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How to make an omelette


2 eggs
Onion, roughly chopped - 2 tablespoons
Paprika, cut into squares - 2 tablespoons
Tomato. cut into boxes - 2 tablespoons
Champignon mushroom, thinly sliced - 2 pieces
Sausage, thinly sliced - 2 pieces
Mozzarella or cheddar cheese melts quickly, cut into squares - 1 tablespoon
Cheddar cheese, grated - 1 tablespoon
Liquid milk - 3 tablespoons
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Pepper - 1/4 tsp
Margarine, for sauteing - 2 tablespoons

The steps

1. In a container, beat the eggs with grated cheese, liquid milk, salt, and pepper until they
are even. Set aside.
2. Heat margarine. Saute onions, peppers, mushrooms, and sausages. Cook until fragrant
bombai and cooked mushrooms. Flatten the ingredients throughout the pan. Reduce the
3. Pour the beaten eggs and cook until half cooked.
4. Add the tomatoes and checkered cheese. Fold the omelette into a half circle shape.
Cover the pan briefly and cook until the cheese has melted. Lift.
5. Ready to be served.


1. Omelette can be created with filling according to taste, such as smoked meat, shredded
chicken, and spinach.
2. Use a non-stick pan, so you can make perfectly round omelets that are evenly cooked.
3. Make sure the bottom or outside of the omelette is rather dry so that it doesn't break
when folded.

Cara membuat telur dadar


 2 butir telur
 Bawang, dicincang kasar - 2 sendok makan
 Paprika, potong kotak - 2 sendok makan
 Tomat. potong kotak - 2 sdm
 Jamur Champignon, diiris tipis - 2 potong
 Sosis, diiris tipis - 2 potong
 Keju mozzarella atau cheddar meleleh dengan cepat, dipotong menjadi bujur
sangkar - 1 sendok makan
 Keju cheddar, parut - 1 sdm
 Susu cair - 3 sendok makan
 Garam - 1/2 sdt
 Merica - 1/4 sdt
 Margarin, untuk menumis - 2 sendok makan

Langkah langkah

1 Dalam sebuah wadah, kocok telur dengan keju parut, susu cair, garam, dan merica
sampai merata. Menyisihkan.
2 Panaskan margarin. Tumis bawang, paprika, jamur, dan sosis. Masak sampai
bombai harum dan jamur masak. Ratakan bahan di seluruh wajan. Kurangi api.
3 Tuang telur kocok dan masak sampai setengah matang.
4 Tambahkan tomat dan keju kotak-kotak. Lipat omelet menjadi bentuk setengah
lingkaran. Tutupi wajan sebentar dan masak sampai keju meleleh. Mengangkat.
5 Siap disajikan.


1. Omelet dapat dibuat dengan isian sesuai selera, seperti daging asap, ayam suwir,
dan bayam.

2. Gunakan wajan anti lengket, sehingga Anda bisa membuat omelet bundar
sempurna yang dimasak secara merata.

3. Pastikan bagian bawah atau luar omelet agak kering sehingga tidak pecah saat

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