Boker Bitters Receipe

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Boker Bitters Receipe

As the cherry bitters recipe is quite complex, I’ll give you the recipe to a
brand of bitters that were probably more popular than even Angostura in
Jerry Thomas’ day: Boker’s Bitters. (If you’re reading Jerry’s book and see a
reference for Bogart’s bitters, they are actually one and the same. It’s a

BOKER’S BITTERS (from Workshop Receipts, 1883)1 ½ oz quassia1 ½ oz

calamus1 ½ oz catechu (powdered)1 oz cardamom2 oz dried orange peel

Macerate for 10 days in 1 gallon strong whiskey, and then filter and add 2
gal. water.Color with malva flowers.

UPDATE: After tasting an actual sample of the real deal (thanks Stephan) it
came to my attention that the original Boker’s were sweeter with a definite
coffee aftertaste. To this end I’ve decided to add 9 oz of Tia Maria (not
Kahlua) to the batch in order make this replica more exacting.

Just remember my rules for separating the ingredients (the cardamom is

especially strong in this and will probably be the first thing that I would
strain out) and filtering and this is an easy one to make.

Also, the amount of water called for is to make aperitif bitters, we’re trying
to make cocktail bitters, so let’s only add 12 oz of water.

Seeing as we don’t have the kind of whiskey as was called for in the 1800′s, I
put the orange peel in vodka (Everclear if you can get it) the cardamom and
catechu in 151˚ rum and the rest in 100˚ bourbon.

There you have it, you are now on your way to making an endless supply of
bitters, limited by only your imagination and palate. Let me know how yours
turned out, and if you have some extra, send it my way!

Various suppliers of my Boker's bitters and Dandelion & Burdock include

the following; (Boker's at the moment with
Dandelion & Burdock soon to follow)
(Boker's at the moment with Dandelion & Burdock soon to follow) (both bitters) (both
bitters) (both bitters) (Boker's only)
(both bitters)
Thanks for taking the time read.
Dr. Adam Elmegirab (not a real doctor)

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