Tom Feedback

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Units 1 – 4 Feedback

Units 1 – 4 feedback

Name of student: Tom Simmons

Please look at your feedback (each new feedback will be on the top of the page)
It is down to you to complete this feedback in you 2 hour self-study sessions – please talk to marking teacher if you are unsure of feedback

Date Tab Feedback Student completed Teacher sign off

How to improve to a higher grade boundary Student to sign once
If not complete a list of missing work will be presented with no feedback guidance completed
22/11/20 British Youth Feedback needs completing done Deadline
Stop Motion Feedback needs completing

You should also have your planning for your animation uploaded - I know you
have done most of this as you had it out whilst shooting on Friday! Scan in your
storyboards, upload your script, location recce, sound table, information on
what materials you are using.

14/11/20 British Youth None of the British Youth feedback has been completed done Deadline

Stop Motion The Stop Motion work should be on a new tab that branches off British Youth, 23/11/20
not all together on one tab.

You have written some nice analysis of the two example animations – what do
you feel you could take from these to use in your own animations? How could
this help you?

These questions still need completing:

1. What is stop-motion?

Stop motion is the filming technique of taking a vast series of photos and editing

them together so they seem like its live action

Units 1 – 4 Feedback

2. Who were the early pioneers?

The one and only Ray Harryhausen

3. Why is frame-rate important?

Frame rate is important because it controls how fast the stop motion film is going.

4. Which productions have won awards such as Oscars? Upload


5. clips and trailers.

6. What do you think about these productions? What do other

7. critics say about the work?

Units 1 – 4 Feedback

A lot of people love the stop motion film and think it’s the best they have ever seen.

You also need to upload the edited stop motions you produced last week to show

you learning the process.

08/11/20 British Youth The mind map you have produced is nice, you don’t need to have included done Deadline
information of your short film, but it is good that you are thinking ahead. 11/11/20

You have produced some relevant research, but there is definitely room for
improvement. Good research comes from a variety of sources – you can look at
videos that discuss it, people’s stories and experiences and also look at more
fact-based information.

I saw that you took part in a number of focus groups on Friday – have you
recorded yours too?

Can you please upload the following:

 Focus group with an analysis of what you found from it
 Survey results gathering information on your topic and people’s
experiences with it
 You need more secondary research to pass the unit. It is required that
you have a variety of different information
 Harvard reference your research using Neil’s toolbox

It is important to have this research completed prior to planning your

productions as this will allow you to use the information you have found in
them, therefore strengthening your grade.

Look at the links below for more information on your topic:
Units 1 – 4 Feedback

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