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This notes includes objective questions of civil

engineering useful for various exams.
 Theory of probability applied to accidental
error only.
 The difference between the most probable
value and its observed value is residual error.
 Geodetic surveying is different from plane
surveying because of the curvature of the
 The error due to bad ranging is cumulative
 Offsets are short measurements from chain
 Invar tape is generally used for short
 An invar tape is made of an alloy of nickel and
 Number of links in a 30m chain are 150.
 Ranging is the process of aligning the chain in a
straight line between two extremities.
 The principle of ‘working from whole to part’
is used in surveying because of accumulation of
errors is prevented.
 A metallic tape is made of cloth and wires.
 For a well conditioned triangle no angle should
not be less than 30’ and not more than 120’.
 The position of a point can be fixed more
accurately by perpendicular offsets.
 The main object of check line is check the
accuracy of the work and the main object of tie
line is to take the details near by the objects.
 River is an obstacle to chaining but not ranging.
 A building is obstacle to both ranging and
 The angle of intersection of the two plane
mirrors of an optical square is 45’.
 45’ angle is used to setup using French cross
staff and any angle is set up using adjustable
cross staff.
 Method of perpendicular offsets involves less
measurements on the ground.
 The correction for sag is always subtractive.
 Cross staff is an instrument used for setting out
right angles.
 Line ranger is not used in measuring the
perpendicular offsets.
 If the length of the chain is found to be short on
testing it can be adjusted by straightening the
 The maximum tolerance in a 20m chain is
 For accurate work steel band is used because
it is practically inextensible and is not liable to
kinks when in use.
 The length of the chain is measured from
outside of one handle to outside of another
 Prismatic compass used for WCB and
surveyor compass used for QB.
 For a line AB the fore bearing of line AB and
back bearing of AB exactly differ by 180’.
 Local attraction in compass surveying may
exist due to presence of magnetic substance
near the instrument.
 Declination-the horizontal angle between the
true meridian and magnetic meridian.
 Azimuth-the angle between the true meridian
and a line.
 Dip-horizontal angle with respect to inclination
of dip of the needle.
 Agate cap is fitted with a prismatic compass.
 Theodolite is an instrument used for measuring
the both horizontal and vertical angles.
 Size of the theodolite is specified by the
diameter of lower plate.
 Spire test is used for adjustment of horizontal
 A level line is a line parallel to the mean
spheroid surface of the earth.
 On turning point both back sight and fore
sights taken.
 In rise and fall method of levelling provides
complete check on BS FS and IS.
 Height of the instrument method is less tedious
and quicker.
 The sensitivity of a bubble tube can be
increased by increasing the diameter of the tube.
 While doing the levelling in undulating terrain
it is preferably set the level on one side of the
 Dumpy level is suitable when many readings
taken from single station.
 A series of closely spaced contours called steep
 Direct method of contouring is more accurate.
 Tachometric method is most suitable for hilly
 Hillock-higher values inside lower values are
 Valley-higher values are outside and lower
values are inside.
 Contour interval-the vertical distance between
the two consecutive contours.
 Benchmark is established by spirit levelling.
 Plane table surveying require least office work.
 Detailed plotting is generally done by radiation.
 The size of plane table is 600mm*750mm.
 Plumbing fork is used for accurate centring in
plane table survey.
 Intersection method is used for locate the
position of inaccessible points.
 The two point and three point problem are the
methods of orientation and resection.
 Bowditch rule is used when both angular and
linear measurements are equal.
 Transit rule is used when angular
measurements are more precise than linear
 Deflection angle-the angle between the
prolongation of preceding line and the forward
 Substance bar used for measurement of
horizontal distance in undulated areas.
 Over turning of a vehicle can be avoided by
providing transition curves.
 Different grades are joined together by vertical
 The shape of the vertical curve generally
provided is parabolic.
 Agonic line is the line joining the points of zero
 Altimeter-height measuring, fathometer-depth
measuring, passometer-distance measuring.
 Clino meter-angle measuring, pantograph-plan
enlarging or reducing, tellurometer-microwave
 Offsets are lateral measurements made with
respect to the main survey line.
 To determine the length of the bridge
triangulation is used.
 Heliograph is a type of sun signal is used in
triangulation work.
 Topographical surveying-to determine the
natural features of the country.
 Cadastral surveying-to determine the
boundaries of field.
 City survey-to determine the railway, drainage,
road features of the country.
 The fix of a plane table from three known
points is good if the middle station is nearest.
 Plane alidade is used to measure the horizontal
and vertical distances directly.

 Border flooding is used on rolling land.
 Delta=(8.64B/D).
 The duty is largest on the field.
 The ‘outlet discharge factor’ is the duty at the
head of water course.
 Water application efficiency is the ratio of
water stored in the reservoir to the water
delivered in the field.
 Useful water for plant growth is capillary
 consumptive irrigation requirement The
amount of irrigation water required to meet the
evapotranspiration needs of the crop during its
full growth is the.
 Hydrograph is the graphical representation of
runoff and time.
 Soil moisture deficiency-the depth of the water
required to bring the soil moisture content to the
field capacity.
 Cyclonic precipitation is caused due to the
lifting of an air mass due to the pressure
 Convective precipitation is caused due to the
temperature difference.
 Simons rain gauge is the non recording rain
 A rain gauge is should be preferably fixed at
open space.
 Tipping bucket type of rain gauge is used in
inaccessible areas.
 Convex water surface will give highest rate of
 A current meter is used for measuring the
velocity of flow of water.
 An artesian aquifer is the one where water is
under pressure between two impervious strata.
 A deep well has more discharge than shallow
 The useful storage is the volume of water
stored between minimum pool level and normal
pool level.
 Trap efficiency of a reservoir is a function of
capacity/inflow ratio.
 The major resisting force in a gravity dam is
self weight of the dam.
 When the reservoir is full the maximum
compressive force in a gravity dam is produced
with in the middle third of base.
 The elementary profile of a gravity dam is a
right angled triangle.
 The maximum permissible eccentricity for no
tension at the base of gravity dam is B/6.
 For wave action in gravity dams the maximum
height of freeboard is generally taken 1.25hw.
 Seepage through embankment in earthen dam is
controlled by drain trenches.
 Ogee spillway is least suitable for earthen dam.
 In chute spillway the flow is usually super
 A divide wall is provided at right angle to the
axis of weir.
 Silt excluder is constructed on river bed
upstream of head regulator.
 Contour canal-canals run parallel to the
contours of the country.
 Side slope canal-canals run perpendicular to the
contour of the country.
 Garrets diagram is used in Kennedys theory.
 According to lacey’s theory the eddies are
generated from bottom as well as sides.
 Canal escape is used to remove surplus water.
 Kennedy’s gauge outlet is flexible outlet.
 Montague type fall is parabolic glacis.
 Meter fall is a vertical drop fall.
 Rigid module is constant discharge.
 Flexibility-the ratio of rate of discharge of an
outlet to the rate of change of discharge of
distributing channel.
 An aggrading river is a silting river.
 Scouring river is degrading river.
 River training is achieved by groynes and
 A repelling groyne is pointing upstream.
 A river training work is generally required
when the river is meandering.
 Cetyl alcohol is used in water surface to reduce
the evaporation.
 In linear reservoir storage varies linearly with
outflow rate.
 1 gauge for 520km^2 in plain areas, 1 gauge for
260km^2 in 1000m elevation about mean sea
level and 1 gauge for 130km^2 in hilly areas.
 The double mass analysis is adopted to check
the consistency of data.
 In upstream slope of an earthen dam the most
critical condition is sudden draw down
 Permanent wilting point is a soil characteristic.
 Mean precipitation over an area is best
obtained by orographical isohyetal method.
 Nagpur road plan prepared by assuming radial
or star and grid pattern.
 The sequence of four stage of survey in a
highway alignment is map study, reconnaissance
survey, preliminary survey and detailed survey.
 The shape of the camber best suited for
concrete pavements is straight line.
 Skidding-when the path travelled along the road
surface is more than the circumferential
 Coefficient of friction is less when the road
surface is smooth and wet.
 Camber in the road is provided for effective
 The desirable length of overtaking zone as per
IRC is 5*OSD.
 Reaction time of driver is decrease with
increase in speed.
 100kmph is the speed of national highway,
80kmph for state highway.
 The terrains <10% plain terrain, 10% -25%
rolling terrain, 25% -60% mountainous terrain,
>60% steep terrain.
 As per IRC the max limit of super elevation in
plain terrain is 1in15.
 For the design of super elevation for mixed
traffic condition the speed is reduced by 25%.
 (e)equilibrium=V^2/127R.
 (e)max=V^2/225R.
 W= Wm+Wps= (nl^2/2R)+(V/9.5R).
 In case of hill roads the extra widening is
generally provided on fully inner side of road
 The transition curve is used as per IRC is
 The maximum design gradient for vertical
profile is ruling gradient.
 The camber of road should be approximately
equal to half of the longitudinal gradient.
 Cubic parabola is preferred in vertical curves.
 0.38(NV^3)1/2 length of valley curve.
 Highway facilities are designed for 30 highest
hourly volume.
 Enoscope is used for measuring the spot speed.
 For highway geometric design the speed is 98th
percentile speed.
 Length of the vehicle affects the extra width
and minimum turning radius.
 2.44m is the maximum width of the vehicle by
 Desire lines are plotted in origin and destination
 Collision diagram is used in accidents.
 Traffic volume=traffic density*traffic speed.
 Practical capacity is known as design capacity.
 On a right angled road intersection with 2 way
traffic the total number of conflict points is 24.
 The background colour of informatory sign
board is yellow.
 Level crossing is a warning signal.
 Dead slow is regulatory sign.
 The most efficient traffic signal system is
flexible progressive system.
 Centre line markings are used in roadways
meant for 2 way traffic.
 The entrance and exit curves of a rotary is
different radii and different width.
 A traffic rotary is justified when the number of
intersections is between 4 to 7.
 Maximum number of vehicles parked with 90’
angle parking.
 As per IRC the average level of illumination is
 The most economical lightning layout is single
side lightning.
 Abrasion test used for wear, impact test used
for toughness.
 Los angles testing machine used for abrasion.
 In CBR test CBR is calculated for both 2.5mm
and 5mm penetration.
 30% is the maximum allowable value los
angles abrasion value for high quality surface.
 The percentage of free carbon in bitumen is
less than that in tar.
 The ductility value of bitumen for suitability in
road construction should not be less than 50cm.
 0.6% is the maximum limit of water absorption
suitable for road construction.
 30/40 representing the hardest grade of
 Penetration test is used for determining the
 Bitumen grade 80/100mm means its
penetration value is 8 to 10mm.
 RT-5 is the recommended grade of tar grouting
 For rapid curing cutback the oil used is
 CBR method is recommended by IRC for
design of flexible pavement.
 Bottom most layer of pavement is sub grade.
 Flexible pavement distributes the load through
a set of layers.
 Group index method is a theoretical method.
 Tyre pressure influences the quality of surface
 Critical load position in a rigid pavement is
interior, edge, corner loading.
 Tie bars in cement concrete pavements are at
longitudinal joints.
 The maximum spacing of contraction joints is
 The maximum thickness of expansion joint is
 The function of expansion joint is to allow free
 Most suitable material for highway
embankment is granular material.
 The most suitable equipment for compacting
clayey soil is sheep foot roller.
 The binder used in flexible pavement is
 In highway construction rolling starts from
sides and proceed to the centre.
 Dry rolling-screening-wet rolling-filler.
 For base course –bitumen bound macadam is
 The suitable surfacing material for bridge deck
slab is mastic asphalt.
 Bituminous concrete is the highest quality
construction in the group of black top
 The thickness of bitumen carpet varies from 20
to 25mm.
 In highway construction on super elevated
curves the rolling shall proceed from lower edge
towards the upper edge.
 Expansion joints provided at an interval of 18m
to 21m.
 2.5% is the camber for hill road in case of
bituminous surfacing.
 20mph is the minimum design speed in air pin
 Breast wall provided to prevent the slipping.
 In hill roads the side drains are provided only
on hill side of roadway.
 For sandy soil the most common method is soil
stabilisation method.
 Bituminous or asphalt concrete construction
the proportions are determined from laboratory.
 In group index method the thickness is
determined by daily volume of commercial
 In a bituminous pavement the alligator
cracking is mainly due to fatigue arising from
repeated stress applications.
 The main function of prime coat is provide
bond between the existing base and surfacing of
new construction.
 Benkle beam test is used for overlay design,
ring and ball test used for softening point test,
penetration test used for gradation, marshall test
used for design of bituminous concrete mix.
 Expansion and contraction joints should
provided at 50m and 10m.
 Reflection cracking is observed in bituminous
overlay over cement concrete.
 Low bitumen content causes ravelling in
bituminous pavement.
 For carrying out bituminous patch work
during the rainy season the most suitable binder
is bituminous emulsion.
 ISD =2SSD as per IRC.
 As per IRC guidelines for designing the
flexible pavement the load parameter is
cumulative standard axles in msa.
 Rapid curing cutback bitumen is produced by
blending petrol.
 The rail designated by its weight per unit
 Carbon and manganese are the 2 important
components used in steel for rail.
 The length of rail BG and MG is 13m and 12m.
 Largest dimension of rail is height.
 Largest percentage of material in the rail is in
 The purpose of providing the fillet in rail
section is to avoid stress concentration.
 52kg rails are used in broad gauge.
 60R rails used in meter gauge.
 Ordinary rails are made of high carbon steel.
 The main function of fish plate is to join the
two rails together.
 Number of fish bolts per fish plate is 4.
 Gauge is the distance between the running
faces of the rail.
 Broad gauge provided in main cities.
 Meter gauge-undeveloped areas.
 Narrow gauge-thinly populated areas.
 Tilting –the process of giving inward slope of
1in 20.
 Coning – the process of giving the outward
slope of 1in 20.
 Hogging of rails-the rails are bent down due to
loose packing of ballast.
 Buckling of rail-the rails get out of their
original shape due to insufficient expansion
 Creep of rail –flow of rail metal due to the
longitudinal movement of rail.
 Wear of rail- the flow of rail metal due to heavy
 The height of the 52kg rail section is 156mm.
 19mm is the gap provided between the inside
edges of wheel and gauge faces.
 Creep is the longitudinal movement of rail.
 The maximum degree of curvature for meter
gauge is 16’.
 Staggered joints are generally provided on
 Wooden sleepers are preferred on joints.
 Sleeper density in India varies from n+2 to n+7.
 Composite sleeper index determines the
hardness and strength.
 Minimum composite sleeper index preferred by
Indian railways is 783.
 Dog spikes are used for fixing the rails to the
wooden sleepers.
 25mm size ballast is used under points and
 3.35m & 2.3m is the width of the ballast section
for BG and MG.
 2 keys used in CST-9 sleeper.
 35mm/sec is the desirable rate of change of cant
deficiency of MG.
 Normally the limiting value of cant is G/10.
 Cant deficiency occur when a vehicle travels
speeds higher then equilibrium speed.
 The shape of the curve used by Indian railways
is transition curve.
 One degree curve=1750/R.
 Switch angle is the angle between gauge face of
the stock rail and tongue rail.
 Yellow light signal indicates proceed cautiously.
 Crushed head failure caused by loose fish
 Wear of rails is maximum in sharp curves.
 A treadle bar is used for interlocking points and
 Use of metering system causes the decrease in
per capita consumption.
 1.5 is the hourly factor, 1.8 daily factor and
2.7 is the peak demand.
 The distribution mains are designed for
maximum hourly demand.
 Geometrical method is used for young and
rapidly developed cities for forecasting the
 Arithmetical method is used for large cities.
 As compared to geometrical method
arithmetical method gives less value.
 Intakes are installed for drawing the water
from the sources.
 Reflux valve provided on the suction pipe in a
tube well.
 The maximum discharge in tube well is
 As compare to the shallow wells deep wells
have more discharge.
 Ground water is generally free from suspended
 Malaria is not a water borne disease.
 The most common cause of acidity in water is
 The phenol compounds in water supply not
more than 0.001ppm.
 1.5mg/litre is the permissible limit of fluoride
 Standard EDTA test is used to test the hardness
of water.
 Alkalinity in water is expressed in calcium
 The product of H and OH is 10^-14.
 PH-acidity/bascity.
 Turbidity is measured on standard silica scale.
 Colour on platinum cobalt scale.
 The turbidity of drinking water should be
 Residual chlorine is tested by starch iodide and
orthotolidine method.
 Total solids not more than 500ppm.
 Total chlorides not more than 250ppm.
 Iron and magnesia-0.3ppm.
 Lead and arsenic-0.05ppm
 Copper 3ppm, fluorine 1.5ppm.
 The dissolved oxygen in natural unpolluted
water is 10mg/litre.
 The length of the sedimentation tank not more
than 4 times the width.
 The over flow rate of plain sedimentation tank
is 500-750litre/hr/m^2.
 The settling velocity of a particle depends upon
surface area of tank.
 Efficiency of the sedimentation tank depends
upon surface area of the tank.
 For effective coagulation the PH value of
water found to be 6-8.5.
 The detention period of coagulation tank is 2 –
6 hour.
 The alum when added as coagulant it decreases
the PH value of water.
 Lime is used to increase the speed of the
sedimentation sewage.
 0.25-0.35 is the effective size of sand particle of
slow sand filter.
 Air binding phenomena in rapid sand filters
occurs due to excessive negative head.
 Backwashing provided in rapid sand filters.
 2-3 months is the period of cleaning of slow
sand filter.
 Time contact of chlorine is at least 30min.
 The percentage of chlorine in fresh bleaching
powder is 30 to 35%.
 The treatment of water with bleaching powder
is called hypo chlorination.
 The suitable method of disinfecting the
swimming pool water is ultraviolet rays
 Sulphur dioxide used for dechlorination of
 Disinfection efficiency reduced at higher PH
 Copper sulphate is used for algae control.
 Activated carbon is used for removing odours.
 Dead end system is used for irregularly growing
 Radial system is used when the water is flowed
towards the outer periphery.
 Grid iron system is used for well planned cities.
 Circle method is used when fire demand is
 Sluice valve provided to regulate the flow of
 Reflux valve provided to prevent the water flow
back in the opposite direction.
 Scour valves are provided at every depression
head and dead ends.
 House sewer-lateral sewer-common sewer-
main sewer-trunk sewer-outfall sewer.
 For country like India where rainfall is mainly
confined to one season separate system is
 Combined system adopted when the rainfall is
distributed throughout the season.
 135litres domestic consumption.
 Sewerage system is generally designed for 25
 For long and narrow pipe system equivalent
pipe method is used.
 Circular shape sewer is preferred in separate
 Egg shape sewer is preferred in combined
 The time of concentration –the time taken by
rainfall to run from most farthest point to the
point of disposal.
 1 to 1.2m/sec is the self cleansing velocity of
sewer in Indian condition.
 The slope of sewer should be in the direction of
natural slope of ground.
 6*DWF for separate system.
 Rainfall+2DWF for combined system.
 15cm &300cm is the minimum and maximum
diameter of sewer.
 The velocity of flow does not depend on length
of sewer.
 Circular brick sewer is used under culverts.
 Egg shaped sewer is suitable for both separate
and combined system.
 The characteristic of fresh and septic sewage is
alkaline and acidic.
 The pathogens likely killed by chlorination.
 Standard BOD is measured at 5 day 20 degree.
 5 day BOD is less than 4 day BOD.
 The ratio of 5 day BOD to ultimate BOD is 2/3.
 4ppm is the minimum DO to avoid the fish kill.
 Dissolved oxygen in streams is maximum at
 The means of access for inspection and cleaning
of sewer is manhole.
 Sewerage system is designed for maximum and
minimum flow.
 Sewage treatment plant designed for average
flow only.
 Laying of sewers is usually done with the help
of boning rods and sight rails.
 In sewage oil and grease removed by skimming
 Detention period of grit chamber is 1 minute.
 Sludge digestion tank and septic tank unit
works on anaerobic condition.
 The maximum efficiency of BOD removal is
achieved in oxidation ditch.
 The working condition of imhoff tanks are
anaerobic in lower compartment and aerobic in
upper compartment.
 The detention period of oxidation pond is 10
to 15 days.
 Compositing and lagoning are the methods of
sludge disposal.
 Facultative bacteria works with or without
 For satisfactory working of sludge digestion
tank the PH value of water is 6-8.5.
 Normal value of sludge index is 150-350.
 Bangalore method practise anaerobic method
of disposal.
 Antisiphonage pipe is used to preserve the
water seal traps.
 In two pipe system one soil pipe, one waste
pipe and two vent pipes required.
 The gas from sludge digestion tank mainly
composed of methane.
 Most of the bacteria in sewage are saprophytic.
 Chlorine is used to separate grease.
 Shrouding is provided in slotted pipe tube well.
 Ozone layer in the outer atmosphere get
destroyed by chlorofluoro carbons.
 The intensification of green house gases is due
to CO2.
 Electrostatic precipitator is used to control
particulate emission.
 Spray tower is used to control both gaseous and
particulate pollutant.
 PAN and ozone are the secondary air pollutants.
 Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are the
primary air pollutant.
 The depletion of ozone layer in the outer
atmosphere causes the skin cancer.
 The acid rains are caused due to SO2 and
 Blue baby disease caused due to excess of
 Dechlorination of water is achieved by sodium
thio sulphate.
 The efficiency sedimentation tank does not
depend upon depth of the tank.
 Ferrule-goose neck-stop cock-water meter.
 Under Indian condition the average per capita
demand is 30 to 75mg/day.
 Sewage sickness caused due to-clogging of
pores in soil due to excessive application of
sewage to land.
 Soil pipe carry human excrete.
 Screening-grit removal-primary sedimentation-
aeration-secondary sedimentation.
 Traps are used to prevent the entry of foul
smelling gases.
 Coal based thermal power stations produce
SO2,NOx and SPM.
 Zone of degradation-zone of active
decomposition-zone recovery-zone of clear
 River water contain maximum amount of
 Ringle man scale is used to measure grade
density of smoke.
 Eutrophication of water is rich in nutrients.
 Zero hardness is achieved by ion exchange
 Excess lead causes-anaemia, goitre caused due
to absence of iodide.
 Aerosol is dispersion of small solid or liquid
 A commonly used hand pipe is reciprocating
st nd
 1 stage is carbonaceous demand 2 stage is
nitrification demand.
 P-trap used for water closet.
 The sound level of jet air plane is 140 decibel.
 Gypsum is a mechanically formed sedimentary
 Quartzite is a silicious rock.
 Slate is formed by metamorphic action on shale.
 Heavy stone is suitable for retaining wall.
 Hard stone is suitable for rubble masonry.
 Soft stones is suitable for ornamental work.
 Quartzite has most weather resisting
 A good building stone should not absorb water
more than 5%.
 Compact sand stone has more fire resisting
 Weight test is conducted on a stone used in
docks and harbours.
 Granite stone is best suited for construction of
piers and abutments.
 Crushing strength of good building stone
should be more than 100mpa.
 Specific gravity of most of the building stone
lies between 2.5 to 3.
 Pith-annular rings-heartwood-sapwood-
cambium layer-inner and outer bark.
 Shisham is hard wood and offer maximum
resistance to the white ants.
 Star shakes-the radial splits which are wider on
the outside of the log and narrow towards the
 Chir and deodar yields soft wood.
 Mulberry tree used for making of sports goods.
 Dry rot caused due to lack of ventilation.
 Foxiness caused due to over maturity.
 Honey combing caused due to-seasoning.
 Strength of the timber is maximum in the
parallel direction.
 10% to 12% is the moisture content of well
seasoned timber.
 The age of the tree can be known by annular
 1 class timber has an average life of more than
10 years.
 1 class brick should not absorb water more
than 20% when immersed in water for about 24
hours, 22% for 2nd class bricks and 25% for 3rd
class bricks.
 Crushing strength of 1st class bricks not less
than 10.5N/mm^2, 7.5N/mm^2 for 2nd class
 The main function of alumina in brick earth is
to impart plasticity.
 The percentage of alumina in good brick earth
is 20 to 30%.
 Excess of alumina in brick earth cause crack
and warp on drying.
 Excess of silica cause brittleness.
 20*10*10 cm is the nominal size of the brick.
 19*9*9cm is the standard size of brick.
 50 to 60 % silica in good brick earth.
 Silica makes the brick to retain the shape.
 Kneading –the process of mixing the clay water
and other ingredients called.
 60 to 70% turn over in clamp burning where as
80 to 90% turn over in kiln burning.
 Pug mill used for preparation of clay.
 Refractory bricks used in combustion
 The frog of the brick generally kept on the top
face of masonry.
 500 bricks required for one cubic metre of brick
 Quick lime is calcium oxide.
 Hydraulic lime is obtained from burning of
 Lime and silica are the main ingredients of the
Portland cement.
 C3A is responsible for all undesirable
properties of cement.
 Le chate lier apparatus is used for testing the
soundness of cement.
 Vicat apparatus used for testing setting time of
 C3A is responsible for intial setting time of
 The intial setting time for ordinary Portland
cement not less than 30minute.
 The final setting time should be 10 hour.
 The normal consistency of ordinary Portland
cement is 30%.
 Early attainment of strength of cement in
rapid hardening of cement is due to finer
 After storage the strength of the cement is
 Addition of pozzolana to ordinary Portland
cement cause shrinkage.
 Gypsum consists of caso4 and H2O.
 25mm to 50mm is the slump recommended for
mass concrete.
 Low heat cement is used in massive concrete
 Calcium chloride is the common admixture to
accelerate the intial setting time.
 The basic purpose of retarder in concrete is to
increase the intial setting time of concrete.
 Gypsum is most commonly used retarder.
 Carbon influences the maximum properties in
 Wrought iron is the purest form of iron.
 The ultimate tensile strength of steel is
 0.25% of carbon in mild steel.
 Yield stress is used for identifying the quality of
structural steel.
 Flemish bond –alternate courses of header and
 English bond-alternate header and stretcher.
 The pressure acting on the stones in stone
masonry should be perpendicular to the direction
of bedding planes.
 Queen closer-the brick is cut into 2 equal parts
in length wise.
 English bond is provided in masonry for
carrying heavy loads.
 Slenderness ratio-effective length to least
radius of gyration, for masonry walls not more
than 20.
 The differential settlement in case of sandy soil
not more than 25mm.
 In case of foundation on black cotton soil the
most suitable method is to replace the poor soil.
 Grillage foundation is the most economical
foundation to transmit the heavy load.
 Batter pile is used to resist the horizontal and
vertical forces.
 0.9m is the minimum depth of the foundation on
clay soil.
 The bearing capacity of a water logged soil can
be improved by draining the soil.
 Depth or height of arch-is the perpendicular
distance between the intrados and extrados.
 Flat roof is constructed where the rainfall is less
and temperature is high.
 Pitched and sloping roofs are suitable for
coastal region.
 The maximum number of steps generally
restricted is 12.
 Sum of tread and rise must between 400 to
 Minimum width of landing should be equal to
width of stairs.
 In any good stair case the maximum and
minimum pitch is 40’ and 25’.
 Doglegged stairs are half turn stairs.
 Horizontal projection at head and sill called
 Revolving door is suitable for entrance in an air
conditioned building.
 Attrition test determines the rate of wear of
 Efflorescence-formation of white patches on the
brick surface due to presence of alkalies.
 Vanadium steel used in the manufacture of
axles and springs.
 Neoprene is suitable for bearing of bridges.
 To produce low heat cement it is necessary to
reduce the C3A.
 Timber can be made more fire resistant by sir
abel’s process.
 Creosote is derived from wood or coal.
 Excess of sulphur in steel results in red
 Distemper is used to coat interior surface not
exposed to weather.
 Putty is made up of powdered chalk and raw
linseed oil.
 The limit of proportionality is applied more in
the case of mild steel.
 The compacting factor test determines the
 The split tensile strength is 10% to 15%.
 The approximate ratio between the strength of
cement concrete 7 to that of 28 days is 2/3.
 The moisture content of timber is 12%.
 0.85P times amount of water is used ofr intial
setting time, 0.72P for soundness cement.
 Lime mortar is generally made with hydraulic
 The texture of sand stone is granular
 Seasoning of timber is required to remove sap
from timber.
 The ratio of youngs modulus of high tensile
steel to that of mild steel is about 1.
 Poly vinyl chloride is thermoplastic material.
 King closer is related to brick masonry.
 High alumina cement is produced by limestone
and bauxite.
 The optimum number of revolutions required
for concrete mix is 20.
 Manganese steel used in the manufacture of
 Gauged mortar is obtained by adding sand and
 1300’to 1500’ is the temperature range of
cement in kiln.
 Before testing setting time of cement one
should be test for consistency.
 The super plasticizer in a cement paste is
disperse the particles, remove air bubbles and to
retard setting.
 Surkhi is added to lime mortar to impart
 Increase in fineness of cement results in
increase in development of strength and leads to
higher shrinkage.
 The purpose of frog is to form key joint
between brick and mortar.
 Bricks are burnt at a temperature of 900-1200
degree Celsius.

 Bleeding-separation of water or water cement
mixture from the concrete.
 Segregation-separation of aggregates from the
 Workability of the concrete directly
proportional to the grading of the aggregate.
 Workability of the concrete inversely
proportional to the time of transit.
 Approximate value of shrinkage strain is
 Air entrainment in the concrete increases
 Strength of the concrete increases with
increase in fineness of cement.
 Characteristic strength of concrete is given by
0.7 (fck)^(1/2).
 The compressive strength of 100mm cube is
more compare to the 150mm cube.
 Modulus elasticity of concrete is
 Increase in moisture content in concrete
reduces the strength in concrete.
 The purpose of accelerator is to cause early
setting and hardening.
 Gypsum is most commonly used admixture.
 The percentage of voids in cement
approximately 40%.
 The strength of concrete after one year as
compare to the 28 days is 20 to 25% more.
 Modulus of rupture of concrete is the measure
of flexural tensile strength.
 In order to obtain the best workability
rounded shape aggregates used.
 Bulking of sand is maximum if moisture
content is about 4%.
 Finer grinding affects only the early
development of strength.
 Poisons ratio increases with richer mix.
 1% of voids in concrete reduces the strength by
 The fineness modulus of fine aggregate is in the
range of 2-3.5.
 The factor of safety of steel is lower than
 For a reinforced concrete section the shape of
the shear stress diagram is parabolic above
neutral axis and rectangular below neutral axis.
 Modulus of elasticity of steel as per IRC 456-
1978 is 200kn/mm^2.
 M15 grade of concrete is used in reinforced
 Heavily reinforced sections the workability of
the concrete is above 0.92.
 In case of hand mixing of concrete extra
cement is added is 10%.
 For walls, columns and vertical faces of
members the form work removed after 1-2 days.
 According to IS 456-1978, the column or strut
is the member whose effective length is greater
than 3 times lateral dimension.
 Slenderness ratio for short column is <12.
 The ratio of the diameter of reinforcing bar
and the slab thickness is 1/8.
 According to IS456-1978, the maximum
reinforcement for columns is 6%, 4% for
beams and 0.12% for slabs.
 Maximum distance between the expansion
joints is 45m.
 Minimum thickness of load bearing RCC wall
should be 100mm.
 One way slab ratio of long span to short span>2.
 Two way slab the ratio of long span to short
span is <2.
 Modular ratio is 280/3cbc.
 The purpose of providing the reinforcing bar
is to resist bond stress.
 12mm is the minimum diameter of longitudinal
 The load carrying capacity of a helically
reinforced column as compare to the tied column
is 5% more.
 Counter fort type retaining wall is suitable for
height beyond 6m.
 T shaped retaining wall mainly consists of
three cantilevers.
 While designing the pile has column one end is
fixed and other end is hinged.
 The design yield stress of steel according to the
IS 456-1978 is 0.87fy.
 According to IS 456-1978, the maximum
compressive stress in concrete is taken as
 Partial safety factor for steel is 1.15 and 1.5 for
 0.0035 is the maximum strain.
 The creep strains are caused due to dead load
 The effect of creep on modular ratio is to
increase it.
 A beam curved in plan is designed for bending
moment, shear and torsion.
 Normally pre stressing wires are arranged in
the lower part of beam.
 3*10^-14 is the coefficient of shrinkage.
 Cold drawn wires has high tensile strength.
 In concrete use of angular aggregates in place
of natural aggregates affects flexural tensile
 Ratio of compressive strength to tensile
strength is increases with age.
 The grading of fine aggregates is divided into
4 zones.
 Endurance limit of mild steel is approximately
 Soundness test gives unsoundness due to free
lime only.
 Vee bee test used for very low workability.
 0.9 is called medium workability.
 0.36 water cement ratio required for full
hydration of cement.
 Addition of sugar in concrete results in
increasing the setting time about 4 hour.
 7 days required for minimum curing.
 M20 grade of concrete is used for the structures
exposed to the sulphate attack.
 Shape of idealized stress strain curve for
concrete as per IS456-1978 is rectangular-
 The purpose of lateral ties in short RCC
column is to avoid buckling of longitudinal bars.
 The side face reinforcement of T beam will be
 Relaxation-loss of stress with time at constant
 Deep beams are designed for bending moment
 In the limit state design the concrete structures
are assumed to be linear.
 Deflection can be controlled by using the
appropriate span/depth ratio.
 Spacing of main reinforcement controls
 Unequal top and bottom reinforcement in a
reinforced concrete section leads to shrinkage
 Drops are provided in flat slabs to resist shear.
 Flexural failure in over reinforced beams is due
to primary compression failure.
 In an RCC beam ,side reinforcement is
provided if its depth exceeds 750mm.
 Pascal second is the unit of dynamic viscosity.
 An ideal fluid is frictionless and incompressible.
 Cm^2/sec is the unit of kinematic viscosity.
 NS/m^2 is the unit of dynamic viscosity.
 Kinematic viscosity=(dynamic viscosity/mass
 Surface tension of water increases with
decrease in temperature.
 Centre of buoyancy is always coincide with the
centroid of the volume of fluid displaced.
 A floating body is said to be in a state of stable
equilibrium when the meta centric height is
above the centre of gravity.
 Stream lines and path lines always coincide in
case of steady flow.
 Equation of continuity is based on principle of
conservation of mass.
 The pitot tube is used to measure stagnation
 Venturi meter is used to measure the discharge.
 The major loss of energy in long pipes is due to
 The losses are more in turbulent flow.
 Trapezoidal shape is the best hydraulic section.
 The height of the hydraulic jump is equal to
the difference in conjugate depth.
 Rayleigh lines are based on momentum and
 PERT technique of network is mainly useful
for research and development projects.
 Expected project duration generally follows
normal distribution curve.
 Site being located does not represent the
 Critical path is always longest.
 Cost slope=(Cc-Cn/Tn-Tc).
 The direct cost of a project with respect to the
normal time is minimum.
 The reduction in project time normally results
in increasing the direct cost of the project and
decreasing the indirect cost.
 Economic saving of time results by crashing the
cheapest critical activity.
 The process of changes and rescheduling or re
planning called updating.
 Slack time refers to an event.
 Slack time in PERT analysis is minimum for
critical events.
 Interfering float results in total float and free
 Activity is resource consuming, event is
instantaneous stage.
 Dummy is a resource less element.
 Sheep foot roller most suitable type of
equipment used on clayey soil.
 Batching refers to the controlling the quantity
of each material into each batch.

 As per ICAO, minimum width of safety area
for instrumental runway is 300m.
 The engine failure case for determining the
basic runway length may require either clear
way or runway.
 The minimum width of clear way is 150m.
 Air port reference temp=Td+ (Tavg-Td)/3.
 The basic runway length should be increased at
the rate of 7 percent per 300m rise in elevation
above the mean sea level.
 Zero fuel weight of an aircraft is equal to the
sum of empty operating weight and maximum
pay load.
 As per ICAO for aircraft serving big aircraft,
the cross wind component should not exceed
 Calm period the wind intensity should be less
than 6.4kmph.
 For landing case the aircraft should stop at 60%
of landing distance.
 According to ICAO all markings on the
runway are white colour.
 In instrumental landing system, the middle
markers are located about 1 km ahead of the
runway threshold.
 The centre to centre spacing of heliport
lighting is 7.5m.
 The width of the taxiway is smaller than the
 Alligator cracking is the example of failure in
flexible pavements.
 Hanger is a place where aircrafts to be repaired
and service to be done.
 The length of clear zone for none instrument
runway of a small aircraft is 300m.
 Wind rose diagram is used for the purpose of
runway orientation.

 off spur tunnels are short length tunnels
constructed to negotiate minor obstacle.
 Saddle or base tunnel are the tunnels
constructed on valley.
 Slope tunnels are constructed on steep hills.
 Spiral tunnels provided in narrow valleys.
 Circular section of tunnel is not suitable for
placement of concrete lining.
 Circular section provided on non cohesive soil.
 Rectangular shape on hard rock and horse
shoe shape provided on soft rock.
 English method of tunnelling requires more
time as compared to the other methods.
 American method is suitable for large sized
 If D is the diameter of tunnel then the thickness
of lining is 82D.
 Clay soil is suitable for compressed air
 Austrian method of tunnelling is for long
tunnels at great depth.
 Drift method of tunneling is used to construct
the tunnels on rocks.

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