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Introduction to
Information Technology

Academic Year: 2019/2020

Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake


This module identifies the essential knowledge and skills that all students need to be active
life long learners in an information technology intensive environment.

The curriculum is designed to form the foundation for continuous learning and to be
applicable to ever changing innovations. This module involves the development of skills over

These skills become building blocks with which to meet the challenges of personal and
professional life.

To become technologically proficient the student must develop the skills overtime through
integrated activities in all content areas rather than through one specific content. The
introduction to information technology course is going to comprise of six packages that will
enable you to acquire first hand skills in this technological world.


Grading Percentage
Continuous Assessment Test 50%
Final Exam 50%

These include:

Block 1: Introduction to computers

Block 2: Introduction to operating systems
Block 3: Introduction to word processing- Microsoft Word
Block 4: Introduction to spreadsheets-Microsoft Excel
Block 5: Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
Block 6: Introduction to Internet

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Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake

Block One: Introduction to computers

Definition of terms

1) ICT

The term ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. It is the technology
required for information processing.

In particular, the use of electronic computers, communication devices and software

application to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information from
anywhere and anytime.

2) Technology

 A manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods or


 The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

 Technology (From Greek techne “art, skill, cunning of hand” and logia) is the making,
modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts and
methods of organization in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution
to a problem, achieve a goal or perform a specific function.

 The practical application of knowledge.

3) Information Technology (IT)

Information Technology, processing and distribution of data using computer hardware and
software, telecommunications, and digital electronics.

4) Telecommunication

Telecommunications, devices and systems that transmit electronic or optical signals across
long distances. Telecommunications enables people around the world to contact one another,
to access information instantly, and to communicate from remote areas. Telecommunications
usually involves a sender of information and one or more recipients linked by a technology,
such as a telephone system, that transmits information from one place to another.
Telecommunications enables people to send and receive personal messages across town,
between countries, and to and from outer space. It also provides the key medium for
delivering news, data, information, and entertainment.

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Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake

Examples of some technologies that are being used today in our country:

 BPR Mobile Banking to send money to someone’s account number using the cell
phone, to buy electricity and airtime, etc.
 ATM (Automated Teller Machine) card to withdraw money.
 MTN Mobile money to buy electricity and airtime
 Computerization of Banks,
 Tele-education (E-learning),
 Internet technologies to enable people read online news, watch TV online and keep in
touch with their friends by exchanging messages through e-mails, etc.

Computer Hardware

Basic Components of a Computer


Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS): source of power during power failure. UPS is a
piece of electrical equipment with internal batteries that provides a continuing source of
power for a short period of time during a power failure to a computer or electrical appliance
that is plugged into it.

On the Front panel/side of a UPS, we have:

 Power ON/OFF switch

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 LED indicators:
 AC mode: Green light
 Battery mode: Green light flashing.


The development of the modern day computer was the result of advances in technologies and
man's need to quantify. Let us look at some of the important milestone in the evolution of

The primitive form of the computer was the « ABACUS », developed in around 300 B.C. in
china, which used beads to represent the decimal numbers, and the arithmetic
Operations of a smaller volume could be performed with its help.

In 1833, Charles Babbage, the father of the computer, developed a machine called analytical
engine, which was the base for the modern digital computer.


 The abacus was invented in 300 BC in Babylonia.

 Beads on rods to count and calculate
 Still widely used in Asian countries such as Japan, Korea and China!
 People who are much skilled at using Abacus can get result of calculations faster than
using electronic calculator.

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Pascal’s Adding Machine

In 1642 AD, Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician

invented a calculating machine
named as Adding Machine.

This machine was capable of doing Addition and

Subtraction. This device is known as the Calculator
of the world.

Leibniz’s Calculator

In 1671 AD, Gotfried Leibnitz, a German

Mathematician improved the Adding machine
and made a new machine capable of performing
multiplication and division

Babbage’s Difference Engine

Charles Babbage was a famous British mathematician. In

1822, he designed a machine called Difference Engine. It
aimed at calculating mathematical tables.

Since the technology was not so advanced at that time

this machine could not be made.

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Babbage’s Analytical Engine

In 1833, Charles Babbage designed a machine

called Analytical Engine. It had almost all the parts
of a modern computer.
Unfortunately, this machine could not be built
because of lack of technology. His designs
remained a concept.

His great designs earned him the title of the

‘Father of Computers’.

Lady Ada

Lord Byron's daughter, Augusta Ada Byron, Countess of

Lovelace, suggested to Babbage that he use the binary system in
his machine.

She wrote programs for his analytical engine in 1840, becoming

the world's first computer programmer.


The first electronic computer ENIAC was

developed in 1946 by a team lead by Professor
Eckert and Mauchly at the University of
Pennsylvania in USA.

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

(ENIAC) was very huge and very fast.
It could solve 5000 operations per second.

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Intel 8080 Processor

Definition of a computer

A computer is an electronic device capable of executing instructions, developed based on

algorithms stored in its memory, to process data fed to it and produces the required results
faster than human beings.


 Electronic device: material which recognizes the presence of electric signal.

 Instructions: (order/request).
 Algorithms: instructions given step by step to accomplish a task.
 Memory: storage devices.
 Data: Raw facts/figures of object. The singular of data is datum.
 Information: processed data gives information. It can also be defined as being
“processed/ordered data”.

Example of algorithm:

Suppose we have this expression which is to be evaluated:

(12*123)+ (324*56) + (987*111) + (785*345) =

Question: Suggest the steps that you can use to evaluate it.

Step 1: evaluate (12*123)=A

Step 2: evaluate (324*56)=B
Step 3: evaluate (987*111)=C
Step 4: evaluate (785*345)=D
Step: 5: Calculate A+B=E
Step 6: Calculate C+D=F
Step 7: Calculate E+F=G

Remark: These 7 steps to evaluate the given expression can be called “Algorithm”.

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Characteristics of Computer

 Speed: the computer can process data faster than any other machine.
 Accuracy: a computer's high-speed processing gives 99.99% error free results.
 Diligence: not afflicted to tiredness, monotony, lack of concentration like human
 Reliability: the computer can make decisions based on alternative course of action.
 Versatility: can work with different types of data like sound, graphics, audio.
 Memory: computers can store information in the memory and use them when

What is Data and Information?

Data consists of the raw (unprocessed) facts and figures that are processed into information.

Example1: Rwanda, ICT, Africa, 2007

Example 2: the votes for different candidates being elected.
Example 3: students’ marks in various subjects.

Information is the data that has been summarized or otherwise manipulated for
use in decision making.

Information is a meaningful and arranged form of data.

Example 1: Rwanda is fastest growing ICT country in Africa according to a public poll held in
Example 2: the total votes for each candidate, which are used to decide who won.
Example 3: students letter grades.

Data Information
Meaning: Data is raw, unorganized When data is processed,
facts that need to be organized, structured or
processed. Data can be presented in a given context
something simple and so as to make it useful, it is
seemingly random and called information.
useless until it is organized
Example: Each student’s test score is The class’ average score or
one piece of data. the schools average is the
information that can be
concluded from the given

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Hardware refers to physical components that can be seen and touched. E.g. CPU,
Memory, I/O devices.


Software is a set of programs that make the Hardware of the computer run.
Program is a set of instructions.


Firmware is like prewritten program that is permanently stored in Read-Only

BIOS (Basic Input Output System) instructions are an example of firmware.


It is the term generally used for the people associated with and benefited from the
computer system.

Classification of Computer Systems

 On the basis of Technology: Generations of computers

 On the basis of Purpose: General Purpose, special Purpose computers
 On The basis of size & Speed: Micro, Mini, mainframe & Super Computers
 On the basis of how it functions: Analog, Digital & Hybrid Computers.

Technology Based Classification of Computer Systems

Generations of Computer

Each generation of computer is characterized by a major technological development

that fundamentally changed the way computers operate, resulting in increasingly smaller,
cheaper, more powerful, more efficient and reliable devices.

First Generation

 TIME PERIOD: 1940's-1950's

 SIZE AND SPEED: Huge, taking up entire rooms, Slow speed
 LANGUAGE USED: Machine language
 COST: System and working cost very high.

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Structure of a Vacuum


 Used a great deal of electricity.

 Generated a lot of heat.
 Input was based on punched cards and paper tape, and output was displayed on

EXAMPLE: UNIVAC (UNIVersal Automatic Computer) and ENIAC.

Second Generation Computers (2nd Generation)

 TIME PERIOD: 1950's- 1960's

 TECHNOLOGY USED: Transistors
 SIZE AND SPEED: Lesser size and increased speed
 LANGUAGE USED: Assembly language and languages like COBOL and FORTRAN.
 COST: Cost decreased.

IBM 1401
OTHER FEATURES: More efficient and reliable.

Though the transistors still generated a great deal of heat that subjected the computer to
damage, it was a vast improvement over the vacuum tube.

Second-generation computers still relied on punched cards for input and printouts for

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EXAMPLE: UNIVAC 1108, IBM 1401, CDC 1604.

Third Generation Computers (3rd Generation)

 TIME PERIOD: late 1960's-1970's

 TECHNOLOGY USED: Integrated Circuit
 SIZE AND SPEED: Size lesser and speed further increased
 LANGUAGE USED: Operating System was developed.
 COST: Cost decreased further. IBM 360/50

OTHER FEATURES: Instead of punched cards and printouts, users interacted with third
generation computers through keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an Operating
system, which allowed the device to run many different applications at one time with a
central program that monitored the memory.

Computers for the first time became accessible to a mass audience because they were smaller
and cheaper than their predecessors.

Fourth Generation Computers (4th Generation)

 TIME PERIOD: 1970's-1990’s

 TECHNOLOGY USED: Microprocessor
 SIZE AND SPEED: Reduced size and tremendous speed.
 LANGUAGE USE: High Level Languages like PASCAL, COBOL, C, C++ and JAVA.
 COST: Reduced Cost.
Intel 4004D
EXAMPLE: IBM-360 series Microprocessor

The Macintosh 128K, the first Macintosh, was the

first commercially successful personal computer to
use images, rather than text, to communicate.

OTHER FEATURES: Microprocessors also moved out of the area of desktop computers and
into many areas of life as more and more everyday products began to use microprocessors.

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As these small computers became more powerful, they could be linked together to form
networks, which eventually led to the development of the Internet.

Fourth generation computers also saw the development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld

EXAMPLE: Intel 4004, Apple Macintosh

Fifth Generation Computers (5th Generation)

 TIME PERIOD: 1990's -today

 TECHNOLOGY USED: Microprocessor
 SIZE AND SPEED: Reduced size and tremendous speed
 LANGUAGE USED : Based on Artificial intelligence
 COST: Reduced Cost.

OTHER FEATURES: Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are
still in development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are
being used today.

The goal of fifth-generation computing is to develop devices that respond to natural

language input and are capable of learning and self-organization.

EXAMPLE: Parallel Inference Machine


Artificial Intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned with making computers
behave like humans.i.e: Robots.

Voice Recognition is the field of computer science that deals with designing computer
systems that can recognize spoken words.

According to purpose

 General purpose- a machine that can be used to process many types of applications.

Ex microcomputers.

 Special purpose- a machine that can be used for a specific application or just ONE
application. Ex: Weather Forecasting and Airlines Reservation.

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According to data handled

 Analog computers- a computer that manipulates continuous or approximate types of


 Digital computers - a computer that manipulates discrete types of data.

 Hybrid computers- a computer that can manipulate both analog and digital types of

A 'hybrid' computer is an intermediate device, in which an analog output is converted into


A table comparing Analog and Digital computers

Analog computer Digital computer

An analog computer works in parallel. A digital computer, even though it may
This means it can carry out multiple tasks
work considerably faster, can only
simultaneously (at once). perform one calculation at any one
instant. The only way around this in a
digital computer is parallel computing,
where a single machine has multiple
An analog computer handles continuous A digital computer works with discrete
(infinite) variables/numbers. (finite) numbers.

Examples: Irrational numbers. Stores all data as numbers (bits) and

performs operations on that data
Irrational numbers are numbers arithmetically.
such as pi (3.14159265…), the
square root of two Examples: Rational Numbers.
(,1.41421356…) and the
mathematical constant e Rational Numbers, class of numbers that
(2.71828182…) that are not the are the result of dividing one integer by
quotient of any two integers. another.

i.e. Integers: 8 and 2

When we divide 8 by 2 we get 4.
4 is a rational/finite/discrete number.

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According to size or capacity

 Microcomputer – smallest in size and the cheapest. It can handle thousands of


 Minicomputer – the medium size computer, bigger and more expensive than the

 Mainframe – a large computer that can handle millions of data, Support multiple user,
does server tasks.

 Supercomputer – is a very large computer that manipulates billions of data.

Other names of Microcomputer

 Personal Computers ( PC )
 Office computer
 Microcomputer
 Home computer
 Desktop computer

Notebook Computers


 Lightweight 15 inches
 Fits in a briefcase
 Battery operated


 Larger
 Heavier
 More expensive than desktop models.

Laptop has a battery which enables it to work after power failure or loss. You can use it for a
period of 3 hours, 2 hours, 30 minutes or 1 minute or 0 minute depending to the state of its

This time that a laptop can be used without being connected to AC power source is called

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Basic Computer Concepts

Definition of a computer

A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a set of instructions.

Basic Units

A computer is designed using four basic units. They are:

 Input Unit
 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
 Memory Unit
 Output Unit

1. Input devices

 Accept data or commands and convert them to electronic form

 Getting data into the computer
 Typing on a keyboard
 Pointing with a mouse

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Examples: Keyboard, Mouse, Microphone Unit, Scanner, Digital Camera.

2. Output devices

 Convert from electronic form to some other form

 May display the processed results
 Usable information

Monitor or screen displays Text, Numbers, Symbols, Art, Photographs and Video.
Printer: Black and white printer or Color printer.


Monitor or Video Display Unit (VDU), Printer, Graphic Display device (Digitizing Tablet),

Standard monitors are wider than they are tall and are
called landscape monitors. Monitors that have greater
height than width are called portrait monitors.

1 inch= 2.54 cm

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Thin Film Transistor (TFT)

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3. The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 Converts data to useful information

 Interprets and executes instructions
 Communicate with input, output and storage

Five parts (Some times 3 parts)

 Control Unit (CU)

 Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
 Registers
 Internal communication
 Cache memory

a. Arithmetic / Logic Unit (ALU)

Performs arithmetic and logical operations

Arithmetic Operations

Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*) and Division (/).

Logical Operations

Evaluates conditions, makes comparisons and can compare numbers, letters, and
special characters (==, >, <, <>, >=, <=).

Examples of logical operators: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR, NOT, etc.

b. Control Unit (CU)

Part of the hardware that is in-charge

Directs the computer system to execute stored program instructions
Communicates with other parts of the hardware, regulates and controls various operations.

c. Registers
Instruction register Data register
High-speed Holds instruction currently Holds data waiting to be processed.
Temporary storage being executed. Holds results from processing.
Located inside CPU

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d. Internal communication

Connects the units of the CPU with each other and with external components of the

e. Cache memory

It is the memory which works with the CPU. It can be found inside the CPU (Level 1
cache), on the same circuit as the CPU (Level 2 cache) or located somewhere on the
motherboard (Level 3 cache).

Cache hit: When the CPU finds in cache memory, the data that it wants to execute.

Cache miss: when the CPU misses in the cache memory the data that it wants to

Summary of Input unit, CPU and

Output unit.

4. Computer Memory

Computer data storage, often called storage or memory, refers to computer components,
devices, and recording media that retain digital data used for computing for some interval of
time. Computer data storage provides one of the core
functions of the modern computer, that of information retention. It is one of the fundamental
components of all modern computers, and coupled with a central processing unit (CPU, a

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Types of Memory

Types of Memory

Primary Memory / Primary Storage/Main memory/Internal storage/ Internal

Memory /Main storage/Memory

a) RAM (Random Access Memory)

 Temporary storage
 Holds input to be processed
 Holds results of processing
 Volatile
 It is known also as the Read and Write memory.
 Whatever information you store is temporary in nature and when you switch off the
computer everything is erased/forgotten/lost.

Types of RAM

 SRAM (Static Random Access Memory))

 Retains contents as long as power is maintained

 Faster/smaller in size/expensive than DRAM

 DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)

 Must be constantly refreshed

 It is cheaper/bigger size than SRAM

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 Used for most PC memory because of size and cost.

b) ROM (Read Only Memory)

It is a memory unit that performs the Read operation only and does not have a write

 Non-volatile
 Instructions for booting the computer
 Data and instructions can be read, but not modified
 Instructions are typically recorded at factory

Types of ROM

 PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)

 EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)
 EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory) memories are also erasable
 PROMs, but unlike EPROMs, they can be erased by a simple electric current, meaning
that they can be erased even when they are in position in the computer.

Secondary Storage/ External storage/ secondary memory / External memory/

some times Removable memories

Secondary Storage

Secondary memory is generally intended for storing anything that needs to be kept
even if the computer is switched off or no programs are currently executing.

 Long-term storage
 Non-volatile
 For safekeeping and later re-use

Secondary Storage Drives

 Magnetic disk drive

Example: Hard disk drive (read and written on the hard disk),…

 Optical disk drives:

Example: CD drive (read and written on the CD),…

 Magnetic tape drives.

Example: tape drive (read and written on the tape),...

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Example of graphic of Flash disk Drive

Example of graphic of Optical drive

Data Representation

Binary number system is used to represent the state of the circuit.

1 0

In a computer, all data is represented by the state of the computer’s electric switches. A
switch has only two possible states-on and off-so it can represent only two numeric values.
To a computer, when a switch is off, it represents a 0; when a switch is on, it represents a 1.

Because there are only two values, computers are said to function in base 2, which is also
known as the binary number system (bi means “2” in Latin).
To a computer, everything is a number. Numbers are numbers; letters and punctuations
marks are numbers; sounds and pictures are numbers. Even the computer’s own instructions
are numbers.

Bits, Bytes, Words

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Binary DigIT
On/off circuit
1 or 0

BYTE=8 bits, Store one alphanumeric character.

WORD= Size of the register, Number of BITS that the CPU processes as a unit.

 A kilobyte (KB) = 210 bytes = 1024 bytes (a thousand)

 One Megabyte (MB) = 220 bytes = 1024 KB = 1 048 576 bytes (a million)
 Gigabyte (GB) = 230 bytes = 1024 MB = 1 073 741 824 bytes (a billion)
 Terabyte (TB) = 240 bytes = 1024 GB = 1 099 511 627 776 bytes (a trillion)
 Petabyte (PB)=250 bytes= 1024 TB
 Exabyte (EB)=260 bytes= 1024 PB
 Zettabyte (ZB)=270 bytes= 1024 EB
 Yottabyte (YB)=280 bytes= 1024 ZB

Measuring Storage Capacity

KB – kilobyte GB – gigabyte
1024 bytes Billion bytes
Some diskettes Hard disks
Cache memory CDs and DVDs

MB – megabyte TB – terabytes
Million bytes Trillion bytes
RAM Large hard disks

The principal characteristics of a memory

 Capacity: representing the total volume of information (out of bits) that the memory
can store;
 The access time: corresponding to the interval of time enters the request for
read/write and the availability of the data;
 Cycle time: representing the interval of minimum time between two successive
 Flow: defining the volume of information exchanged per unit of time, expressed out of
bits a second;

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 Nonvolatility: characterizing the aptitude of a memory to preserve the data when it is

not fed any more electrically.

The block diagram of a computer


Data come through Input and the CPU processes the data based on a program which is in
Memory. The result is returned to Memory or is presented to the user through Output.


What’s in RAM?

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During the use of computer, in the RAM there are:

 Operating System
 Program currently running
 Data needed by the program
 Intermediate results waiting to be output.

Motherboard / mother chart


The motherboard is a printed circuit board that connects the various elements on it through
the use of traces, or electrical pathways.

The motherboard is very important to the computer and provides the main computing

The most important computer chips and other electronic components that make a
a computer to be functional, are located on the motherboard.


 Microprocessor/CPU chip
 Memory chips
 Connections to other parts of the hardware
 Additional chips may be added.

Description of the motherboard

The motherboard is like a big city with many streets and highways (grandes routes) that
connect all of the buildings together. Instead of streets and highways, the motherboard uses
tiny electrical paths to connect each component of the computer together. These paths are
called "buses." The more buses that connect to a component, the faster it can operate. Larger
buses are able to operate faster than smaller buses.

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Graphic of Motherboard

Graphic of an extension card with ports

Video Graphics Array (VGA)

Digital Visual Interface (DVI)

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In computer hardware, a port is a location for passing data in and out of a computing

Ports of input-output 1. PS/2 Port

2. USB Port
3. Parallel Port (LPT)
4. Game Port
5. Ports of the Audio Card
6. Video Card Port
7. Serial Port (COM1)

Parallel LAN
In line
Out line
Keyboard Microphone
USB Ports and Cables

USB is a standard interface for connecting peripheral devices to a computer.

USB ports are found on computers, cameras, printers, scanners, storage devices, and many
other electronic devices.

Example of graphic of USB Port

Serial port

The series term indicates a sending of data via a single wire: bits are sent the ones following
the others.

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Parallel port

Data transmission of parallel consists in simultaneously sending data on several channels

(wire). The ports parallel present on the micro-computers make it possible simultaneously
to send 8 bits (a byte) via 8 wires.

Serial Link Parallel Link

Example of graphic of Parallel Ports and Cables

Example of graphic of Internal Cables (SATA and IDE cables)

The power supply unit (PSU)

A power supply unit (PSU) is the component that supplies power to the other components in
a computer.

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Cooling or radiator

As the Microprocessor/ CPU radiates thermically, it is necessary to dissipate heat

of it to prevent that its circuits do not melt. This is why it is generally surmounted
by a heat sink (called sometimes cooling or radiator).

University of Rwanda-College of Education Page 28 Block 1: Introduction to computers-2019/2020

Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake

Number and character representation

A number can be represented with different base values. We are familiar with the numbers
in the base 10 (known as decimal numbers), with digits taking values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

A computer uses a Binary number system which has a base 2 and digits can have only TWO
values: 0 and 1.

Other representation:

 Decimal: base 10 (0……9)

 Binary: base 2 (1 and 0)
 Octal: base 8 ( 0…7)
 Hexadecimal: base 16 ( 0, 1 ,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B, C,D,E,F )

1. Conversion of decimal to binary (base 10 to base 2)

Here we keep on dividing the number by 2 recursively till it reduces to zero. Then we print
the remainders in reverse order.

Example: convert (68)10 to binary

68/2=34 remainder is 0
34/2=17 remainder is 0
17 / 2 = 8 remainder is 1
8 / 2 = 4 remainder is 0
4 / 2 = 2 remainder is 0
2 / 2 = 1 remainder is 0
1 / 2 = 0 remainder is 1

We stop here as the number has been reduced to zero and collect the remainders in reverse
order. Answer = 1 0 0 0 1 0 0

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Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake

2. Conversion of decimal to octal (base 10 to base 8)

Example: convert (177)10 to octal equivalent

177 / 8 = 22 remainder is 1

22 / 8 = 2 remainder is 6

2/8=0 remainder is 2

Answer = 2 6 1

Note: the answer is read from bottom to top as (261)8, the same as with the binary case.

3. Hexadecimal Number System

 Base or radix 16 number system.

 1 hex digit is equivalent to 4 bits.
 Numbers are 0,1, 2…..8,9, A, B, C, D, E, F.
 B is 11, E is 14

Conversion of decimal to Hexadecimal (base 10 to base 16)

Example: convert (4768)10 to hex.

= 4768 / 16 = 298 remainder 0

= 298 / 16 = 18 remainder 10 (A )
= 18 / 16 = 1 remainder 2
= 1 / 16 = 0 remainder 1

Answer: 1 2 A 0

4. Conversion of binary to decimal (base 2 to base 10)

Example2: convert (1000100)2 to its decimal equivalent

= 26 x 1 + 25 x 0 +24 x 0+ 23 x 0 + 22 x 1+ 21 x 0 + 20 x 0

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Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake

= 64 + 0 + 0+ 0 + 4 + 0 + 0

= (68)10

5. Conversion of octal to decimal (base 8 to base 10)

Example: convert (632)8 to decimal

= (6 x 82) + (3 x 81) + (2 x 80)

= (6 x 64) + (3 x 8) + (2 x 1)

= 384 + 24 + 2

= (410)10

6. Conversion of hex to decimal (base 16 to base 10)

Example: convert (F4C) 16 to decimal

= (F x 162) + (4 x 161) + (C x 160)

= (15 x 256) + (4 x 16) + (12 x 1)

=3840 + 64 + 12= 3916

Binary Arithmetic
1. Addition

0+0 = 0, with no carry,

1+0 = 1, with no carry,
0+1 = 1, with no carry,
1+1 = 0, and you carry a 1.

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Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake

2. Subtraction

Rules of Binary Subtraction

0 - 1 = 1, and borrow 1 from the next more significant bit

3. Multiplication

Rules of Binary Multiplication

 0x0=0
 0x1=0
 1x0=0
 1 x 1 = 1, and no carry or borrow bits

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Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake

University of Rwanda-College of Education Page 33 Block 1: Introduction to computers-2019/2020

Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake


Qn 1 : Add the binary numbers



C) 0110111+110110=

Qn 2 : Subtract the binary numbers

i) 1101110-0110111=

ii) 10000-01010=

Qn 3 :Divide 110012 by 1012

Qn 4 : Multiply the binary numbers 1100 and 1001

Qn 5 : Multiply the binary numbers 01101 and 1001

Qn 6 : Divide 1011002 by 1002

Qn 7 : Convert 39810 to hexadecimal

Qn 8 : Convert 4GB into KB

Qn 9 : Convert 1,474,560 bytes into MB

University of Rwanda-College of Education Page 34 Block 1: Introduction to computers-2019/2020

Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake

Computer Software / Software

Computer Software

A set of programs associated with the operation of a computer is called software.

Or Software is a set of programs that govern the operations of computer.

Types of Software

 System Software: Software that controls internal computer operations.

 Application Software: Set of programs to carry out operations for a specified
 Operating System: Software which acts as an interface between user and the
 Language Processor: Software which converts HLL program into machine language.
 Utilities: perform house keeping.
 Packages: General utility software.
 Customized Software: Tailor made software according to user’s needs.

University of Rwanda-College of Education Page 35 Block 1: Introduction to computers-2019/2020

Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake

Examples of Language Processor

 Compiler: It is a translator system program used to translate a High-level language

program into a Machine language program.
 Assembler: It is another translator program used to translate an Assembly language
program into a Machine language program.
 Interpreter: It is also a translator system program used to translate a High level
language program into a Machine language program, but it translates and executes
line by line.
 Loader: It is a system program used to store the machine language program into the
memory of the computer.


Computer system

University of Rwanda-College of Education Page 36 Block 1: Introduction to computers-2019/2020

Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake

Recalling about the first block

A complete computer system includes four distinct parts:

1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Data
4. User

The Parts of a Computer System – Hardware

• A computer's hardware consists of electronic devices; the parts you can see and touch.

• The term "device" refers to any piece of hardware used by the computer, such as a
Keyboard, monitor, modem, mouse, etc.

University of Rwanda-College of Education Page 37 Block 1: Introduction to computers-2019/2020

Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake

The Parts of a Computer System – Software

• Software – also called programs – consists of organized sets of instructions for controlling
the computer.

• Some programs exist for the computer's use, to help it manage its own tasks and devices
(System Software).

• Other programs exist for the user, and enable the computer to perform tasks for you, such
as creating documents (Application Software).

The Parts of a Computer System – Data

• Data consists of raw facts, which the computer can manipulate and process into information
that is useful to people.

• Computerized data is digital, meaning that it has been reduced to digits, or numbers. The
computer stores and reads all data as numbers.

• Although computers use data in digital form, they convert data into forms that people can
understand, such as text, numerals, sounds, and images.

University of Rwanda-College of Education Page 38 Block 1: Introduction to computers-2019/2020

Module of Introduction to Information Technology (CSC1141) for Year 1-2020 Intake

The Parts of a Computer System – Users

• People are the computer's operators, or users.

• Some types of computers can operate without much intervention from people, but personal
computers are designed specifically for use by people.

Standard Methods of Input

The Keyboard

• A standard computer keyboard has about 100 keys.

• Most keyboards use the QWERTY layout, named for the first six keys in the top row of letters.

Most keyboards have keys arranged in five groups:

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