Test The UK

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the UK Test

1. Who lives at 10 Downing Street?

a) Prime Minister b ) President c) the Queen d) the King
2. The official residence of the Queen is
a) Buckingham Palace b) the Palace of Westminster c) Westminster Abbey d) Windsor Castle
3. What is the longest river of the UK?
a) Tyne b) Thames c) Clyde d) Severn
4. The UK is a
a) parliamentary monarchy b) constitutional monarchy c) parliamentary republic
d) democracy
5. What is the highest point of Great Britain?
a) Snowdon b) Ben Nevis c) McKinley d) Mont Blanc
6. The British Parlament is situated in
a) Stonehenge b) the Palace of Westminster c) Buckingham Palace d) the House of Lords
7. From the European Continent the British Isles are seperated by....
a) the North Sea and the Irish Sea b) the North Sea and the English Channel c) the English
Channel and the Atlantic Ocean d) the Irish Sea
8. Where are the Highlands situated?
a) Ireland b) Scotland c) England d) Wales
9. The district of famous theatres is in
a) the East End b) the West End c) the City d) Westminster
10. What is the Union Jack?
a) flag of the UK b) flag of England c) flag of royal family d) flag of Great Britain
11. What is the unit of currency of the UK?
12. What are the capitals of Northern Ireland and Scotland?
13. What are the symbols of Wales and England?
14. What is the UK made up of?
15. Which is the most popular drink in Britain?
16. What is the climate of Great Britain?
17. What is the most popular sport in Britain?
18. What is the name of the clock in the Clock Tower of the House of Parlament?
19. What are the oldest universities in Great Britain?
20. What is the traditional British food?

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