hw2 Eth

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«Play fair, be prepared for others to play dirty, and don't let them drag you into

the mud»-that is what Richard Branson said about business and ethics. Organization
should not «drag into the mud» , but they definitely need to «get swept away in »
ethical behavior.
Imagine business as a small child. They grow and do that fast , they change their
appearance , becoming more mature and their personality changes , as well as their
wants. Ethics would be a parents , they want their kids to be their best version ,
they educate them , showing the right way and want them to not only be known but
known in a good way , have clean reputation. This «parents and kids» relationships
are real to every organization that follows business ethics.
There is a believe that main business’ objectives is to make profits and payback to
shareholders, and that is true. There is really no future for the business in case
there are no money for future investment and development. Dave Ramsey, an American
radio show host, author and businessman, said once “You must gain control over your
money or the lack of it will forever control you.”, that is absolutely true for all
companies. However , since ethics is an integral part of successful business ,
objectives have changed. It is important to value your share holders and earn
profits , but know is all about how you learn that money to pay back and enjoy your
profits, that’s is the real influence of ethical considerations. Business still
here to meet the demand of the consumers and become a leader on the market , on
the other hand all enterprises are paying attention to suppliers and looking for
the most sustainable sourcing , which requires suppliers to be socially responsible
and act morally and ethical correct. As well as well as 50 years business will do
anything to reach as many consumers and efficiently meet their wants and need , but
this «anything» would be evaluated and modified in order to provide the best
quality and the safest product with no profit maximizing for the company. Companies
in fashion industry , such as Prada and Louis Vuitton, would be a great example how
modern and responsible society have changed organization that have more then 150
years of history and become more corporate socially responsible, no more taking
advantage of cheap labour force , using less of real leather and fur and also
total involvement in society and environment improvement , as well as cooperation
with such companies as UNICEF. «One year after the launch of its global
partnership with UNICEF, Louis Vuitton is launching its first #makeapromise day on
January 12, 2017 to raise funds for children in urgent need, through its global
network of stores» according to CNW.

There is no business without its stakeholders , they are the core of every company
and they are the now who run the business and influences the decisions. So now we
see there ethics that modifies the business and there is real people who take
decisions or have an impact on decision-making. What would happened if stakeholders
are not into ethical behavior? Everyday more and more people start to worry about
the society and environment , this is kind of ethical pressure , more and more
people started to look for products and service that were produced with
understanding of how and why business is responsible for all actions and output
produce. This kind of pressure not only influence each and every business to act
morally correct , on the other hand there are stakeholders that under this
pressure , into the right way , tend too change their mind about perfect place to
work , what services to use and what and where to buy. Employees are now looking
for the place to work where there is legal salaries , relations inside the company
are free of favoritism , discrimination and rumors , generally looking for the
business where ethics are part of relationships and business objectives. Owners of
the business are more concerned about thee legal part of the company , no tax
avoidance or written and often updated code of practice. Owners would use code of
practice to refer to it i case there are misunderstanding or evaluation of actions
that were done or going to be done is needed. Ethical pressure is the really exist
now and more and more organization were influenced and changed under this
pressure , but this is the goos way to build new , clean reputation. Reputation of
corporate social responsible consumers is the sing for consumers , so benefiting
the society by ethical behavior business not only improving the world , they also
advertise and promote there companies to current and potential consumers. «Ethical
trade is about having confidence that the products and services we buy have not
been made at the expense of workers in global supply chains enjoying their
rights.Ethical trade involves companies taking a series of recognised steps to
identify problems and improve working conditions, with a focus on continuous
improvement over time.» according to https://www.ethicaltrade.org. Ethical trade is
that consumers are looking for. Clients are likely to stick to business that make
them feel confident and secure about their families , theirselves an their future
when they pay for good and services.

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