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Are the Students required to study the same national curriculum until they enter College?

NO, Of
course not the Students must not be forced to follow the national curriculum till they enter college.
Some people may argue that it is mandatory for the students to follow the national curriculum. But
after weighing the evidence it is certain that Students should be given their own choice to study the
same national curriculum or not.

Some of them argue that the Students must follow/study the same old national curriculum. But do
they have a valid reason that why they think that the national curriculum must be followed? The
Answer here is ''No''. They might be thinking that the Students should learn the same thing which
their seniors had learnt. But it is not mandatory to do so.

Now turning on to the other side. There is an example for this which illustrates that why the
students should not follow/learn the same national curriculum. The very well known and talented
Billionaire of the World Mr. Bill Gates is a perfect example of why the students must be set to study
different curriculum other than the same one. He did not made any mistake by choosing a different
curriculum while he was just in school. He started a Business when he was just 17 , as always said
that age is just a number. After working so Hard to achieve something in life, today he is known as
the Billionaire in the whole world.

Another Exceptional example is Mr. Jeff Bezoz , who is the owner of the leading company Amazon.
He also did the same thing by thinking something large that is not easy to achieve . But after
hardwork and patience he made himself the king of the online marketing. He started his business by
delivering the products to different places himself and then gradually made the worlds largest online
marketing company. Amazon is known as the top most company today consisting of highest amount
of shares.

These two evidences are pretty good from this point of view. There are more such epitomes , infact
lots and lots of them are present. So these evidences prove that the students should be doing
something different from the same old national curriculum. Governments must understand this
thing and must let the students to choose their own curriculum till they enter the college.

Ultimately , in the conclusion it is clear that the Students who would divert their part from the old
path , the new path will lead them to something big and better, the only condition is that they Work
Hard and be patient.

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