature-
compensated MUSIC model combined with the basic Stern repre-
sentation of the EDL,17,19 the shear plane positions 共Ds兲 of rutile
particles were determined at 3.5 and 6.1 nm from the head of the
diffuse layer at ionic strengths of 0.01 and 0.001 mol kg−1, respec-
tively. The Ds parameter was primarily a function of ionic strength,
Figure 6. Duration test for recast Nafion/10% TiO2 membrane. while its variation with temperature was within the range of experi-

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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 152 共6兲 A1035-A1040 共2005兲 A1039

Table I. Electrochemical kinetic parameters for PEMFC employing Nafion/TiO2 composite membranes at 120°C.

120°C Relative humidity 共%兲

26 50 100
TiO2 Cont. R io R io R io
共%兲 共⍀ cm2兲 Vr 共V兲 A 共V兲 共A cm−2兲 共⍀ cm2兲 Vr 共V兲 A 共V兲 共A cm−2兲 共⍀ cm2兲 Vr 共V兲 A 共V兲 共A cm−2兲
0 1.71 1.207 0.145 6.6 ⫻ 10−4 1.19 1.189 0.082 3.4 ⫻ 10−4 0.22 1.160 0.043 6.2 ⫻ 10−5
10 0.48 1.207 0.137 7.0 ⫻ 10−4 0.30 1.189 0.043 2.1 ⫻ 10−5 0.15 1.160 0.042 3.0 ⫻ 10−5
20 0.48 1.207 0.117 6.1 ⫻ 10−4 0.29 1.189 0.036 6.4 ⫻ 10−6 0.25 1.160 0.028 2.1 ⫻ 10−6

mental error. Based on these values, the volume of hydrodynami- V = Vr − A ln共i/io兲 − Ri 关7兴
cally immobile water retained by the EDL can be estimated as
where Vr is the reversible cell potential 共calculated using the Nernst
= SA ⫻ Ds 关6兴 equation兲, A and io are Tafel parameters, and R is the resistance,
where SA is the specific surface area of the TiO2 powder used which causes a linear variation of V with i.23
A nonlinear parameter estimation code included in the SigmaPlot
共2.914 m2 g−1兲. This estimation involves the assumption that the
software was used to determine the parameters A,io, and R. Equation
compact 共Stern兲 part of the EDL is very thin and its contribution to
7 was modified and presented as
the EDL volume is negligible. With Ds = 6.1 nm, Eq. 6 yields the
volume of 0.0018 cm3 of adsorbed water per gram of TiO2 powder. V = Vo − A ln i − Ri 关8兴
This value is only 0.8% of the maximum total water uptake deter-
mined for the fully hydrated Nafion/20% TiO2 composite where Vo is defined as
membrane.16 Therefore, if the membrane is at 100% RH, the pres- Vo = Vr + A ln io 关9兴
ence of the solid oxide phase would not bring significant benefits to
membrane hydration. This suggestion is confirmed by the experi- At first, all cell potential 共V兲 vs. current density 共i兲 data were
mental data at RH 100% 共Fig. 2兲, when the fuel cell performance fitted to Eq. 8, and the parameters Vo, A, and R were derived from
curves for the composite membranes and unmodified Nafion are this equation. The calculation yielded the values of these parameters
almost identical. However, at a reduced RH, the advantage of the with correlation coefficients in excess of 0.995 and small standard
composite membranes is obvious 共Fig. 2兲, which means that the deviation. Then, the parameter io was calculated from Eq. 9. The
fraction of water associated with solid oxide particles should be values of the reversible potential 共Vr兲 at 80 and 120°C and different
significantly higher than that for complete hydration. Although the RH values were calculated from the Nernst equation, assuming that
TiO2 microparticles are able to enhance water retention of the mem- the steam behaves as an ideal gas.
branes, the maximum water uptake of the fully hydrated composite The electrochemical kinetic parameters derived from Eq. 8 and 9
membranes was not significantly higher than that of the unmodified are presented in Tables I and II. As seen from the tables, the param-
Nafion membranes. Because of this observation and also the large eter R, which predominantly represents the ohmic resistance of the
size of the TiO2 particles 共up to 5-10 micrometers兲, we do not as- membrane, was not affected by TiO2 content in membranes and RH
sume any changes in the Nafion nanostructure. The composite is at the temperature of 80°C, but their effect is clearly pronounced at
rather considered to be a physical mixture of Nafion and TiO2. 120°C 共Fig. 8兲. When RH decreased, the increase in resistance was
Although the water in the compact part of the EDL is not be- significantly higher for unmodified Nafion membranes than for
lieved to make a significant input to membrane hydration, the Nafion/TiO2 composite membranes. This fact is a clear manifesta-
weakly bound water in the membrane can also be affected by the tion of the ability of TiO2 to reduce membrane resistance due to its
electric field at the contact between Nafion and TiO2. Under acidic good water retention properties. The presence of TiO2 in the mem-
conditions, the surface of TiO2 has a high positive charge, whereas branes and the RH change affect more than just the resistance of the
the surface of Nafion is negatively charged due to dissociation of membranes. The Tafel slope A decreased with the increase of TiO2
sulfo groups 共uSO3H兲. Thus, water molecules located between content in membranes and RH very slightly at 80°C, and signifi-
these two surfaces should be influenced by an electric field. Al- cantly at 120°C 共Fig. 9兲. This means that the increase of RH in the
though the charged solid oxide surface acts as a water retainer, this cell and the contact of the electrodes with hydrated TiO2 particles
water can easily diffuse into Nafion and participate in ion transport. also improved the hydration of the ion-conducting phase in the elec-
The cell potential 共V兲 vs. current density 共i兲 behavior at different trode 共Nafion兲, which positively affects the electrochemical kinetics
temperatures, RH values, and TiO2 content in the membranes was of the electrodes. The obtained parameter io showed an increase with
analyzed by fitting this data to the following equation the temperature and a decrease with the TiO2 content and RH. This

Table II. Electrochemical kinetic parameters for PEMFC employing Nafion/TiO2 composite membranes at 80°C.

80°C Relative humidity 共%兲

26 50 100
TiO2 Cont. R io R io R io
共%兲 共⍀ cm2兲 Vr 共V兲 A 共V兲 共A cm−2兲 共⍀ cm2兲 Vr 共V兲 A 共V兲 共A cm−2兲 共⍀ cm2兲 Vr 共V兲 A 共V兲 共A cm−2兲
0 0.22 1.225 0.040 6.1 ⫻ 10−6 0.23 1.214 0.037 6.3 ⫻ 10−6 0.24 1.201 0.037 1.1 ⫻ 10−5
10 0.26 1.225 0.046 1.4 ⫻ 10−5 0.23 1.214 0.033 2.5 ⫻ 10−6 0.26 1.201 0.032 3.4 ⫻ 10−6
20 0.26 1.225 0.032 9.8 ⫻ 10−7 0.32 1.214 0.027 3.8 ⫻ 10−7 0.25 1.201 0.026 3.9 ⫻ 10−7

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A1040 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 152 共6兲 A1035-A1040 共2005兲

At 50% RH and a cell voltage of 0.6 V, the Nafion/20% TiO2 mem-

branes delivered a six times higher current density than that obtained
with an unmodified Nafion membrane. The PEMFC operated with a
Nafion/20% TiO2 membrane at 50% RH exhibited a performance
identical to that of the PEMFC operated with an unmodified Nafion
membrane at 100% RH. This demonstrates that the addition of 20%
TiO2 to Nafion makes it possible to operate PEMFCs at 120°C and
50% RH instead of 100% without loss of performance. This perfor-
mance level is comparable to that of bare Nafion at 80°C. This
improvement is mainly attributed to the enhanced water retention
properties of the new composite membranes and the increase in
proton conductivity of the membranes due to TiO2 contribution. The
water content of the membrane is not significantly affected by the
presence of solid oxide at RH 100%, but it becomes strongly con-
trolled by the solid oxide phase in the RH range 26-50%. The high
water retention of composite membranes at reduced RH is due to the
electrostatic attraction within EDL on the surface of TiO2. We
speculate that the water species absorbed in the EDL may provide
significant membrane conductivity at low RH.
Figure 8. Ohmic resistance of fuel cells employing membranes of varying Acknowledgments
TiO2 content at different RH and 120°C. -䉱- 0% TiO2; -䊏- 10% TiO2; -⽧- The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of this
20% TiO2. work by Department of Energy contracts DE-FC36-01GO11085 and
The Energy Institute of The Pennsylvania State University assisted in
parameter, as calculated from Eq. 7, is not the real exchange current meeting the publication costs of this article.
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