Management CH 1 Excerises

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Multiple Choices and Cases

(1) Multiple Choices

1) Managers' skills and abilities are ….. to go the work activities done.
a. Competitive. c. Creative
b. Critical d. Direct

2) One of the following is not related to importance of the managers in

the world of business.
a. Their physical appearance.
b. Their skills and abilities
c. Their coordination in all kinds of issues.
d. Their relation with their employees

3) "Is this marketable" is a policy of ….. managers.

a. Top c. Successful
b. Loyal d. Potential

4) One of the coming is not related to the definition of manager.

a. Someone who is coordinating and overseeing the work of other
b. Someone who cares for his personal ambition.
c. Someone who supervises the work of others.
d. Someone who works within a team.

5) ……… have titles like chief executive officer and chief operating
a. Middle managers c. First line managers
b. Top managers d. (a, b)

6) Organizations that have Paramedical structure have …………

a. Loose c. Tight
b. Deliberate d. Traditional

7) Managers at the ………….. level of management manage the work of

non-managerial employees.
a. Top c. Top and middle
b. Middle d. Lowest

8) The three feature that characterize any organization are ……….. ,

………. and ……..
a. Efficiency, effectiveness and responsibility
b. Goals, structure and people
c. Top managers, middle managers and first line managers
d. (a, c)

9) "doing the things right" is called ………

a. Efficiency c. Creativity
b. Productivity d. Effectiveness

10) One of the coming is not a target of effectiveness.

a. Decreasing the amount of time.
b. Doing the right things.
c. It is an end.
d. Making jobs easier and safer.

11) Reporting as related to "who" and "to whom" is one of the functions.
a. Controlling c. Planning
b. Leading d. Organizing

12) Controlling as one of the functions of management is closely

focusing on ……………
a. Dealing with the employee behavior issues.
b. Monitoring the performance of the workers.
c. Establishing strategies.
d. Selecting the best channel of communication.

13) According to Mintzberg's managerial Roles, managers through

……….. roles work as Disseminators.
a. Informational c. Interpersonal
b. Decision d. Ceremonial

14) Mintzberg states that ………….

a. Monitoring c. Attending the symbolic duties
b. Enterpneur d. (a ,b)
15) Robert L.Katz proposed that top managers must have the ability to
………… as part of their conceptual skills
a. Communicate c. Produce
b. Motivate d. Think
16) Managers must satisfy the customers' ……….. needs.
a. Essential c. Psychological
b. Mental d. Productive
17) without ……………. Organizations will cease to exist.
a. Hierarchal structures of management.
b. Planning and controlling.
c. Customers and markets.
d. Human skills.

18) Only one of the following is considered a challenge that a mangers
a. Uncertainty and chaos.
b. Responsibility of creativity.
c. Receiving recognition
d. Helping others.

(2) Cases
Case Study I :
At The Gallup organization, Tim James is a chief executive who is
responsible for planning and achieving the organization's goals. Another
project leader, Suzan Mapp, is responsible for supervising the work of sales
employee, Tim Watson. The plan was to make the Luxury products reach
one million dollar per year. The problem is that Mapp complains about
Watson's waste of both time and resources, although the target is achieved.
In a meeting between James and the rest of managers, many arguments
were aroused around the plan of the coming year.

Answer the coming questions:

1. Explain what is the main problem that the company should handle?
2. At what level of management do you think the problem ties?
3. What kind of management functions do you think Tim James should
stress to get the organization on the right track?

Case Study II :
Lara Sam studies the managerial paramedical structure along with its
functions, and skills at HONDA Factory. She had many interviews with a
top manager Jackson Miller and a mid-manager of shift, Dora Hilton and
many other front line employees, Throughout she recorded that Dora
Hilton allocates resources of the factory with no intended strategy.
Meanwhile, many employees negotiate with the customers around the
accessories of the cars in private meetings. Jackson Miller was all the time
abrent. Other Mid-managers complain about not being recognized carrying
out just bearauractis work. No one knows who should tell what to whom.
Jackson doesnot have the vision of the needs of his environment, thus,
there is always lack of communication between both the factory and its
customers. The Losses reach limitless boundary.
Answer the coming questions:
1. Accordint to Mintzberg's managerial roles, HONDA factory has a
problem in distributing roles. Explain.
2. According to L. Katz, there is confusion management skills in HONDA
factor. Discuss.
3. From your own point of view, what is the main problem between the
factory managers and the customers?
4. Management functions in HONDA factory are not fit. Do you agree
with this sentence? Why?


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