Portrait of Rose Korte KennealyOH NY ME

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“I like to translate something like the sound of insects in a hay field into shapes and colors.”

N orthwest Ohio prides itself in producing

extra-ordinary, creative-minded citizens.
The public school system, the cultural programs
and most of all, those who teach are largely
responsible for this national reputation. One
example of Ohio homegrown talent is that of
Rose Korte-Kennealy, a watermedia artist of
Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Rose grew up in
Delphos, Ohio and had always been >Top of next page

68 - The Art-To-Art Palette Paint Box 2007-08 Fall/Winter Edition

interested in science and art. Her watercolor on 140lb. Arches cold artist and her best friend, Jack
first proper leadership in pressed paper of the lighthouse that Kennealy and mother to son John.
photography as an art was marks the beginning of the channel Ohio has recognized the influence
introduced to her by Patricia into Portland Harbor, Maine. It that the arts can make on our
Rayman, teacher of Rose’s 6th grade features the top of the light tower, students and recently added art as a
class. The assignment was a science and roof lines on the keeper's house credit in the public school system. A
project in which pinhole cameras that appear to point to the tower. realization comes true for those who
were used. You can tell that Rose senses the have known the importance of art
Having the opportunity to try out aroma and sees the nature in her for years. Rose Korte-Kennealy is a
different artistic techniques with the work, whether it is a country church wonderful example of how teaching
combined knowledge of a well or children playing by the sea. Her can offer many attractive avenues if
trained academic team, helped lead life full of what pleases her most, she one is shown the way.
Rose to her undergraduate work at is also married to coastal landscape For more,, visit www.kennealy.com.
the Rochester Institute of
Technology, one of the
two premiere photography
and imaging colleges in the
United States. After
graduation, Rose joined a
pioneering company in
Massachusetts and played
a key role in developing
one of the first all digital,
color graphic arts pre-press
A career in image
science plus the never
dying interest in art has led
Rose to an expansion of
her abilities. Wishing to
marry science and art to
enjoy both her passions,
Kennealy explains, “I like
to translate something like
the sound of insects in a
hay field into shapes and
colors.” New England
architecture, kitchen still
life, island scenes, laundry
on clothesline are a few of
the watercolors completed
by Rose.
"Monhegan Quilts" is
22”x30" watercolor on 140
lb. Arches cold pressed
paper. The scene is of
quilts on a clothesline
between two cottages on
the main road in the
fishing village on
Monhegan Island, Maine.
Active in the Cape Art
League and holding the
Chair of the Cape Elizabeth
Arts Commission, Rose
exhibits regularly in the
Portland, Maine area.
"Cape Elizabeth Light"
is a 12”x16" transparent

69 - The Art-To-Art Palette Paint Box 2007-08 Fall/Winter Edition

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