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Extraction of metals:

Metals occur mostly as a rocks on the earth's crust

Only unreactive metals are occur as free elements o
n the earth's crust.
This is becuase of they can stand with the action of
air,and water over thousands of years with out bein
g converted to a compound. All other metals occur
as a compounds in the rocks.
Extraction: is the process that metal is purified fro
m it's rock
Or is the method that is used to purified metal from
it's ore.
Ore: is the rock that contain metal compound whic
h is mined and refined,to be profitable.
If the rock contains enough metal compound to prof
itable ,to extract the rock is called ore.
1. the rock that contain metal compound is mined
2. Than machines are used to grind and crush the ro
3. A chemical method must be used to extract the
The method of extraction used to extracted a metal
from it's ore depends the position of metal in the re
activity series. There are different methods used to
extract metals from their ores as:
1. Electrolysis: is the method of extraction that is us
ed to purified more reactive metals from theirs. Is t
he power full way that is used in the extraction of m
ore reactive metals from their rocka.
2. Roasting in air: is the method of extraction that is
used to extract copper from it's ore that is called ch
3. Heating with carbon monoxide: is the method of
extraction that is used in the extraction of iron from
haematite in the blast furnace.
4. Heating with carbon:
Is the method of extraction that is used to extract zi
nc from zinc blende.
Making use of metals:
The way a metal is used depends on it's properties.
For example
Pure aluminium can be rolled in to very thin sheets
which are quite strong but can be easily cut. So it is
used for milk bottle tops and cooking foils
Pure lead: is soft and easily bents with out being he
ated. It also resists corosion. So it is used to seal off
brick work around chimneys.
Pure copper: is easily drawn in to wires,and is good
conductor of it is used in electrical wiri
ng around the home.Some metals are more usefull
when they are pure state for example copoer is not
good conductor when it is impurities, but it is in the
pure state.

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