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eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.

10 (2017) 778–798
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Rotational molding: A review of the models and materials

K. O. Ogila*, M. Shao, W. Yang, J. Tan

Ying Lan Laboratory of Advanced Polymer Processing, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Beijing
University of Chemical Technology, 15 North Ring Road Beijing, 100029 Beijing, China

Received 2 March 2017; accepted in revised form 2 May 2017

Abstract. This article surveys recent and not so recent literature in the field of rotational molding. The mechanisms of heat
transfer, sintering and bubble removal are evaluated; as are degradation and dimensional stability. The parameters that affect
the surface finish are highlighted and a number of the control systems available to the rotational molding process are men-
tioned. Improvements in molds and machinery, and the extent to which they reduce cycle times are also described. Finally,
the range of materials available to the rotational molding process is examined and recent developments are highlighted. Of
particular interest is the rotational molding of liquid polymer systems; which are shown to possess great potential for fulfilling
many of rotational molding’s surface quality requirements while simultaneously reducing cycle times.

Keywords: processing technologies, rotational molding, surface finish, process control

1. Introduction rotating the mold in quiescent air, directing streams

Rotational molding (RM) is a polymer processing of cold air and towards it, atomized water evapora-
technique that possesses a number of advantages tive cooling [5] or by using internal cooling mech-
such as lower residual stresses in parts, simpler ma- anisms [6]. RM, unlike most polymer processing
chinery and molds, and the ability to produce single techniques, is a zero shear process. Deposition of
or double walled components with complex geome- the polymer resin onto the mold wall occurs grad-
tries and varied sizes. RM is characterized by the ually without the action of any external force. The
placement of polymer resin in one half of a divided majority of resins used in RM are thermoplastic
mold, subsequent closure of the mold, followed by powders; of which polyethylene (PE) makes up
the simultaneous application of bi-axial rotation about 90% [1]. RM is increasingly becoming the
and heat. The resin is deposited on the mold wall preferred method for manufacturing large parts
where it forms a dense unified layer [1]. When den- with high structural requirements; including boats,
sification is completed, the mold is moved to the water and chemical receptacles, pallets and even
cooling station as rotation continues. Once demold- wind turbine blades [7].
ing temperatures are achieved, the finished part is RMs potential as a manufacturing process for poly-
removed from the mold (Figure 1). Heating of the meric components is limited by a number of con-
mold can be achieved using a number of means in- cerns that include difficulties in process control, a
cluding: convective heat transfer through air inside narrow range of applicable polymers, long cycle
an oven, direct heating by gas combustion, electric times and poor surface finish. The current review
heating elements [2], microwave heating [3] and re- analyses these limitations and possible solutions to
cently by solar energy [4]. At the cooling station, them. The conclusion discusses and summarizes the
demolding temperatures are achieved either by findings of the study.

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Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

Figure 2. Thermogram for the rotational molding cycle of a

semi-crystalline polymer

solidification. Cooling continues and a slight change

in slope is observed at the point (6); which is caused
by separation of plastic from the mold surface and
the subsequent formation of an insulating layer of
air between the them [1]. De-molding temperatures
Figure 1. Rotational molding process are achieved at the point (7) and the finished product
can be removed from the mold. Depending on the
wall thickness of the molding, RM cycles can re-
2. Process control for rotational molding quire between 40 to 80 minutes for completion [9].
2.1. The RM cycle
During RM, the charged mold is heated at a constant 2.2. Models for heat transfer in RM
temperature. Despite this, the process of heating and All current research more or less agrees with a set of
cooling cannot be considered isothermal since ther- governing equations for heat transfer in RM. The
mal losses by the oven and in-homogenous heating bone of contention lies with the representation of ∆H
of the polymer occur frequently [8]. Thermograms during polymer melting and solidification (Equa-
recorded by a thermocouple in the mold cavity (Fig- tion (1). Two dominant thermal models in existence
ure 2) typically show va kink in the heating curve that can describe these phenomena are: the front
(point 1); which for semi crystalline polymer pow- tracking and fixed domain models [10]:
ders, corresponds to the beginning of melting. From
d Rt C T W 2 T 2T Y
this point the temperature curve is a semi plateau; dt p p + DH = 2z kp 2z (1)
which continues to rise gradually until a point (2)
where it is accelerated. At this stage the powder bed where ∆H is the heat required for phase change of
is depleted; however, the melt is in-homogenous the polymer, ρp and Cp are the polymer density and
with numerous air bubbles. Point (2) corresponds with heat capacity respectively, kp is the conductivity of
the beginning of the densification period which ends the polymer layer in either solid (kp = ksp) or liquid
when a peak internal air temperature (PIAT) is reached (kp = klp) states and z is the distance from the outer
(point 3). Once PIAT is achieved, heating of the mold mold surface.
is stopped and cooling begins. At the point (3), the The thermal parameters ρp and Cp and kp are temper-
curve possesses a characteristic rounding off that is ature dependent. Generally, the complications en-
caused by the polymer layers closest to the mold wall countered when modelling heat transfer in RM con-
cooling down faster than inner layers. From point (3) cern the number of initial and boundary conditions
the curve inverts and cooling proceeds gradually until that have to be accounted for. This is especially true
point (4) when crystallization begins. A semi plateau when the contact between the mold surface and the
is observed here as well and continues until point (5), polymer powder must accurately depict real life
which corresponds to the end of crystallization and molding conditions.

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

2.2.1. Front tracking model application of a melt powder interface; and by ex-
This is a dual-phase kinetic model in which the poly- tension the boundary conditions that are required in
mer melt and powder layers (or polymer melt and order to define it [8]. The models currently being in-
solid layers during cooling) are separated by an in- vestigated for RM can be divided into temperature
terface. The powder layer melts when the tempera- based [10, 20, 21], source based [22] and enthalpy-
ture at the interface (Ti) reaches polymer melting based [23–26]. In this instance as well the main dif-
temperature (Tm). As melting proceeds the interface ference between them is the manner in which ∆H is
moves the from the mold surface through subsequent represented.
powder layers until all of the powder is melted [11]. Lim and Ianakiev [10, 20] presented the energy equa-
During cooling a similar process occurs at the inter- tion of the bulk air inside the mold as a lumped pa-
face as Ti approaches the crystallization temperature rameter system that they combined with a coincident
(Tc) at each consecutive interface position. node technique and Galerkin finite element method
Early proponents of this method include Rao and (FEM). The model predicted the stratified deposition
Throne [12]; whose work considered the complex of polymer melt onto the mold wall, and although
tumbling of powder particles within the mold in its successful in capturing polymer phase change, it pre-
description of heat transfer. The model showed poor dicted an earlier shorter and less pronounced pseudo
correlation with experimental results. Improvements plateau of melting when compared with experimen-
by Throne [13] suggested that the powder mass be tal results. The numerical melting phase proceeded
considered static in the mold (static bed), ignoring faster than expected, which could not be accounted
the complex powder kinetics. The simplified model for by the layer-by-layer deposition.
had much better agreement with experimental re- Banerjee et al. [22] incorporated into Equation (1)
sults. This early success resulted in a slew of works the latent heats of melting and crystallization as a sink/
that applied the front tracking model [11, 14–19]. source term respectively (Equation (2)):
However, the front tracking model is complicated
and its implementation especially tedious due to the DH = t p Hm 2t (2)
additional boundary conditions that must be satisfied
at the melt/powder interface; and the necessity to where ρpHm is the latent heat per unit volume, and
track the position of this interface as it moves from ∂λ/∂t is the melting rate.
the mold surface through the powder thickness [11, As a result of the imperfect contact between itself
17]. Another difficulty is the poor representation of and the mold, the tumbling powder was heated by
the pseudo plateaus of melting and crystallization. convection and heat transfer in the powder mass oc-
Because Ti is taken to be constant (i.e. equal to either curred by conduction only. A finite difference scheme
Tm or Tc), solving of the thermal balance equation discretized the governing equations and boundary
generates a constant temperature plateau at points conditions. The model predicted the layer-by-layer
associated with phase change [12–16]. Employing a deposition of the melt in good agreement with ex-
discreet number of Tm results in marginal improve- periments.
ments [18, 19]. For the enthalpy based models two approaches are
Gogos and coworkers [11, 17] assumed a well-mixed encountered in literature Sarrabi et al. [8] and
powder as a result of the tumbling action during mold Tcharkhtchi et al. [27] presented a non-empirical so-
rotation. The temperature of the powder was uniform lution for Equation (1) derived from the Law of global
across its volume and increased evenly with time. enthalpy change with temperature. A finite differ-
Numerical results more closely resembled those ob- ences scheme discretized the core equations of the
tained empirically; however, due to the well mixed as- model using a first order implicit Euler algorithm.
sumption, internal air temperatures (IAT) increased The model represented the pseudo plateau of melting
much slower than expected. well; that of crystallization was, however, unsatisfac-
tory. The authors attributed this difference between
2.2.2. Fixed domain model numerical and experimental results to crystallization
Proponents of the fixed domain point to the shortcom- kinetics; which their model did not account for.
ings of the front tracking model as the main merits of The second approach encountered [23–26] is the ex-
their method. Indeed, this model does not require the pression of the total phase transition enthalpy as

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

function of the degree of melting and crystallization; process. As the name suggests, it makes use of in-
following which Equation (1) takes the form shown frared thermometers, in the oven and cooling cham-
in Equation (3): ber, to collect data on the condition of the mold. This
data is processed and the mold temperature profile
d Rt C T W dX m dXc 2 T 2T Y
dt p p + t p Hm dt - t p Hc dt = 2z kp 2z is used to control the heating and cooling rates.
Two other process control systems that deserve men-
tion include: K-Paq™; a portable device that measures
where Xm is the degree of melting and Xc is the de- internal mold pressures and temperatures [30] and Ro-
gree crystallization. tocooler™ ; a mold cooling device that makes use of
Greco et al. [23], through differential scanning both internal and external water sprays [6, 34, 35].
calorimetry (DSC), obtained the melting temperature
distributions (dXm/dT). An Avrami-derived equation 3. Surface finish
accounted for the crystallization kinetics (dXc/dT) of Surface quality in RM depends on a number of fac-
the melt and a Crank–Nicholson method discretized tors that includes: The material system, particle
the governing equations. Results for both melting shape and size, temperature and mold surface fin-
and crystallization phases were satisfactory. ish. Good quality surfaces are likely the most diffi-
cult feature to achieve through RM. This is due to
2.3. Process monitoring and control systems in part to the low thermal stability possessed by
A majority of the systems designed to monitor and plastics, which makes them vulnerable to degrada-
control RM focus on the thermal aspect of the tion and deformation during processing. This is ex-
process. Among the earliest commercial systems in- acerbated by the zero shear nature of the process;
cludes RotoSim™, a program developed for the analy- which means that one of the few means to achieve
sis of powder kinematics in a 3-D space [18, 28]; fol- high quality surfaces is the accurate control of air
lowing which mold local temperature profiles could temperatures within the mold. If PIATs are too low
be developed and cycle times approximated. Al- imperfections such as: poor particle cohesion and
though it is a widely used RM simulator, it has faced bubbles or surface porosity, arise. On the other
criticism for its long computational periods [22] and hand, degradation of the polymer occurs when
numerical inaccuracies [8]. PIATs are excessively high [36]. This need for ac-
Of particular significance was the introduction of curate temperature control extends to the cooling
Rotolog™ in the early 1990’s [29]. The system con- stage of the process as well; where improper regu-
sists of thermocouples and an insulated radio trans- lation of cooling rates results in the warping of sur-
mitter that is used to measure and relay in-mold air faces [37].
temperature profiles. Earlier versions of the system
fixed onto the machine arm where the transmitter 3.1. Bubble formation and the effect of
was in constant risk of overheating. Recent itera- powder shape and size
tions, however, make use of slip rings mounted per- Surface porosity and bubbles within the part result
manently in the hollow machine arm; which allows in unfavorable aesthetics, while leading to deterio-
the transmitter to be located further away from the ration in mechanical properties of the plastic mold-
oven [30]. Automatic control of the RM cycle is ings. Early attempts at describing the mechanism of
made possible through the integration into this sys- bubble formation in polymers were adapted from
tem, of an adaptive computer network. Data received metal sintering. During sintering, polymer particles
from the transmitter is analyzed by a computer pro- that are exposed to elevated temperatures fuse to-
gram which sends a signal to the machine to take the gether at their contact points (Figure 3). The total
necessary regulatory action on the heating or cooling surface area of the particles reduces rapidly, predom-
rates [31]. Other commercial mold temperature mon- inantly as a result of surface tension. During this pe-
itoring systems that work on a similar principle in- riod air can still migrate through the free passages
clude: EZ Logger from Paladin, TempLogger, Roto- between particles. However, as time progresses, the
Paq and K-Control from 493 K. particles melt completely and form a three dimen-
InfraRed Thermometry™ [32, 33] is yet another sys- sional network around air pockets still remaining be-
tem that is used to automatically regulate the RM tween the particles resulting in bubbles [38].

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

results, they proposed a viscoelastic model derived

from the convected Maxwell model (Equations (6)–
(8). The predictions obtained from this model closely
matched the results obtained experimentally. The
model also correctly predicted a slower sintering rate
with increasing elasticity:
nr K 2
8 QrmK1 ilV + U 2rmK1 + 0 1 Z il - 1 = 0
c K2

sin i
K1 = (7)
Figure 3. Sintering process for two equally sized particles Q1 + cos iVQ2 - cos iV

Frenkel [39] was the first to derive a numerical so- 2 cos i sin i
K2 = 4 5 (8)
lution for the Newtonian viscous sintering of two Q1 + cos iV3 Q2 - cos iV3
spherical particles under the action of surface tension
(Equation (4)). Subsequently, a correction was pro- where λ is the relaxation time, and sinθ = x/r.
posed by Eshelby [40] that solved the continuity More recently, Hamidi et al. [50] made experimental
error and took account of the initial particle radius observations that the rate of sintering reduced with the
(Equation (5)). This model was limited to the initial introduction of a third powder particle. They modified
stages of sintering when particle radii were more or Bellehumeur’s model by introducing a geometric pa-
less constant: rameter they referred to as the ‘Farz Factor’; which
t adjusted the surface tension term and allowed them
x2 = 3 T c Y
r 2 n (4) to predict the effect of surrounding particles. Model
and experimental work correlated fairly well.
where x is the neck radius, r is the sphere radius, γ is Powder characteristics have a significant effect on
the surface tension, μ is viscosity and t is time. the flow characteristics, packing density and heat
1 transfer; which consequently, affect the sintering of
x = T tc Y2
r nr0 (5) polymer within the mold [1, 12, 49, 51–53]. In RM
powder flow depends primarily on mold surface fin-
where r0 is the initial particle radius. ish particle shape and particle size distribution. De-
Variations of the Frenkel-Eshelby model have since pending on these factors, a number of flow regimes
been used by a number of authors to describe the sin- can be observed at speeds of between 4–20 rpm which
tering of various materials including glass [41–43] are typical of the RM cycle (Figure 4) [1, 52].
and polymers [44–46]. However, this model only Slip flow arises mainly as a result of low frictional
takes into account the effects of viscosity and surface forces between a highly polished mold surface and
tension and is unable to adequately describe the sin- the powder particles. When the mold is rotated, the
tering process for some polymers. Pokluda et al. [45] powder bed is raised up to an angle beyond which
for instance, developed a model that predicted the the frictional force is not sufficient to support its
entire sintering process. They observed that the mass. At this point the entire bed slides down along
model predicted a much faster sintering when com- the mold surface. Similarly, powder shape plays a
pared with experiments carried by out Bellehumeur significant role and slip flow is observed for disk-
et al. [47] on propylene ethylene copolymers. They shaped particles that possess very high packing den-
attributed this to the viscoelastic effects of the poly- sities. This flow mechanism is characterized by in-
mers which the model did not account for. A similar creased porosity, poor powder mixing and poor heat
observation had been made in an earlier work by transfer. Apart from selecting the suitably shaped
Lontz [48]. powders, Crawford and Throne [1] also recommend
In an attempt to explain this phenomenon Belle- that mold surfaces should be finished by sand blast-
humeur et al. [49] carried out rheometer tests and ing using 100–200 mesh particles.
found that stress relaxation after steady shear varied Steady state flow and avalanching are more common
significantly between materials. In light of these in rotational molding than the previously mentioned

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

of concerns. Firstly, larger sized particles require a

longer duration of time for heat to penetrate to their
centers and sintering occurs at a slower rate than for
smaller particles [51, 53]. Secondly, larger sized par-
ticles also result in a larger void fraction at the end
of sintering, because of the increased inter-particle
space [54]. However, it is difficult to obtain powders
made up entirely of fine particles due to energy and
time constraints [12]. In RM a balance is established
between these factors by specifying a suitable pow-
der size distribution. Typical RM powder sizes vary
in size between –35 mesh to 200 mesh [1].
Spence and Crawford [38] observed that the maxi-
mum pore size in PE moldings reduced drastically
when 40% of fine particles were applied in the poly-
Figure 4. Powder flow during rotational molding mer powder. Further increases did not significantly
improve surface quality. Also, surface porosity re-
slip flow. During steady state flow, the powder par- duced with increasing fine particle content in the
ticles in contact with the mold surface are lifted by powder. They theorized that this improvement in
the rotating mold. Once the angle of repose is ex- surface porosity was as a result of the sieving action
ceeded, these powder particles break off from the in RM which caused the finer particles to be deposit-
mold surface and tumble across the surface of the ed onto the mold surface first. Olinek et al. [52] con-
powder bed. For avalanching, on the other hand, the firmed this observation by uni-axially rotating a mix-
entire bed is raised by the rotating mold surface until ture of coarse and fine PE powder in a cylindrical
the dynamic angle of repose is exceeded. Once this mold that was provided with windows on the side
occurs, the top portion of the bed breaks off from the walls. Experiments showed that at low heating rates
mold and tumbles across the surface of the bed. the fine particles tended to segregate themselves at
Steady state flow is usually observed for spherical the surface of the heated mold.
particles, while the avalanching occurs when squared
egg particles are used [1]. Disk-shaped particles can 3.2. Mechanism of bubble removal
also cause both types of flow when surface friction For the specific case of RM, Rao and Throne [12]
allows it. Steady state flow and avalanching are both and Progelhof et al. [55] incorrectly theorized that
characterized by good heat transfer, mixing and bubbles either slowly migrated to the free surface or
powder flow; however, these characteristics are gen- remained encapsulated in the polymer after quench-
erally better for the former. ing. Kelly [56], on the other hand, observed that the
From the discussions above it can be seen that regu- bubbles formed during sintering remained stationary
larly shaped powders are preferred in RM. Although due to high melt viscosity. Instead, oxygen (more
irregular shapes provide a larger surface area for heat soluble than nitrogen in PE) dissolved into the poly-
transfer, they should be avoided since they negative- mer melt as temperature and hence pressure within
ly affect bulk density and lead to increased porosity; the bubble increased. Surface tension forces caused
the net result of which is lower thermal conductivity a reduction in bubble diameter, which in turn in-
[53]. Spherically shaped particles also possess low creased pressure within the bubble; and nitrogen also
packing densities and produce moldings with in- dissolved into the melt. The process repeated itself
creased surface porosity. Ideally, squared egg shaped until the entire bubble diffused and at very long cycle
powder particles should be used where possible, as times the voids disappeared. This bubble collapse
they result in the best overall surface quality [1, 53]. mechanism is now widely accepted in RM.
The role of powder size and powder size distribution Crawford and Scott [57] discerned two separate and
in bubble formation should also be taken into con- distinct bulk movements: progression of the molten
sideration. The application of particles larger than polymer across the powder mass to the free surface;
recommended is usually accompanied by a number and the collapse of the powder particles into the melt

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

Figure 5. Entrapment and retention of voids during a) sintering, b) densification

resulting in bubbles (Figure 5). The dissolution rate reduced the surface tension of the mold, while addi-
of the bubbles depended on their initial sizes; which, tion of carbon black, reduced MFI and lower tem-
in turn, depended on powder particle size. Larger peratures increased melt viscosity; which, according
sized particles gave rise to larger sized bubbles to the authors, restricted the passage of air molecules
which diffused considerably slower. The authors de- through the polymer melt,. An increase in PIAT of
veloped the empirical model for the air bubble re- up to 250 °C proved most effective for bubble re-
moval rates as shown in Equation (9): moval because it:
(i) Ensured that the polymer remained in its molten
{ 2
T Y = K3 - K2 t (9) state for a longer duration, which allowed greater
bubble diffusion;
where φ is the diameter of the bubble, φ0 is the orig- (ii) Caused an increase in pressure within the bub-
inal diameter of the bubble, t is time and K2 and K3 bles and a corresponding reduction in their radii
are empirical constants. due to the effect of surface tension forces;
Crawford and Xu [58] later proposed an improve- (ii) Depleted the residual oxygen within the bubbles
ment to this model and from their work observed that by direct oxidation reactions with the surround-
a more accurate relationship could be given by the ing polymer.
Equation (10): Although increased PIAT effectively eliminated bub-
bles, it also resulted in reduced production efficiency
{ 2
T Y = K5 - K2 t + K6 t2 (10) and loss in mechanical properties for the molded parts.
Spence and Crawford [60] presented pressurization
where K5 and K6 are constants as a means of increasing the bubble dissolution rate.
In RM, bubble and pinhole removal is a time con- The application of pressure after polymer melting re-
suming process. Standard industry practice involves sulted in a faster the rate of bubble dissolution and
holding the polymer at elevated temperatures, for a reduced surface porosity. Results for different values
period that corresponds to 40% of the RM cycle, in of IAT and a pressure of 0.5 bar showed that the ap-
an attempt to remove bubbles [59]. Because of this plication of pressure was more effective at higher
a substantial amount of effort has gone into research melt temperatures. The authors, once again, attributed
on the bubble removal process and the variables that the increased rate of bubble diffusion to reduced vis-
affect it. cosity at higher melt temperatures. An evaluation of
Spence and Crawford [38] observed increased bub- the mechanical properties of the molding samples
ble and pinhole prevalence in polyethylene (PE) with: showed improved low temperature (–20 °C) impact
the addition of carbon black; reduced MFI; lower toughness and tensile strength. Bending properties
peak temperatures; reduced cycle time; reduced frac- were, however, not affected.
tion of fine particles; and the application of mold re- Kontopoulou and Vlachopoulos [54], based on
lease agents. The application of release agents the work of Spence and Crawford, developed a

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

semi-empirical model that applied diffusion, surface gradient at the gas/polymer interface produced by in-
tension and viscosity effects in order to describe the creased pressure. In under-saturated melts, the sur-
dissolution of a single spherical gas bubble in a poly- face tension term was negligible and the concentra-
mer melt. A finite difference method and a forward tion gradient itself dominated the driving force for
Eulerian scheme discretized the governing equa- bubble dissolution. Bubbles in the under-saturated
tions. Results showed that the bubble dissolution rate melt diffused much faster than in both pressurized
depended mainly on the initial size of the bubbles conditions and at saturation levels close to unity.
and air concentration in the melt. Melt viscosity, un-
like in previous observations [38, 60], influenced 3.3. Polymer degradation during processing
very little when within typical limits imposed on RM Polymer degradation leads to deterioration in surface
polymers. An evaluation of the force balance at bub- quality of parts, e.g. discoloration and loss of glossi-
ble-polymer interface (Equation (11)) showed that at ness or texture, accompanied by a loss in mechanical
the initial stage of bubble dissolution, the surface properties [36, 62]. In RM, optimum PIAT occurs just
tension term was 150 times larger than the viscosity before the onset of polymer degradation [62–64]. At
dependent normal stress. With increased time the this temperature, melt viscosity is still relatively high
bubble grew smaller and normal stress at the gas/poly- but processing of the polymer is more convenient
mer interface increased significantly. The surface [65]. However, due to the low thermal stability of
tension term became only three to four times greater; polymers and the high processing temperatures in-
only at this point did normal stress begin influence herent to the process, its materials are prone to ther-
dissolution rates: mal degradation; mainly through oxidative processes
[8, 62]. The degradation of most RM polymer sys-
P QRV = x rr QRV + Pg - R (11) tems begins when a chain loses its hydrogen atom
due to energy input from heat. This results in the for-
where P(R) and τrr(R) are the ambient pressure and mation of a hydrogen atom with an unpaired electron
normal stress at the gas/polymer interface respec- and a very unstable free radical (Equation (12)). The
tively; Pg is average gas pressure within the bubble; propagation of oxidation occurs when the free radi-
and γ is surface tension. cal formed in Equation (12) reacts with oxygen to
The authors attributed the increased bubble dissolu- form a peroxyde radical, which liberates hydrogen
tion rates in pressurized molds to an increase in gas from the polymer (Equations (13) and (14)). This re-
pressure within the bubble with increased ambient sults in the formation of an unstable polymer hy-
pressure. Surface tension forces caused an immedi- droperoxide and a new free radical:
ate reduction in bubble diameter. Also, with in-
P$ + H$
PH (12)
creased pressure, air concentration at the gas/polymer
P $ + O2 POO$
interface increased, while the concentration within (13)
the melt remained unchanged. The steep concentra-
tion gradient significantly increased air diffusion
rates across the interface. Comparisons between the where PH is a polymer molecule, P· is a free radical,
results obtained by simulation closely matched those O2 is oxygen, POO· is a peroxyde radical and POOH
reported by Spence [61]. is hydroperoxide.
Gogos [59] formulated a series of closed form equa- The hydroperoxides formed are unstable and can de-
tions, which described the effects of surface tension compose to form other volatile products (Equa-
and pressurization on the dissolution rates of a single tions (15)–(17)):
nitrogen bubble in PE; at varied degrees of polymer
POOH→ PO˙ + OH˙ (15)
melt saturation. At saturation levels close to unity,
the model showed that surface tension was dominant PO˙ + PH → POH + P˙ (16)
in the concentration gradient that drives dissolution.
OH˙ + PH → H2O + P˙ (17)
Pressurization resulted in reduced bubble life-times.
The author confirmed observations made by Konto- In the absence of antioxidants, the process repeats
poulou and Vlachopoulos; and attributed the in- itself until non radical products are formed (Equa-
creased dissolution rates to the steep concentration tions (18)–(20)) [8, 65, 66]:

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

P˙ + P˙→IP (18) initiation that can start other dehydrochlorination

P˙+POO˙→IP (19) events [72].
Alkyltin stabilizers are an important group of pri-
POO˙ + POO˙→IP + O2 (20)
mary stabilizers. Although they can react with HCl
where IP are inactive products. to form tin chlorides, their main contribution to de-
The above mechanism was first presented for poly- hydrochlorination is to react with allylic chlorides.
olefins [67], which make up a majority of the poly- For example, alkyltin thioglycolates can exchange
mers used in RM (PE and polypropylene). It has also the thioglycolate group for Cl atoms during reaction
been used to describe the degradation of polyamides with allylic chlorides [71]. β-Diketones, epoxidized
[68] and aromatic esters (polyethylene terephthalate Fatty Acid Esters and some metal carboxylates also
and polybutylene terephthalate) [69, 70] amongst find application as primary stabilizers. Metal car-
others. Anti-oxidants are necessary to enable the pro- boxylates based on zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd)
cessing of these polymers as well as to ensure their react in a similar manner to alkyltin stabilizers; how-
longevity in service. These take the form of hindered ever, those base on calcium (Ca), potassium (K) and
phenols and phosphites [36]. Hindered phenols are barium (Ba) only scavenge HCl, and are considered
radical chain terminators that contain a number of secondary stabilizers. Other secondary stabilizers in-
labile hydrogen atoms which they readily dissociate clude phosphites and hydrotalcites.
to inhibit free radical formation and more rapidly Combinations of both primary and secondary stabi-
stabilize the peroxyl radicals already formed. Phos- lizers, that possess synergistic effects, have shown
phites on the other hand are preventive antioxidants to provide the best improvements in high tempera-
that act to hinder the initiation of the oxidation ture performance. Indeed, when Kovařík et al. [72]
process by preventing the decomposition of unstable investigated the performance of stabilizers based on
polymer hydroperoxides. CaO, zinc stearate (ZnSt), and the Sterically Hin-
The thermal degradation mechanism for polyvinyl dered Phenolic Antioxidant Irganox 1010, they ob-
chloride (PVC) is slightly different from the one pre- served that the polymer remained thermally stable
sented for polyolefins. The process is caused mainly for more than 60 minutes at 180 °C. Unfortunately,
by structural irregularities in the polymer inherited the sheer volume of work related to polymer thermo-
from its polymerization and is made up of two main oxidative degradation cannot allow a full assessment
reactions. During the initial stage (primary reaction), of all its aspects in this review. It is recommended that
high processing temperatures cause free hydrogen further information on oxidation and the stabilizing
chloride (HCl) to be evolved by eliminating chlorine effects of antioxidants be sought from the compre-
from the polymer backbone. This is accompanied by hensive reviews given in references [62, 71–76].
discoloration and the formation of conjugated poly- Predicting the onset of degradation during RM is a
ene sequences within polymer chains. In the second- topic of great interest for researchers. This is moti-
ary reaction, polyene reacts with oxygen resulting in vated by the fact that molders for a long time deter-
peroxyde radicals and hydroperoxides [71]. Decom- mined optimum PIAT largely by trial and error; a
position of the hydroperoxides then proceeds accord- method that is as expensive as it is inefficient. The
ing to the scheme presented by Bolland [67]. Due to rate constants of elementary reaction during thermal
the difference in reaction mechanisms, a different set oxidative degradation adhere to the zero order Ar-
of degradation inhibitors is required for the melt pro- rhenius equation. Models derived from it analyzed
cessing of PVC. Heat stabilizers prevent thermo-ox- and fairly accurately predicted the thermal stability
idative degradation in two ways: of various polymers including; PVC [77], polylactic
(i) Primary stabilizers, with strong Lewis acid char- acid (PLLA) [78] and polypropylene (PP) [8, 66] in
acter, react with intermediates in the degradation RM conditions.
chain (allylic chlorides) and prevent the forma- Of particular significance is the work carried out by
tion of polyenes longer than four to five double Cramez et al. [36], who predicted the onset of degra-
bonds [71]. dation by determining the time required to complete-
(ii) Secondary stabilizers scavenge the evolved HCl ly exhaust antioxidant in a PE; also referred to as ox-
and prevent its auto-catalytic effects on chain idation induction time (OIT). Since temperature

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

Table 1. Theoretical and experimental degradation temperatures for PE [45]

Temperature of degradation
Oven temperature Heating rate [°C]
Material Mold type
[°C] [°C/min]
Theoretical Experimental
Sclair 8504 Aluminum 300 9 221.0 213–225
Sclair 8504 Stainless steel 300 10 222.0 215–225
Sclair 8504 Mild steel 300 13 227.0 224–240
ME 8152 Mild steel 270 9 233.4 233–239
ME 8152 Mild steel 330 16 245.1 241–247

during RM is not constant, they determined that for with: increased part thickness, increased oven tem-
non-isothermal heating the concentration of antiox- perature, mold materials of high thermal diffusivity
idant at any point in time could be given by Equa- and the addition of pigments. Their observations on
tion (21): part thickness contradicted Pop-Iliev et al. [80] who
experienced the exact opposite in their experiments.
- dd ct = k0 $ exp T- Y (21) Glomsaker et al. [81] attributed these conflicting re-
R $ RT0 + r $ t W
sults to mold release agents, without which their re-
where c is the antioxidant concentration at time t, k0 sults were consistent with Liu and Ho’s [37]; while
is the kinetic rate constant, T0 is the minimum tem- the their application gave results similar to Pop-Iliev
perature for antioxidant consumption, E is the acti- et al. [80] Both increased oven temperatures and
vation energy, R is the gas constant and r is the con- mold materials with higher thermal diffusivity, in-
stant heating rate. creased the temperature differences between the
The OIT for a PE powder obtained at different tem- inner and outer surfaces of the mold. Liu and Ho
peratures by DSC generated the ln(ti) vs 1/T curves. [37] attributed the observed effect of pigments to re-
Form these curves the authors determined the values duced mechanical properties of the samples. How-
of E and k0 which they substituted into Equation (21); ever, Nagy and White [82] previously obtained sim-
alongside the heating rates (r) from the RM trials. ilar results for PE but observed that no correlation
Theoretically obtained values for T0 showed good between warpage and pigments could be established
agreement with experimental results (Table 1). since the experiments were designed to achieve
measurable deformation; also, they experienced only
3.4. Dimensional stability reduced impact energy in the pigmented samples.
Warping is caused by an uneven stress build up The temperature gradient in RM causes variations in
across the thickness of a cooling polymer which re- the morphological characteristics of semi-crystalline
sults in a bending moment. In RM the mold is cooled polymers [76]. The surfaces in contact with the mold
from the outside only. The layer in contact with the wall cool and solidify rapidly resulting in a large
mold surface cools and contracts unhindered. Once number of fine spherulitic structures. The free surface,
the outer layer solidifies, subsequent inner layers also however, cools down slower than the outer surface;
start to cool; however, in this instance complete con- which allows the nucleation of only a small number
traction is prevented by the outer layer. Thus, a stress of spherulites whose unimpeded growth results in
profile develops and with it a bending moment in an larger and coarser spherulitic structures and higher
attempt to relieve these stresses. Previous research crystallization. These morphological variations be-
identified the cooling rate as the largest contributor come more pronounced with increasing cooling rates
to this uneven stress build up [37, 79, 80]. [25]. The crystallinity gradient, in a manner similar
Bawiskar and White [79] studied the warpage of dif- to the temperature gradient, acts to increase the resid-
ferent polymers subjected to various cooling condi- ual stresses within the parts and consequently warpage.
tions and concluded that; increased cooling rates cor- Researchers have developed models examining the
responded with an increase in warpage and shrinkage. effect of crystallization kinetics on warpage [24, 26,
Liu and Ho [37] confirmed these observations and 81, 83]. The models used in a majority of these
investigated the effects of other processing parame- works are based on the Kolmogoroff-Avrami-Evans
ters. In their experiments, part warpage increased statistical theory (Equation (22)) [84–86]:

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

Xc = 1 - exp R- kc t n W (22) cooling equipment can significantly reduce the cycle

where kc is a temperature-dependent kinetic param-
eter, and n is the Avrami index. 4.1. Direct mold heating
Glomsaker et al. [81] placed linear low density PE Monzón et al. [87] proposed a novel mold design
(LLDPE) samples onto a substrate and heated them constructed from an electro-formed metallic shell,
inside a thermally insulated box until they melted. which a thermal fluid heated and cooled directly.
The authors assumed the material to be purely elastic While channels cast integrally with or welded onto
and cooled it from one side in a fashion similar to the mold supply the heating oil in conventional de-
RM. The viscoelastic properties of the material were signs, this design used manifolds with inlet and out-
contained in a critical value of accumulated elastic let pipes to supply to and remove externally heated
energy at which the plastic samples overcame their fluid from an open channel. Using computational fluid
adhesion to the substrate. At separation the elastic dynamics (CFD) the researchers analyzed the per-
energy dissipated and final residual stresses could be formance of an empty mold using three models; their
determined. Results showed that at low cooling rates electroformed direct oil heating model (EDOH), a
typical for air cooled molds, the temperature gradient conventional oil heating model and a forced air con-
was minimal and warpage occurred mainly due to vection model. Time to PIAT for the EDOH mold
the crystallinity gradient. was 56% shorter than for the air forced convection
Xu and Bellehumeur [26] neglected the effects of mold and 55% shorter than for the conventional oil
viscoelasticity and adhesion to the mold. Their ex- heated mold.
perimental data and thermo-mechanical model, how- Experimental results for the EDOH mold showed
ever, more closely represented actual RM conditions. good agreement with the CFD analysis. Thermal uni-
The authors observed that higher crystallinity gave formity of the EDOH mold was, however, worse than
rise to higher part stiffness. This, unfortunately, was in the air forced convection case. Since part wall
accompanied by higher residual stress and bending thickness is proportional to the temperature at any
moment values which as expected led to greater point on the mold surface, this could negatively im-
warpage. Both Xu and Glomsaker did not take into pact its uniformity.
consideration the change in material elastic modulus
due to the effects of temperature at different stages 4.2. Mold surface enhancement
of the RM cycle. Both works assumed that the mod- Enhancement is achieved by fabricating protrusions
ulus is entirely dependent on the level of crystallinity onto the mold surface in order to improve convective
within the part. heat transfer to and from the mold, thereby reducing
heating and cooling times. Abdullah et al. [88] com-
4. Cycle times pared the heat transfer rates of a plain mold with
In comparison with other polymer processing tech- molds having pyramid shaped roughness elements
niques RM’s productivity is negatively affected by and square pins. Results (Table 2) showed consider-
its relatively longer molding cycles. The rate at able cycle time reductions for the surface enhanced
which in mold temperatures increase depends entire- molds when compared with the plain mold.
ly on the temperature difference between the mold Liu and Fu [89] machined three sets of equal volume
and the oven. Therefore, the simplest way to reduce fins with; pin, rectangular, and triangular sections onto
cycle times would be to increase this temperature base plates and mechanically attached them to an
difference by increasing oven temperature during aluminum mold. Temperature measurements taken
heating. However, as shown in section 3, this ap- during standard RM cycles (Table 2) showed a sig-
proach is problematic. Alternatively, increasing the nificant increase in cycle time reduction between the
oven’s air flow rate shortens cycle times and avoids un-modified and surface enhanced molding regimes.
degradation; but negatively affects efficiency. The The pin and triangular surface molds coincided in
modification of the molds and machines has the po- cycle time reduction values despite the former hav-
tential to reduce cycle times without the previously ing a significantly larger surface area than the latter.
mentioned drawbacks. Previous work showed that This resulted from the full utilization of the triangu-
improvements in the design of molds, heating and lar fin surfaces in the direction of rotation. In the pin

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

Table 2. Cycle time reduction for surface enhanced molds from Abdullah and Liu
Part wall Rotational Oven Cycle time reductions
Shot weight [%]
thickness speed temperature Reference
[mm] [rpm] [°C] Pyramid Pin
– 3.2 – 17 32
– 6,0 – 19 28
– 3.2 – 16 26 [88]
– 6,0 – 380 20 25
– 9,0 – 16 28
Rectangular Pin Triangular
150 – 11.18 13.93 14.56
200 – 12 270 11.37 15.51 14.94 [89]
250 – 12.10 14.09 14.81

enhanced mold, the pin surfaces located on the side review of these and other internal cooling techniques
opposite to the direction of air flow were partially is given by Tan et al. in reference [94].
obscured and thus not fully utilized. Khouri [92] attached two air movers to inlet and ex-
haust ports on the mold inner surface. The inlet port
4.3. Pressurization and air mover provided air into the mold while the
As discussed earlier, mold pressurization in RM may exhaust port and air mover prevented pressure accu-
be applied as a means to hasten bubble dissolution mulation within the mold (Figure 6). The authors
in the polymer melt [54, 60]. A reduction in this cur- measured the effect of compressed air on the cooling
ing period leads to a reduction in overall cycle time time at inlet and exhaust air velocities of 3.6 and
and lowered PIAT. Mold pressurization is also ap- 2.4 m/s respectively and manifold pressures of
plied to reduce warpage [37, 90]. Pressure is intro- 0.1 MPa. They achieved a reduction of 19% in cool-
duced into the mold during cooling to ensure con- ing time compared to a mold with no internal cool-
stant contact of the polymer with the mold surface. ing. Increased air velocities and manifold pressures
Such conditions improve heat transfer through the achieved improved reductions of up to 25% in cool-
mold wall from the polymer, resulting in shorter ing duration.
cooling times. Crawford et al. [30] observed an in- The convective heat transfer coefficient of evaporat-
crease of approximately 11 to 18 °C/min in the cool- ing water is approximately 1000 times greater than
ing rate, with the introduction of pressurized air at that of quiescent air. Therefore atomized sprays of
room temperature. water provide a highly efficient means of cooling the
mold interiors in RM. McCourt and Kearns [6] de-
4.4. Internal cooling livered water sprays with an average droplet size of
Internal cooling as a means to reduce the molding 50 µm into the mold cavity using a pneumatic noz-
cycle time in the period between PIAT and de-mold- zle. At the end of heating, an opening on the mold
ing was first suggested by Ramazzoti [91]. Subse- wall enabled manual spray delivery for 40 seconds;
quent authors attempted, with varying degrees of suc- after which external water cooling took over for the
cess, the application of compressed air [92], liquid remainder of the duration until de-molding. The ex-
nitrogen [93], liquid carbon dioxide (CO2) [92] and periment achieved a 30% reduction in cooling dura-
water sprays [6, 34, 35, 92] as coolants. Among these tion as compared to an air cooled mold.
coolants, compressed air and water sprays emerged Abdullah et al. [95], used plain and surface enhanced
as the most viable mediums for internal cooling. The molds, as well as a methodology, similar to their pre-
other two methods, i.e. Liquid nitrogen and CO2, pre- vious work [88] to examine the cycle reduction effects
sented with concerns such as increased warpage due of a combination of physical techniques. They ob-
to steep in-mold pressure drops [93], complicated tained optimal results by using a combination of sur-
mold configurations and component failures due to face enhanced molds, higher oven flow rates, internal
excessively low temperatures [92]. A comprehensive mold pressure, and water spray cooling. The plain,

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

97–101] and PP [102] have, nonetheless, demon-

strated their suitability to the RM process. For in-
stance, experiments by Xin et al. [98] and later by
Hay et al. [97] showed that under similar molding
conditions SS PEs possessed; better mechanical
properties, wider processing windows and higher
bubble dissolution rates at lower temperatures than
ZN catalyzed polymers.

5.2. Thermotropic liquid crystal polymers

Thermotropic liquid crystal polymers (TLCPs) ex-
hibit both the characteristics of an amorphous poly-
mer and a solid crystal when they are heated above
either their glass transition temperature (Tg) or Tm.
They are especially attractive materials due to their;
high tensile strength and moduli, excellent gas bar-
rier properties, high resistance to a range of chemi-
cals and good dimensional stability [103, 104].
Rangarajan et al. [105] studied the sinterability and
rheology of a TLCP (Vectra B230), and determined
that both were acceptable for RM. The TLCP mold-
ings also possessed superior mechanical properties.
Figure 6. Internal cooling set up
However, the bulk density of the milled Vectra B230
roughness enhanced and pin molds produced cycle powder was very low; which resulted in the lumping
time reductions of 57, 65, and 70% respectively. of its particles and led to higher porosity. The addi-
tion of various quantities of HDPE powder resulted
5. Range of materials in better particle coalescence and improved bubble
Due to the duration and temperature characteristics removal.
of RM, the polymers suitable for this process are Scribben and Baird [106] discovered that the low
fewer in number as compared to those available for bulk density of TLCP powder resulted from a change
most other polymer processing techniques. This has in its morphology instigated by shearing forces dur-
secured the position of PE as the main RM material; ing extrusion. These forces caused the liquid crys-
a position it has reinforced with its low cost and re- talline regions of the polymer orient themselves into
sistance to chemical and UV degradation. Nonethe- fibrillar structures; which broke down into the result-
less, materials other than PE are applied in RM, albeit ing fibers on the TLCP particles upon milling. They
with varying degrees of complexity. These include: improved the bulk density by melt extruding the
PP, polycarbonate, polyamide, ethylene-vinyl ac- TLCP with an immiscible polymer (PP); which they
etate, ethylene butyl acrylate, polymethyl methacry- retrieved after quenching and powdering the mix-
late, styrenics, cellulosics, polyurethanes (PU), sili- ture. The flow characteristics, particle coalescence
cones, unsaturated polyesters and epoxies. An in and melt viscosity of the TLCP powder were accept-
depth description of these RM materials and their able for RM conditions. Melt densification, however,
properties is given in reference [96]. remained relatively poor and moldings made from
the material possessed numerous surface pores. The
5.1. Single site polymers authors attributed this to the aforementioned gas bar-
The advent of SS polymers, alongside traditional ZN rier properties of the polymer.
catalyzed polymers somewhat broadened the range
of materials available for RM. However, taking into 5.3. Bio-polymers
consideration that SS catalysts are suitable only for Bio-polymers possess enormous potential as mate-
olefin polymerization; it is clear that these materials rials not only for RM but for the entire plastics indus-
contribute minimally. Different grades of PE [24, try. The main advantage of these polymers is their

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

environmental friendliness and to some extent bio- action of heat, chain initiators and catalysts. This
degradability. They are, however, being held back process occurs in three distinct steps:
by their high cost and brittleness. Also, due to their (i) the formation of anions,
high zero shear viscosity RM of these polymers is (ii) the formation of a complex from the combina-
very challenging. tion of activator and catalyst and
Greco and coworkers [78, 107] investigated the sin- (iii) polymerization through the action of anions, with
terability of a PLLA and its suitability to RM. Ex- new anions formed during the addition of each
perimental results enabled the formulation of three consecutive monomer [111].
dimensionless numbers G1, G2 and G3; which were The non-reactive classification for RM LPSs is re-
representative of the onset of sintering, end of sin- served for a single polymer system, PVC plastisols.
tering and onset of degradation respectively. The evo- PVC plastisols are manufactured by suspending 0.1–
lution of these numbers generated Continuous Heat- 0.2 micron sized particles in a plasticizer [1]. During
ing Transformation (CHT) curves; which showed processing via RM, the polymer system undergoes
that a processing window wide enough for RM could a number of changes with increasing mold tempera-
be achieved only with the application of slower heat- ture. As the glass transition temperature of the poly-
ing rates. Further investigations into the effect of mer approaches, the PVC particles absorb the plas-
plasticizer showed a substantial reduction in the tem- ticizer and begin to swell. This continues until all the
perature of coalescence (Tcoalesce) due to reduced vis- plasticizer has been absorbed. At this stage the poly-
cosity; this was, however, accompanied by a drastic mer that is deposited on the mold wall lacks cohe-
lowering of the temperature at the onset of degrada- sion between its particles and is not structurally stable.
tion (Ton, deg) by almost 100 K. No apparent correla- Fusion begins when the PVC reaches temperatures
tion could be found between the type of plasticizer of approximately 120 °C; and when temperatures in-
and onset of degradation. creases further to 190 °C the PVC plastisol becomes
fully densified [112].
5.4. Liquid plastic systems The processing of liquid systems by RM is less te-
The liquid plastics systems (LPSs) applied in RM dious than that of solid plastics. This is because, un-
fall into two distinct groups: reactive and non-reac- like the latter, liquid RM is characterized by; a short
tive. Reactive LPSs undergo in-situ polymerization in heating duration (approximately 15 minutes) with lit-
RM and require catalysts and or activators to enable tle cooling required, a low material initial viscosity,
reasonable reaction times. These reactive processes, and a wider selection of applicable materials. LPSs
give rise to the term reactive RM (RRM). In RM re- have a long history of application in RM; beginning
active LPSs can further be classified, according to with PVC plastisols since the early 1940s, followed
their polymerization mechanisms as: thermosetting later by caprolactams and PU in the 1950s and 1970s
(TS) systems, which include silicones, polyurethanes respectively [113, 114]. Subsequent works investi-
(PU) and unsaturated polyesters (UP); and thermo- gated and attempted to resolve the problems inherent
plastic (TP) systems which are made up predomi- to these materials, such as uneven material distribu-
nantly of caprolactam (CL) [1, 108], and to a lesser tion and part porosity [108, 115–120].
degree laurolactam [109, 110]. Throne and Gianchandani [120], identified four flow
The polymerization reaction for TS LPSs occurs regimes for a reactive polyester resin: cascading, rim-
under the action of a catalyst at either the functional ming, stable hydrocyst, and solid body rotation (SBR)
end groups or by the opening up of double bonds (Figure 7). During cascading flow a volume of poly-
along the polymer backbone [1]. The process results mer left the pool at the bottom of the mold and at a
in the formation of intractable three dimensional certain rotational angle flowed back down. With in-
crosslinked polymer networks. TS systems such as creasing time, the rise in viscosity due to polymer-
silicones and UP may require some heating; while ization caused the polymer volume that left the pool
highly reactive systems such as PU are usually re- to stick to the mold wall, giving rise to the rimming
acted in a cold mold. flow. Increased viscosity gave rise to rings of mate-
The in-situ RRM of lactams, which make up the re- rial also known as hydrocysts; which, due to rising
active TP group of LPSs, involves the ring opening viscosity, disappeared after a short while leaving a
polymerization of a low viscosity precursor by the solid body rotation (SBR). The authors determined

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

because irregularities in wall thickness that arise

from flow disturbances (corners) are more likely to
freeze into the moldings during gelation. Similarly
bubbles in moldings may arise when the corners pick
up quantities of material which they cannot support.
The material subsequently drips down from the over-
head positions back into the pool (re-pooling) where
it traps air bubbles [115]. To counteract the effect of
these disturbances, slow rotational speeds are rec-
ommended for low viscosity materials [108, 115].
On the other hand, too high an initial viscosity can
lead to insufficient mold coverage. Harkin-Jones and
Crawford [115] applied increased mold temperatures
of up to 70 °C in order to lower the initial viscosity
Figure 7. flow regimes typical for LPSs of PU and obtain a molding of suitable quality. This
increased temperature, however, necessitated the use
that SBR occurred at a certain critical value for vis- of higher rotational speeds to balance out the in-
cosity given by Equation (23): creased reaction viscosity.
Initial mold temperatures must, therefore, also be
0, 7652td
nSBR = (23) regulated to achieve optimum molding conditions.
The rate of change in viscosity profile for LPSs in-
where µSBR viscosity at which solid-body rotation creases with increasing mold temperature [108, 117].
occurs, ρ fluid density, d wall part thickness, ω an- Mold temperatures do not directly affect the viscos-
gular rotation speed, and R cylinder radius. ity increase, They do, on the other hand, act to reduce
To ensure fault free moldings SBR should occur just the induction time and or increase the polymerization
before the steep rise in the viscosity profile which rates of LPSs [117]. Initial mold temperature also af-
signifies the start of gelation. Otherwise, the hydro- fects the crystallization mechanism of thermoplastic
cysts formed will freeze onto the part wall, resulting LPSs [108, 116, 117]. At high processing tempera-
in uneven part thickness. Harkin-Jones and Craw- tures (˃150 °C), Harkin-Jones and Crawford [116]
ford [115] confirmed this in a cylindrical mold using observed a sharp drop in the level of crystallinity for
the viscosity profile of a fault free Nyrim molding; Nyrim; which they attributed to increased branching
for which they compared the theoretical SBR value and chain entanglement resulting from increased
and the observed point of gelation. Further, in order molecular weight at these temperatures. Similar re-
to extend the fault free operating region they, in agree- sults were obtained at low mold temperatures as a
ment with Equation (23), suggested the following: result of concurrent polymerization and crystalliza-
increasing rotation speed, decreasing wall thickness tion events; due to which the reactive chain ends be-
(or producing the molding in double shots) and al- came trapped in the solid crystals before polymer-
tering the viscosity profile. The last suggestion re- ization was complete.
sulted from investigations into the effect of hollow Barhoumi et al. [108] identified two distinct isotherms
glass microspheres; which when, added to Nyrim for polymerization and crystallization events for
(up to 7% by weight), extended its fault free operat- Caprolactam at higher temperatures (170–180 °C).
ing region. The glass microspheres reduced the rate At lower temperatures (150–160°C) only a single iso-
at which the temperature profile increased; which in therm existed, showing that the two events occurred
turn led to a more gradual viscosity profile. simultaneously. Both works [108, 116] observed that
Indeed initial viscosity and rate of viscosity change for LPSs, the number of crystal nucleation sites in-
are the variables that most significantly affect final creased, and spherulite sizes were generally smaller;
part quality. When square molds are used, LPSs hav- which was due to polymerization and crystallization
ing lower initial viscosity alongside rapidly increas- events that occurred below Tm and Tc of the final
ing viscosity profiles tend to produce parts with the polymer PA6. Barhoumi and coworkers [108, 117],
most number of defects [115, 117, 119]. This is further identified a relationship between activator/

Ogila et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.11, No.10 (2017) 778–798

catalyst concentration and the polymerization induc- thermal and mold filling models for these materials
tion time for reactive LPSs. As expected higher con- in the RM process.
centrations of activator/catalyst reduced induction
times and increased the reaction rates. Acknowledgements
This research was funded by the National Key Research and
6. Conclusions Development Plan (grant numbers 2016YFB0302002 and
2016YFB0302003) and the China Scholarship Council (grant
Amongst the theoretical models evaluated, the fixed
number 2013404006). Special thanks to Wenling Rising Sun
domain techniques yield the most reliable results Rotational Moulding Technology Co., Ltd. for graciously pro-
[10, 20–26]. Enthalpy based models; specifically the viding their technical assistance during course of this work.
semi empirical approaches suitably represent the
melting and crystallization events during the RM
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