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First Interview Reflection

For the first interview, I had a chance to meet with Mr. Ashley, who is going to interview

me for this Personal Development Project. When we started the interview, I had a chance to

explain and answer all the prompts correctly, as if I had understood all the interview questions

fairly. However, after the interview was finished, Mr. Ash was able to recognize some mistakes

and errors in my statement, which will be the homework for me to improve for the next interview

session. Some of the parts that he recognizes were, first of all, was the task completion, he said

that I had responded appropriately and the text was adequately developed, nonetheless, it was

still not superior to hit the bullseye and that there are still rooms for more elaboration. Secondly,

he told me that I have use adequate and accurate terms of vocabulary, despite the fact that I can

still use more of those complex words in my interview. On the other hand, he said that I have

also done several good points in the interview, including my comprehensibility, or to be able to

respond easily and requiring no interpretation as a listener. Second, I have good language

control, meaning that I have good control over the basic language structures. Third, is that my

pronunciation is acceptable, did not interfere with the communication. Lastly, the fluency was

good, such that I able to continue to talk with complete thoughts.

Final Interview Reflection

This time, after I had gone to review and improve on the interview, once again I came

back to interview with Mr. Ash, and this time I had got a lot more positive feedback from him. I

am also pretty sure that this time, I had done much better than the first time, due to the fact that I

had gone on revising and rehearsing the interview several times by myself. For this time, Mr.

Ash said that the task completion part and the vocabulary part that I had problems with last time

were now all fixed and enhanced. Also, I did maintain the wellness for the other parts that I have

already done well last time. Although that seems to be a well-done interview, I still have a little

bit of a problem this time with the language control parts, as from Mr. Ash’s comment. However,

it didn’t affect the understanding of what I’m going to say much, so he did not take many points

off on that field. In sum, for this time, my score had improved a lot, and I am very happy with

my score and also the way I had improved in my interview speaking.

Statement Of Purpose First Draft Reflection

For my statement of purpose, I started to write it by creating an outline for my statement

of purpose, which is in the format of what The Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital,

Mahidol University needs. So, there are limits and expectations of what to write by their format.

This first draft was the first time I had to write a statement of purpose as well. I did not have

much experience with it, so it went not so smooth and there were big rooms for improvement. I

did send my first draft to three of my friends, who are good at English to check my first draft for

me. They gave such very useful comments for me to improve for the final draft, which was

mainly about the grammar mistakes and about the problem with subject-verb agreement in which

was always the case for me when it comes to writing. Secondly, was about how I can elaborate

more about my interest in this career, in order to connect the Statement of Purpose together

stronger. The third and last problem that I had was that they said that I was a bit repetitive with

my writing at some points, so these are the problems in which I need to fix by the time that I

write the final draft.

Statement Of Purpose Final Draft Reflection

For my final draft of the statement of purpose, there were so many good comments from

my friends, and I also feel that I have improved my writing skills this time with the final draft.

My first friend said that my linkages were good this time, in other words, they like how I linked

my memory from the past with my future plans. As well as, the tone of the statement, in which

this time they said that it was more confident than before. The other point that they said I did

improve on was the clarification on many points of the statement, which makes the reader

understand better. My second friends comment about how I improved with my introduction by

cutting the unnecessary, which I also feel that I write a better introduction this time. Another

interesting point from the comment that I have improved on, as they said, is my grammar, in

which I feel that I still may have some grammar mistakes, but I’m pretty sure that it decreases

this time in my writing, which was a very good thing. My third friend commented about how I

improved my mood and fluency in the statement of purpose and no more repetition in any parts

of the statement. In sum, I feel very good with my statement of purpose final draft with the way I

improved it successfully.
2 WOOP Goals’ Setting Reflection

My two goals were, first of all, to be able to improve my score for the BioMedical

Admission Test, or the BMAT from 12C, which was my last year’s score, to probably 15A out of

23A. Secondly, was to had more free time in my daily life, due to the fact that I usually tutored

after school, at the weekend, so I don’t have much free time to do anything that I want to do, for

instance, travel with friends or play video games at night and holidays. Therefore, I want to have

more free time to relax, as well as improve my BMAT score in order to attend a good university

in Thailand. So, I started off preparing intensely for the BMAT Test in October, which the test

had taken place on November 4th, 2020. That month was very intense for me because I study for

it nearly every single day. This is because I really want to improve my score, in order to get into

the university that I really want to attend. As the month passed by, each time I reviewed the past

papers, which is the old test for the previous years, I got a higher score than my test last year. I

feel very good about it, because each time I practice a new test, there is always room for me to

improve, despite that each of the tests is not easy at all. After I have done so many past papers

from the year 2003 to 2019, I started to see my average score for the BMAT, in which I need to

say that it’s improving at least for 0.5 or 1 band score, but I think it is a good sign. Therefore, I

am hoping that my score this year will be better than last year, because I am very dedicated to

this test, so we need to see about it. For the other goal, which was about free time, I need to say

that it is very challenging for me to do so, everyday. This is due to the fact that there are so many

things for me to work on each day. To exemplify this, there is school homework, preparing for

university examinations, portfolios for both graduating from the school, and also attending the

university. I need to admit that in October, I can’t increase my free time at all, because of all the
work above that I previously mentioned. However, in November after the BMAT test was done,

I think that I have been increasing my free time since then, at least for an hour and a half each

day. And that is the time when I had increased my free time at night, which I need to say that it

did help me very much with decreasing stress from other works. During my free time, I had been

playing some games with my friends and watching a little bit of Korean series. After all, I did

improve and did succeed in these two goals however, there is still room for improvement and

even more adaptability.

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