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Statement Of Purpose Outline

Burit Sanchavanakit (Earl)

October 21st, 2020

1. Introduction
a. Interesting Start Sentence To Draw The Attention
b. Motivation In Persuing This Career (Becoming A Doctor)
i. Motivation 1: The Idea Of Helping Other People, Being Compassionate
ii. Motivation 2: To Be A Man Of The Community, Being Altruistic
iii. Motivation 3: To Create An Impact To This Field, Being Innovative
c. Central Statement

2. Body Paragraph I -- Relevant Experiences

a. Write about experiences that will be relevant to the career and also the
motivations listed in the introductory paragraph.
i. Experience 1: As A Kid Saw Patients Need To Be Separated From Their
Family & Their Normal Routine Life, And Feeling Pain
1. Related To Motivation 1 - Having the feeling that making the
patients be able to go back home will make the person who cured
them feel good and I want to be the one who will be able to do that
ii. Experience 2: As Growing Up Realizing That This Career Will Be Able
To Do So Many Thing For The Community, In Other Words Being An
Altruistic Citizen Of The Society -- Volunteer Service Experience
1. Related To Motivation 2 - The career of a doctor will certainly
help other individuals in so many ways, from just a small help to a
decisive one, which might able to determine the life and death of
the others, an important role of a society
iii. Experience 3: As In Recent Days Seeing The Developing World In A
Bigger Picture, Development Of Medical Innovation And Technology --
Observing Medical-Engineering Laboratories Experience
1. Related To Motivation 3 -- Nowadays, there are always researches
and innovations developed to enhance the efficiency of the medical
field works, which will certainly create an enormous impact to the
medical field and also to the world as a whole
b. Explain how these experiences affect my identity

3. Body Paragraph II -- Telling The Reasons Why This University Program Will Be Able
To Fulfill My Objectives (Reason To Be Determined)
a. 1st Reason
b. 2nd Reason
c. 3rd Reason

4. Body Paragraph III -- Telling My Strengths And How It Is Link With The Career Path
And The University Program I Chose
a. My Strengths
i. Strength 1: Promptness
ii. Strength 2: Durable
iii. Strength 3: Diligence
iv. Strength 4: Working Well With Others -- Teamwork Skills
v. Strength 5: Good Memorization
b. Explain How Are My Strengths Worth A Perfect Fit For This Career And The
University Program

5. Conclusion
a. Elaborate On How My Motivations, Relevant Experiences, And Strengths Make
Me A Unique Candidate For This University Program
b. Reiterate My Dedication Toward The Career Paths

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