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Homework 12: Lambda Functions and Alexa (Total Points: 100)

Due: December 4, 11:59PM ET

Build an Alexa Fact Skill (100 points)

Build your own Alexa skill based on the “Fact Skill” template discussed in class. The Fact Skill is
preconfigured with “space facts”. You will modify it to contain facts about you, your interests,
your life, or whatever else you’d like to add. Your facts do not need to be real, they can be
fictitious if you’d like.

1. Log in to ​
2. Go to the Alexa Developer Console to create your skill.
3. Name your skill ‘e90homework12’
4. Use the ‘Fact Skill’ as your start template.
5. Set an invocation name using the following naming convention:
about <your first name>  
(e.g. my invocation name would be “about greg”)
6. Update your utterances so that they align with your invocation name and the objective of
your skill. This skill is preconfigured for “space facts”, but you want your utterances to be
appropriate for what you are trying to do. Some of the existing utterances make sense
for what you are building, but some of them do not. Make sure you update all of the ones
that do not.

Provide the complete JSON document for your interaction model (15 points):

7. Create a Lambda function for your Skill. I recommend you use the NodeJS version as
there is a working test template for it. If you use the Python version of the fact skill, you’ll
need to update the input test JSON document yourself.
8. You should update the SKILL_NAME constant, and the HELP_MESSAGE constant. The
Skill Name should be:
Facts About <your name> 
9. Update the facts data with at least 15 facts about you. They can be fictitious if you’d like.
Provide your complete, updated code (10 points):

10. Test your function to ensure that it works. Provide your test result JSON here (15 points):

11. Update your Alexa skill endpoint to connect to your Lambda function.
12. Finally, test your Alexa skill. Identify two different invocations you can use with your skill
(30 points):
13. Provide the output JSON document for each of those two invocations (30 points):

Bonus: (10 points)

Create an Alexa skill based on the Quiz Game template. You may implement it with whatever
data you’d like, but it should contain at least five questions.

Provide the complete JSON document for your interaction model:

Provide full code from you Lambda (if you have multiple files, include them all):

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